Bored? Take a Survey.

  • lumy.

    lumy. (100)

    United States

    Name - Brenna, Dakota, whatever you wish to call me.
    Nicknames - Dakota, Brenana.
    Age - 16.
    Sex - Agender.
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - I dunno. I mostly like girls. But I'm head over heels for this guy. <3


    Hair colour - Naturally- blonde. Currently- black.
    Hair style - Uh, I brush it!
    Is it dyed? - Eeyup.

    Eye colour - Hazel I think.. xD Green, brown, blue, red.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Nope!

    Wear eyeliner? - No.
    Mascara? - No.
    Lip stick? - No.
    Lip gloss? - No.
    Blusher? - No.
    False eyelashes? - No.

    Do you think your pretty? - I think I'm average.
    Why? - There's nothing special about my looks, nothing terrible.

    Height - 5'1 1/2"/
    Weight - Aren't you like supposed to never ask someone that, or something?


    Favourite shop - Somewhere with clothing and accessories that I like.
    Shoe type - Converse, flip flops, none!
    Clothing label - I dunno.

    What are you wearing right now? - Sweats, a t-shir with cats on it.

    Any piercings? - I had my nose pierced. Eyebrow soon. Ears.
    When did you get them? - I don't keep track.
    Want any? - Eyebrow.

    Tattoos? - Not yet.
    Want any? - Eeyup.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - A locket.. :)
    A bracelet? - Yes.
    A ring? - Nope.

    Are you interested in fashion? - Nope.


    Favourite book? - It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini or Please Don't Kill the Freshman by Zoe Trope.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - None, sadly. I finished my last one and haven't started another yet.
    Who's your favourite author? - I can't choose.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Anything works.

    Favourite film? - Uh... Sweeney Todd.
    Any film you want to see? - Many.
    Favourite actor? - None.
    What about actress? - None.
    Ever starred in a movie? - No.
    Favourite film genre? - Any.

    Favourite TV program? - Yo Gabba Gabba. Or Higglytown Heroes.
    Ever been on TV? - The news.
    What channel do you watch most? - That awkward moment when it's a tie between Disney Junior and Nick Junior.
    What do you secretly watch? - Secretly?


    Favourite band/singer? - Two: My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy.
    Who inspires you? - Gerard Way.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "Well, it was not your fault, but mine. And it was your heart on the line. I really fucked it up this time, didn't I, my dear?"
    What are you listening to right now? - The Carpal Tunnel of Love.

    Play an instrument? - Bass guitar.
    Why? - You should really look into becoming a stereotypical therapist, person that made this.
    Anyone inspire you to? - Nah. Though I'm now friends with many attractive bassists, two of which are professional. It kinda makes me feel unattractive and untalented.
    How long have you been playing it? - About six months.


    Hair colour? - Any.
    Hair style? - Not too long.
    Eye colour? - I like green eyes.
    Glasses or contacts? - Yes. <3
    Wear make-up? - Maybe. I'm fine with people that don't.
    Height? - Maybe a bit taller than me, but any works.
    Weight? - Who cares?

    Personality or looks? - Personality.
    Skinny or muscly? - Whatever they want.
    Love or lust? - Love.
    Shy or outgoing? - Inbetween.
    Rebel or Jock? - There are other things.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Gross.


    What five things could you reach right now? - Phone, tablet, computer, niece, headphones.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Parents, niece.
    What are you eating? - Nothing.
    What are you drinking? - Nothing.
    What time is it? - 10:26
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - Huh?
    Facebook? - Yes
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Insanely fucking happy.
    Did you like this survey? Like I said, you should become a stereotypical therapist. I hate those.
    June 25th, 2012 at 05:28am
  • Vicious.

    Vicious. (150)


    Name - Emily
    Nicknames - ET, Em
    Age - 19
    Sex - Female.
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - straight


    Hair colour - brown/red
    Hair style - short.
    Is it dyed? - yep.

    Eye colour - blue/green
    Wear glasses or contacts? - no

    Wear eyeliner? - usually.
    Mascara? - yes.
    Lip stick? - sometimes.
    Lip gloss? - nah.
    Blusher? - when I remember.
    False eyelashes? - hell naw.

    Do you think your pretty? - some days.
    Why? - because sometimes I can't stand myself.

    Height - 5'5"
    Weight - 115ish.


    Favourite shop - idk.
    Shoe type - minnetonka moccasins.
    Clothing label - poop poop poop

    What are you wearing right now? - shorts, cutoff tye-dye tshirt.

    Any piercings? - big ear holes.
    When did you get them? - pierced at age ten, stretched over the past couple years.
    Want any? - meh.

    Tattoos? - no.
    Want any? - yes and no.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? nope.
    A bracelet? no.

    Are you interested in fashion? - somewhat.


    Favourite book? - the b i b l e.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - The Awakening by Kate Chopin.
    Who's your favourite author? - John Greene
    What's your favourite story genre? - not crap.

    Favourite film? - can't decide. anything that sparks emotion, I suppose.
    Any film you want to see? - the hobbit.
    Favourite actor? - meh
    What about actress? - meh
    Ever starred in a movie? - no.
    Favourite film genre? - idk.

    Favourite TV program? - Jerseylicious, as of late.
    Ever been on TV? - for a few seconds.
    What channel do you watch most? - dunno.
    What do you secretly watch? - PORN LOTS OF PORN.


    Favourite band/singer? - Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, Needtobreathe, Demon Hunter
    Who inspires you? - Taylor.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - I DON'T EVEN KNOW
    What are you listening to right now? - Stand in Awe - Jeremy Riddle

    Play an instrument? - violin, kinda drums, cymbals.
    Why? - because I can.
    Anyone inspire you to? - myself.
    How long have you been playing it? - violin since 5th grade.


    Hair colour? - whateva.
    Hair style? - not ugly.
    Eye colour? - blue.
    Glasses or contacts? - meh.
    Wear make-up? - no thanks.
    Height? - taller than me.
    Weight? - not obese, not a twig.

    Personality or looks? - both.
    Skinny or muscly? - muscle.
    Love or lust? - love.
    Shy or outgoing? - outgoing.
    Rebel or Jock? - poop.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - cowboy.


    What five things could you reach right now? - phone, SoBe, boobs, phone cord, this laptop.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - spiders.
    What are you eating? - poop.
    What are you drinking? - LifeWater
    What time is it? - 12:35
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - shittop.
    Are you on MSN right now? - no.
    Bebo? - hehe
    Facebook? - yeah.
    Myspace? - I should check that.
    How are you feeling right now? - good.
    Did you like this survey? not particularly.
    June 25th, 2012 at 06:35am
  • euclid.

    euclid. (100)

    United States
    Name - Audrey
    Nicknames - Audaud, but I'm not usually called that nickname by anyone other than close friends.
    Age - 19, 20 in about four months? Shit.
    Sex - Female.
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Pansexual demiromantic. Not sure if the second bit needs to be specified, but there you go.


    Hair colour - Black.
    Hair style - Goes just below the base of my neck, tips usually fan out, hair is usually parted toward the right.
    Is it dyed? - No but I'd love to get a few streaks in it.

    Eye colour - Brown.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - No, but slowly but surely, my eyesight is diminishing.

    Wear eyeliner? - No.
    Mascara? - Nope.
    Lip stick? - Nope-ity nope nope.
    Lip gloss? - When I remember.
    Blusher? - Foundation when I have to look presentable?
    False eyelashes? - Lol.

    Do you think you're pretty? - Pahahaha you're funny.
    Why? - 'Cause I'm an ugly fuckass? It is an accepted fact of the universe, like the fundamental forces.

    Height - 5'4"
    Weight - NOPE


    Favourite shop - I guess I like ThisIt. I usually shop for clothes online, so I frequent places like ThinkGeek, Qwertee/Tee Fury/snorgtees/etc, and Etsy for their accessories.
    Shoe type - Converse. I'd like a pair of boots too.
    Clothing label - I...don't know?

    What are you wearing right now? - An old shirt from a walk we did last year and an old pair of PE shorts.

    Any piercings? - Just in my ears.
    When did you get them? - Had them since I was a baby, I think they were taken out and closed so my sister had to make them go through again when I was like...5 or 6?
    Want any? - Not really.

    Tattoos? - No but I would consider it.
    Want any? - Like I said. But a small one.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No.
    A bracelet? - Nope.
    A ring? - Noooooo.

    Are you interested in fashion? - Ahahahaha nope.


    Favourite book? - For a good long while, it was and has been The Fault in our Stars.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Life, The Universe and Everything by Douglas Adams. And my old gen chem book.
    Who's your favourite author? - John Green
    What's your favourite story genre? - Mystery/crime fiction, some classical literature, dystopian universes, a few young adult books.

    Favourite film? - Good lord, I've no idea.
    Any film you want to see? - I want to see The Avengers again. Not sure if there's anything coming out relatively soon that I want to see.
    Favourite actor? - Benedict Cumberbatch. c:
    What about actress? - Jennifer Lawrence, oh gosh. u///u
    Ever starred in a movie? - Hahaha, nope.
    Favourite film genre? - Comedy, suspense, action sometimes.

    Favourite TV program? - BBC's Sherlock. Forever.
    Ever been on TV? - Nah.
    What channel do you watch most? - Discovery/Science channel, adult swim, Food Network sometimes, uh...the channel guide? Ahahaha. And erm...Fox Soccer/ESPN as of recently.
    What do you secretly watch? - Spongebob? Haha, some Cartoon Network sometimes, and this anime off of YouTube.


    Favourite band/singer? - As of recently, the Mountain Goats and Steam Powered Giraffe.
    Who inspires you? - John Darnielle, John Green, and someone else.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - I know you don't like how I feed feel*, but please try to remember, it's natural for a thing like me.
    *The first word is the actual lyric, but I heard "feel" and that's what I relate to more.
    What are you listening to right now? - John Green doing a question Tuesday while playing FIFA '11.

    Play an instrument? - I can dick my way through guitar sometimes.
    Why? - I wanted to learn guitar when I was in 9th grade, and it just went from there.
    Anyone inspire you to? - Yeah, first Billie Joe Armstrong, then someone else.
    How long have you been playing it? - Since 9th grade so...about six years? And still shitty at it lol.


    Hair colour? - Don't care too much.
    Hair style? - I like short hair. But sometimes shoulder level hair can look really nice on both genders.
    Eye colour? - Anything other than brown. I am serious.
    Glasses or contacts? - Oh I love a bloke with glasses. c:
    Wear make-up? - If it's for you, whatever.
    Height? - I don't care, I'd just not prefer any extremes.
    Weight? - Same as above.

    Personality or looks? - I've fallen much harder for personality.
    Skinny or muscly? - Lean? I don't mind some weight though.
    Love or lust? - Both.
    Shy or outgoing? - Something of a mix? Heh.
    Rebel or Jock? - Neither. Give me the person with their head in a book.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Lololol.


    What five things could you reach right now? - Some pillows, scissors on the floor, my cup of juice, the remote, and my laptop battery.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Nope.
    What are you eating? - Nothing.
    What are you drinking? - Juice!
    What time is it? - 1;45 am.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop.
    Are you on MSN right now? - I was a while back. But I logged off.
    Bebo? - What's Bebo?
    Facebook? - Well it's open in a tab.
    Myspace? - Ahaha people still use MySpace?
    How are you feeling right now? - Sleepy and sick.
    Did you like this survey? Was alright. Still bored though.
    June 25th, 2012 at 01:49pm
  • disasterologist.

    disasterologist. (105)

    United States
    Name - Shannon
    Nicknames - Shenanigans, Shanny, Assberry, Bullshit
    Age - 14. Fifteen in less than 2 months.
    Sex - Female.
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Ehm. Mostly straight.


    Hair colour - Blonde.
    Hair style - Longish bangs, layers, down about below my boobs.
    Is it dyed? - Not right now, but I streak it and dip dye it a lot.

    Eye colour - Hazel.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - I have both, but I'm usually too lazy to wear my contacts.

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes.
    Mascara? - Yep.
    Lip stick? - Nope.
    Lip gloss? - Sometimes.
    Blusher? - I wear luminizer on special occasions.
    False eyelashes? - On Halloween, sometimes.

    Do you think you're pretty? - Ehhhh
    Why? - I'm chubbs chubbs chubbs right now and I dunno, I'm not that pretty. Shifty

    Height - 5'2"
    Weight - 130-140


    Favourite shop - Urban Outfitters' clearance racks, EX-J, or Goldmine Vintage.
    Shoe type - I love wedge heels, but I usually wear Converse or Dr. Martens.
    Clothing label - I love Audrey 3+1 dresses and Rachel Antonoff is incredible.

    What are you wearing right now? - An old shirt from a walk we did last year and an old pair of PE shorts.

    Any piercings? - No.
    When did you get them? - N/A.
    Want any? - Ears might be nice, I dunno.

    Tattoos? - Nope.
    Want any? - Maybe something tiny somewhere hidden, like the outline of California.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Yeah, the anchor mood necklace I got at Santa Monica.
    A bracelet? - Nope.
    A ring? - No.

    Are you interested in fashion? - I'd say so.


    Favourite book? - Ack, this is hard. Probably The Fortress of Solitude by Jonathan Lethem.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Ten Thousand Saints by Eleanor Henderson.
    Who's your favourite author? - Probably John Green.
    What's your favourite story genre? - I like anything weirdly written and introspective, pretty much. A lot of bildungsromans.

    Favourite film? - Oh goodness. Probably Scott Pilgrim or Fight Club or The Talented Mr. Ripley.
    Any film you want to see? - Rock of Ages, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Avengers again.
    Favourite actor? - Gaspard Ulliel, dear lord.
    What about actress? - Emma Stone, probz.
    Ever starred in a movie? - Unless you count dumb bio class movies um
    Favourite film genre? - Action, comedy.

    Favourite TV program? - I've been on a Scrubs kick lately but that's a really tough question.
    Ever been on TV? - Nope.
    What channel do you watch most? - uhh, Netflix.
    What do you secretly watch? - Ouran High School Host Club..


    Favourite band/singer? - fun., The Shins, Pierce the Veil, Bright Eyes...
    Who inspires you? - Said musicians, David Levithan, John Green, Jonathan Lethem, some of my friends.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Like the freon cold out the hotel door or the white rocket fade over Cape Canaveral, you've been a daughter to me, you bury shoebox grief, I felt your poltergeist love like Savanna heat...
    What are you listening to right now? - The birds outside.

    Play an instrument? - Clarinet and bass clarinet.
    Why? - My mom made me start band in 5th grade and I couldn't play flute, so I picket clarinet.
    Anyone inspire you to? - Ew, no.
    How long have you been playing it? - Clarinet for five years, bass clarinet for two.


    Hair colour? - It really doesn't matter. Typically brunette, though.
    Hair style? - I like girls with shorter hair and boys with longer hair, I dunno.
    Eye colour? - I love blue and green eyes, but hazel and brown are fine.
    Glasses or contacts? - Glasses are really sexy. Contacts are fine with me.
    Wear make-up? - Doesn't matter.
    Height? - Taller than me would be nice, but that's not too hard.
    Weight? - I always like skinny boys, but it doesn't much matter.

    Personality or looks? - Probably ultimately personality, but looks to start.
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny, though I don't mind weight.
    Love or lust? - Both.
    Shy or outgoing? - Shy, but willing to make the first move.
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel, I suppose.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Ahahaha umm cowboy.


    What five things could you reach right now? - My medicine, some pillows.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - No.
    What are you eating? - Nothing.
    What are you drinking? - Nothing.
    What time is it? - 2:29 PM
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop.
    Are you on MSN right now? - Nope.
    Bebo? - No.
    Facebook? - Nooo.
    Myspace? - Heck no.
    How are you feeling right now? - Sick and tired.
    Did you like this survey? Sure, sure.
    June 25th, 2012 at 02:30pm
  • Flu Rescent.

    Flu Rescent. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I may have done this before.... meh.


    Name - Lisa
    Nicknames - Um... Lis
    Age - 20
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Dark brown
    Hair style - Long, wavy.
    Is it dyed? - No

    Eye colour - Blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - No

    Wear eyeliner? - Sometimes
    Mascara? - Yes!
    Lip stick? - If it's a special occasion, yes.
    Lip gloss? - Not in a while.
    Blusher? - Yes
    False eyelashes? - The only time I have ever worn fake eyelashes is for a fancy dress party.

    Do you think your pretty? - I'm learning to like my looks.
    Why? - Times change and I've gotten older. Those closest to me have influenced how I feel about myself, and that is positive. (:

    Height - 5'5... last time I checked. Somewhere round there.
    Weight - About 8 stone.


    Favourite shop - Not that bothered really. I buy my clothes if I like them from wherever.
    Shoe type - Tennis shoes! and my beefy boots!
    Clothing label - All...?

    What are you wearing right now? - Cardigan, vest top, white jeans

    Any piercings? - Two pairs in ears. Used to have a nose piercing.
    When did you get them? - Ages ago.
    Want any? - Contemplated a lip piercing, but if anything should go wrong... my lips are my best feature. :/

    Tattoos? - No
    Want any? - Yes

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - Three.
    A ring? - Yes

    Are you interested in fashion? - Uhh, yes, I suppose.


    Favourite book? - I don't really have a favourite. I'm liking Feed by Mira Grant at the minute because it is the one I'm currently reading.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Feed by Mira Grant.
    Who's your favourite author? - The ones who can write well.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Action, adventure, horror, thriller, mystery, fantasy...

    Favourite film? - The ones that are good.
    Any film you want to see? - At the minute... I want to watch the Avengers because I have yet to see it.
    Favourite actor? - Lots.
    What about actress? - Lots.
    Ever starred in a movie? - No
    Favourite film genre? - Most.

    Favourite TV program? - Oh god, um, Red Dwarf, Misfits, Sherlock... lots!
    Ever been on TV? - No
    What channel do you watch most? - Uhhhh, E4, maybe?
    What do you secretly watch? - .... Hm. Dunno.


    Favourite band/singer? - Gorillaz
    Who inspires you? - I like Paloma Faith & Marina & The Diamonds.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Don't have one.
    What are you listening to right now? - A Little Respect; Erasure

    Play an instrument? - No
    Why? - No
    Anyone inspire you to? - No
    How long have you been playing it? - No


    Hair colour? - Any I guess.
    Hair style? - Any I guess. But they must have hair. Yes...
    Eye colour? - Any?
    Glasses or contacts? - Uhh, if they needed them.
    Wear make-up? - No, not really. I like my men without make-up.
    Height? - Tall. I like 'em tall. In all honestly, I'd be pretty put out by a guy shorter than me but it's a rarity for me because I'm pretty small anyway.
    Weight? - .... I'm sorry, but I'm into really muscular, lanky guys.

    Personality or looks? - Both, but personality would come before.
    Skinny or muscly? - Muscular... not 'bodybuilder' muscular though .
    Love or lust? - Love.
    Shy or outgoing? - Both?
    Rebel or Jock? - Uhh, I like them normal.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - What? I certainly would not go out with a 'gangster'.


    What five things could you reach right now? - a door, my purse, a cushion, a book, my phone
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My brother.
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Nothing
    What time is it? - Just gone 4.15pm.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - Ew no
    Facebook? - No
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Pretty good. Contemplating getting something to eat.
    Did you like this survey? Was alright.
    June 25th, 2012 at 05:20pm
  • LaRawra!

    LaRawra! (100)

    United States

    Name - Laura
    Nicknames - Lu-ann and Laura Leighanna
    Age - 16
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - I like all. :)


    Hair colour - Brown with some natural blonde highlights
    Hair style - During school time, straightened. During summer or non-school times, naturally wavy.
    Is it dyed? - Nope.

    Eye colour - With glasses and most of the time: Greenish blue. With contacts, all blue.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Mostly glasses all day everyday.

    Wear eyeliner? - Used to.
    Mascara? - Sometimes.
    Lip stick? - Never used it.
    Lip gloss? - Used to.
    Blusher? - No.
    False eyelashes? - No.

    Do you think your pretty? - Yes.
    Why? - Idk, mostly because people tell me I am.

    Height - 5'5 or 5'6
    Weight - 125-130


    Favourite shop - I buy alot from Rue 21 and Hot Topic. But I think Spencers is my favorite.
    Shoe type - Boots, tennis shoes, flips flops, cowgirl boots, slip on kind of shoes.
    Clothing label - Never really paid attention to the label.

    What are you wearing right now? - Superman pajama pants and an Amerrickan shirt (Zack Merrick's clothing line)

    Any piercings? - Ears are peirced.
    When did you get them? -When I was 5.
    Want any? - Not really. Maybe more on my ears but no wheres else.

    Tattoos? - None yet.
    Want any? - Yes. Getting one of my sister's name (Heather) on my ankle when I turn 18. And three other ones I plan on getting and they all have meaning too.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - no
    A bracelet? - no
    A ring? - no

    Are you interested in fashion? - Kind of


    Favourite book? -One that I've read so far: When It Happens
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Want to go private?
    Who's your favourite author? - Don't really have one.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Don't really have one.

    Favourite film? - Leap Year
    Any film you want to see? - Magic Mike
    Favourite actor? - Shia LaBeouf
    What about actress? - Emma Stone
    Ever starred in a movie? - no
    Favourite film genre? - romantic comedy

    Favourite TV program? - Friends or Grey's Anatomy or Regular Show
    Ever been on TV? - no
    What channel do you watch most? - Comedy Central
    What do you secretly watch? - Scooby Doo


    Favourite band/singer? - Too many. I love a lot. But one of my favorites is Ed Sheeran.
    Who inspires you? - One Direction, All Time Low, Kelly Clarkson and a few more.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Went outside and saw the moon. And it made me think of you. Thinking of you - The Maine
    What are you listening to right now? - Some Days by The Maine

    Play an instrument? - learning acoustic guitar
    Why? - Because my friend Zach inspired me to. Plus I just want to learn.
    Anyone inspire you to? - Opps. Already answered that.
    How long have you been playing it? - I got mine last December. Been learning since Feburary.


    Hair colour? - I like red and drak brown on guys and anything on girls.
    Hair style? - Curly or wavy on both. Anything really.
    Eye colour? - Brown eyes. or blue eyes.
    Glasses or contacts? - glasses
    Wear make-up? - Eye makeup
    Height? - Someone taller than me.
    Weight? - I don't care about weight.

    Personality or looks? - A good personality. But usually I'm attracted by looks first.
    Skinny or muscly? - Doesn't matter.
    Love or lust? - What's the question here?
    Shy or outgoing? - well usually when someone I like is shy, I'll be a little more talkative or outgoing, but when I like someone who is outgoing and loud, I'm shy around them. XD It's really weird.
    Rebel or Jock? - rebels ;) but I like jocks too.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - hmm. . . either one. . .I'm mostly into nerds. .XD


    What five things could you reach right now? - pens, pencils, phone, printer, speakers
    Is anyone in the room with you? - no
    What are you eating? - Strawberry cheesecake
    What are you drinking? - sweet tea
    What time is it? - 10:51 am
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - desktop computer
    Are you on MSN right now? - no. I don't even know what that is. . .
    Bebo? - What?
    Facebook? - no. but I have one.
    Myspace? - no.
    How are you feeling right now? - pretty good.
    Did you like this survey? - Yep.
    June 25th, 2012 at 05:52pm
  • aubs

    aubs (420)

    Drabble Scribe
    United States

    Name - Aubrey
    Nicknames - Aubs or Avi
    Age - 18
    Sex - female!
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - straight


    Hair colour - blond
    Hair style - hair barely touches my neck, layers and side bangs
    Is it dyed? - nope

    Eye colour - blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - I mostly wear contacts but sometimes I wear my glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - rarely
    Mascara? - on occasion
    Lip stick? - nope
    Lip gloss? - no
    Blusher? - rarely
    False eyelashes? - never

    Do you think your pretty? - yes
    Why? - Because I like my face

    Height - 5'4"
    Weight - average


    Favourite shop - Kohl's and JCPenney's
    Shoe type - flip flops or Airwalks
    Clothing label - whatever I find cute? I don't really like a particular label

    What are you wearing right now? - black tank top and red shorts

    Any piercings? - nope
    When did you get them? - n/a
    Want any? - I want to eventually get my ears pierced

    Tattoos? - none
    Want any? - maybe one when I get older

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - nope
    A bracelet? - nope
    A ring? - no

    Are you interested in fashion? - a little, yeah


    Favourite book? - East by Edith Pattou
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Papillon by Henri Charriere
    Who's your favourite author? - Karen Witemeyer
    What's your favourite story genre? - historical romance

    Favourite film? - Beetlejuice
    Any film you want to see? - a whole bunch
    Favourite actor? - Johnny Depp
    What about actress? - Helena Bonham Carter
    Ever starred in a movie? - nope
    Favourite film genre? - comedy or romance

    Favourite TV program? - Regular Show or Adventure Time Cute
    Ever been on TV? - nope
    What channel do you watch most? - Cartoon Network
    What do you secretly watch? - nothing


    Favourite band/singer? - don't have one
    Who inspires you? - In the music industry, no one
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - don't have any
    What are you listening to right now? - nothing

    Play an instrument? - not really
    Why? - I'm not a very musical person
    Anyone inspire you to? - nope
    How long have you been playing it? - n/a


    Hair colour? - doesn't matter but I love blond hair
    Hair style? - I usually like short hair in a guy
    Eye colour? - green
    Glasses or contacts? - glasses
    Wear make-up? - not at all
    Height? - taller than me lol
    Weight? - doesn't matter

    Personality or looks? - personality
    Skinny or muscly? - skinny with a bit of muscle
    Love or lust? - love
    Shy or outgoing? - outgoing
    Rebel or Jock? - neither?
    Cowboy or Gangster? - cowboy lol


    What five things could you reach right now? - my phone, Ipod, TV remotes, my diet dr. pepper and my headphones
    Is anyone in the room with you? - my brother
    What are you eating? - nothing
    What are you drinking? - diet dr. pepper
    What time is it? - 4:09 p.m.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - I don't use it, so no
    Bebo? - what's that?
    Facebook? - yep
    Myspace? - haha, nope
    How are you feeling right now? - awesome, but a little hungry
    Did you like this survey? - yeah
    June 25th, 2012 at 11:10pm
  • Pocketed.

    Pocketed. (100)


    Name - Vicky.
    Nicknames - Vickers, Asian, Little Bird.
    Age - 14.
    Sex - female.
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - straight.


    Hair colour - very dark brown.
    Hair style - medium length, layered, side part.
    Is it dyed? - nope.

    Eye colour - brown.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - neither.

    Wear eyeliner? - I used to.
    Mascara? - used to.
    Lip stick? - nope.
    Lip gloss? - no.
    Blusher? - nope.
    False eyelashes? - no.

    Do you think your pretty? - sure.
    Why? - low self-esteem isn't a fun thing to have.

    Height - 5 ft 4 in.
    Weight - I haven't weighed myself since last August. I'd say 120ish.


    Favourite shop - Forever 21.
    Shoe type - boat shoes.
    Clothing label - none.

    What are you wearing right now? - black and white polka dotted shorts, and a You, Me, And Everyone We Know shirt.

    Any piercings? - my ears.
    When did you get them? - I was 4.
    Want any? - maybe an eyebrow piercing.

    Tattoos? - not yet.
    Want any? - yep, a treble clef tattoo on my hand.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - nope.
    A bracelet? - several.
    A ring? - no.

    Are you interested in fashion? - sure.


    Favourite book? - The Stand by Stephen King.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - A Game Of Thrones.
    Who's your favourite author? - I don't have one.
    What's your favourite story genre? - anything, really.

    Favourite film? - right now, probably Detroit Rock City.
    Any film you want to see? - I'm waiting for the Perks Of Being A Wallflower to come out.
    Favourite actor? - I don't have one.
    What about actress? - don't have one.
    Ever starred in a movie? - nope.
    Favourite film genre? - comedy.

    Favourite TV program? - Sherlock. I'm liking Torchwood too.
    Ever been on TV? - nope.
    What channel do you watch most? - Much Music.
    What do you secretly watch? - secretly? nothing.


    Favourite band/singer? - Fall Out Boy, fun., the Format, Panic! at the Disco, Ed Sheeran.
    Who inspires you? - Patrick Stump.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "Long live the car crash hearts" -Thriller by FOB
    What are you listening to right now? - Let It Go by Dragonette.

    Play an instrument? - guitar, flute.
    Why? - why not?
    Anyone inspire you to? - nope.
    How long have you been playing it?- guitar: first learned 7 years ago. flute: 3 years.


    Hair colour? - doesn't matter.
    Hair style? - shaggy-ish, not too long.
    Eye colour? - doesn't matter.
    Glasses or contacts? - glasses are cute. tehe
    Wear make-up? - nah.
    Height? - short-ish. like. around 5'7.
    Weight? - doesn't really matter.

    Personality or looks? - both. if I had to choose, personality.
    Skinny or muscly? - in between.
    Love or lust? - love.
    Shy or outgoing? - a happy medium.
    Rebel or Jock? - rebel.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - hahah, neither.


    What five things could you reach right now? - a water bottle, my cell phone, the house phone, the tv remote, a guitar tuner.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - my mom.
    What are you eating? - nothing.
    What are you drinking? - water.
    What time is it? - 5:14pm
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - laptop.
    Are you on MSN right now? - who still goes on MSN?
    Bebo? - nope.
    Facebook? - no.
    Myspace? - seriously?
    How are you feeling right now? - alright.
    Did you like this survey? sure.
    June 26th, 2012 at 02:14am
  • raroman

    raroman (100)

    United States
    Internet Security Is Important To Me. Thats my name.
    Ray Ray, but I usually get called my real name because I hate that.
    Says on my profile.
    Straight with girl crushes
    Brown, with blond and red highlights
    I haven't dyed it in a while, its probably all natural but I'm not sure.
    Blue. Nope, my vision is actually better than average, I can see things in 2o feet 20/20 vision people have to be fifteen feet close to see
    Nope, I have a natural blush
    I haven't mastered the art.
    When I'm in shape, because I have okay cheekbones, big eyes and lips, and I'm not too upset about not begin Angelina Jolie.
    I haven't measured myself in a while, and I don't weigh myself to keep my self esteem in check.
    Forever 21
    Comfortable sneakers, I have high arches
    Um, EMS is pretty comfortable
    Lol, that sounded dirty. A tank top and a skirt.
    Nope, absolutely not. I have a relative who has a tattoo addiction, and I get tired of my favorite foods after a while.
    Yeah, love it, but it feels superficial sometime.
    The Mortal Instruments Series first three books
    Not reading a book, I'm picky and books make me cranky and sleep deprived.
    Lauren Myracle
    Romance, thriller
    Jim Henson's Labyrinth
    Johnny Depp, he's so talented
    Kaley Cuoco
    Comedy, Action, only Romance if it doesn't dominate the film. So often romance is done badly.
    The Big Bang Theory
    Disney Channel and Nickolodeon. Don't judge!
    Channel 2. Bad celebrity documentaries, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Sex and The City, and sometimes bad movies
    Bowling For Soup, and Avril Lavigne
    My best friend, I guess
    Freak Out by Avril Lavigne
    Me With No You by Bowling For Soup
    No. I can't deal with that in my life. I used to play an instrument, though.
    Dark brown or black. Preferably.
    Long. Not too long, like around shoulder length.Preferably.
    I don't really care that much..sea blue is a bonus
    Harry Potter glasses. I'm strange, I know.
    Either as tall as me or taller.
    He can be skinny/medium/muscled. I don't care that much, but he can't be fat. Unless he's a total sweetheart and happens to have a thyroid condition.
    Personality. If you love someone, they are attractive. Looks fade away but personality stays.
    Muscly would be nice, but skinny is okay too. Unless he is anorexic.
    I want a little lust before I settle down, but in the long term love.
    Mmmm either one is fine but a mix is perfect.
    Ugh neither. NERD!
    Cowboy. Manners, hello.
    My fizzy, the plug in for my earbuds, the faulty headphones, the mouse.
    MSN? WTF?
    Bebo? WTF?
    I'm actually pretty happy.
    Yeah, I should've found it last night.
    June 30th, 2012 at 09:12pm
  • Before 1975;

    Before 1975; (150)

    United States

    Name - Michael Roslyn Nicole Milam
    Nicknames - Mickey, Rose, Skittles, Princess
    Age - Sixteen
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bisexual/gay? - Bisexual


    Hair color - Dark Brunette
    Hair style - Short, curly, 40s-esque
    Is it dyed? - Nope

    Eye colour - Dark Green
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Nope

    Wear eyeliner? - Nope
    Mascara? - Oui
    Lip stick? - Oui. Usually bright red.
    Lip gloss? - Oui
    Blusher? - Nope
    False eyelashes? - Nope

    Do you think your pretty? - Nope
    Why? - Because I'm gorgeous. Pretty is so passé.

    Height - 5'3
    Weight - A little under average. Nothing special.


    Favourite shop - Well, much to my mother's chagrin, I like thrift shops for the cute vintage pieces.
    Shoe type - Stilettos, ankle boots... Anything without open toes.
    Clothing label - I don't know. Can't say that I pay a lot of attention to labels.

    What are you wearing right now? - An oversized white T-shirt with notes for my science exam scribbled all over it, and a pair of cotton checkered boxers.

    Any piercings? - My ears and my nose.
    When did you get them? - My ears when I was four, and my nose when I was fourteen.
    Want any? - Anymore? Nope.

    Tattoos? - Nope
    Want any? - Nope. I plan to be a Foreign Service Officer, and I will probably have to remove my nose ring within a couple of years for career purposes. Stuff like tattoos just doesn't go over well.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Nope
    A bracelet? - Nope
    A ring? - My class ring.

    Are you interested in fashion? - Sometimes.


    Favourite book? - So many. Um... Salem's Lot by Stephen King because it's the first book I ever read by my favorite author. We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver because the book was so touching and thought-provoking. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins because it's ingenious. Just to name a few.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - I'm rereading A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin.
    Who's your favourite author? - Stephen King
    What's your favourite story genre? - Psychological Horror

    Favourite film? - A Clockwork Orange
    Any film you want to see? - Nope
    Favourite actor? - Chris Evans. That chest~
    What about actress? - Emma Stone.
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nope
    Favourite film genre? - Documentaries are pretty much all I watch. Some black and white horror flicks are fantastic.

    Favourite TV program? - A Game of Thrones and/or Criminal Minds and/or Hardball
    Ever been on TV? - Nope
    What channel do you watch most? - MSNBC
    What do you secretly watch? - House. Hypocritically, considering how much I moan and groan about all the terrible medical dramas on TV.


    Favourite band/singer? - Fitz and the Tantrums.
    Who inspires you? - Moi!
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Why didn't I hold you tighter and tighter when I could do no wrong?
    What are you listening to right now? - Harrisburg by Josh Ritter

    Play an instrument? - Clarinet
    Why? - My parents forced me to learn it while I was in middle school.
    Anyone inspire you to? - Nope. I was forced.
    How long have you been playing it? - I stopped three years ago, and even at gunpoint I probably would refuse to pick it up again.


    Hair colour? - Boys look fantastic with dark hair, but I prefer red hair on girls.
    Hair style? - I'm not picky as long as it's clean and neat.
    Eye colour? - I love green eyes, and really dark eyes.
    Glasses or contacts? - Boys look nice in glasses.
    Wear make-up? - Girls can a little. Nothing obsessive. I prefer boys don't.
    Height? - I don't care when it comes to girls, but I like being shorter than my boys.
    Weight? - They need to be healthy. I'm a total health nut.

    Personality or looks? - Personality
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny
    Love or lust? - Lust
    Shy or outgoing? - Shy
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy


    What five things could you reach right now? - A lighter, a can of Yoohoo, my nook color, a pillow, animal crackers
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Sammi, Penny, Morgan and the other Michael.
    What are you eating? - Animal crackers
    What are you drinking? - Yoohoo
    What time is it? - 9:51 P.M.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop. Specifically, a MacBook Pro.
    Are you on MSN right now? - Nope
    Bebo? - Nope
    Facebook? - Oui
    Myspace? - No one has been on Myspace since '08.
    How are you feeling right now? - Lazy, apathetic, achy
    Did you like this survey? - It was something to do, so sure!
    July 1st, 2012 at 04:53am
  • Renee_Flaws

    Renee_Flaws (100)

    United States

    Name - Renee
    Nicknames -Riri
    Age -21
    Sex -Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Bi


    Hair colour -Brown and honey blonde
    Hair style - ponytail
    Is it dyed? - Yes

    Eye colour - Hazel
    Wear glasses or contacts? - glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - Mascara? - yes
    Lip stick? - no
    Lip gloss? - yes
    Blusher? - no
    False eyelashes? - no

    Do you think your pretty? - Yeah
    Why? - Because if not me, who else?!?

    Height - 5'2
    Weight - idk


    Favourite shop - spencers
    Shoe type - sneakers
    Clothing label - ehhh, not big on labels

    What are you wearing right now? - a nightgown :/

    Any piercings? - yes
    When did you get them? - 3 years ago
    Want any? -i do want more

    Tattoos? - 1
    Want any? - yea

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - no
    A bracelet? -no
    A ring? -no

    Are you interested in fashion? - not really


    Favourite book? - Not sure
    What book are you reading at the moment? -25 minutes in hell
    Who's your favourite author? - Zane
    What's your favourite story genre? - Erotic fantasy

    Favourite film? - The other sister
    Any film you want to see? - no not really
    Favourite actor? - Kate winslet
    What about actress? - I love everything about her :)
    Ever starred in a movie? - yes
    Favourite film genre? - Real life drama

    Favourite TV program? - law and order
    Ever been on TV? - no
    What channel do you watch most? - A&E
    What do you secretly watch? -toddlers and tiaras


    Favourite band/singer? -Adele
    Who inspires you? - life inspires me
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "I'll leave your shit bare"
    What are you listening to right now? - Nothing

    Play an instrument? - yes
    Why? - My mom made me
    Anyone inspire you to? - mother
    How long have you been playing it? - 13 years


    Hair colour? - don't care
    Hair style? -don't care
    Eye colour? -don't care
    Glasses or contacts? -don't care
    Wear make-up? - don't care
    Height? -don't care
    Weight? -don't care

    Personality or looks? - personality
    Skinny or muscly? - muscly
    Love or lust? - love
    Shy or outgoing? - don't care
    Rebel or Jock? -don't care
    Cowboy or Gangster? -don't care


    What five things could you reach right now? - earphones, pen, cellphone, water, and my dog :)
    Is anyone in the room with you? - no
    What are you eating? - no
    What are you drinking? - no
    What time is it? - 1:21 am
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - no
    Bebo? -no
    Facebook? -no
    Myspace? -no
    How are you feeling right now? - ok
    Did you like this survey? so, so
    July 2nd, 2012 at 08:22am

    PUNK_KILLJOY (100)


    Name - connie
    Nicknames -dudett
    Age -17
    Sex -female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? -bi


    Hair colour -purple
    Hair style - short and with a mohawk
    Is it dyed? -yes

    Eye colour - blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - none

    Wear eyeliner? - yip
    Mascara? -yip
    Lip stick? -yip
    Lip gloss? -yip
    Blusher? -yip
    False eyelashes? -nope

    Do you think your pretty? - 50/50
    Why? - just the way i think

    Height -5ft 9
    Weight -dunno


    Favourite shop -everything
    Shoe type -convers
    Clothing label -anything

    What are you wearing right now? -a long black/white stripy jumper and convers

    Any piercings? -12 of them
    When did you get them? - from i was 13 till now
    Want any? - loads more

    Tattoos? - 2 starts on my lower tum
    Want any? - loads more

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? -no
    A bracelet? -yes
    A ring? -no

    Are you interested in fashion? -sort of


    Favourite book? -night world
    What book are you reading at the moment? -none at the mo
    Who's your favourite author? -L.J SMITH
    What's your favourite story genre? -anything

    Favourite film? -scooby doo
    Any film you want to see? - loads of scary ones
    Favourite actor? -jonny depp
    What about actress? -dunno
    Ever starred in a movie? -no
    Favourite film genre? -scary and funny

    Favourite TV program? -wwe raw or bones
    Ever been on TV? -yip
    What channel do you watch most? -sports
    What do you secretly watch? -scooby doo


    Favourite band/singer? -alot
    Who inspires you? -slash
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? -your my enemy
    What are you listening to right now? -fozzy

    Play an instrument? -gutair
    Why? -i like it
    Anyone inspire you to? -not really
    How long have you been playing it? -a year


    Hair colour? -something strange
    Hair style? -hmm long or short i guess
    Eye colour? -GREEN
    Glasses or contacts? - dont matter
    Wear make-up? -eyeliner plz
    Height? -taller than me so lik a nice 6ft =]
    Weight? -ammm i dunno

    Personality or looks? - if i cant get both ill go for personality
    Skinny or muscly? -hmmm somewher in the middle
    Love or lust? -both
    Shy or outgoing? -bit of both
    Rebel or Jock? -rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? -none


    What five things could you reach right now? -my drink my ps3 remote a book sum pills and a pillow
    Is anyone in the room with you? -nope
    What are you eating? -nothing
    What are you drinking? -black tower rose
    What time is it? -5:30pm
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? -laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? -nope
    Bebo? -nope
    Facebook? -yea
    Myspace? -nope
    How are you feeling right now? -fine
    Did you like this survey? i guee
    July 2nd, 2012 at 06:37pm
  • Interception_Sunset

    Interception_Sunset (150)

    United States

    Name – Marina Jean (Insert my last name here)
    Nicknames – Martini, Marines, Mina, Meana, Mean Bean, Mega Tits, Ginger, What-A-Bitch
    Age -13
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour – Orangey-red (Um, Ginger. See nickname.)
    Hair style – Shoulder length, curly
    Is it dyed? – People would kill me if I dyed it.

    Eye colour – Blue-grey (More blue in the sun, more green when it’s dark.) Large pupils, yellow ring around iris.
    Wear glasses or contacts? – I wear glasses, but I want my contacts back.

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes
    Mascara? - Yes
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? – Sometimes, but usually odd flavored chapstick
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - No

    Do you think your pretty? – Sometimes
    Why? – It depends, did I just wake up?

    Height – 5’2
    Weight – 104 lbs (Somebody said if I cut off my chest I’d lose 10 pounds. It was an awkward day.)


    Favourite shop – Maybe Hot Topic, but I like cheap stores with nice clothes
    Shoe type – Sneakers, Chucks, flats, flip flops
    Clothing label – Anything that’s not ugly on me.

    What are you wearing right now? – Red mini skort. Maroon tank top. Black beanie. Feather earings. A couple cheap, plastic bracelets. Makeup.

    Any piercings? – Just regular ear piercings. One in each ear…
    When did you get them? – When I was 11
    Want any? – Another ear piercing, maybe cartilage. A small nose stud.

    Tattoos? - None
    Want any? – Maybe some small ones.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Yes
    A bracelet? - Yes
    A ring? - No

    Are you interested in fashion? – I like to look good. That’s really all. Though, I’m a prude. ^^


    Favourite book? – Divergent, GhostGirl, Go Ask Alice - Anonymous, Impulse – Ellen Hopkins.
    What book are you reading at the moment? – Stupid fanfiction. I have books I want to read, I just don’t have the will right now.
    Who's your favourite author? – Edgar Allen Poe, Ellen Hopkins
    What's your favourite story genre? – Dystopia, Fantasy, Sci Fi.

    Favourite film? – Er… Lots.
    Any film you want to see? – Batman: The Dark Night Rises, The Fullmetal Alchemist movies
    Favourite actor? – Johnny Depp?
    What about actress? – Not really into a lot of actors/actresses
    Ever starred in a movie? – Yeah, totally. XD
    Favourite film genre? – Dystopia, Fantasy, Sci Fi…

    Favourite TV program? – Maybe Ouran HSHC, FMA, Fairly Odd Parents, Johnny Bravo Yeah, I’m five years old.
    Ever been on TV? – Yeah. For a few seconds…
    What channel do you watch most? – Cartoon Network. Boomerang. Nicktoons.
    What do you secretly watch? – My Little Pony…


    Favourite band/singer? – Ah, I have lots. To name a few: Linkin Park, MCR, Three Days Grace, ETF, Sum 41, City Sleeps, etc, etc, etc.
    Who inspires you? – My iPod.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? –
    ‘I hate your face more than life.’ – Lolita’s Medicine (Legion of Doom)
    ‘Bet on you, Bet on me. My better half has bitten me.’ – Jennifer’s Body (Hole)
    What are you listening to right now? – Fainting Spells - AFI

    Play an instrument? – I play barely any flute, guitar, and piano. I sing?
    Why? – I don’t anymore. I hate authority. So I quit.
    Anyone inspire you to? – Um, I just wanted to play something.
    How long have you been playing it? – I quit.


    Hair colour? - Anything
    Hair style? – I don’t know, not too short. Messy? Anything really.
    Eye colour? - Anything
    Glasses or contacts? – Don’t care
    Wear make-up? – Don’t care
    Height? – Taller than me by any measurment
    Weight? – Not fat. That means lazy in most cases.
    (I’d still like him to be cute, but oh well.)

    Personality or looks? – Don’t care about looks. He has to be nice?
    Skinny or muscly? – Don’t care.
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? – Doesn’t matter
    Rebel or Jock? – Rebel, please. I don’t want a meathead.
    Cowboy or Gangster? – What?


    What five things could you reach right now? – Coke bottle. A basket. My iPod. My phone. The computer.
    Is anyone in the room with you? – There’s a cat…
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? – Cola
    What time is it? – 5:36 PM
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - No
    Facebook? - Ew
    Myspace? – Isn’t it dead…
    How are you feeling right now? – Meh.
    July 20th, 2012 at 11:45pm
  • DreamingCorpse

    DreamingCorpse (100)

    United States

    Name - Hannah c:
    Nicknames - Han
    Age - 15
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - straight


    Hair colour - Brunette
    Hair style - long and wavy/straight
    Is it dyed? - Nope. All natural.

    Eye colour - Brown, green, hazel type thing.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Luckily no!

    Wear eyeliner? - Si'
    Mascara? - Sometimes.
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - No
    Blusher? - No, my cheeks are red enough ._.
    False eyelashes? - No no no. Those are itchy.

    Do you think your pretty? - No not really.
    Why? - Growing up I was bullied all the time for either my weight, having a "unibrow" and a mustache. Being teased and poked at made me feel like an ugly animal instead of a cute little girl, the feeling just stayed really.

    Height - 5'1-5'3
    Weight - I'm not sure. It's a little more then normal.


    Favourite shop - Don't have one.
    Shoe type - rocker type.
    Clothing label - Anything that I like and isn't tight fitting. Label doesn't matter.

    What are you wearing right now? - sweatpants and a tank top.

    Any piercings? - my doubles, left cartilage, and nose.
    When did you get them? - my doubles when I was twelve, cartilage for Chanukah two years ago and my nose for this past birthday.
    Want any? - More? Maybe I haven't really thought about it.

    Tattoos? - No
    Want any? - Yes!

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - No
    A ring? - No

    Are you interested in fashion? - Kind of, I've been getting into it more, on my terms though.


    Favourite book? - Fifty Shades Of Grey
    What book are you reading at the moment? - None.
    Who's your favourite author? - Don't have one.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Probably romance.

    Favourite film? - Moulin Rouge.
    Any film you want to see? - Batman The Dark Knight Rises.
    Favourite actor? - Ryan Gosling
    What about actress? - Emma Stone
    Ever starred in a movie? - No
    Favourite film genre? - I like them all

    Favourite TV program? - Ghost Adventures
    Ever been on TV? - Yes, when I was a baby on the Today Show
    What channel do you watch most? - Syfy, Fox, ABC, Bio, and Travel
    What do you secretly watch? - Victorious ._.


    Favourite band/singer? - Avenged Sevenfold
    Who inspires you? - All of the guys in A7x knowing that they have been through so much.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Can't decide.
    What are you listening to right now? - Nothing.

    Play an instrument? - Learning to play guitar c:
    Why? - I love the sound of it.
    Anyone inspire you to? - Not really, it was basically the whole Rock N' Roll genre.
    How long have you been playing it? - a couple months.


    Hair colour? - Black or brown
    Hair style? - short-ish
    Eye colour? - brown
    Glasses or contacts? - doesn't matter
    Wear make-up? - a little eyeliner or nothing, I don't care to be honest about his appearance.
    Height? - taller than me.
    Weight? - Doesn't matter. The only thing I want is for them not to crush me. Cute

    Personality or looks? - Spunky and rebellious.
    Skinny or muscly? - Doesn't matter.
    Love or lust? - Both would be a good mix.
    Shy or outgoing? - Outgoing.
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy.


    What five things could you reach right now? - The remote, my soda, dog, computer, and drawing pad.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - No.
    What are you eating? - Nothing.
    What are you drinking? - Diet Coke. Crazy
    What time is it? - 3:28 PM
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop.
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - No
    Facebook? - No
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Bored.
    Did you like this survey? Sure.
    July 21st, 2012 at 12:28am
  • Somethin'else

    Somethin'else (100)

    United States

    Name - Brooke
    Nicknames - BAMO, BAMO Butt, Brooke Ann
    Age - 14
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Red
    Hair style - Long, straight
    Is it dyed? - Of course

    Eye colour - Blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Both

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes
    Mascara? - Yes
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - Yes
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - No

    Do you think your pretty? - I would like to think I am
    Why? - Because I think blue eyes and red hair is awesome, that's why i dyed it.

    Height - 5'7
    Weight - Why would you ask this? I don't even know. I don't weigh myself


    Favourite shop - I don't know. Ross? Rue 21?
    Shoe type - I like flats. Is that what you mean?
    Clothing label - Abercrombie

    What are you wearing right now? - An Abercrombie pink plain shirt and shop co jean shorts

    Any piercings? - Two ear peircings
    When did you get them? - One when I was two, one when I was twelve
    Want any? - I might want a bellybutton ring, but I heard they hurt

    Tattoos? - Not yet
    Want any? - Of course

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - No. Does an anklet count?
    A ring? - No

    Are you interested in fashion? - yes


    Favourite book? - The Hunger Games
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Some classic that I hate with all my being
    Who's your favourite author? - John Grisham
    What's your favourite story genre? - Post apocolyptic

    Favourite film? - Eh, I don't know. The Gaurdian, maybe?
    Any film you want to see? - Ted, but my parents won't allow it
    Favourite actor? - I have no clue
    What about actress? - Jennifer Lopez maybe? I just like her, so I don't know about actress
    Ever starred in a movie? - I wish!
    Favourite film genre? - Adventure? Romance?

    Favourite TV program? - Big Bang Theory! All The Way!
    Ever been on TV? - I wish!
    What channel do you watch most? - my 58
    What do you secretly watch? - Big Brother


    Favourite band/singer? - Cage the Elephant, Matchbox Twenty, Five For Fighting. I can't pick which
    Who inspires you? - Other peoples compliments. Is that bad?
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - There Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
    What are you listening to right now? - The T.V. (Big Bang)

    Play an instrument? - THe guitar, kind of. Not really
    Why? - because playing the guitar is suppose to be cool
    Anyone inspire you to? - My step-dad
    How long have you been playing it? - A year and a half


    Hair colour? - I don't know. Black
    Hair style? - Longish, not shaggy
    Eye colour? - Green/ blue
    Glasses or contacts? - I don't care. Uh, contacts
    Wear make-up? - No
    Height? - Taller than me
    Weight? - Not fat

    Personality or looks? - Funny and understanding (Because if your not understanding, your going to hate me. lol)
    Skinny or muscly? - muscly
    Love or lust? - love (but let the lust show)
    Shy or outgoing? - outgoing
    Rebel or Jock? - Jock or rebel.... I don't know... maybe rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - gangster


    What five things could you reach right now? - The cat, the couch, the couch cusion, the carpet, the laptop
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Yes
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Nothing
    What time is it? - 7:18
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - no
    Bebo? - no
    Facebook? - no
    Myspace? - no
    How are you feeling right now? - Impatient. I'm really into this roleplay, but he won't reply and I don't want to message him bc he's probably busy...
    Did you like this survey? Yes! It was a great time waster!
    July 21st, 2012 at 04:19am
  • Angel-VS-Demons

    Angel-VS-Demons (100)

    United States

    Name - Angel
    Nicknames - Nothing really... Hun? xD
    Age - 17
    Sex - Transgender-ish
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Gay


    Hair color - Dirty-blonde ;)
    Hair style - Short and over left eye xD
    Is it dyed? - Not at the moment... *soon* :D

    Eye color - Blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses, when I drive xD

    Wear eyeliner? - No
    Mascara? - No
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - No
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - No
    (F**k makeup!~)

    Do you think your pretty? - Hell yea~ :D
    Why? - Why not? xD

    Height - 5'7?
    Weight - No clue. 177lb?


    Favorite shop - Ew.
    Shoe type - Awesome shoes. *Not an actual type...
    Clothing label - None?

    What are you wearing right now? - Purple dress... heh

    Any piercings? - Ear piercings... *too normal for me.
    When did you get them? - Nine, I think... xD
    Want any? - Vertical labret and nose :)

    Tattoos? - Not yet DX
    Want any? - I want lots! :D

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Nopes
    A bracelet? - Nope
    A ring? - Nu-huh

    Are you interested in fashion? - Not a bit


    Favorite book? - Ahhhhhhh~ *can't answer, too many
    What book are you reading at the moment? - A Walk to Remember - again ^///^
    Who's your favorite author? - Nicholas Sparks
    What's your favorite story genre? - Romance xD

    Favorite film? - The Princess Bride :)
    Any film you want to see? - Brave! :D
    Favorite actor? - Jim Carrey~
    What about actress? - Ummm....hell if I know.
    Ever starred in a movie? - HAH! No.
    Favorite film genre? - Comedy/ Action/ Romance/ Horror

    Favorite TV program? - How I Met Your Mother/ Big Bang Theory
    Ever been on TV? - You kidding? *dead-pan*
    What channel do you watch most? - I don't even know.
    What do you secretly watch? - ...Nothing? No secrets in this house and I only watch what I like, not caring what other's think :)


    Favorite band/singer? - Blood on the Dance Floor/ Avenged Sevenfold/ Jeffree Star
    Who inspires you? - Jeffree Star :)
    What lyrics are your favorite at the moment? - We all die, it's an awfully big adventure. - Believe; Blood on the Dance Floor

    Play an instrument? - Nooooo, unless my voice counts? xD
    Why? - I can't play any instruments except my voice, really...
    Anyone inspire you to? - Not really...
    How long have you been playing it? - My whole life xD


    Hair color? - Blonde or blackish xD
    Hair style? - Long
    Eye color? - Blue/ green
    Glasses or contacts? - Either..
    Wear make-up? - I don't care xD
    Height? - Around the same height? xD
    Weight? - ...I don't know....

    Personality or looks? - ..Little of both :3
    Skinny or muscly? - Either :)
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - Outgoingly shy xD
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - *gags at word cowboy* xD Gangster?


    What five things could you reach right now? - Cat, iPod, water bottle, phone, remotes
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Noppers! :D
    What are you eating? - Not a thing
    What are you drinking? - Water
    What time is it? - 11PM
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Desktop :)
    Are you on MSN right now? - Nope
    Bebo? - I don't know what that is...
    Facebook? - Don't have one D<
    Myspace? - Also don't have one
    How are you feeling right now? - Tired *yawn*
    Did you like this survey? - I don't know... heh
    August 1st, 2012 at 05:04am
  • Valiente

    Valiente (200)

    United States

    Name - Ariel
    Nicknames - Ari, Yoshi, Yoshibear, Bipolar Turtle Ninja
    Age - 15
    Sex - I'M A GIRL, BITCHES!!!
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Bi and proud


    Hair colour - Dark brown
    Hair style - Wavy, medium length
    Is it dyed? - Nope. My hair is still a virgin

    Eye colour - Depends on my mood. Usually dark brown
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses (unfortunately)

    Wear eyeliner? - All the time!
    Mascara? - Yep
    Lip stick? - Hell no
    Lip gloss? - Sometimes
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - God no

    Do you think your pretty? - Yes
    Why? - Because I don't try to be

    Height - 5'3"
    Weight - 116


    Favourite shop - Hot Topic
    Shoe type - Flip flops or Converse
    Clothing label - Do skinny jeans count?

    What are you wearing right now? - Dark wash shorts and a hot pink Heartbreaker Cafe tee shirt

    Any piercings? - Just my ears for now
    When did you get them? - The summer between seventh and eighth grade
    Want any? - I want my lip pierced

    Tattoos? - None right now
    Want any? - I want three- a Stay Strong tattoo on the back of my neck, a Hakuna Matata tattoo on one ankle, and a rainbow-colored rose on the other ankle

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - No
    A ring? - Yes, the ring my grandmother gave me when I was seven. I never take it off

    Are you interested in fashion? - Only the fashion that's actually cute


    Favourite book? - Don't have one
    What book are you reading at the moment? - The Son Of Neptune- Rick Riordon
    Who's your favourite author? - Don't have one
    What's your favourite story genre? - Mainly thrillers or romances

    Favourite film? - Orphan
    Any film you want to see? - I wanna see Magic Mike just to see Channing Tatum :3
    Favourite actor? - Taylor Lautner
    What about actress? - It's a tie between Rachel McAdams, Natalie Portman, Drew Barrymore, Nikki Reed, Ashley Green, and Kristen Stewart
    Ever starred in a movie? - Me? Ha!
    Favourite film genre? - Horror :3

    Favourite TV program? - Switched At Birth (ABC Family)
    Ever been on TV? - Nope, but I wanna be someday
    What channel do you watch most? - ABC Family
    What do you secretly watch? - Nothing. I hide nothing


    Favourite band/singer? - Too many to name off
    Who inspires you? - Demi Lovato. She's my idol
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "If I'm louder, would you see me?"
    What are you listening to right now? - The 2012 Olympics

    Play an instrument? - A little guitar, unless you count my vocal chords
    Why? - I gave up guitar after six years of trying to play
    Anyone inspire you to? - My dad. He's been playing ever since he was eight years old, and I wanted to make him proud
    How long have you been playing it? - I remember everything I know, so about eight years


    Hair colour? - Anything but gray or white
    Hair style? - Doesn't matter as long as it doesn't make him/her look like a hobo
    Eye colour? - I prefer light brown, blue, blue-green, green, or gray
    Glasses or contacts? - Doesn't matter, but I'd prefer contacts
    Wear make-up? - If it makes them feel good
    Height? - Taller than me
    Weight? - Doesn't matter

    Personality or looks? - Personality
    Skinny or muscly? - A mix of both
    Love or lust? - Lovingly lusty :3
    Shy or outgoing? - A little bit of both
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel, please!
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy. Us country kids gotta stick together!


    What five things could you reach right now? - Laptop, ring, soda, lamp, side table
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My grandfather
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Diet Pepsi
    What time is it? - 11:33
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - What's that? Lol
    Bebo? - What the bloody hell is a Bebo?
    Facebook? - Yep
    Myspace? - Hell no
    How are you feeling right now? - Bipolar
    Did you like this survey? HELLSKERS YEAH!
    August 1st, 2012 at 05:34am
  • Embery

    Embery (100)


    Name - Amber
    Nicknames - Ami
    Age - 20
    Sex - F
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Brown
    Hair style - Long
    Is it dyed? - Yes

    Eye colour - Blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes
    Mascara? - Yes
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - No
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - Wish I had some

    Do you think your pretty? - Ya
    Why? - Because everyone is

    Height - 5'9
    Weight - 120ish


    Favourite shop -
    Shoe type - American Eagle
    Clothing label - Hollister

    What are you wearing right now? - Hollister dress

    Any piercings? - Had five
    When did you get them? - when I was 4 I had my ears done then a second set when I was 15 then my nose when I was 16
    Want any? - Not anymore

    Tattoos? - No
    Want any? - I did but I don't know anymore

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - No
    A ring? - No

    Are you interested in fashion? - Kind of


    Favourite book? - Blue Girl
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Chobits
    Who's your favourite author? - Charles De Lint
    What's your favourite story genre? - Romance

    Favourite film? - I have too many
    Any film you want to see? -
    Favourite actor? - Choi Minho
    What about actress? - Amanda Bines
    Ever starred in a movie? - No
    Favourite film genre? - Romantic Comedy

    Favourite TV program? - Gossip Girl
    Ever been on TV? - No
    What channel do you watch most? - None
    What do you secretly watch? - Asian shows


    Favourite band/singer? - Avril Lavigne
    Who inspires you? - Bubz Beauty
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Your love is a drug
    What are you listening to right now? - Hello By SHINee

    Play an instrument? - No
    Why? - I was planning on playing guitar and piano but never got around to it
    Anyone inspire you to? - My grandmother, she always played the piano so nicely
    How long have you been playing it? -


    Hair colour? - Brown/black
    Hair style? - Short
    Eye colour? - Blue/Brown
    Glasses or contacts? - Neither
    Wear make-up? - NO
    Height? - 5'9 or taller
    Weight? - 120-150

    Personality or looks? - Both?
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - Both?
    Rebel or Jock? - Neither
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Neither


    What five things could you reach right now? - Phone, mouse, ipod, headphones, paper
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Yep my puppy ^^
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Nothing
    What time is it? - 3:28
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - No
    Facebook? - No
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Bored that's why I'm doing this!
    Did you like this survey? Sure
    August 9th, 2012 at 09:29pm
  • thelastpainter

    thelastpainter (110)

    United States

    Name - Aaron
    Nicknames - Orion/Aarion.
    Age - Seventeen.
    Sex - Male.
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - None. Panromantic demisexual.


    Hair colour - Brunette.
    Hair style - Er...wavy?
    Is it dyed? - No.

    Eye colour - Hazel.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - No.

    Wear eyeliner? - No.
    Mascara? - No.
    Lip stick? - No.
    Lip gloss? - Sometimes.
    Blusher? - No.
    False eyelashes? - No.

    Do you think your pretty? - Eh, no.
    Why? - I hate the word. If anything, handsome.

    Height - Five feet, two inches.
    Weight - 160 pounds.


    Favourite shop - None.
    Shoe type - Boots?
    Clothing label - None.

    What are you wearing right now? - T-shirt and shorts.

    Any piercings? - No.
    When did you get them? - N/A
    Want any? - No.

    Tattoos? - None.
    Want any? - Yes. The symbols of the five factions from Divergent in a circle, with the names on the outside and in the inside saying Divergent.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No.
    A bracelet? - No.
    A ring? - No.

    Are you interested in fashion? - No.


    Favourite book? - A Circle of Time.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Nothing at the moment.
    Who's your favourite author? - Tamora Pierce, Libba Bray, Kristen Cashore, Veronica Roth and Cassandra Clare. (can't choose one)
    What's your favourite story genre? - Fantasy.

    Favourite film? - Spirited Away.
    Any film you want to see? - No.
    Favourite actor? - None.
    What about actress? - None.
    Ever starred in a movie? - No.
    Favourite film genre? - Not sure.

    Favourite TV program? - Full Metal Alchemist.
    Ever been on TV? - No.
    What channel do you watch most? - Nicktoons.
    What do you secretly watch? - My Little Pony.


    Favourite band/singer? - No favorite.
    Who inspires you? - No one.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Too many to chose.
    What are you listening to right now? - Nothing.

    Play an instrument? - No.
    Why? - I don't want to.
    Anyone inspire you to? - N/A
    How long have you been playing it? - N/A


    Hair colour? - Any.
    Hair style? - Wavy/straight
    Eye colour? - Any.
    Glasses or contacts? - Don't care.
    Wear make-up? - Don't care.
    Height? - A bit taller than me or same height.
    Weight? - Somewhat skinny.

    Personality or looks? - Funny, kind, sarcastic.
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny.
    Love or lust? - Love.
    Shy or outgoing? - Don't care.
    Rebel or Jock? - Neither, rebel if have to choose.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Neither.


    What five things could you reach right now? - MP3 player, blanket, pillow, headphones and book.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - No.
    What are you eating? - Nothing.
    What are you drinking? - Pepsi.
    What time is it? - 3:44 p.m.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop.
    Are you on MSN right now? - No.
    Bebo? - No.
    Facebook? - No.
    Myspace? - No.
    How are you feeling right now? - Tired.
    Did you like this survey? - Kind of.
    August 9th, 2012 at 09:44pm
  • ashleeinwonderland

    ashleeinwonderland (860)

    United Kingdom

    Name - Ashlee
    Nicknames - Smashers, Leigh-lee
    Age - 19
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - straight


    Hair colour - Blonde
    Hair style - Long with a fringe
    Is it dyed? - Yep

    Eye colour - Green
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Nope

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes
    Mascara? - Yeah
    Lip stick? - Nope
    Lip gloss? - Hardly
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - Every now & then

    Do you think your pretty? - Average, I guess
    Why? - I don't know? Aha

    Height - 5'5
    Weight - About 7 stone 10


    Favourite shop - I don't knowww; H&M maybe?
    Shoe type - Converse or Black studded heels (:
    Clothing label - No idea

    What are you wearing right now? - Pyjamas ;D

    Any piercings? - Three in my ears
    When did you get them? - First two when I was like 5, then third one a couple of years ago
    Want any? - Had my bellybutton done & it closed up so I want that again

    Tattoos? - Three (: ribs, wrist & thigh
    Want any? - Not anymore at the moment

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? Yep
    A bracelet? No
    A ring? - No

    Are you interested in fashion? - A little


    Favourite book? - Anything by Stephen King
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Apathy for the Devil by Nick Kent
    Who's your favourite author? - Stephen King
    What's your favourite story genre? - Horror

    Favourite film? - The Green Mile
    Any film you want to see? - Lots!
    Favourite actor? - Christian Bale or Joseph Gordon Levitt
    What about actress? - Zooey Deschannel, Mila Kunis or Emma Stone
    Ever starred in a movie? - Only as an extra in 'Stormbreaker'
    Favourite film genre? - Horror

    Favourite TV program? - Beauty & The Geek
    Ever been on TV? - Don't think so
    What channel do you watch most? - Comedy Central
    What do you secretly watch? - Nothing?


    Favourite band/singer? - Too many to name; Green Day would definitely be up there though
    Who inspires you? - Lots of people!
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Warning: Live Without Warning
    What are you listening to right now? - Papa Roach's new album

    Play an instrument? - I wish
    Why? - Because it would be fun
    Anyone inspire you to? - Not really
    How long have you been playing it? -


    Hair colour? - Dark
    Hair style? - Not shaved, but not too long
    Eye colour? - Don't mind
    Glasses or contacts? - Don't care
    Wear make-up? - Nope
    Height? - Taller than me
    Weight? - Slim

    Personality or looks? - Both
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny, but not too much
    Love or lust? - Either
    Shy or outgoing? - Outgoing
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - None?


    What five things could you reach right now? - Phone, Dairy Milk, Water, Laptop & My house mate
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Two of my house mates (:
    What are you eating? - Dairy Milk
    What are you drinking? - Water
    What time is it? - 12:33am
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - Nope
    Bebo? - Definitely Not
    Facebook? - Yep
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Lazy
    Did you like this survey? Was okay.
    October 2nd, 2012 at 01:34am