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  • ella vator.

    ella vator. (100)

    United States

    Name - Jessica
    Nicknames -Jess
    Age - 20
    Sex - female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Bisexual


    Hair colour - Brown
    Hair style - Shoulder length, trying to grow it out.
    Is it dyed? - No

    Eye colour - Hazel
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes
    Mascara? - Yes
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - No
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - No

    Do you think your pretty? - Sometimes
    Why? - Eh, just depends what kind of day I'm having I guess.

    Height - 5'7
    Weight - 150 only because I'm currently 8 months pregnant hahaha, prepregnancy I was 125


    Favourite shop - Anywhere cheap, plato's closet, goodwill, ross.
    Shoe type - Tennis shoes or flaths
    Clothing label - I don't care about labels.

    What are you wearing right now? - plaid male pajama pants and my boyfriends white Ralph Lauren hoodie. and black fuzzy socks I got one year for Christmas.

    Any piercings? - Yes, just lobes. Would like to get more eventually.
    When did you get them? - Years ago. Like 6 or so.
    Want any? - Yes. I want my second holes and some other cartilage piercings.

    Tattoos? - No.
    Want any? - Eventually.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No.
    A bracelet? - No.
    A ring? -No.

    Are you interested in fashion? - A bit yes.


    Favourite book? - Anything by Tami Hoag.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Tami Hoag's newest book, can't thing of the name, and Fifty Shades Freed.
    Who's your favourite author? - Tami Hoag and Dean Koontz
    What's your favourite story genre? - Mystery, horror, thriller/suspense

    Favourite film? - Don't really have a favorite. Not a big movie person. I'd have to say Hurt Locker
    Any film you want to see? - No
    Favourite actor? - Don't have one.
    What about actress? - I don't have one.
    Ever starred in a movie? - No
    Favourite film genre? - Comedy

    Favourite TV program? - Breaking Bad
    Ever been on TV? - No
    What channel do you watch most? - Whatever channel Breaking Bad comes on. I think it's showtime? dunno.
    What do you secretly watch? - Keeping up with the Kardashians, only because their petty drama is hilarious.


    Favourite band/singer? - Tons of older bands. Don't have just one.
    Who inspires you? - No one really..
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "There is no reconciliation that will put me in my place, there is no time like the present to drink these draining seconds"
    What are you listening to right now? - Journey.

    Play an instrument? - No
    Why? - Never had the change to learn.
    Anyone inspire you to? - No.
    How long have you been playing it? - N/A


    Hair colour? - Brown
    Hair style? - Doesn't matter as long as it looks good on them.
    Eye colour? - all colors.
    Glasses or contacts? - Doesn't matter
    Wear make-up? - For guys, no. For girls, yes.
    Height? - My height or taller
    Weight? - Doesn't matter as long as they aren't morbidly obese.

    Personality or looks? - Both matter, but personality is a bit more important.
    Skinny or muscly? - Muscle
    Love or lust? - Both.
    Shy or outgoing? - Outgoing
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Neither lmao. but if I had to choose, cowboy.


    What five things could you reach right now? - phone, some mail of mine, empty cup, butane torch lighter, my boyfriends laptop.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Nope, have the whole apartment to myself tonight
    What are you eating? - I was eating popcorn not too long ago.
    What are you drinking? - Nothing. My cup is empty D:
    What time is it? - 7:18 pm
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No.
    Bebo? - bebo?
    Facebook? - No
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Lonely
    Did you like this survey? Sure.
    January 16th, 2013 at 02:18am
  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States

    Name - Shane
    Nicknames - Shana
    Age - 16
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Brunette
    Hair style - Shoulder-length
    Is it dyed? - No

    Eye colour - Blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Both

    Wear eyeliner? - Sometimes
    Mascara? - Yes
    Lip stick? - Sometimes
    Lip gloss? - No
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - Never

    Do you think your pretty? - ... Eh.
    Why? - 'Cause I'm just... gross.

    Height - 4'9"
    Weight - 106?


    Favourite shop - Tilly's
    Shoe type - Converse/Vans
    Clothing label - I don't have one?

    What are you wearing right now? - Skinny jeans and a oversized jacket

    Any piercings? - Ears
    When did you get them? - Around 1
    Want any? - Not really.

    Tattoos? - None
    Want any? - I'm still undecided

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - Nope
    A ring? - Nope.

    Are you interested in fashion? - Sorta-Kinda


    Favourite book? - Insurgent
    What book are you reading at the moment? - The Fault in Our Stars
    Who's your favourite author? - Veronica Roth
    What's your favourite story genre? - Romance/Dystopian

    Favourite film? - I don't have one.
    Any film you want to see? - Django Unchained/The Great Gatsby
    Favourite actor? - Leonardo DiCaprio In Love
    What about actress? - I don't really have one...
    Ever starred in a movie? - No.
    Favourite film genre? - Comedy/Romance

    Favourite TV program? - Supernatural tehe
    Ever been on TV? - No
    What channel do you watch most? - The CW
    What do you secretly watch? - Hoarders


    Favourite band/singer? - Avenged Sevenfold
    Who inspires you? - Frank Iero
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Visually you're stimulating to my eyes.
    What are you listening to right now? - Eiserner Steg - Phillipp Poisel

    Play an instrument? - Piano/Voice
    Why? - I picked up piano and I can sing...
    Anyone inspire you to? - Gerard Way
    How long have you been playing it? - Piano: Two years. Voice: Well over five.


    Hair colour? - It doesn't matter.
    Hair style? - Short-ish
    Eye colour? - Green In Love
    Glasses or contacts? - Contacts
    Wear make-up? - No...
    Height? - Anything but super-tall...
    Weight? - The "normal" weight for a male...

    Personality or looks? - Both!
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny Cute
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - A little of both
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy


    What five things could you reach right now? - Pillow, phone, dog, controller, blanket
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My little sister and my stepdad
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Nothing
    What time is it? - 5:48 PM
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No?
    Bebo? - No
    Facebook? - Nope.
    Myspace? - Nope.
    How are you feeling right now? - Agitated.
    Did you like this survey? - Eh.
    January 16th, 2013 at 02:49am
  • Little

    Little (100)


    Name - Melanie
    Nicknames - Mel, Little Mel, Melly
    Age - 22
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Blonde
    Hair style - Long and straight
    Is it dyed? - Yes

    Eye colour - Brown
    Wear glasses or contacts? - No

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes
    Mascara? - Yes
    Lip stick? - On occasion
    Lip gloss? - Yes
    Blusher? - Yes
    False eyelashes? - No

    Do you think your pretty? - Yes
    Why? - Because I constantly get compliments on my looks and I think it's nice to have self confidence

    Height - 4'9"
    Weight - 42kg


    Favourite shop - Forever New
    Shoe type - Heels
    Clothing label - Forever New

    What are you wearing right now? - A white t-shirt and a black mini bandage skirt

    Any piercings? - 7 ear piercings
    When did you get them? - 10, 15, 17 and 21
    Want any? - Yes, I want my belly pierced and another cartlidge piercing in my ear.

    Tattoos? - Not yet
    Want any? - Yes

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - Yes
    A ring? - Yes

    Are you interested in fashion? - Very


    Favourite book? - I don't have one at the moment
    What book are you reading at the moment? - I'm not
    Who's your favourite author? - Jackie Collins
    What's your favourite story genre? - Romance/Auto-biography/crime

    Favourite film? - Beetlejuice, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Anchorman
    Any film you want to see? - This is 40
    Favourite actor? - Johnny Depp and Will Ferrell
    What about actress? - Kate Hudson and Jennifer Aniston
    Ever starred in a movie? - No.
    Favourite film genre? - Comedies and chick flicks

    Favourite TV program? - True Blood, The Vampire Diaries and I love trashy reality TV
    Ever been on TV? - Yes
    What channel do you watch most? - GO or 11
    What do you secretly watch? - I don't watch anything secretly


    Favourite band/singer? - Green Day
    Who inspires you? - Billie Joe Armstrong
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "I know I could've saved a love that night if I'd known what to say..."
    What are you listening to right now? - Same Love - Mackelmore

    Play an instrument? - Not really
    Why? - I want to learn guitar but I just have never had the time
    Anyone inspire you to? - Billie Joe Armstrong
    How long have you been playing it? - N/A


    Hair colour? - Dark
    Hair style? - Anything except really long, bald or dreadlocks. Ugh.
    Eye colour? - Green
    Glasses or contacts? - Neither
    Wear make-up? - No
    Height? - Taller than me but not overly tall
    Weight? - Not overweight but not skinny. I like broad and muscular

    Personality or looks? - Both
    Skinny or muscly? - Muscly
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - A little of both
    Rebel or Jock? - Both
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Neither?


    What five things could you reach right now? - Phone, keyboard, calendar, pen, water bottle
    Is anyone in the room with you? - No
    What are you eating? - A m&m mini cookie
    What are you drinking? - A chocolate Up & Go
    What time is it? - 10:24am
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - No
    Facebook? - Yes
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Tired
    Did you like this survey? - It was okay
    January 31st, 2013 at 12:25am
  • louis tomlinson.

    louis tomlinson. (100)

    United States

    Name - Kara
    Nicknames - Kara Beara
    Age - fourteen
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - straight


    Hair colour - brown
    Hair style - medium length, straight
    Is it dyed? - I wish

    Eye colour - green
    Wear glasses or contacts? - I have both but I'm currently wearing glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - yes
    Mascara? - yes
    Lip stick? - no
    Lip gloss? - sometimes
    Blusher? - no
    False eyelashes? - no

    Do you think your pretty? - not really
    Why? - because I'm not

    Height - 5"1
    Weight - 110


    Favourite shop - H&M
    Shoe type - Uggs
    Clothing label - H&M

    What are you wearing right now? - flip flops, jeans, a blue t-shirt, and a zip up hoodie

    Any piercings? - two in my ear
    When did you get them? - first one when I was nine, second last October
    Want any? - my belly button, maybe my nose

    Tattoos? - nope
    Want any? - maybe one or two

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - nope
    A bracelet? - nope
    A ring? - nope (I'm too ADD for jewelry)

    Are you interested in fashion? - yes


    Favourite book? - Harry Potter
    What book are you reading at the moment? - The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
    Who's your favourite author? - JK Rowling or John Green
    What's your favourite story genre? - realistic fiction, fantasy

    Favourite film? - Love, Actually
    Any film you want to see? - Perks of Being a Wallflower
    Favourite actor? - Channing Tatum
    What about actress? - Anna Kendrick
    Ever starred in a movie? - nope
    Favourite film genre? - romantic comedy

    Favourite TV program? - Doctor Who
    Ever been on TV? - yes
    What channel do you watch most? - BBC America, Fuse
    What do you secretly watch? - Snooki and JWOWW


    Favourite band/singer? - One Direction
    Who inspires you? - Ed Sheeran
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "If I fall for you, would you fall too"
    What are you listening to right now? - Radioactive - Marina and the Diamonds

    Play an instrument? - not at the moment but I used to play the clarinet and sometimes the piano
    Why? - I liked the way they sounded
    Anyone inspire you to? - my dad
    How long have you been playing it? - since fourth grade


    Hair colour? - brown
    Hair style? - long but not too too long
    Eye colour? - preferably brown
    Glasses or contacts? - doesn't matter
    Wear make-up? - no
    Height? - taller than me but not too much taller
    Weight? - skinny but not bony

    Personality or looks? - both
    Skinny or muscly? - skinny
    Love or lust? - love
    Shy or outgoing? - outgoing
    Rebel or Jock? - jock
    Cowboy or Gangster? - gangster


    What five things could you reach right now? - my phone, the light switch, an empty Starbucks cup, the newspaper, the chair
    Is anyone in the room with you? - does my dog count?
    What are you eating? - nothing
    What are you drinking? - a Starbucks mocha frappuccino
    What time is it? - 4:19 PM
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - no
    Bebo? - no
    Facebook? - no
    Myspace? - no
    How are you feeling right now? - pretty good
    Did you like this survey? yes
    April 10th, 2013 at 10:19pm
  • Juliet16

    Juliet16 (100)

    United States

    Name - Juliet
    Nicknames - Julia, Jules, Jays(I don't know why I'm called jays)
    Age - 16
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair color - Dirty Blonde
    Hair style - Natuarly Curly and reaches mid back.
    Is it dyed? - Nope, Never

    Eye color - Hazel
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Nope

    Wear eyeliner? - Sometime
    Mascara? - Usually
    Lip stick? - Never
    Lip gloss? - Nope
    Blusher? - Never
    False eyelashes? - Never

    Do you think your pretty? - Yep
    Why? - Because, I learned to love myself:) And think I'm beautiful...

    Height - 5'8
    Weight - 106 lbs (No not anorexia or any kind of eating disorder)


    Favorite shop - Plato's closet or maybe Forever 21? Idk
    Shoe type - Boots
    Clothing label - Don't care, if i like it i wear it.

    What are you wearing right now? - Ripped jean, Green long sleeve shirt.

    Any piercings? - Ears
    When did you get them? - When i was 9
    Want any? - Nope

    Tattoos? - Nope
    Want any? - Because i hate tattoos on old people, They sag and just, Bleck!

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Nope, i break mine too easily.
    A bracelet? - Four, i made them.
    A ring? - Two

    Are you interested in fashion? - Probably not, like i said if i like it then i wear it...


    Favorite book? - Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
    What book are you reading at the moment? - None, need to go to the library.
    Who's your favorite author? - Too many, but off the bat um- Francine Rivers, Karen Kingsbury, Stephenie Meyer, and Mary Connely.. I really have too many..
    What's your favorite story genre? - Western, romance, thrillers, and mystery.

    Favorite film? - Lord of the rings, Not without my daughter, Dear John, Notebook, also have way too many..
    Any film you want to see? - The host and Beyond the Myth: A Film About Pit Bulls and Breed Discrimination
    Favorite actor? - I really don't know..
    What about actress? - Amanda Seyfried
    Ever starred in a movie? - Never, I'm way too shy.
    Favorite film genre? - Thrillers, romance, and almost really anything that looks good.

    Favorite TV program? - Not sure, don't have cable usually watch YouTube..
    Ever been on TV? - Nope, as I said way too shy...
    What channel do you watch most? - YouTube?
    What do you secretly watch? - Nothing...


    Favourite band/singer? - haha now if you thought my books were long my music is even longer! Flyleaf, Jason Aldean, Rascal Flatts, Linkin Park, Kill Paradise, The Maine, Keith Urban, Britt Nicole, and so many others!
    Who inspires you? - Myself! But, if i had to choose it would be my mother because she has an unstoppable passion, my dad because he knows how to give me my space and my sister because she really the only one I can talk to...
    What lyrics are your favorites at the moment? - "The music make's me sway"
    What are you listening to right now? - All Around Me - Flyleaf (I tend to listen to a song till it's embedded in my mind XD)

    Play an instrument? - Use to guitar, violin, and flute..
    Why? - Because at the moment i wanted to, not anymore.
    Anyone inspires you too? - Nobody
    How long have you been playing it? - IDK


    Hair color? - Idc, black, brown, blonde, red, etc..
    Hairstyle? - Idc, long, short, well, i don't like buzzed cut too much....
    Eye color? - Any
    Glasses or contacts? - Idc
    Wear make-up? - Probably not......
    Height? - Anything , but shorter than me..
    Weight? - Not obesity? I really don't know i try an focus on inward appearance instead of outward...

    Personality or looks? - Personality
    Skinny or muscly? - Idc
    Love or lust? - Love, because if it's lust, well i don't even go for that....
    Shy or outgoing? - Idc but, probably outgoing because i tend to be shy so someone has to strike the conversation..
    Rebel or Jock? - Idc
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Love cowboys! But, some ganster weren't bad, it all depends....


    What five things could you reach right now? - A book, my mp3, my pocket knife, lotion, and a pen..
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My sister
    What are you eating? - Chocolate:)
    What are you drinking? - Tea
    What time is it? - 3:23 am
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - Nope.. But, yahoo i am:)
    Bebo? -Nope..
    Facebook? -Nope...
    Myspace? -Nope..
    How are you feeling right now? - Really good! Bubbly, excited, tired, and well just happy..
    Did you like this survey? Yep:)
    April 20th, 2013 at 10:24am
  • Artemis Love

    Artemis Love (200)


    Name - Stephany
    Nicknames - Steffie, Noobie, Teph, Rose.
    Age - 19
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Hmmm, I don't know.


    Hair colour - Brown
    Hair style - Wavy
    Is it dyed? - I have a little bit of highlight still in it.

    Eye colour - Dark Brown
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes
    Mascara? - No
    Lip stick? - Yes
    Lip gloss? - Sometimes
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - no

    Do you think your pretty? - Sometimes
    Why? - Because if I don't myself pretty on occasions, nobody else will.

    Height - 5'8
    Weight - I don't know, overweight.


    Favourite shop - Don't have one
    Shoe type - I enjoy my Converse, but recently gotten into Ballet flats.
    Clothing label - None

    What are you wearing right now? - Gym shorts and a tank top.

    Any piercings? - Only my ears
    When did you get them? - I don't know, sometime after I was born
    Want any? - I still really want to pierce my lip.

    Tattoos? - No
    Want any? - Yes

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - Yes
    A ring? - Yes

    Are you interested in fashion? - Not really


    Favourite book? - The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Tempt Me At Twilight by Lisa Kleypas
    Who's your favourite author? - J.R. Ward.
    What's your favourite story genre? - I don't have one.

    Favourite film? - Secret Window
    Any film you want to see? - Catching Fire, Avengers 2, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, 21 Jump Street 2, Trance, etc...
    Favourite actor? - Johnny Depp
    What about actress? - Sandra Bullock
    Ever starred in a movie? - Hahaha, no.
    Favourite film genre? - I like those psychological films, really makes you think.

    Favourite TV program? - Supernatural, Sherlock, and The Big Bang Theory
    Ever been on TV? - Sadly, yes... Facepalm
    What channel do you watch most? - I don't actually watch tv, I download my tv shows and yeah
    What do you secretly watch? - If I told you that it wouldn't be a secret. Coffee


    Favourite band/singer? - Band: Avenged Sevenfold. Singer: Juanes
    Who inspires you? - Juanes and J. Balvin. Their both such amazing human beings and deserve all the best in the world.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - This has been since the song came out:
    There comes a day when we all find out for ourselves
    That once we have the words to say, there's no one left to tell
    I know why you're running away.
    _ 4:00AM - Avenged Sevenfold
    What are you listening to right now? - Azul Sabina - Juanes

    Play an instrument? - No
    Why? - Never got the chance to learn. Maybe in the future.
    Anyone inspire you to? -
    How long have you been playing it? -


    Hair colour? - Hmm, I'll go with black 'cause the two people who have attracted me the most both have black hair.
    Hair style? - Straight or wavy, anything easy to pass my fingers through without hurting them.
    Eye colour? - Hazel, or grey/blackish
    Glasses or contacts? - Either
    Wear make-up? - *shrugs* if they want to, I won't object.
    Height? - Height doesn't really matter
    Weight? - Doesn't matter

    Personality or looks? - Both, 'cause technically 90% of the time we approach someone based on looks and then get to know them, but also we tend to know someone first and then realize "Holy crap, this person is amazing!"
    Skinny or muscly? - Somewhere in between is cool.
    Love or lust? - I've been through love and I've been through lust, and they were both great and depressing at the same time.
    Shy or outgoing? - Whichever.
    Rebel or Jock? - Whichever
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy XD or classic gangster not the "gangsters" of today.


    What five things could you reach right now? - My wallet, two phones, a book and a juice box.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - No
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Tea
    What time is it? - 3:48pm
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - Nope
    Bebo? - no
    Facebook? - No
    Myspace? - no
    How are you feeling right now? - Conflicted
    Did you like this survey? It's okay.
    April 20th, 2013 at 09:49pm
  • Sour Dime

    Sour Dime (100)

    United States

    Name - Megan
    Nicknames - Meg
    Age - 19
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Red
    Hair style - Medium length with side bangs sometimes curly
    Is it dyed? - Yes

    Eye colour - Hazel
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - No
    Mascara? - No
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - No
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - No

    Do you think your pretty? - No
    Why? - I might be if I lost weight.

    Height - 5ft 7in
    Weight - 210lbs


    Favourite shop - Forever 21
    Shoe type - Ballet Flats
    Clothing label - I don't really pay attention to that kind of thing.

    What are you wearing right now? - Blue jeans and a Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt

    Any piercings? - No
    When did you get them? - I didn't
    Want any? - No

    Tattoos? - No
    Want any? - Maybe

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - No
    A ring? - Yes

    Are you interested in fashion? - If I had money


    Favourite book? - Wasteland by Francesca Lia Block
    What book are you reading at the moment? - The Fault in our Stars by John Green
    Who's your favourite author? - Ellen Hopkins
    What's your favourite story genre? - Romance, but none of that fabio stuff

    Favourite film? - Howls Moving Castle
    Any film you want to see? - Not at the moment
    Favourite actor? - Jack Nicholson
    What about actress? - Zooey Deschanel
    Ever starred in a movie? - No
    Favourite film genre? - Horror

    Favourite TV program? - Adventure Time
    Ever been on TV? - Yes
    What channel do you watch most? - HGTV
    What do you secretly watch? - The Vampire Diaries


    Favourite band/singer? - Jack White
    Who inspires you? - Justin Timberlake
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - The lyrics to the song Little Black Submarine by The Black Keys
    What are you listening to right now? - I felt obligated to play Little Black Submarine after thinking about it, so that just started playing, but before was a White Stripes song, the name escapes me right now

    Play an instrument? - No
    Why? - I've tried guitar, drums, and piano but I don't have the patience
    Anyone inspire you to? - For guitar I was inspired by the song Right in Two by Tool, for the drums it was 6th grade and my friends were in band and I wanted to be too, as for piano my friend gave me a piano and I wanted to play
    How long have you been playing it? - I haven't


    Hair colour? - Black or Brown
    Hair style? - Not too short not too long and not emo or scene
    Eye colour? - green or hazel
    Glasses or contacts? - Doesn't matter
    Wear make-up? - No
    Height? - 5ft 7 - 6ft 2in
    Weight? - Not too skinny but not heavier than me

    Personality or looks? - Edgy or hipster looking, funny, weird, bad puns, smart but not in an intimidating way, charming, gentleman
    Skinny or muscular? - happy medium
    Love or lust? - love
    Shy or outgoing? - both
    Rebel or Jock? -rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - cowboy


    What five things could you reach right now? - feathers, camera, clothes pin, pack of gum, and rubber gloves
    Is anyone in the room with you? - No
    What are you eating? - I just finished some mac and cheese
    What are you drinking? - water
    What time is it? - 1:30pm
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - Not sure what that is
    Facebook? - Yes
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Lonely
    Did you like this survey? It was okay
    April 20th, 2013 at 10:30pm
  • Velvet.Tears.

    Velvet.Tears. (100)

    United States

    Name - Shelby
    Nicknames - Shelb, Shelbs, Shelbster
    Age - 18
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Reddish brown.
    Hair style -Chest length curly/wavy/wild hair.
    Is it dyed? - Yes

    Eye colour - Hazel
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes
    Mascara? - Yes
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - No
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - No

    Do you think your pretty? - Sometimes
    Why? - Eh, just depends what kind of day I'm having I guess.

    Height - 5'6
    Weight - 155, but losing weight


    Favourite shop - American Eagle or Vanity
    Shoe type - I hate shoes... If I do wear any I prefer TOMS or flats.
    Clothing label - I don't care about labels.

    What are you wearing right now? - Dark gray yoga pants and a dark gray jacket of Cal's then a purple tank top.

    Any piercings? - Yes, just lobes.
    When did you get them? - Years ago. Like when I was eight or so
    Want any? - If anything it would be my belly button or my tongue.

    Tattoos? - No.
    Want any? - I am hoping that I can get one of my birthday this summer. Then more later on.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No.
    A bracelet? - No.
    A ring? - Yes, my wedding ring.

    Are you interested in fashion? - Not really.


    Favourite book? - The Divergent series books.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Nothing right now actually.
    Who's your favourite author? - Veronica Roth or Richelle Mead
    What's your favourite story genre? - Sci-fi, fantasy, mystery

    Favourite film? - Anything with Johnny Depp
    Any film you want to see? - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
    Favourite actor? - Johnny Depp
    What about actress? - I don't have one.
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nope.
    Favourite film genre? - Comedy or Suspense

    Favourite TV program? - Doctor Who
    Ever been on TV? - Nope
    What channel do you watch most? - I only have Netflix so I don't watch 'channels'.
    What do you secretly watch? - I don't watch anything in secret.


    Favourite band/singer? - I don't just have one.
    Who inspires you? - No one in music.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "My hero she's the last real dreamer I know, And I can tell you all about her."
    What are you listening to right now? - My husband is listening to something on Pandora, I don't know what it is.

    Play an instrument? - Nope, I use to play the flute
    Why? - I stopped because I didn't like to play.
    Anyone inspire you to? - Not in music.
    How long have you been playing it? - I played for two years.


    Hair colour? - Brown
    Hair style? - Doesn't matter as long as it looks good on them.
    Eye colour? - Doesn't matter to me.
    Glasses or contacts? - Doesn't matter
    Wear make-up? - No
    Height? - My height or taller
    Weight? - Doesn't matter as long as they aren't morbidly obese.

    Personality or looks? - Personality.
    Skinny or muscly? - In the middle of both.
    Love or lust? - Both.
    Shy or outgoing? - Outgoing
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Neither lmao. but if I had to choose, cowboy.


    What five things could you reach right now? - Cell phone, my CMU water bottle, a thing of All Purpose ProForm that Cal bought to fix the wall where he punched it, Oatmeal Raisin cookies from Subway, a lint roller
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Nope, but Cal is in the next room over
    What are you eating? - Nothing, I ate some Reese's pie not long ago.
    What are you drinking? - Water. :)
    What time is it? - 3:42 p.m.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No.
    Bebo? - I haven't heard of that in SOOOOO long, but no.
    Facebook? - Yes.
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Sickly. :/
    Did you like this survey? I guess.
    April 20th, 2013 at 10:43pm
  • victim.

    victim. (100)

    United States
    Name - Sara.
    Nicknames - None.
    Age - 20.
    Sex - Female.
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight.

    Hair colour - Light brown.
    Hair style - Long, and kind of layered.
    Is it dyed? - Part of it is, letting it grow out, so the roots aren't.
    Eye colour - They change. Right now, hazel.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - I wear glasses only when reading.
    Wear eyeliner? - Sometimes.
    Mascara? - Yes.
    Lip stick? - Yes.
    Lip gloss? - I avoid it, too sticky.
    Blusher? - No.
    False eyelashes? - Never.
    Do you think your pretty? - Not at all.
    Why? - I have a fat face, nose is too big, teeth are horrible... ect, ect.
    Height - 5'2.
    Weight - A bunch of numbers I hate.

    Favourite shop - Tillys or Torrid.
    Shoe type - Mocassins, flats, and skater shoes.
    Clothing label - None really. I wear whatever.
    What are you wearing right now? - Pj's.
    Any piercings? - I have my left nostril pierced and 3 in each ear.
    When did you get them? - My nose when I was 16, my ears when I was 13
    Want any? - Of course. My septum.
    Tattoos? - None.
    Want any? - Yes.
    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No.
    A bracelet? - No.
    A ring? - No.
    Are you interested in fashion? - Very.

    Favourite book? - I'm into the Anita Blake vampire series.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Just started 'Looking for Alaska'.
    Who's your favourite author? - Don't have one.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Sci-fi mainly.
    Favourite film? - I have too many.
    Any film you want to see? - The new Fast and the Furious.
    Favourite actor? - I have a few of them.
    What about actress? - Don't really have one.
    Ever starred in a movie? - No.
    Favourite film genre? - Comedy and Romance.
    Favourite TV program? - I like the 'Real Housewives of' basically everything xD
    Ever been on TV? - Last year I was a Brewers game... Well, my ponytail was.
    What channel do you watch most? - Bravo, E! and FX.
    What do you secretly watch? - I don't secretly watch anything, I'm pretty open.

    Favourite band/singer? - Avenged Sevenfold.
    Who inspires you? - The guys in Avenged Sevenfold, and Macklemore (such an amazing rapper, and a wonderful human)
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "If there's a future we want it, now'
    What are you listening to right now? - I'm listening to my friend play LoL with his friends on Skype...
    Play an instrument? - No.
    Why? - I tried learning guitar, but I'm not coordinated enough for that.
    Anyone inspire you to? - My favorite band.
    How long have you been playing it? - I played it for a few months and gave up lol.

    Hair colour? - Doesn't matter.
    Hair style? - Shorter than mine.
    Eye colour? - Doesn't matter.
    Glasses or contacts? - Glasses.
    Wear make-up? - No.
    Height? - Taller than me.
    Weight? - Doesn't matter.
    Personality or looks? - Personality.
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny.
    Love or lust? - Both.
    Shy or outgoing? - Shy.
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy.

    What five things could you reach right now? - lipstick, remote, bookmarks, sweater and pillow.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - No.
    What are you eating? - Nothing.
    What are you drinking? - Water.
    What time is it? - 2:29am.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop.
    Are you on MSN right now? - No.
    Bebo? - No.
    Facebook? - No.
    Myspace? - No.
    How are you feeling right now? - Weird lol.
    Did you like this survey? Sure. Killed time.
    April 21st, 2013 at 09:31am
  • Doe28

    Doe28 (100)

    United States

    Name - Shannon
    Nicknames - Shan, Shannor, Doe
    Age - 19 (7 days from 20)
    Sex - F
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Red
    Hair style - Long and natural~
    Is it dyed? - Yup.

    Eye colour - Blue.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Nope.

    Wear eyeliner? - On occasion.
    Mascara? - Any time I leave the house.
    Lip stick? - Sometimes.
    Lip gloss? - ^
    Blusher? - Nah, I've got that natural blush.
    False eyelashes? - No.

    Do you think you're pretty? - Sure.
    Why? - Popular opinion (at least what people say to my face) and decent self-esteem.

    Height - 5'4"
    Weight - 119 lbs


    Favourite shop - Ummm... I've got a bit from Dots
    Shoe type - Whatever I like.
    Clothing label - ^

    What are you wearing right now? - PJs C:

    Any piercings? - Just once in my ears.
    When did you get them? - first when I was 7. They were uneven so again when I was 9.
    Want any? - Another in each lobe. That's it damn it but noo asking for anything is too much.

    Tattoos? - Nope.
    Want any? - YES.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? -^
    A ring? -^

    Are you interested in fashion? - I'm interested in looking good and feeling confident when I leave the house.


    Favourite book? - Scarlett
    What book are you reading at the moment? - The Art of Seduction - Robert Greene
    Who's your favourite author? - J.R Ward for fiction and Robert Greene for nonfiction.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Romance/Fantasy C:

    Favourite film? - Anything with a good twist. Shutter Island for example.
    Any film you want to see? - Too many to list!
    Favourite actor? - too many... I love Leonardo DiCaprio. Johnny Depp. Steve Buscemi. Tom Hanks. Will Smith. Jim Carrey. Seth Rogan. Jake Gyllenhaal. The list goes on...
    What about actress? - Kate Winslet. I'm bad with the women's names of course but many on this list as well.
    Ever starred in a movie? - No
    Favourite film genre? - anything that blows my mind.

    Favourite TV program? - Shameless (US) and Boardwalk Empire are my top 2 of many.
    Ever been on TV? - nope.
    What channel do you watch most? - we don't have cable so none. It's all downloaded ;P
    What do you secretly watch? - well it wouldn't be a secret anymore if I told you...


    Favourite band/singer? - none anymore ;C
    Who inspires you? - Robert Greene and people on Tumblr lol.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - none
    What are you listening to right now? - My cat purring and another being a bitch in the hallway.

    Play an instrument? - Nope.
    Why? - availability/time is lacking.
    Anyone inspire you to? - all violinists, anytime I hear piano.
    How long have you been playing it? - blah blah blah.


    Hair colour? - dark preferably
    Hair style? - something that looks good, shorter but long enough to pull on C;
    Eye colour? - Any so long as they are pretty.
    Glasses or contacts? - whichever. I've dated two who switched.
    Wear make-up? - No please.
    Height? - Taller than me definitely.
    Weight? - I like skinny guys :P

    Personality or looks? - a good personality where he cares a bit how he looks.
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny but toned.
    Love or lust? - I'd like a healthy dose of each please.
    Shy or outgoing? - Outgoing to balance me out.
    Rebel or Jock? - Either as long as he isn't a complete jack ass.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Loyalty and honor comes in both so either.


    What five things could you reach right now? - a cat, table, blanket, pillow, charger
    Is anyone in the room with you? - just Mr.Peeps
    What are you eating? - nuffin
    What are you drinking? -waters
    What time is it? - 7:30am
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - my iPhone
    Are you on MSN right now? - the fuck, that is so outdated.
    Bebo? - who?
    Facebook? - yes.
    Myspace? - yup, abandoned account.
    How are you feeling right now? - beelah
    Did you like this survey? It certainly killed some time, thanks!
    April 21st, 2013 at 01:31pm
  • the optimist.

    the optimist. (100)

    United States
    I think I might've done this before but I can't be arsed to look through 26 pages.


    Name - What's in a name?
    Nicknames - Serena
    Age - Too old. J/k. 25.
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Pansexual.


    Hair colour - Brown, gets darker in winter.
    Hair style - Bob, though it's gotten quite long.
    Is it dyed? - No.

    Eye colour - Green.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses.

    Wear eyeliner? - No.
    Mascara? - No.
    Lip stick? - No.
    Lip gloss? - Yes.
    Blusher? - No.
    False eyelashes? - No.

    Do you think your pretty? - No.
    Why? - Because I'm not.

    Height - 5'2"
    Weight - None of your business.


    Favourite shop - Don't care.
    Shoe type - Converse.
    Clothing label - Don't care.

    What are you wearing right now? - Jammies.

    Any piercings? - One in each ear.
    When did you get them? - When I was 5.
    Want any? - Nah, I'm good.

    Tattoos? - No.
    Want any? - Yes but my pain tolerance is ridiculously low so I probably won't ever.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No.
    A bracelet? - No.
    A ring? - No.

    Are you interested in fashion? - No.


    Favourite book? - Don't really read.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - ^
    Who's your favourite author? - ^
    What's your favourite story genre? - ^

    Favourite film? - Uhhh. Probably The Day After Tomorrow.
    Any film you want to see? - Star Trek: Into The Darkness.
    Favourite actor? - I have a lot. Jeff Goldblum, Will Smith, etc.
    What about actress? - Gillian Anderson.
    Ever starred in a movie? - No.
    Favourite film genre? - Um, anything not chick flick or western.

    Favourite TV program? - The X-Files.
    Ever been on TV? - No.
    What channel do you watch most? - I don't have cable now, but if I did, either Food Network or Scyfy. Don't judge me.
    What do you secretly watch? - Everyone knows what I watch.


    Favourite band/singer? - Porcupine Tree/Steven Wilson
    Who inspires you? - Steven Wilson.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Sing to me, raven, I miss her so much. Sing to me, Lily, I miss you so much.
    What are you listening to right now? - Running Up That Hill - Placebo (Cover)

    Play an instrument? - Used to do bass.
    Why? - Because I wanted to.
    Anyone inspire you to? - Mike Dirnt way back in the day.
    How long have you been playing it? - I stopped but I played for a couple years, nothing serious.


    Hair colour? - Don't care.
    Hair style? - I like long hair on guys, girls doesn't really matter.
    Eye colour? - Green or blue.
    Glasses or contacts? - Glasses!
    Wear make-up? - Don't care.
    Height? - Don't care.
    Weight? - Don't care,

    Personality or looks? - Personality.
    Skinny or muscly? - Doesn't matter.
    Love or lust? - Depends on my mood.
    Shy or outgoing? - Shy.
    Rebel or Jock? - Neither.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Also neither.


    What five things could you reach right now? - My cell phone, my headphones, my iPod, candle lighter, soda.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My pet rats.
    What are you eating? - Nothing.
    What are you drinking? - Diet coke.
    What time is it? - 8.43 am.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop.
    Are you on MSN right now? - Yes.
    Bebo? - No.
    Facebook? - Yes.
    Myspace? - No.
    How are you feeling right now? - Uh, tired and hungry.
    Did you like this survey? - Meh.
    April 21st, 2013 at 02:44pm
  • Nyctophilia.

    Nyctophilia. (100)

    United States

    Name - Lynai
    Nicknames - Nai, Nai Nai, Lenny, Cage Fighter, Schitzo-Spice, Shenehneh
    Age - 18
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - black
    Hair style - naturally curly
    Is it dyed? - yes, as of yesterday :P
    Eye colour - brown
    Wear glasses or contacts? - glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - yes.
    Mascara? - yes.
    Lip stick? - sometimes.
    Lip gloss? - all the time.
    Blusher? - no.
    False eyelashes? - occasionally.

    Do you think your pretty? - sort of.
    Why? - There's a couple things I'm super insecure about.

    Height - 5'5
    Weight - 144


    Favourite shop -Sephora
    Shoe type - flats
    Clothing label - idk

    What are you wearing right now? - Pajamas

    Any piercings? - my earlobes and cartilage. Had my nose pierced, but it got infected :'(
    When did you get them? - got my nose about three months ago, had my cartilage since 8th grade.
    Want any? - I want my nose redone and possibly my belly button if I reach my ideal goal weight.

    Tattoos? - I have two of them.
    Want any? - yes!

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - no
    A bracelet? - no
    A ring? - no

    Are you interested in fashion? - yes, very.


    Favourite book? - Stargirl
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Everything Happens For A Reason
    Who's your favourite author? - Beverly Cleary
    What's your favourite story genre? - true crime.

    Favourite film? - The Help
    Any film you want to see? - The Heat
    Favourite actor? - Scott Eastwood
    What about actress? - Emma Stone, Kat Dennings, Ellen Page
    Ever starred in a movie? - nope.
    Favourite film genre? - comedy

    Favourite TV program? - Archer
    Ever been on TV? - Nah
    What channel do you watch most? - FX
    What do you secretly watch? - A Baby Story


    Favourite band/singer? - Flyleaf
    Who inspires you? - Patrick Stump
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Funny you're the broken one, but I'm the only one who needed saving.
    What are you listening to right now? - Someday by Nina

    Play an instrument? - no
    Why? - Never had the opportunity to learn guitar correctly.
    Anyone inspire you to? - The Runaways
    How long have you been playing it? - n/a


    Hair colour? - black
    Hair style? - crew cut, or very short
    Eye colour? - brown
    Glasses or contacts? - glasses
    Wear make-up? - no :P
    Height? - 6ft or over
    Weight? - idk

    Personality or looks? - super funny, easy going, goofy, sweet, intelligent, opinionated, caring.
    Skinny or muscly? - muscly
    Love or lust? - love and lust.
    Shy or outgoing? - outgoing
    Rebel or Jock? - jock
    Cowboy or Gangster? - cowboy


    What five things could you reach right now? - laptop, book, phone, notepad, and blanket.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - no.
    What are you eating? - cereal with toast
    What are you drinking? - coffee
    What time is it? - 8:54 am ET
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - nope.
    Bebo? - nope.
    Facebook? - nope.
    Myspace? - nope.
    How are you feeling right now? - nostalgic, tired, and blah.
    Did you like this survey? It was pretty fun.
    April 21st, 2013 at 02:55pm
  • Snow.White.Queen.

    Snow.White.Queen. (100)


    Name - Abigail
    Nicknames - Abby/Ab's
    Age - 18
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - BLack/Brown
    Hair style - Long with side fringe and layers.
    Is it dyed? - At times

    Eye colour - Hazel/ Green/ Brown - (Mixed)
    Wear glasses or contacts? - No

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes
    Mascara? - Yes
    Lip stick? - Not really
    Lip gloss? - Sometimes
    Blusher? - Not much
    False eyelashes? - Never

    Do you think your pretty? - At times,
    Why? - Because you can't be ugly all the time!

    Height - around 5'11 I think.
    Weight - Not too sure


    Favourite shop - New look, or any shop that sells alternative stuff
    Shoe type - Heels
    Clothing label - Dont have one

    What are you wearing right now? - Ripped jeans, a BFMV hoodie and white socks

    Any piercings? - Ears and lip
    When did you get them? - Ears when I was like six and lip when I was fifteen or sixteen
    Want any? - Eyebrow

    Tattoos? - Four
    Want any? - Yes!

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Yes
    A bracelet? - Nope
    A ring? - Nope

    Are you interested in fashion? - Not in the conventional sense.


    Favourite book? - Marked, Kristen Cast
    What book are you reading at the moment? - None
    Who's your favourite author? - Kristen Cast
    What's your favourite story genre? - Anything

    Favourite film? - Taken
    Any film you want to see? - Not really
    Favourite actor? - Johnny Depp
    What about actress? - Don't have one..
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nah..
    Favourite film genre? - Horror, Romance.

    Favourite TV program? - Revenge
    Ever been on TV? - Nope
    What channel do you watch most? - Scuzz
    What do you secretly watch? - Eh... I really don't know


    Favourite band/singer? - Bullet for my Valentine!
    Who inspires you? - Matthew Tuck, Michael Paget
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - So rip my pictures from your wall, Tear them down and burn them all, Light the fire and walk away, There's nothing left to say.
    What are you listening to right now? - Halestorm -I get off

    Play an instrument? - Guitar/ Drums
    Why? - I like to?
    Anyone inspire you to? - Matt Tuck
    How long have you been playing it? - Since I was around 11 or 12


    Hair colour? - Black/ Brown
    Hair style? - Long?
    Eye colour? - Blue (: But anything really
    Glasses or contacts? - I don't mind
    Wear make-up? - Hell no!
    Height? - Taller then me
    Weight? - Not too much..

    Personality or looks? - Personality, but looks are a bonus.
    Skinny or muscly? - In between. not too muscly.
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - A mix of both
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Neither


    What five things could you reach right now? - Pencil case, Notebook, Pillow, Shoe, Earings
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Nope
    What are you eating? - Dried banana
    What are you drinking? - Noting
    What time is it? - Twenty past two in the afternoon
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - No
    Facebook? -Nope
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Tired
    Did you like this survey? Yeah (:
    April 21st, 2013 at 03:20pm
  • psychotic secrets;

    psychotic secrets; (1400)

    United States

    Name - Megan
    Nicknames - Meg or Mae
    Age - 19
    Sex - female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - pansexual


    Hair colour - blonde and red
    Hair style - blunt bangs, long in front and cropped in back
    Is it dyed? - yes. About to be dyed all red.

    Eye colour - blue/green
    Wear glasses or contacts? - glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - yep.
    Mascara? - yep.
    Lip stick? - eh...
    Lip gloss? - eh..
    Blusher? - don't need it.
    False eyelashes? - don't need it.

    Do you think your pretty? - chest up, yes.
    Why? - chest down is ugly so it makes chests pleasing.

    Height - 5'9
    Weight - ain't sayin'


    Favourite shop - wal-mart
    Shoe type - shoes are shoes
    Clothing label - clothes are clothes

    What are you wearing right now? - t-shit and half pants

    Any piercings? - yep, four
    When did you get them? - my lip when I was 15, gauges last year, nose this year and second hole last year during the summer.
    Want any? - yep, always want more

    Tattoos? - just plans in my head
    Want any? - of course

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - nope
    A bracelet? - a friendship bracelet
    A ring? - nope

    Are you interested in fashion? - yep, not for myself though.


    Favourite book? - either Dexter or A Clockwork Orange
    What book are you reading at the moment? - the official illustrated guide
    Who's your favourite author? - Anne Rice
    What's your favourite story genre? - horror or mystery

    Favourite film? - The Boondock Saints
    Any film you want to see? - maybe a horror one
    Favourite actor? - Jared Leto
    What about actress? - Jennifer Lawrence at the moment
    Ever starred in a movie? - starred? no, filmed, yes,
    Favourite film genre? - horror or thriller

    Favourite TV program? - Supernatural and Dexter that the moment
    Ever been on TV? - nope
    What channel do you watch most? - cartoon network
    What do you secretly watch? - monster high. It interesting.


    Favourite band/singer? - Creature Feature
    Who inspires you? - Gerard Way
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "I'm going to pop some tags, only got twenty dollars in my pocket"
    What are you listening to right now? - nothing

    Play an instrument? - a little guitar
    Why? - my grandfather is in a band
    Anyone inspire you to? - my grandpa
    How long have you been playing it? - five years now


    Hair colour? - dark
    Hair style? - not shaved
    Eye colour? - hazel
    Glasses or contacts? -don't care
    Wear make-up? - ...if they wanna
    Height? - I like them shorter
    Weight? - don't care, big or small

    Personality or looks? - personality
    Skinny or muscly? - don't care
    Love or lust? - love
    Shy or outgoing? - outgoing, I need someone to counter act me
    Rebel or Jock? - rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - cowboy/cowgirl


    What five things could you reach right now? - book, phone, drink, lotion and pillow
    Is anyone in the room with you? - nope
    What are you eating? - just finished my waffles
    What are you drinking? - dr. pepper
    What time is it? - 8:58
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - iPad
    Are you on MSN right now? - nope
    Bebo? - nope
    Facebook? - nope
    Myspace? - nope
    How are you feeling right now? - tired
    Did you like this survey? needs to be up to date
    April 21st, 2013 at 03:59pm
  • DreamingCorpse

    DreamingCorpse (100)

    United States

    Name - Hannah
    Nicknames - I have none.
    Age - 16
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Brunette
    Hair style - Shoulder length
    Is it dyed? - NOPE!

    Eye colour - Brown/green
    Wear glasses or contacts? - I don't wear any.

    Wear eyeliner? - Sometimes
    Mascara? - When I wear makeup
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - No, to sticky .-.
    Blusher? - When I wear cover up, if I don't I look like a ghost.
    False eyelashes? - Lol, no.

    Do you think your pretty? - No
    Why? - I've grown up with people telling me I was ugly and I guess it just kind of stuck with me.

    Height - 5'2
    Weight - I don't really know.


    Favourite shop - Hot Topic
    Shoe type - Converse
    Clothing label - What?

    What are you wearing right now? - My pajamas with my Avenged Sevenfold jacket.

    Any piercings? - Yes, regular, double, left cartilage, and nose.
    When did you get them? - My ears when I was five, doubles twelve, cartilage fourteen, and nose fifteen.
    Want any? - Yes, I would like some more.

    Tattoos? - No
    Want any? - YES!

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Nope, I don't wear those things.
    A bracelet? - Not at the moment.
    A ring? - No

    Are you interested in fashion? - Depends on my mood. But not really.


    Favourite book? - The Giving Tree
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Nothing :(
    Who's your favourite author? - Oh my... do I have to pick?
    What's your favourite story genre? - Romance

    Favourite film? - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
    Any film you want to see? - Not at the moment.
    Favourite actor? - Johnny Depp
    What about actress? - Anne Hathaway
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nope
    Favourite film genre? - Mainly horror

    Favourite TV program? - I have a lot.
    Ever been on TV? - Once, when I was a baby on the Today show.
    What channel do you watch most? - TLC, Bio, ID, and Syfy.
    What do you secretly watch? - My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding


    Favourite band/singer? - Avenged Sevenfold
    Who inspires you? - I don't know..
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "Nothing is hard then to wake up all alone, realize it's not okay, it's the end of all you know. Time keeps passing by but it seems I'm frozen still, scars are left behind, but some too deep to feel."
    What are you listening to right now? - Nothing

    Play an instrument? - Yes
    Why? - I wanted to.
    Anyone inspire you to? - No
    How long have you been playing it? - A couple of months.


    Hair colour? - Brown/black. Anything darker
    Hair style? - Short-ish, could be long, depends on the guy.
    Eye colour? - I don't care
    Glasses or contacts? - Don't care
    Wear make-up? - Guyliner would be cool...
    Height? - Taller than myself (although it doesn't take much.)
    Weight? - I don't care!

    Personality or looks? - Personality
    Skinny or muscly? - In between
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - Don't care
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy


    What five things could you reach right now? - [i[My dog, iPad, phone, soda, markers.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My doggy >.>
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Diet Coke!
    What time is it? - 10:31 AM
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - Huh?
    Facebook? - I have one
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Sick
    Did you like this survey? SURE!
    April 22nd, 2013 at 07:32pm
  • CourtneyxHorror

    CourtneyxHorror (100)

    United Kingdom

    Name - Courtney
    Nicknames - Coco Pops. Vampire
    Age - 14
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Naturally a blonde/brown colour
    Hair style - usually straightened or in a pony tail
    Is it dyed? - Yes. Red/Black

    Eye colour - Blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - No

    Wear eyeliner? - Occasionaly
    Mascara? - No
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - No
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - No

    Do you think your pretty? - Sometimes
    Why? - I'm really spotty and so pale that you can see my veins everywhere

    Height - 4'11
    Weight - 7 stone. 100 pounds?


    Favourite shop - Errr... Blue Banana
    Shoe type - Converse
    Clothing label - Criminal Damange/Hell Bunny/Iron Fist

    What are you wearing right now? - Clothes... Just some weird Pajama's

    Any piercings? - Ears
    When did you get them? - When I was 11
    Want any? - Snake bites, Spider Bites, Collar Bones, Nose, Plugs

    Tattoos? - None so far
    Want any? - Two full tattoo sleeve's, Chest, Back, Hands, Knuckles, Neck

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - No
    A ring? - No

    Are you interested in fashion? - Nope


    Favourite book? - Department 19
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Season of The Harvest
    Who's your favourite author? - Will Hill
    What's your favourite story genre? - Horror

    Favourite film? - Armageddon
    Any film you want to see? - Evil Dead
    Favourite actor? - I don't have one
    What about actress? - Don't have one of those either
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nope
    Favourite film genre? - Horror

    Favourite TV program? - NCIS/CSI
    Ever been on TV? - No
    What channel do you watch most? - I don't know what it's called. It plays a lot of NCIS
    What do you secretly watch? - It's not a secret if I tell you!


    Favourite band/singer? - Motionless In White/My Chemical Romance
    Who inspires you? - Chris Motionless, Gerard Way, Danny Worsnop, Andy Biersack
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - I am who I am, this is what we are I don't care if it offends you or your worthless god
    What are you listening to right now? - Black Veil Brides

    Play an instrument? - Guitar, Bass and I sing
    Why? - I enjoy it
    Anyone inspire you to? - The members of MIW and MCR
    How long have you been playing it? - Guitar - 8 months. Bass - 2 months Singing - My whole life


    Hair colour? - Black
    Hair style? - Long
    Eye colour? - Blue
    Glasses or contacts? - Doesn't bother me
    Wear make-up? - Sure
    Height? - Doesn't bother me
    Weight? - Doesn't bother me

    Personality or looks? - Personality
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny, muscles are disgusting
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - Out going
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - neither


    What five things could you reach right now? - My phone, My keyboard, My ipad, My earphones, My bed
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Nope
    What are you eating? - Just had icecream
    What are you drinking? - nothing
    What time is it? - 18:57
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - no
    Bebo? - no
    Facebook? - no
    Myspace? - no
    How are you feeling right now? - Happy
    Did you like this survey? Yes
    April 22nd, 2013 at 07:57pm
  • sightless.

    sightless. (225)

    United States

    Name - Kaui
    Nicknames - Musu
    Age - 17
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Black
    Hair style - Messy?
    Is it dyed? - Not anymore

    Eye colour - Dark brown
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Neither (though I do admit that I should probably wear glasses)

    Wear eyeliner? - No
    Mascara? - No
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - No
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - No (let's be honest, I don't even know how to apply makeup)

    Do you think your pretty? - Not really
    Why? - I guess I can't imagine that I'd find myself attractive if I wasn't me

    Height - 5'4"-5'5"
    Weight - 105-107 lbs


    Favourite shop - Eh... I don't have a favorite
    Shoe type - I wear slippers a lot but I like boots Weird
    Clothing label - Is this brand? Or size?

    What are you wearing right now? - My class shirt and skinny jeans

    Any piercings? - No
    When did you get them? -
    Want any? - No

    Tattoos? - No
    Want any? - Yes

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - No
    A ring? - No

    Are you interested in fashion? - Yes (can you tell? XD)


    Favourite book? - Cheese I like too many. Looking For Alaska, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Ender's Game, The Kite Runner etc
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Macbeth for school and rereading Ender's Game
    Who's your favourite author? - I don't have one
    What's your favourite story genre? - I don't... think I have one

    Favourite film? - Good question Think
    Any film you want to see? - I still need to see Perks of Being a Wallflower Twitch and I wanna see T.O.P's new movie Alumni
    Favourite actor? - N.A
    What about actress? - N/A
    Ever starred in a movie? - lolno
    Favourite film genre? - Not romantic comedy

    Favourite TV program? - Right now it's School 2013
    Ever been on TV? - No
    What channel do you watch most? - Cartoon Network/Adult Swim and Nickelodeon
    What do you secretly watch? - Nothing?


    Favourite band/singer? - asdfghjkl B.A.P
    Who inspires you? - Bang Yongguk In Love
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Shake your head and say no to being a slave to laziness
    All those who don’t try, wake up right now
    You want a high position by just sitting in your room?
    This isn’t a game – why can’t you separate it from reality?

    What are you listening to right now? - NalinA - Block B

    Play an instrument? - Not anymore
    Why? - I guess I was rebelling at the time in the only way I knew how?
    Anyone inspire you to? - No
    How long have you been playing it? - I hadn't played for a long time


    Hair colour? - Dark (natural but if they like to dye it then that's cool too)
    Hair style? - Not too long
    Eye colour? - Brown/Hazel
    Glasses or contacts? - It doesn't really matter?
    Wear make-up? - Not too much if he must
    Height? - Taller than me
    Weight? - A healthy weight for his height

    Personality or looks? - Honestly I dislike these kinda questions because obviously every aspect matters and while personality is certainly important, looks is what we see first so that makes a big impact
    Skinny or muscly? - Healthy
    Love or lust? - Wouldn't love also involve some lust?
    Shy or outgoing? - Outgoing because I'm shy enough for both of us
    Rebel or Jock? - Eh
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Neither


    What five things could you reach right now? - A printer, clothes hangers, drawer, trashcan, paper
    Is anyone in the room with you? - No
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Nothing
    What time is it? - 3:51 pm
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - iPod
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - No
    Facebook? - No
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Tired
    Did you like this survey? - It was alright
    April 24th, 2013 at 03:52am
  • LovesNocturne

    LovesNocturne (100)

    United States

    Name - Jessica
    Nicknames - Jess, Jessie
    Age - 21
    Sex - Chica
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Dark brown
    Hair style - Wavy, almost up to my mid back, trying to grow it out.
    Is it dyed? - No

    Eye colour - Brown
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Nope

    Wear eyeliner? - No
    Mascara? - Sometimes
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - Nuh uh, hate the stuff. I don't know how I used to wear it when I was younger. It's sticky and messy and gets in your hair and bleh...
    Blusher? - Nope
    False eyelashes? - Never

    Do you think your pretty? - Never. I think I look... unique though.
    Why? - I have always thought I was ugly when I started to care about my looks. I don't care now, but I still think I'm not pretty.

    Height - 5'0"
    Weight - 145


    Favourite shop - Anywhere that has cute clothes at a reasonable price.
    Shoe type - Sneaker
    Clothing label - I don't do labels.

    What are you wearing right now? - Pajamas

    Any piercings? - Ears, but I don't wear earrings.
    When did you get them? - I had my first piercings when I was a baby and I got my second ear piercings when I was around 16.
    Want any? - A lip piercing or septum would be rad.

    Tattoos? - No.
    Want any? - When I get all the details of my own ideas drawn out completely.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No.
    A bracelet? - Nope.
    A ring? - Nuh uh.

    Are you interested in fashion? - Not really.


    Favourite book? - Harry Potter?
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Just random stories on Mibba.
    Who's your favourite author? - J.K. Rowling?
    What's your favourite story genre? - Fiction.

    Favourite film? - Mulan
    Any film you want to see? - Not really.
    Favourite actor? - Johnny Depp, I guess.
    What about actress? - Helena Bonham Carter
    Ever starred in a movie? - No
    Favourite film genre? - Romance

    Favourite TV program? - Don't watch television.
    Ever been on TV? - Nah.
    What channel do you watch most? - I told you I don't watch television...
    What do you secretly watch? - ... asdjklghf!


    Favourite band/singer? - Avenged Sevenfold!
    Who inspires you? - A lot of bands.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - ... I hear in my mind all of this music, and it breaks my heart, and it breaks my heart... (I keep singing that song so yeah...)
    What are you listening to right now? - Cold Blooded - The Pretty Reckless

    Play an instrument? - I used to play the Viola.
    Why? - Because I wanted to when I was a kid, I wish I hadn't stopped. I regret it terribly...
    Anyone inspire you to? - My music teacher.
    How long have you been playing it? - I played it for like four years before I stopped.


    Hair colour? - Dark hair.
    Hair style? - Long bangs that hides eyes, hair that I can comb my fingers through and grab...
    Eye colour? - Any.
    Glasses or contacts? - Doesn't matter.
    Wear make-up? - I'm fine with guy-liner. xD
    Height? - Taller than me, but very tall like 6 foot. I like my men tall.
    Weight? - As long as he looks fit, doesn't matter.

    Personality or looks? - I try to go for personality, but looks win over. But if he has drop dead looks, but is an ass, I won't give him the time of day ever.
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny.
    Love or lust? - Love. Lust... just hurts...
    Shy or outgoing? - In between the two.
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy.


    What five things could you reach right now? - Pillow, charger, towel, hair, laptop.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My mom.
    What are you eating? - Nothing.
    What are you drinking? - Nada.
    What time is it? - 10:47 pm
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - MSN has went over to the darkside with Skype.
    Bebo? - Is that like and cute like Beemo? I want a Beemo!
    Facebook? - Of course.
    Myspace? - It has died years ago.
    How are you feeling right now? - Like heaving a heavy sigh every five minutes and wanting to go to sleep, but some people like to be rude and obnoxious, unfortunately.
    Did you like this survey? It has quenched my boredom quite a bit, so I shall say yes. Yes, good sir, it has.
    April 24th, 2013 at 04:52am
  • Zachary Merrick.

    Zachary Merrick. (200)

    United Kingdom

    Name - Savannah.
    Nicknames - Sav, usually.
    Age - 18.
    Sex - Female.
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight.


    Hair colour - Black.
    Hair style - Just past my shoulders, with grown out, floppy bangs.
    Is it dyed? - Yes.

    Eye colour - Brown.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses.

    Wear eyeliner? - Not often.
    Mascara? - Most days.
    Lip stick? - Nope.
    Lip gloss? - Sometimes.
    Blusher? - Very rarely.
    False eyelashes? - No, they irritate my eyes too much.

    Do you think your pretty? - Sort of, I have good days and bad days.
    Why? - I like my eyes and my face, generally, but I think I'm kind of chubby.

    Height - About 5'7.
    Weight - Around 11 stone, last I checked.


    Favourite shop - New Look or Forever 21.
    Shoe type - Converse.
    Clothing label - I don't really have one.

    What are you wearing right now? - Black skinny jeans, Harley Quinn Converse and an old You Me At Six t-shirt.

    Any piercings? - Just my ears.
    When did you get them? - When I was about 11.
    Want any? - Not at the moment.

    Tattoos? - None, currently.
    Want any? - Maybe in the future.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Yes. It's a silver one with a heart charm that my boyfriend bought me.
    A bracelet? - I'm wearing some rubber bangle things.
    A ring? - Nope.

    Are you interested in fashion? -


    Favourite book? - The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Baccano! Volume 2 - The Grand Punk Railroad.
    Who's your favourite author? - John Green.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Young adult or romantic comedy.

    Favourite film? - Avengers Assemble or Fight Club.
    Any film you want to see? - Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 when they come out.
    Favourite actor? - Robert Downey Jr.
    What about actress? - Jennifer Lawrence.
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nope.
    Favourite film genre? - Rom-com or adventure.

    Favourite TV program? - Supernatural.
    Ever been on TV? - Nope.
    What channel do you watch most? - Sky1 or E4.
    What do you secretly watch? - I'm secretly a huge fan of crappy reality shows.


    Favourite band/singer? - All Time Low.
    Who inspires you? - A lot of bands/musicians I listen to really.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - I have no idea.
    What are you listening to right now? - The new Fall Out Boy album.

    Play an instrument? - I used to play guitar and drums.
    Why? - Because I got lazy and stopped playing.
    Anyone inspire you to? - Not really.
    How long have you been playing it? - I played for about two years before I stopped three years ago.


    Hair colour? - Brown or dark blonde.
    Hair style? - Floppy, neatish but not crazily so.
    Eye colour? - Green or hazel.
    Glasses or contacts? - Either.
    Wear make-up? - No, it's not something I'm hugely attracted to.
    Height? - Taller than me.
    Weight? - I'm not too fussy.

    Personality or looks? - Personality.
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny.
    Love or lust? - Love.
    Shy or outgoing? - Shy.
    Rebel or Jock? - Either.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy.


    What five things could you reach right now? - A copy of Kerrang magazine, a tub of markers, my phone, my iPod and a copy of Black Butler volume one.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My mum and stepdad.
    What are you eating? - Nothing.
    What are you drinking? - Water.
    What time is it? - Five to eleven at night.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop.
    Are you on MSN right now? - Nope.
    Bebo? - Nope.
    Facebook? - Nope.
    Myspace? - Nope.
    How are you feeling right now? - Bleh. Tired and achy and too warm.
    Did you like this survey? It was okay, it helped get rid of my boredom.
    April 24th, 2013 at 11:59pm
  • Strawberry Red

    Strawberry Red (100)

    United States

    Name - Can I use my Pen name? If yes Strawberry Winters, if no... My name is classified. lol
    Nicknames - I have so many. lol. But mostly my friends call me Demon or Strawberry or Luc.
    Age - 18
    Sex - male
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - I'm not particularly strait, and I'm not gay either. I just like who i like, when I like them. Gender doesn't matter to me.


    Hair colour - burgundy-red-brown or black depending on my mood. Naturally copper-brown.
    Hair style - similar to the Rev's but not nearly as cool
    Is it dyed? - right now? Yes.

    Eye colour - Blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - yes, glasses. Hate contacts.

    Wear eyeliner? - yep
    Mascara? - yep
    Lip stick? - nope
    Lip gloss? - I wonder if chapstick counts.
    Blusher? - nope
    False eyelashes? - nope

    Do you think your pretty? - I'm pretty hot, if I do say so myself.
    Why? - Just because not everyone believes I'm gorgeous doesn't mean I'm not. Even if I were the ugliest dude in history i'd still be pretty smokin' to me. :p Besides I have an amazing backside and have you seen my eyes?

    Height - short... like napoleon. I'm 5'0"
    Weight - 120 lbs.


    Favourite shop - none
    Shoe type - ummm
    Clothing label - none

    What are you wearing right now? - jeans, a baggy freddy vs jason t-shirt.

    Any piercings? - ears
    When did you get them? - when i was two
    Want any? - hips, eyebrow, snakebites... possibly my nipples. lol

    Tattoos? - tranny/gay support symbol.... black circle for eternity.
    Want any? - maybe one day. thinking of getting my wings done

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - yep. my mustache necklace, and my pentacle.
    A bracelet? - a7x logo braclet
    A ring? - mood ring... it's turned a really strange color that looks pink in some light, and pale green in others.

    Are you interested in fashion? - not really


    Favourite book? - I can't choose one.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Chronicals of Vladimir Todd, and Bram Stoker's Dracula.
    Who's your favourite author? - too many to choose from...
    What's your favourite story genre? - horror, fantasy, mystery, thriller, suspense, and crime

    Favourite film? - Changes daily... today it's Sweeney Todd and Legion and Mama
    Any film you want to see? - Thor Dark World looks cool.... but that may be because Loki is in it... and Epic.
    Favourite actor? - won't choose
    What about actress? - won't choose
    Ever starred in a movie? - nope. My epicness is too much for the camera. lol
    Favourite film genre? - Horror

    Favourite TV program? - too many. But Supernatural, Myth busters, Doctor Who, Merlin, Criminal minds, My Little Pony, Sweet genius, Sherlock, and Kitchen nightmares to name a few
    Ever been on TV? - nope.
    What channel do you watch most? - I watch all my shows on the internet, but I thick most of them are on BBC or TNT
    What do you secretly watch? - I'm a total Brony, but most think I'm kidding about that... so does that count?


    Favourite band/singer? - Don't even get me started. You'll never hear the end. But todays favorites are Linkin Park, SWPB, and Esoterica. The faves change randomly.
    Who inspires you? - MCR, Ashley Purdy, and the Sex Pistols. Also Green day.... and so many more that is a never ending list of all my favorite bands.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "paranoia Paranoia everybody's coming to get me." and "I felt the hate rise up in me, kneel down and clear my throat of leaves..." and "I'm only a crack, in this castle of glass." and "She's my cherry pie!"
    What are you listening to right now? - Castle of glass -Linkin park

    Play an instrument? - guitar, a bit. Im not actually all that good. and is my voice an instrument? I can also play on the glasses... lol
    Why? - no idea. Just cause it felt so right holding that one guitar in my hands.
    Anyone inspire you to? - not particularly
    How long have you been playing it? - four years on guitar.... since I was four for the water glasses... long as I can remember for my voice.


    Hair colour? - no preference
    Hair style? - no preference
    Eye colour? - no preference
    Glasses or contacts? - no preference
    Wear make-up? - no preference
    Height? - no preferance
    Weight? - no preference

    I'm pretty much like Jack Harkness, well at least when it comes to flirting and stuff, I'm a bit of an asexual when it comes down to it. But I'll flirt with anyone.

    Personality or looks? - Personality. funny, sweet, sarcastic, loyal.
    Skinny or muscly? - meh. no preference.
    Love or lust? - Lust is how it usually goes, but we all know we all need a little love now and then.
    Shy or outgoing? - no preference.
    Rebel or Jock? - I love a rebel, but some jocks can be cool too.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy, sorry to the gangsters but I don't really like them.


    What five things could you reach right now? - My art book, my voodoo dolls, my computer, my red velvet chapstick, my knife
    Is anyone in the room with you? - nope
    What are you eating? - nothing right now...
    What are you drinking? - water.... but only because I'm too lazy to make koolaid
    What time is it? - 10: 36 pm
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - nope
    Bebo? - nope
    Facebook? - I hate facebook. so no.
    Myspace? - nope.
    How are you feeling right now? - bored.... still bored.
    Did you like this survey? parts of it.
    May 11th, 2013 at 07:36am