Bored? Take a Survey.

  • tholomew plague.

    tholomew plague. (200)

    United States

    Name - Torri
    Nicknames - Tor,
    Age - 14
    Sex - female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - straight


    Hair colour - dyed black
    Hair style - really curly, ponytail
    Is it dyed? - yeah

    Eye colour - dark brown
    Wear glasses or contacts? - contacts

    Wear eyeliner? - not usually
    Mascara? - nope
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - sometimes
    Blusher? - noooo
    False eyelashes? - nah

    Do you think your pretty? - .....
    Why? - ?

    Height - 5'2''
    Weight - idk


    Favourite shop - walmart...
    Shoe type - canverse or vans or etnies
    Clothing label - whatever

    What are you wearing right now? - jeans Green Day shirt

    Any piercings? - 5 (all in my ears)
    When did you get them? - over time
    Want any? - yeah

    Tattoos? - no
    Want any? -yeah

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - no it broke again
    A bracelet? - 13
    A ring? -no

    Are you interested in fashion? - nah


    Favourite book? - not sure
    What book are you reading at the moment? - nothin
    Who's your favourite author? - ?
    What's your favourite story genre? - fiction

    Favourite film? - Nightmare Before Christmas
    Any film you want to see? - maybe
    Favourite actor? - Johnny Depp
    What about actress? - don't have one
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nooooo
    Favourite film genre? - comedy/horror

    Favourite TV program? - ?
    Ever been on TV? - not that I know of
    What channel do you watch most? - MTV2
    What do you secretly watch? - Parental Control


    Favourite band/singer? - Green Day
    Who inspires you? - Billie Joe, M Shadows
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "throw up your arms into the sky, you and I"
    What are you listening to right now? - the tv being all loud and crap. ahh.

    Play an instrument? - bass.......soon
    Why? - I want to
    Anyone inspire you to? - Johnny Christ, Mike Dirnt, Mikey Way
    How long have you been playing it? - ....


    Hair colour? - dark
    Hair style? - whatever
    Eye colour? - brown, but I like green
    Glasses or contacts? - don't matter
    Wear make-up? - no
    Height? - bout the same as me
    Weight? - ?

    Personality or looks? - personality.
    Skinny or muscly? - whatever
    Love or lust? - love
    Shy or outgoing? - outgoing.
    Rebel or Jock? -rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - ummm, neither


    What five things could you reach right now? - my phone, a pen, my shorts, a different pen, nail polish
    Is anyone in the room with you? - nope
    What are you eating? - nothin
    What are you drinking? - nothing
    What time is it? - 1.24 AM
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - no
    Bebo? - no
    Facebook? - no
    Myspace? - no
    How are you feeling right now? - tired
    Did you like this survey?- i guess
    July 26th, 2009 at 07:24am
  • pacific.

    pacific. (100)

    United States

    Name - Shawna
    Nicknames - K!ddo calls me Drew.... uh, for awhile my friends called me Nawna (that was unpleasant) I think that's it. I don't have many nicknames.
    Age - 13
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Red
    Hair style - Naturally wavy, but I only wear it down when it's straightened, if that's what you mean.
    Is it dyed? - nope.

    Eye colour - Green
    Wear glasses or contacts? - nope.

    Wear eyeliner? - not on a regular basis, no.
    Mascara? - no
    Lip stick? - I don't really wear any make up...
    Lip gloss? - no.
    Blusher? - no no no no no....
    False eyelashes? - what the fuck? no.

    Do you think your pretty? - not really.
    Why? - I just don't....?

    Height - I don't know. Around 5'3"? That's just an estimation, by the way.
    Weight - I don't weigh myself on a regular basis, but I guess around the 115 area. Give or take. I don't know.


    Favourite shop - Pac Sun
    Shoe type - Converse ftw.
    Clothing label - Glamour Kills.
    What are you wearing right now? - Purple and black striped shorts and a random Glamour Kills t-shirt.

    Any piercings? - ears.
    When did you get them? - when I was like, 16 months old.
    Want any? - yeah. not sure what, though.

    Tattoos? - not yet.
    Want any? - yes, one day.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No.
    A bracelet? - No.
    A ring? - No.

    Are you interested in fashion? - Nah. I don't really cared for that shit, though I do enjoy project runway......


    Favourite book? - I don't have a favorite, really.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Infected by Scott something or other and I was reading The Host, too. I've been lazy lately and haven't picked up either of them in awhile.
    Who's your favourite author? - don't have one.
    What's your favourite story genre? - anything that'll grab my attention, really.

    Favourite film? - It' a tie between Superbad, Pineapple Express and Juno.
    Any film you want to see? - Year One.
    Favourite actor? - I guess Seth Rogen. He makes me laugh.
    What about actress? - Ellen Page, for sure.
    Ever starred in a movie? - nope.
    Favourite film genre? - Comedy.

    Favourite TV program? - South Park
    Ever been on TV? - yeah.
    What channel do you watch most? - Comedy Central, I guess. I don't watch much TV.
    What do you secretly watch? - Degrassi. Sometimes. :shifty


    Favourite band/singer? - I couldn't pick just one, but my top four are All Time Low, VersaEmerge, The Maine and 3OH!3
    Who inspires you? - All four of those bands. And pretty much every other artist I listen too.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - I've got five fingers on each hand for every mistake that I've made. -3OH!3
    What are you listening to right now? - Hello Brooklyn - All Time Low
    Play an instrument? - I wish.
    Why? - I'm not coordinated enough for that.
    Anyone inspire you to? - I don't play and instrument.
    How long have you been playing it? - I. DO. NOT. PLAY. AN. INSTRUMENT.


    Hair colour? - I don't really care, honestly. But, I do know I don't really like red heads; even though I am one.
    Hair style? - Boy-ish?
    Eye colour? - As cliche as this sounds, I kinda have a thing for blue eyes...
    Glasses or contacts? - uh, no?
    Wear make-up? - I would hope not...
    Height? - tall-ish.
    Weight? - not fat. sorry.

    Personality or looks? - personality, though I wouldn't mind someone who's good looking.
    Skinny or muscly? - in the middle. average. whatever.
    Love or lust? - love.
    Shy or outgoing? - I'm sorta shy, so most likely I wouldn't approach them first, meaning it would make more sense for them to be outgoing.
    Rebel or Jock? - rebel. jocks bother me.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - ew. neither.


    What five things could you reach right now? - my phone, a pillow, an empty plastic cup, my laptop (obviously) and a sock. yay.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - no. not that I know of. :shock:
    What are you eating? - no
    What are you drinking? - no
    What time is it? - 2:08 am.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - laptop.
    Are you on MSN right now? -no
    Bebo? -no
    Facebook? - no
    Myspace? -no
    How are you feeling right now? - tired. pissed off. I'm not in a good mood right now, if you haven't noticed.
    Did you like this survey? eh, its alright.
    July 26th, 2009 at 08:16am
  • faggotfaggotfaggot

    faggotfaggotfaggot (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Name - Holly/Peach
    Nicknames - Peach c: Lolly, Kiki, Lemon, etc
    Age - seventeen
    Sex - female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - bisexual. i think.


    Hair colour - veryveryVERY blonde
    Hair style - long, straight
    Is it dyed? - yup. i'm naturally blonde anywayz though C:

    Eye colour - dark greeny blue.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - contacts

    Wear eyeliner? - yes
    Mascara? - yesss, shitloads
    Lip stick? - mm not really
    Lip gloss? - sometimes
    Blusher? - yep, or i look dead
    False eyelashes? - at parties and things.

    Do you think your pretty? - *you're, and yeah most of the time.
    Why? - idk, i'm a bit funny looking and i've got crooked teefs but i'm blonde and i've got big eyes and a decent figure and most people go mad for it, lawlll :3 i'm not meaning to sound arrogant.

    Height - 5'4ish?
    Weight - N/A, my mum took away the scales :lmfao


    Favourite shop - Topshop, ASOS, vintage warehouses, charity shops~
    Shoe type - biker boots. or cute flats :3
    Clothing label - errr.

    What are you wearing right now? - red floral dress, undies, red cardi, necklaces, bracelets, grey tights.

    Any piercings? - yup :3 septum, two conches (retired), industrials x2 (one retired), nipples, bellybutton x2, monroe (retired), basic lobes...that's it, i've had others. i'm taking some out at the minute.
    When did you get them? - ughh i don't remember?
    Want any? - cheeks, tongue, and tongue web.

    Tattoos? - i have oneeee. :}
    Want any? - lots.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - yes.
    A bracelet? - yes.
    A ring? - no ):

    Are you interested in fashion? - yes (:


    Favourite book? - Lolita
    What book are you reading at the moment? - I was re-reading A Clockwork Orange but I've put it down somewhere :/
    Who's your favourite author? - Vladimir Nabokov I guess (:
    What's your favourite story genre? - N/A

    Favourite film? - ugh god knows.
    Any film you want to see? - nope
    Favourite actor? - no clue ):
    What about actress? - as above
    Ever starred in a movie? - no.
    Favourite film genre? - horror/zombie :}

    Favourite TV program? - don't watch it much so...
    Ever been on TV? - as above
    What channel do you watch most? - as above
    What do you secretly watch? - as above


    Favourite band/singer? - Placebo foreverandever
    Who inspires you? - Brian Molko
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - I have no ideaaa.
    What are you listening to right now? - N/A

    Play an instrument? - Cello, piano & flute
    Why? - because i do...?
    Anyone inspire you to? - nope
    How long have you been playing it? - since i was little. i'm crap at piano and flute though, literally rubbish.


    Hair colour? - not fussed as long as it's isn't greasy or disgusting
    Hair style? - anything but spiky hair |:
    Eye colour? - not fussed, i like brown eyes though :3
    Glasses or contacts? - wat
    Wear make-up? - errr
    Height? - over six foot
    Weight? - don't mind as long as they aren't a major chubbo.

    Personality or looks? - bit of both.
    Skinny or muscly? - bit of both, again
    Love or lust? - bit of both...i'm so indecisive
    Shy or outgoing? - as above.
    Rebel or Jock? - wat
    Cowboy or Gangster? - i had no idea cowboys actually existed


    What five things could you reach right now? - my phone, Oblivion disc, mirror, mascara, ipod
    Is anyone in the room with you? - my bruvva
    What are you eating? - nothing.
    What are you drinking? - tea (:
    What time is it? - 9:18 pm
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - desktop PC
    Are you on MSN right now? - yep (:
    Bebo? - nope
    Facebook? - nope
    Myspace? - nope
    How are you feeling right now? - tireeeeed.
    Did you like this survey? not really, it passed the time though.
    July 26th, 2009 at 10:23pm
  • building god.

    building god. (250)

    United States

    Name - Xanthia
    Nicknames - Xanny, XanXan, chibi
    Age - 15
    Sex - female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - straight


    Hair colour - brown
    Hair style - shoulder length, kinda wavy
    Is it dyed? - not right now. :tehe:

    Eye colour - hazel.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - yes
    Mascara? - no, it gets on my lenses
    Lip stick? - never
    Lip gloss? - never
    Blusher? - rarely
    False eyelashes? - never. so tacky.

    Do you think you're pretty? - not really
    Why? - I've never had a boy compliment me other than my gay bff, and I've never had a boyfriend. I'm outcasted and people think I'm weird and ignore me.

    Height - 4'10
    Weight - N/A


    Favourite shop - Hot Topic.
    Shoe type - Converse or Vans
    Clothing label - huh? like brand? idk.

    What are you wearing right now? - gray skinny jeans, Cute is What We Aim For tee, Converse, and my hoodie with cat ears.
    Any piercings? - nope
    When did you get them? - none
    Want any? - monroe, deffs

    Tattoos? - nope
    Want any? - yeah. one on my palm, fer sure.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - no.
    A bracelet? - no.
    A ring? - no.

    Are you interested in fashion? - yes, but just primarily stuff only someone like me would wear.


    Favourite book? - Harry Potter series
    What book are you reading at the moment? - I'm rereading HP and the Deathly Hallows, and I'm finishing New Moon.
    Who's your favourite author? - j.k. rowling. she's the shit
    What's your favourite story genre? - ANYTHING

    Favourite film? - REPO! The Genetic Opera
    Any film you want to see? - Orpha. Ooh, and Bruno!
    Favourite actor? - Jason Dolley. In Love
    What about actress? - um... none really.
    Ever starred in a movie? - psh. i will.
    Favourite film genre? - horror/zombie, or stupid comedy.

    Favourite TV program? - Sonny With a Chance and Cory in the House. I have younger sibs so I've got not much else
    Ever been on TV? - nope. not yet, anyways
    What channel do you watch most? - Disney
    What do you secretly watch? - Hannah Montanna. It's actually pretty funny.


    Favourite band/singer? - Band=CAN'T MAKE UP MY MIND. Singer=Emilie Autumn
    Who inspires you? - Gerard Way
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "I know the sickening thoughts that slither around your head..."
    What are you listening to right now? - Emilie Autumn

    Play an instrument? - Guitar
    Why? - My dad taught me. I've always love rock music.
    Anyone inspire you to?- my dad. he's amazing.
    How long have you been playing it? - since i was 7


    Hair colour? - blond
    Hair style? - kinda mid-length, sorta sideswept
    Eye colour? - not too picky, but blue eyes are so pretty.
    Glasses or contacts? - the guys i like look adorable in glasses
    Wear make-up? - idk, guys in eyeliner can be pretty hot...
    Height? - between 5'8 and 6'4
    Weight? - average for their height, I guess

    Personality or looks? - bit of both.
    Skinny or muscly? - skinny. easier to hold onto.
    Love or lust? - bit of both again.
    Shy or outgoing? - both, again. I don't want them to be so outgoing that they're going to flirt with every girl, but i don't want them to be a complete introvert.
    Rebel or Jock? - rebel. but they break the law and i'll beat them down.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboys exsist?


    What five things could you reach right now? - my notebook, my Emilie Autumn CD, an empty coffee mug, a few dozen pens, and a calculator.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - nope.
    What are you eating? - nothing.
    What are you drinking? - diet coke
    What time is it? - 5:35pm
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - desktop comp that is older than poo
    Are you on MSN right now? - not anymore
    Bebo? - wtf is that?
    Facebook? - don't have one.
    Myspace? - nah
    How are you feeling right now? - hungry as fuck.
    Did you like this survey?- guess so...
    July 26th, 2009 at 11:35pm
  • Joey Jordison

    Joey Jordison (100)

    United Kingdom

    Name - Jade
    Nicknames - Jeff, Jeffii, Jadeface, Jeffidy
    Age - 15
    Sex - female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - As I said to a friend yesterday "I'm not bisexual, just a tad bumpy."


    Hair colour - red roots, black hair
    Hair style - natural ringlets :grr: however, right now, it's chucked up in a ponytail.
    Is it dyed? - totally.

    Eye colour - blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - nope, not anymore.

    Wear eyeliner? - sometimes
    Mascara? - nope
    Lip stick? - eww no.
    Lip gloss? - no way
    Blusher? - no
    False eyelashes? - I'd rather stick needles in my eyes :file:

    Do you think your pretty? - nope
    Why? - :hand:

    Height - 5ft 7/8 inches
    Weight - 8 stone 3


    Favourite shop - Not got one.
    Shoe type - Converse
    Clothing label - Don't have one :think:

    What are you wearing right now? - Slipknot top from Australia (it was a birthday present In Love) and checked skinny jeans

    Any piercings? - yep, lip and ears
    When did you get them? - lip last year, gauges two years ago, and my other hole June 13th 2009 :cute:
    Want any? - definately want more.

    Tattoos? - not yet Sad
    Want any? - Definately. Always have done.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Nope
    A bracelet? - Nope.
    A ring? - Nope.

    Are you interested in fashion? - Nope. :tehe:


    Favourite book? - The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
    Who's your favourite author? - Oscar Wilde, Patricia Cornwell, Martina Cole, Jane Austen or J.K Rowling In Love
    What's your favourite story genre? - I can read absolutely anything as long as the storyline is good enough.

    Favourite film? - Gladiator
    Any film you want to see? - Where The Wild Things Are
    Favourite actor? - Alan Rickman, James Dean, Russell Crowe
    What about actress? - Kate Winslet
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nope (unless you count school movies that is :tehe:)
    Favourite film genre? - Again, I'll watch anything as long as the storyline is good enough

    Favourite TV program? - Scrubs, Friends, Hollyoaks, Family Guy, 90210
    Ever been on TV? - Yep. It was awesome!
    What channel do you watch most? - Scuzz or E4
    What do you secretly watch? - Girls of the Playboy Mansion. It's so funny! :lmfao


    Favourite band/singer? - Slipknot
    Who inspires you? - Joey Jordison
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "Hey stupid, don't suck your thumb! Take your diaper off and put your helmet on! Destroy 'til there is no more! Put your helmet on, let's go to war!" :lmfao
    What are you listening to right now? - New Abortion - Slipknot

    Play an instrument? - Drums, Bass and Guitar
    Why? - They're my favourite instruments
    Anyone inspire you to? - Joey Jordison
    How long have you been playing it? - Drums - 4 years guitar - one year Bass - 2 years


    Hair colour? - not blonde
    Hair style? - any
    Eye colour? - green or blue
    Glasses or contacts? - both :tehe:
    Wear make-up? - if they're happy wearing make-up, then who am I to complain?
    Height? - Preferably taller than me, but I don't mind if they're shorter either.
    Weight? - I don't mind. I can love anyone.

    Personality or looks? - Personality
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny
    Love or lust? - Lust - I've yet to meet someone who makes me believe in love
    Shy or outgoing? - Both can be attractive traits
    Rebel or Jock? -rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy - those hats :lmfao


    What five things could you reach right now? - iPod, hairbrush, cup of tea, book and train ticket
    Is anyone in the room with you? - nope
    What are you eating? - nothing
    What are you drinking? - cup of tea
    What time is it? - 11:27
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - yep :cute:
    Bebo? - nope
    Facebook? - nope
    Myspace? - nope
    How are you feeling right now? - Bored
    Did you like this survey? - Meh, it's alright I guess.
    July 27th, 2009 at 12:28am
  • Smooth Criminal

    Smooth Criminal (400)

    United States
    Name - Alyssa
    Nicknames - Prince Michael III, John Burke, Smooth Criminal, Lyss, Graass, Chewy
    Age - 13
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Goldenish Brown
    Hair style - Usually wavy, today it's not, with side bangs.
    Is it dyed? - No

    Eye colour - Brown
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses. We nerds rock the glasses. Classy nerds, anyways.

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes
    Mascara? - No
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - No
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - NO

    Do you think you're pretty? - Yes
    Why? - Everyone should think they are pretty one way or another. For me, it's because I am told it a lot.

    Height - 5' 4"
    Weight - 107


    Favourite shop - WalMart :tehe:
    Shoe type - Nike
    Clothing label - Doesn't matter

    What are you wearing right now? - Bra, underwear, Aero t-shirt, gray capri Old Navy sweats.
    Any piercings? - Ears, once
    When did you get them? - About three years ago.
    Want any? - No

    Tattoos? - No
    Want any? - Maybe. It depends.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Nope. Just got out of the shower.
    A bracelet? - No
    A ring? - No

    Are you interested in fashion? - Hellz yeah. Knickers and fedoras baby!


    Favourite book? - I don't have one. There is too many good ones.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - The Host
    Who's your favourite author? - Probably Mitch Albom or Stephanie Meyer
    What's your favourite story genre? - Basically anything that grabs my attention.

    Favourite film? - POTC 1, 2, and 3 or 13 Going on 30
    Any film you want to see? - Public Enemies and Alice in Wonderland
    Favourite actor? - Johnny Depp In Love
    What about actress? - Maybe Helena Bonham Carter
    Ever starred in a movie?- I totally want to
    Favourite film genre? - Anything. I'm open to most movies thanks to Johnny Depp. :cute:

    Favourite TV program? - Heroes
    Ever been on TV? - Yes
    What channel do you watch most? - Channel 6 or 31
    What do you secretly watch? - Porn...I'm just kidding. I never really watch anything secretly.


    Favourite band/singer? - Michael Jackson
    Who inspires you? - Michael Jackson
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Live your life off the wall.
    What are you listening to right now? - That Kristinia DeBarge.

    Play an instrument? - Nope.
    Why? - Because I never had the chance.
    Anyone inspire you to?- Not really.
    How long have you been playing it? - *cough*


    Hair colour? - Anything that works for them.
    Hair style? - Slightly over ears, unless they just look good with whatevs they have.
    Eye colour? - Doesn't matter.
    Glasses or contacts? - Glasses boost them up in my book.
    Wear make-up? - No.
    Height? - Taller than me.
    Weight? - Does't matter. As long as they aren't uber obese and can't move.

    Personality or looks? - Personality.
    Skinny or muscly? - A lil' of both.
    Love or lust? - Both.
    Shy or outgoing? - Both.
    Rebel or Jock? - I prefer the good nerds or just the good ones.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboys. Love dem' hats. :tehe:


    What five things could you reach right now? - Mouse, MP3, Chair, Radio, and a flower.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My mom.
    What are you eating? - Nothing, even though I'm starving.
    What are you drinking? - Nothing.
    What time is it? - 6:46
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Desktop. My laptop is getting fixed.
    Are you on MSN right now? - No, I'm on Mibba. :tehe:
    Bebo? - Say what?
    Facebook? - Yes.
    Myspace? - Yes.
    How are you feeling right now? - Hungry and hyper. I need the food to go wild.
    Did you like this survey?- It occupied my time. Hellz yeah.
    July 27th, 2009 at 12:48am
  • The Suffering

    The Suffering (100)

    United States
    Name - Hayley
    Nicknames -Hay, Hay Hay
    Age - 15
    Sex - female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - straight


    Hair colour - Dark Brown
    Hair style - REALLY long, straight
    Is it dyed? - Yes

    Eye colour - Blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Both

    Wear eyeliner? - yes
    Mascara? - Yes
    Lip stick? - Nope
    Lip gloss? - Yes
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - No

    Do you think you're pretty? - Yes
    Why? - Because I tell myself that I am everyday and it helps me think that I am.

    Height - 5'1
    Weight -102 lbs


    Favourite shop - Hot Topic.
    Shoe type - Converse or Vans
    Clothing label - Tripp

    What are you wearing right now? - Evanescence shirt and my red pj pants with snowflakes on them.
    Any piercings? - Just ears
    When did you get them? - When I was 6
    Want any? - Eyebrow, septum, lip

    Tattoos? -Nope
    Want any? - Yes. I love them.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No.
    A bracelet? - Yes.
    A ring? - No.

    Are you interested in fashion? - Not really


    Favourite book? - Harry Potter series
    What book are you reading at the moment? - I'm re-reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
    Who's your favourite author? - Can't choose one.
    What's your favourite story genre? - I really like murder mysteries

    Favourite film? - Anything by Tim Burton
    Any film you want to see? - Orphan
    Favourite actor? - I don't have one
    What about actress? - I don't have one
    Ever starred in a movie? - No but I want to star in a horror movie.
    Favourite film genre? - Horror

    Favourite TV program? - Spongebob!
    Ever been on TV? - Nope
    What channel do you watch most? - Fuse
    What do you secretly watch? - iCarly, such a good show!


    Favourite band/singer? - Band= Aiden, Singer= Avril Lavigne:tehe:
    Who inspires you? - William Roy Francis
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "She bathed in blood that much you know, of the Demon Countess Bathory
    What are you listening to right now? - Aiden

    Play an instrument? - Guitar
    Why? - Because I wanted to.
    Anyone inspire you to?- Billie Joe Armstrong
    How long have you been playing it? - Since I was 13


    Hair colour? - Dark
    Hair style? -I don't care.
    Eye colour? - I have a thing for hazel eyes..
    Glasses or contacts? - Doesn't matter
    Wear make-up? - They don't have to but it's a plus.
    Height? - Anyone taller than me.
    Weight? - Not too skinny but not to big.

    Personality or looks? - Both
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny.
    Love or lust? - Both
    Shy or outgoing? - A little bit of both.
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Neither


    What five things could you reach right now? -Paper, dog, another dog, phone, and printer.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My two dogs
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Nothing
    What time is it? - 8:18 am
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - Yup
    Bebo? - Nope
    Facebook? - Not anymore.
    Myspace? - Yeah
    How are you feeling right now? - Sort of sleepy.
    Did you like this survey?- Sure
    July 27th, 2009 at 05:22pm
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States

    Name - Sarah
    Nicknames - Weasel, WeaselBoi, Spin
    Age - 14
    Sex - female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - bi


    Hair colour - Brown-ish red
    Hair style - Straight
    Is it dyed? - Soon.

    Eye colour - Gray
    Wear glasses or contacts? - I want to

    Wear eyeliner? - YES
    Mascara? - YES
    Lip stick? - no
    Lip gloss? - YES
    Blusher? - no
    False eyelashes? - never

    Do you think your pretty? - iffy
    Why? - I can't say what I am when it's the world that judges

    Height - 5'5
    Weight - 120lb


    Favourite shop - Rue 21
    Shoe type - Converse
    Clothing label - Whatever I own

    What are you wearing right now? -Shirt, pants, all the undergarments

    Any piercings? - Ears
    When did you get them? - 7months old
    Want any? - Lip

    Tattoos? - I wish
    Want any? - Yes

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - no
    A bracelet? - no
    A ring? - Two

    Are you interested in fashion? - sorta but not really


    Favourite book? - Invisable Monsters / Impulse
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Fight Club (for the 4th time)
    Who's your favourite author? - Erin Hunter
    What's your favourite story genre? - Thriller, fantasy

    Favourite film? - Fight Club / any of the HP's
    Any film you want to see? - Orphan
    Favourite actor? - Johnny depp
    What about actress? - Kira Knightly
    Ever starred in a movie? - What?
    Favourite film genre? - Thriller, fantasy, comedy.

    Favourite TV program? - Family Guy
    Ever been on TV? - Nope
    What channel do you watch most? - 15?
    What do you secretly watch? - Chowder. :tehe:


    Favourite band/singer? - Panic! At The Disco/Panic at The Disco, Fall Out Boy
    Who inspires you? - pete wentz.... :shifty
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "Stop there and let me correct it, I wanna live a life from a new perspective.

    What are you listening to right now? - ISWSIFOBAAIGWTSSWAM [I didn't feel like typing it out]

    Play an instrument? - Bass
    Why? - I enjoy it
    Anyone inspire you to? - What??
    How long have you been playing it? - Two years.


    Hair colour? - Black or ginger/red
    Hair style? - Longish
    Eye colour? - Green or Blue
    Glasses or contacts? - Depends
    Wear make-up? - Eye liner? :tehe:
    Height? - Doesn't matter.
    Weight? - Just slightly cuddly.

    Personality or looks? - Kind, caring.
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny!
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - Shy
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Neither


    What five things could you reach right now? - Pen, cup, cd, sharpie note-pad.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Nope
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Nothing
    What time is it? - 11:35am
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - nope
    Bebo? - nope
    Facebook? - nope
    Myspace? - Yeah.
    How are you feeling right now? - Content
    Did you like this survey?- I guess so...
    July 27th, 2009 at 05:34pm
  • hengstin.

    hengstin. (250)

    United States

    Name - Katherine
    Nicknames - Katie, Kate, Sis, Zwilling, Squeaky, Ginny, Twinny
    Age - 15, and proud of it!
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Undecided


    Hair colour - Brown ("dark blonde", but what does my hairdressing aunt know?)
    Hair style - Medium long, curly
    Is it dyed? - Nope. Never has been
    Eye colour - Gray/Blue, but can change to green, blue, gray, blue/green, gray/green, or all 3
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses
    Wear eyeliner? - If I'm not to lazy to put it on
    Mascara? - Nope. Always scared I'll jab my eye with it
    Lip stick? - No; it's made with fish scales
    Lip gloss? - Sometimes
    Blusher? - Nope
    False eyelashes? - No
    Do you think your pretty? - Sometimes
    Why? - Depends on my mood
    Height - 5'3"
    Weight - 118.5 lbs (5 lbs lower than last month)


    Favourite shop - I don't shop
    Shoe type - Payless :XD
    Clothing label - Whatever they sell at Kohl's, Candie's or something like that

    What are you wearing right now? - Pink tank top, burgundy shorts with reindeer, gingerbread men, snowflakes, poinsettias,a nd diamond designs

    Any piercings? - Nope. I have belonephobia
    When did you get them? - I don't have any.
    Want any? - Yes, a few, ssuch as spider bites, anti-eyebrow, and a tongue piercing

    Tattoos? - I have belonephobia
    Want any? - Yes, on my wrist, hip, and ankle. Not sure of what, though.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - No
    A ring? - No

    Are you interested in fashion? - No


    Favourite book? - Any of the Harry Potters
    What book are you reading at the moment? - 'Salem's Lot, and another book I forget the title of
    Who's your favourite author? - Stephen King
    What's your favourite story genre? - Horror

    Favourite film? - I have no idea
    Any film you want to see? - Too many
    Favourite actor? - Dunno
    What about actress? - Dunno
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nope
    Favourite film genre? - None

    Favourite TV program? - Too many shows!
    Ever been on TV? - On school channels
    What channel do you watch most? - Fuse or the MTV channels
    What do you secretly watch? - I dunno


    Favourite band/singer? - Tokio Hotel, My Chemical Romance, or Panik (prev. Nevada Tan)
    Who inspires you? - The three bands listed above
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - The ones in my signature
    What are you listening to right now? - Everything I'm Not by the Veronicas

    Play an instrument? - I can barely play piano, and I once taught myself how to play Mary Had A Little Lamb on a guitar my cousin had. Now I forget how....
    Why? - I can't read music....
    Anyone inspire you to? - Dad plays piano REALLY well.
    How long have you been playing it? - Three, four years. :XD


    Hair colour? - Any
    Hair style? - Any
    Eye colour? - Any
    Glasses or contacts? - Don't care
    Wear make-up? - Sure, it's their body
    Height? - Within the 5'1"-5'5" range. Anyone taller is too tall, anyone shorter is too short, sorry.
    Weight? - Don't care, but average is a bit more preferred

    Personality or looks? - I like personality better
    Skinny or muscly? - Doesn't matter
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - If he were shy, we'd get along okay; if he were outgoing, we'd get along okay
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel. Jocks are idiots (no offense)
    Cowboy or Gangster? - I don't care. But if he forces me to listen to rap or country, he's OUT!


    What five things could you reach right now? - The laptop, my iPod, my blanket, my pillow, my phone
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My rabbit
    What are you eating? - Nothing, but I'm chewing on a clothing stud from the GeMagic set :shifty:
    What are you drinking? - Nothing
    What time is it? - 3.12
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - No
    Facebook? - I have one, but I'm not on it
    Myspace? - *points at 'Facebook?'*
    How are you feeling right now? - Tired and very bored. And I wanna start singing along to my iPod
    Did you like this survey? - Eh.
    July 29th, 2009 at 09:09am
  • MCR Addict

    MCR Addict (100)

    United States

    Name - Elizabeth
    Nicknames - Beth, Bethy, Bitch, Elizabetch, Biffy, Elizabethy, Errizabiff, etc.
    Age - 16
    Sex - Girl
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Blonde and brown and black
    Hair style - Uh, long-ish with bangs
    Is it dyed? - mhm.
    Eye colour - Greenish Blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - nope.

    Wear eyeliner? - haha YESSS
    Mascara? - yes
    Lip stick? - sometimes
    Lip gloss? - sometimes
    Blusher? -mhm
    False eyelashes? -nope

    Do you think your pretty? - nope.
    Why? - I'm not...

    Height - 5 foot 3 inches
    Weight - 170 lbs. D:


    Favourite shop - hot topic
    Shoe type - converse or vans
    Clothing label - I dont know...

    What are you wearing right now? - gray tanktop and white shorts with hearts. xD

    Any piercings? - a few on my ears.
    When did you get them? - when i was 9, 14, and 16
    Want any? - A LOT. Snakebites, bigger gauges, and indistrialm a conch, and my nose.

    Tattoos? - Nope :(
    Want any? - More than I can count.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Yep.
    A bracelet? - Nope.
    A ring? - Nope.

    Are you interested in fashion? - yes.


    Favourite book? - I have a few...
    What book are you reading at the moment? - A Clockwork Orange
    Who's your favourite author? - Amelia Atwater-Rhodes probably.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Fantasy/horror/adventure/romance

    Favourite film? - Almost Famous
    Any film you want to see? - Some horror movies
    Favourite actor? - Don't have one.
    What about actress? - Zoey Deschanel
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nope
    Favourite film genre? - Horror

    Favourite TV program? - Jackass
    Ever been on TV? - I think I was on the news when I was young...
    What channel do you watch most? - MTV or Bravo
    What do you secretly watch? - A lot. :tehe:


    Favourite band/singer? - MCR
    Who inspires you? - MCR, Paramore, Brody Dalle, Max Bemis, Led Zeppelin, The Ramones, and way more...
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Roger Alan Wade ones.
    What are you listening to right now? - The tv.

    Play an instrument? - A bit of guitar.
    Why? - I want to.
    Anyone inspire you to? - My dad, and all the people I look up to who play. Frankie and Ray. In Love
    How long have you been playing it? - I couple years on and off.


    Hair colour? - Black or Brown
    Hair style? - Emo. ::XD
    Eye colour? - Blue or Brown
    Glasses or contacts? - Glasses are cute
    Wear make-up? - Noooo.
    Height? - Taller than me. Which isn't hard.
    Weight? - Whatever.

    Personality or looks? - both. Personality more so.
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny.
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - Both
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Neither


    What five things could you reach right now? - Remote, pillow case, phone, speaker, balloons
    Is anyone in the room with you? - no
    What are you eating? - nothing
    What are you drinking? - water
    What time is it? - almost 1 am
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - nope
    Bebo? - nope
    Facebook? - nope
    Myspace? - nope
    How are you feeling right now? - Not that great.
    Do you like this survey? Sure.
    July 29th, 2009 at 10:01am
  • Gee Way.

    Gee Way. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Name -Rachael
    Nicknames -Rach
    Age -14
    Sex -Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? -Bisexual


    Hair colour -Brown
    Hair style -Uh.. Longish and Straight
    Is it dyed? -Nope

    Eye colour -Blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? -No

    Wear eyeliner? -Sometimes
    Mascara? -Yep
    Lip stick? -Sometimes
    Lip gloss? -Yep
    Blusher? -Yep
    False eyelashes? -Nope

    Do you think your pretty? -Nope
    Why? -Because I'm not and I've never had a bf :)

    Height -About 5 ft
    Weight -About 8 stone


    Favourite shop -Blue Banana :)
    Shoe type -Converse
    Clothing label -Criminal Damage

    What are you wearing right now? -Clothes :)

    Any piercings? -Nope
    When did you get them? -
    Want any? -Nope

    Tattoos? -No
    Want any? -Yep

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? -No
    A bracelet? -No
    A ring? -No

    Are you interested in fashion? -No


    Favourite book? -Generation Dead
    What book are you reading at the moment? -Kiss Of Life
    Who's your favourite author? -Daniel Waters xD
    What's your favourite story genre? -Don't mind tbh

    Favourite film? -Lesbian Vampire Killers xD
    Any film you want to see? -Orphan
    Favourite actor? -None really
    What about actress? -None
    Ever starred in a movie? -Nope
    Favourite film genre? -Horror or Comedy

    Favourite TV program? -Friends
    Ever been on TV? -No
    What channel do you watch most? -E4
    What do you secretly watch? - Supernanny xD


    Favourite band/singer? -My Chemical Romance :D
    Who inspires you? -Gerard Way
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? -The ones in my signature :)
    What are you listening to right now? -Wake Me Up When September Ends

    Play an instrument? -No
    Why? -I don't want to
    Anyone inspire you to? -No
    How long have you been playing it? -


    Hair colour? -Black or Brown
    Hair style? -Don't mind
    Eye colour? -Don't mind
    Glasses or contacts? -Either
    Wear make-up? -Don't mind :L
    Height? -Taller than me, but not too tall xD
    Weight? -Not too fat :P

    Personality or looks? -Personality
    Skinny or muscly? -Either
    Love or lust? -Love
    Shy or outgoing? -Shy
    Rebel or Jock? -Rebel :L
    Cowboy or Gangster? -Um.. None xD


    What five things could you reach right now? -Mobile, iPod, A DVD, Camera, Magazine :)
    Is anyone in the room with you? -No
    What are you eating? -Nothing
    What are you drinking? Water
    What time is it? -12:22
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? -Yep
    Bebo? -No
    Facebook? -Yeah
    Myspace? -No
    How are you feeling right now? -Tired and kind of angry
    Did you like this survey? It was okay..
    July 29th, 2009 at 01:23pm
  • glitter and gold

    glitter and gold (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Name - Eleanor.
    Nicknames - Smellie.
    Age - 14 (15 in 4 days)
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Blonde
    Hair style - Shoulder length with a side fringe
    Is it dyed? - Nope

    Eye colour - Turquoise
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Nope

    Wear eyeliner? - Yes
    Mascara? - Yes
    Lip stick? - Yes
    Lip gloss? - Yes
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - No

    Do you think your pretty? - Sometimes.
    Why? - It depends on where I am, who I'm with, what I'm wearing and how I'm feeling.

    Height - 5 foot 8 inches.
    Weight - Not saying.


    Favourite shop - I don't have one.
    Shoe type - Converse
    Clothing label - I dont have one.

    What are you wearing right now? - Long grey vest top with black flowers in a smock type way, and a cream miniskirt.

    Any piercings? - Nope
    When did you get them? -
    Want any? - Yes

    Tattoos? - Nope
    Want any? - Yes

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Nope
    A bracelet? - Nope
    A ring? - Nope

    Are you interested in fashion? - Yes


    Favourite book? - I have hundreds. Harry Potter, House Of Night, Twilight etc etc.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - My So-Called Life
    Who's your favourite author? - Meg Cabot.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Romance, probably.

    Favourite film? - At the moment, I can only think of The League Of Extraordinary Men.
    Any film you want to see? - Harry Potter 6;; Transformers 2;; Ice Age 3
    Favourite actor? - Robin Williams;; Harry Lloyd;; David Tennant.
    What about actress? - Can't think of one.
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nope
    Favourite film genre? - Action Romance Comedy type of thing

    Favourite TV program? - Friends
    Ever been on TV? - Nope
    What channel do you watch most? - Channel 4
    What do you secretly watch? - Childrens TV


    Favourite band/singer? - My Chemical Romance;; The Acadmy Is...;; McFly
    Who inspires you? - The above
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Hold Your Head High Heavy Heart
    What are you listening to right now? - Nothing

    Play an instrument? - Does recorder count?
    Why? - Its what I learnt in primary
    Anyone inspire you to? - My teacher, I guess
    How long have you been playing it? - Well, I stopped.


    Hair colour? - Brown/blonde
    Hair style? - I like long and short hair.
    Eye colour? - blue/brown
    Glasses or contacts? - Glasses XD
    Wear make-up? - Yes and no.
    Height? - Taller than me.
    Weight? - Doesnt matter.

    Personality or looks? - Personality
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - Outgoing
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy XD


    What five things could you reach right now? - Puzzle magazine, chocolate brownies, brothers areoplane, coaster and laptop.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Mum and Dad
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Chocolate Fudge brownie milkshake
    What time is it? - 13:48
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - Yes
    Bebo? - No
    Facebook? - Don't have it XD
    Myspace? - ^^
    How are you feeling right now? - Sick, because of the rain and my milkshake
    Did you like this survey? yeh, it was alright
    July 29th, 2009 at 02:49pm
  • Marinesister92

    Marinesister92 (150)

    United States

    Name - Sarah
    Nicknames - hrm, that'd be joe, GoodCop, Crazyface
    Age - 16, counting the days til 17
    Sex - Sporty Girl. duh.
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straightness.


    Hair colour - Dark Brown
    Hair style - annoyingly straight, stupid friz.
    Is it dyed? - hell no.

    Eye colour - brown puddin. tee hee.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - nah, i'm not blind.... yet

    Wear eyeliner? - if not i look like a part of the non-living
    Mascara? - most days.
    Lip stick? - only for special occasions when i feel like looking like a....
    Lip gloss? - eh, more of a chapstick girl.
    Blusher? - nah that's for girlie girls. lmao
    False eyelashes? - To much effort.

    Do you think your pretty? - only sometimes.
    Why? - cause half the time i feel like im 300 lbs. and i look like my mom.

    Height - like 5'1" if that.
    Weight - don't own a scale.


    Favourite shop - don't have one.
    Shoe type - comfy shoes.
    Clothing label - any that fits.

    What are you wearing right now? - softball sweats and an old cut-off softball jersey

    Any piercings? - ears.
    When did you get them? - 3rd grad, 7th grade, 8th grade.
    Want any? - another cartlidge

    Tattoos? - not yet.
    Want any? - heck yeah.

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - no.
    A bracelet? - yeah, my hairtie.
    A ring? - yeah, class ring

    Are you interested in fashion? -yeah fashion=me feeling comfy and look decent.


    Favourite book? - don't have one read to many.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Rogue by Steel.
    Who's your favourite author? - eh read to many different ones.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Fiction, Romance

    Favourite film? - Phantom of the opera or back to the future.
    Any film you want to see? - yeah lots.
    Favourite actor? - Nicholas cage.
    What about actress? - to many stink it up today.
    Ever starred in a movie? - wish.
    Favourite film genre? - anything but horror

    Favourite TV program? - So You Think Youu Can Dance, or make It Or Break It.
    Ever been on TV? - i wish.
    What channel do you watch most? - ESPN
    What do you secretly watch? -Disney.


    Favourite band/singer? - to many
    Who inspires you? - Hank Williams Jr.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? -I'll take you for a ride on my big greeen tractor, we can go slow long as im with you it really don't matter. <3 J.D.
    What are you listening to right now? - Drama Queen- Family Force 5

    Play an instrument? - piano.
    Why? - started at 4 willingly haven't been able to quit.
    Anyone inspire you to? - me.
    How long have you been playing it? -14 years almost.


    Hair colour? - any.
    Hair style? - whatever looks good, but can't be longer than mine.
    Eye colour? - blue, but hey browns okay too.
    Glasses or contacts? -either
    Wear make-up? - eh....
    Height? - taller than me. even if its an inch or three.
    Weight? - i don't care.

    Personality or looks? - personality
    Skinny or muscly? - either
    Love or lust? - love
    Shy or outgoing? - outgoing
    Rebel or Jock? - either
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy because cowboys are super sweet duh.


    What five things could you reach right now? - Phone, ipod, mouse, keyboard, cola.
    Is anyone in the room with you? -nah.
    What are you eating? -hot fudge sundae poptart
    What are you drinking? -sam's cola
    What time is it? -10:31
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - computer on a desk.
    Are you on MSN right now? - yeah.
    Bebo? -nope
    Facebook? - yeah....
    Myspace? - you know it. /shortie2592
    How are you feeling right now? - pooped
    Did you like this survey? long survey.
    July 29th, 2009 at 04:32pm
  • Alphabet Soup

    Alphabet Soup (100)

    United States

    Name - Katelyn
    Nicknames - Smiley
    Age - 15
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - Brown
    Hair style - Layered
    Is it dyed? - No

    Eye colour - Brown
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Nope

    Wear eyeliner? - Nope
    Mascara? - No
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - No
    Blusher? - No
    False eyelashes? - No

    Do you think your pretty? - Hahaha, No.
    Why? - Well,... I've cracked mirrors :shifty

    Height - 5' 2"
    Weight - 115 lb


    Favourite shop - Delia's
    Shoe type - DC/ Vans
    Clothing label -

    What are you wearing right now? - A yellow and blue music T-shirt for All-state band 25 anniversary and blue and white aerie shorts

    Any piercings? - Used to
    When did you get them? - Five or Six years old
    Want any? - Don't really care

    Tattoos? - No
    Want any? - No

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - No
    A ring? - Yes

    Are you interested in fashion? - Yeah, kinda. I wanna look good when I go out, but chill around the house.


    Favourite book? - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    What book are you reading at the moment? - The Case of Abraham Lincoln
    Who's your favourite author? - Robert L. Stevenson
    What's your favourite story genre? - Horror

    Favourite film? - To many
    Any film you want to see? - Sherlock Holmes December 25th 8)
    Favourite actor? - N/A
    What about actress? - N/A
    Ever starred in a movie? - No
    Favourite film genre? - Comedy, Action, a little Romance. As long as it keeps me interested.

    Favourite TV program? - NCIS
    Ever been on TV? - A local channel
    What channel do you watch most? -
    What do you secretly watch? - Cartoons and Anime


    Favourite band/singer? - Panic! At the Disco
    Who inspires you? - No one really :roll:
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Even the man and the moon disappear, somewhere in the stratosphere
    What are you listening to right now? - The sweet sound of silence

    Play an instrument? - Clarinet
    Why? - Because it awesome :hand:
    Anyone inspire you to? - No one
    How long have you been playing it? - Six years


    Hair colour? - As long as he's a nice guy -and not too ugly- I really don't care about looks.
    Hair style? - ^
    Eye colour? - ^
    Glasses or contacts? - ^
    Wear make-up? - ^
    Height? - ^
    Weight? - ^

    Personality or looks? - Personality
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - A nice spot in between
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Neither


    What five things could you reach right now? - A CD case, a fish tank, fish food, a iTunes gift card, and my rabbit.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Nope
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - Nothing
    What time is it? - 12:21p.m.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - No
    Facebook? - No
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Awesome
    Did you like this survey? - Basic stuff :file:
    July 29th, 2009 at 06:22pm
  • oh comely.

    oh comely. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Name - Bekkie
    Nicknames - That is a nickname
    Age - 17
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Pansexual


    Hair colour - Red/Brown
    Hair style - Awful right now.
    Is it dyed? - Yeah

    Eye colour - Blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - I should.

    Wear eyeliner? - Yeah
    Mascara? - Yeah
    Lip stick? - Not usually.
    Lip gloss? - Ditto
    Blusher? - Sometimes
    False eyelashes? - Very rarely

    Do you think your pretty? - Ha. No.
    Why? - I just don't?

    Height - Too short
    Weight - Too much D:


    Favourite shop - Thrift stores/Markets
    Shoe type - Doc Marten's!
    Clothing label - I don't have one

    What are you wearing right now? - ... Pajamas. :]

    Any piercings? - Yessir.
    When did you get them? - Septum when I was 16, labret when I was 17, first lobes when I was 10, second lobes when I was 11, third lobes when I was 15. Loads of others I got between the ages of 13 and 17 that I don't have anymore, as well.
    Want any? - Mmmmmmm.

    Tattoos? - Not yet
    Want any? - Yes! I got a quote for my first one today. :]

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - No
    A bracelet? - No
    A ring? - No

    Are you interested in fashion? - Sort of


    Favourite book? - At the moment, Fight Club. It changes all the time.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Snuff by Chuck Palahniuk.
    Who's your favourite author? - Chuck Palahniuk.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Dystopian universes. And sci-fi...

    Favourite film? - Control
    Any film you want to see? - Yes!
    Favourite actor? - Johnny Depp... Forreal.
    What about actress? - Helena Bonham Carter
    Ever starred in a movie? - No
    Favourite film genre? - Pretty much anything. I like biopics and book adaptations though.

    Favourite TV program? - I don't watch much TV. Probably some panel show like QI.
    Ever been on TV? - No
    What channel do you watch most? - BBC Three or the news channel...
    What do you secretly watch? - Nothing?


    Favourite band/singer? - I have hundreds. The Horrors are one of them though.
    Who inspires you? - The Horrors, Emmy the Great, Portishead, Aphex Twin, plenty of others.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - I remember how we met, but your name I forget, like the door that I have kept unopened. I remember it was wet, and the swelt and the sweat, and the shelter of the bed we slept on. You were stroking me like a pet, but you didn’t own me yet and the tape in the cassette deck was choking. It spat out a broken hallelujah. But I’ve seen the way the earth throws its aces with a curve... You were waiting for the words to come to yer. Just to say that you prefer to be lonely, to be cursed, and to do the very worst you can do. Yeah, I remember you like a verse that I didn’t want to learn. I just looked into your eyes and I knew yer. Now the thought of you is burnt on my body from the first time you did rewind that line from Hallelujah. The original Leonard Cohen version.
    What are you listening to right now? - Mia by Emmy the Great

    Play an instrument? - Cello, bass, guitar, drums, double bass, theremin, keyboard/pinao
    Why? - because i love music
    Anyone inspire you to? - Yeah.
    How long have you been playing it? - Oh God. I've been playing cello the longest, since I was about 5, maybe?


    Hair colour? - Anything.
    Hair style? - Something decent. Nothing really short.
    Eye colour? - I like blue and brown eyes.
    Glasses or contacts? - I don't mind
    Wear make-up? - I don't mind
    Height? - I don't really mind. I like people shorter than me or a lot taller than me though :tehe:
    Weight? - I don't mind, but I do like skinny people... Ironic seeing as I'm a fatty.

    Personality or looks? - Both x:
    Skinny or muscly? - A little of both. Not too many muscles though... D:
    Love or lust? - Both.
    Shy or outgoing? - Both.
    Rebel or Jock? - Labels are stupid.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - ^


    What five things could you reach right now? - Gum, digital camera, various records, sketchbook, acrylic paints.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Yeah
    What are you eating? - Nothing
    What are you drinking? - VIMTOOOO
    What time is it? - 19:15
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - No
    Bebo? - No
    Facebook? - Yes
    Myspace? - No
    How are you feeling right now? - Not too bad.
    Did you like this survey? - Eh. It passed some time.
    July 29th, 2009 at 08:15pm
  • Gemuseladen.

    Gemuseladen. (100)


    Name - Ian.
    Nicknames - Iany (more often than Ian!), Lubester.
    Age - 17
    Sex - Male.
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Gay.


    Hair colour - Naturally, blonde.
    Hair style - Short-ish, atm, long bangs.
    Is it dyed? - At the moment, yes. It's black.

    Eye colour - Brown.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Contacts.

    Wear eyeliner? - Yup.
    Mascara? - Yup.
    Lip stick? - Nope.
    Lip gloss? - Nope.
    Blusher? - Nope.
    False eyelashes? - Nope.

    Do you think your pretty? - No.
    Why? - Too skinny.

    Height - 5'9".
    Weight - I'm not saying. Disgustingly below what it should be at.


    Favourite shop - Somewhere in Berlin. ;D
    Shoe type - My neon Nike Dunks.
    Clothing label - DropDead.

    What are you wearing right now? - Black shorts and tee. What can I say? I'm sick!

    Any piercings? - Ears, tongue. I used to have my nose done.
    When did you get them? - Eh...ears, 12, nose, 13, tongue, 15.
    Want any? - I'm getting snake bites before the week is out - both at once, cos I'm hardcore like that.

    Tattoos? - Not yet.
    Want any? - Hell yes!

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Nope.
    A bracelet? - Yup.
    A ring? - Nope.

    Are you interested in fashion? - Yes.


    Favourite book? - Running With Scissors.
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Sprout by Dale Peck.
    Who's your favourite author? - Dale Peck.
    What's your favourite story genre? - Um...

    Favourite film? - A Clockwork Orange.
    Any film you want to see? - Bruno.
    Favourite actor? - Michael Cera.
    What about actress? - .
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nope.
    Favourite film genre? - Arthouse stuff.

    Favourite TV program? - American Dad.
    Ever been on TV? - Yup.
    What channel do you watch most? - Sky Movies Indie.
    What do you secretly watch? - Home and Away.


    Favourite band/singer? - Tokio Hotel.
    Who inspires you? - Nobody.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "I can see it in your eyes, I can see right through you, there's nothing to you - you conjure lies." - Frayed Ends, Midtown.
    What are you listening to right now? - Lyrical Lies - Cute is What We Aim For.

    Play an instrument? - Drums.
    Why? - I get to beat something inanimate up.
    Anyone inspire you to? - Travis Barker.
    How long have you been playing it? - Five years?


    Hair colour? - Black.
    Hair style? - Something that could be described as emo.
    Eye colour? - Blue.
    Glasses or contacts? - Contacts.
    Wear make-up? - If he wants!
    Height? - Doesn't matter.
    Weight? - Pretty thin...

    Personality or looks? - Personality.
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny.
    Love or lust? - Love.
    Shy or outgoing? - Outgoing.
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy...?


    What five things could you reach right now? - Tea...uh...
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My brother, Lachlan.
    What are you eating? - Don't make me sick.
    What are you drinking? - I'm trying to drink tea.
    What time is it? - 1:54.
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop.
    Are you on MSN right now? - Yes.
    Bebo? - Yes.
    Facebook? - Yes.
    Myspace? - No.
    How are you feeling right now? - Sick. :(
    Did you like this survey? To be honest, it's made my headache worse.
    August 5th, 2009 at 02:55am
  • moxie;

    moxie; (100)


    Name - Larythzza Naughty Try saying it. ;3
    Nicknames - Izzie :: Lary :: Timmy :: Jerry :: Jimmy :: Hey You
    Age - 16
    Sex - Girly Babe.
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight as a ruler. ;D I like them boys.


    Hair colour - Light brown. :0
    Hair style - Uh... Bob with bangs. ;D
    Is it dyed? - Nevah!

    Eye colour - One eye brown & one eye hazel.
    Wear glasses or contacts? - ;3 Yes. I'm blind.

    Wear eyeliner? - Yeppers.
    Mascara? - Jeez yeah.
    Lip stick? - Red. :tehe:
    Lip gloss? - Nope.
    Blusher? - Non.
    False eyelashes? - Haha mine are good thanks.

    Do you think your pretty? - Uh... ._. Dunno really.
    Why? - Uh I just don't think so. ;D My mind says "Heeell no."

    Height - 5'3
    Weight - :tehe: Psh. Skip!


    Favourite shop - Converse
    Shoe type - Converse
    Clothing label - Converse. :3 I have a problem.

    What are you wearing right now? - School t-shirt & shorts. :0

    Any piercings? - Ears.
    When did you get them? - ;D Baby piercing.
    Want any? - Yes ma'am!

    Tattoos? - Nope~
    Want any? - Sure why not?

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - Nope.
    A bracelet? - Livestrong. ;3
    A ring? - Yup.

    Are you interested in fashion? - *-* I have my own thing.


    Favourite book? - ;D Silly Goose. I read too much to know!
    What book are you reading at the moment? - The Alchemist
    Who's your favourite author? - Tie between Jo Rowling & Steven King.
    What's your favourite story genre? - :3 Fantasy.

    Favourite film? - *-* Pan's Labyrinth.
    Any film you want to see? - Orphan.
    Favourite actor? - ._. I don't know names.
    What about actress? - Ditto.
    Ever starred in a movie? - Soon honey, very soon.
    Favourite film genre? - Comedy.

    Favourite TV program? - :3 Fringe.
    Ever been on TV? - Give me two more years. :file:
    What channel do you watch most? - WB.
    What do you secretly watch? - ;D That's why it's a secret.


    Favourite band/singer? - :3 The Beatles.
    Who inspires you? - The Beatles.
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - The Doorway = IO Echo.
    What are you listening to right now? - :tehe: The Big Bang Theory.

    Play an instrument? - Dear God a bit of guitar. ;3 Like crap.
    Why? - No idea. *-*
    Anyone inspire you to? - ._. My mommy pushed me to it.
    How long have you been playing it? - ;D No years. One week.


    Hair colour? - :3 I ain't picky. But I like them redheads.
    Hair style? - Hm... It doesn't matter to me.
    Eye colour? - Colored is pretty.
    Glasses or contacts? - :3 I don't mind either or.
    Wear make-up? - Haha silly goose. ;3 I can take some eyeliner.
    Height? - Taller than me.
    Weight? - Heavier than me. ;3

    Personality or looks? - :0... Both?
    Skinny or muscly? - Toned. :tehe:
    Love or lust? - Love 'course!
    Shy or outgoing? - ;3 What if both are cute..
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel. :file:
    Cowboy or Gangster? - ._. Skip! ;3 *secretly thinks of Cowboys*


    What five things could you reach right now? - :3 Pillow, shoe, water bottle, remote, dog.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - My pups.
    What are you eating? - :3 Nada.
    What are you drinking? - Water!
    What time is it? - 8:44 PM. *-*
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - Laptop!! ;D Gateway.
    Are you on MSN right now? - Noope.
    Bebo? - Jeez no.
    Facebook? - Nine.
    Myspace? - Niet.
    How are you feeling right now? - :3 Perky.
    Did you like this survey? Hahaha do I have a choice? :tehe:
    August 5th, 2009 at 03:48am
  • Lies for a Liar

    Lies for a Liar (305)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Name - Claire
    Nicknames - Bee, Clairey, Bear
    Age - 16
    Sex - f
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? -Meh, I've dated both but I'd probably give myself the "bi-curius" tag.


    Hair colour - GINGER!
    Hair style - Longer than shoudler but not overly long. Side fringe what's growing out a bit.
    Is it dyed? - ....very.

    Eye colour - Brown
    Wear glasses or contacts? - Glasses for reading/seeing things farrrr away.

    Wear eyeliner? - sometimes
    Mascara? - yes
    Lip stick? - once or twice
    Lip gloss? - occasionally
    Blusher? - when I can be fucked, not usually
    False eyelashes? - Nope

    Do you think your pretty? - Sometimes
    Why? - I'd think I was pretty darn ugly if the wife, my ex and two random guys hadn't told me different.

    Height - 5'2"
    Weight - about 90 pounds.


    Favourite shop - Miss Selfridge, but I shop the most in Matalan and Primark. One word: recession.
    Shoe type - flat shoes. Vans and Converse are comfy, I like pumps too.
    Clothing label - see two above.

    What are you wearing right now? - pjs + dressing gown.

    Any piercings? - two in each ear
    When did you get them? - I was about 10 for the first, 13/14 for the second pair further up my looooobe.
    Want any? - yeah a few more.

    Tattoos? - none
    Want any? - I have plans

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - no
    A bracelet? - no
    A ring? - no. Gosh, I am boring.

    Are you interested in fashion? - yes


    Favourite book? - TCIOTDITNT - Mark Haddon
    What book are you reading at the moment? - menna be reading Jane Eyre
    Who's your favourite author? - Mark Haddon
    What's your favourite story genre? - I kind of like crime for books, romance/porn for online stories though. *cough* Please excuse me...

    Favourite film? - American Pie: The Wedding
    Any film you want to see? - Time Traveller's Wife
    Favourite actor? - Mitch Hewer, Ashton Kutcher, Sean William Scott, Johnny Depp, etc.
    What about actress? - Kinda like/love Cameron Diaz and Reese Witherspoon.
    Ever starred in a movie? - Lol.
    Favourite film genre? - Comedy and romance.

    Favourite TV program? - Skins
    Ever been on TV? - In the background on ITV news while my friend was talking about climate change. FAME, YOU SAY? XD
    What channel do you watch most? - Dave
    What do you secretly watch? - I guess I 'secretly' watch Hannah Montana with my sister.


    Favourite band/singer? - The Used
    Who inspires you? - The Used
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - Tunnel by The Used
    What are you listening to right now? - How To Save A Life by The Fray :lmfao

    Play an instrument? - no
    Why? - why should I, bench.
    Anyone inspire you to? - Nah.
    How long have you been playing it? - I haven't..............................


    Hair colour? - idc
    Hair style? - fluffy.
    Eye colour? - idc
    Glasses or contacts? - idc
    Wear make-up? - idc
    Height? - Taller than 5'2 is all good.
    Weight? - I don't care that much, but I don't think I could do anything with a very obese person.

    Personality or looks? - Personality
    Skinny or muscly? - Skinny with some muscle
    Love or lust? - Love. I'm a sap, shup.
    Shy or outgoing? - In between.
    Rebel or Jock? - Not a jock but not a complete rebel either.
    Cowboy or Gangster? - hahaha. Neither. They don't exist that much here either... it'd be between farmer and chav, to which I'd choose farmer as I live in a farming county XD.


    What five things could you reach right now? - phone, mp3 player, mirror, moar hair dye, mug.
    Is anyone in the room with you? - ONLY THE GHOSTS, AND KATHLEEN UNDER MY BED.
    What are you eating? - nuttin
    What are you drinking? - nuttin
    What time is it? - 02:52AM
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - no
    Bebo? - no
    Facebook? - no
    Myspace? - no
    How are you feeling right now? - 'kay
    Did you like this survey? NO.
    August 5th, 2009 at 03:53am
  • Sent by Ravens

    Sent by Ravens (100)

    United States

    Name - Melissa Walsh
    Nicknames - Mel, Missa
    Age -19
    Sex - Female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - Straight


    Hair colour - brown
    Hair style - shoulder lenght, choppy layers
    Is it dyed? - nope

    Eye colour - blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - glasses

    Wear eyeliner? - on occassion
    Mascara? - nope
    Lip stick? - nope
    Lip gloss? - on occassion
    Blusher? - no
    False eyelashes? - no

    Do you think your pretty? - I guess
    Why? - Other people have told me I am, it's just not something I think about on a day to day basis

    Height - 5'7"
    Weight - 115 lbs


    Favourite shop - Khols or Target
    Shoe type - tennis or flip flops
    Clothing label - whatever is there and if I like it

    What are you wearing right now? - boxer shorts and a tank top

    Any piercings? - ears
    When did you get them? - when I was....14 I think---don't remember
    Want any? - cartalage

    Tattoos? - no
    Want any? - not sure

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - nope
    A bracelet? - no
    A ring? - two

    Are you interested in fashion? - enough that I look alright


    Favourite book? - too many to name...have a bad habit of reading books and then losing the title, even if I really love the book
    What book are you reading at the moment? - "Heart of Darkness"- Joseph Conrad
    Who's your favourite author? - like a lot, but I guess John Grisham
    What's your favourite story genre? - legal fiction

    Favourite film? - Star Trek, Across the Universe, 12 Angry Men, A Few Good Men, A Time to Kill
    Any film you want to see? - not at the moment, course I'm not entirely sure what's playing either
    Favourite actor? - Zachary Quinto, Chris Pine, Jim Sturgess, Jimmy Grant
    What about actress? - Rachel McAdams
    Ever starred in a movie? - Nope
    Favourite film genre? - basically any genre, I'm not terribly picky

    Favourite TV program? - Heroes, Raising the Bar, Merlin, Primeval
    Ever been on TV? - when I was little, I was on the news with my class
    What channel do you watch most? - NBC
    What do you secretly watch? - Jonas when my sister's watching


    Favourite band/singer? - way too many to list
    Who inspires you? - depends on what I'm listening to
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - lyrics from Saliva's "Broken Sunday"
    What are you listening to right now? - Nothing, the TV's on

    Play an instrument? - piano, though it's been awhile since I've actually played
    Why? - parents made me take it
    Anyone inspire you to? - not really
    How long have you been playing it? - played it from 2nd to 6th grade


    Hair colour? - Doesn't matter a whole lot, but I do lean more towards darker hair
    Hair style? - Coming to find that as long as it's neat, I don't care
    Eye colour? - Blue
    Glasses or contacts? - Doesn't matter
    Wear make-up? - rather they didn't, but hey, I guess I'd be alright with it
    Height? - perferrably 6'+, though really, all he has to be is taller than me
    Weight? - Doesn't really matter, though prefer not overly over weight

    Personality or looks? - Personality
    Skinny or muscly? - Doesn't matter
    Love or lust? - Love
    Shy or outgoing? - outgoing
    Rebel or Jock? - Rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? - Cowboy


    What five things could you reach right now? - keys, phone, address labels, Linkin' Park CD, Powerade
    Is anyone in the room with you? - Dog, cat and my mom
    What are you eating? - Not realy
    What are you drinking? - Mountain Dew
    What time is it? - 11:01
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - laptop
    Are you on MSN right now? - nope
    Bebo? - no
    Facebook? - no
    Myspace? - no
    How are you feeling right now? - alright
    Did you like this survey? - Sure, it was fun
    August 5th, 2009 at 05:01am
  • Modern Myth

    Modern Myth (100)

    United States

    Name - Alexis
    Nicknames - Alex, Lexi, Lexy, Alex
    Age - 15
    Sex - female
    Straight/bi-sexual/gay? - straight


    Hair colour - brown
    Hair style - straight, pony tail
    Is it dyed? - nah

    Eye colour - light blue
    Wear glasses or contacts? - contacts

    Wear eyeliner? - rarely
    Mascara? - sometimes
    Lip stick? - No
    Lip gloss? - nah
    Blusher? - no
    False eyelashes? - nah

    Do you think your pretty? - I'm told I am
    Why? - Idk, go look at my pictures and find out :P

    Height - 5'5"
    Weight - 135 lbs


    Favourite shop - Wal*Mart
    Shoe type - Converse, NSS, or Vans
    Clothing label - idc, as long as it's nice

    What are you wearing right now? - Black wifebeater, underclothes, yellow shorts, contacts

    Any piercings? - one in each ear
    When did you get them? - one at 4 and one at 11. (I was too scared for the second one)
    Want any? - maybe
    Tattoos? - no
    Want any? - just one on my wrist

    Are you wearing a necklace right now? - no
    A bracelet? - no
    A ring? -no

    Are you interested in fashion? - not really


    Favourite book? - The Way Of Shadows, Shadow's Edge, Beyond The Shadows
    What book are you reading at the moment? - Nothin
    Who's your favourite author? - Right now? Brian Weeks
    What's your favourite story genre? - Fiction-fantasy

    Favourite film? - Nightmare Before Christmas
    Any film you want to see? - Want to see HP#6 again
    Favourite actor? - Garrett Hedlund
    What about actress? - don't have one
    Ever starred in a movie? - nah
    Favourite film genre? - comedy

    Favourite TV program? - Family Guy
    Ever been on TV? - Maybe.
    What channel do you watch most? - Fuse
    What do you secretly watch? - Pokemon =D


    Favourite band/singer? - All Time Low
    Who inspires you? - No one, really
    What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? - "Therapy, you were never a friend to me."
    What are you listening to right now? - Commercials

    Play an instrument? - flute, piano, saxophone, clarinet, recorder
    Why? - no reason
    Anyone inspire you to? - nah
    How long have you been playing it? - 6th grade


    Hair colour? - dark
    Hair style? - whatever
    Eye colour? - green or hazel
    Glasses or contacts? - idc
    Wear make-up? - no
    Height? - a little taller then me
    Weight? - idc

    Personality or looks? - personality.
    Skinny or muscly? - idc
    Love or lust? - love
    Shy or outgoing? - outgoing.
    Rebel or Jock? - rebel
    Cowboy or Gangster? -neither


    What five things could you reach right now? - remote, fork, MP3 player, light bulb, and pain killers
    Is anyone in the room with you? - two dogs
    What are you eating? - nothin
    What are you drinking? - nothin
    What time is it? - 11:11 PM (no joke)
    Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? - desktop
    Are you on MSN right now? - nah
    Bebo? - no
    Facebook? - was
    Myspace? - no
    How are you feeling right now? - bored
    Did you like this survey?- it was okay
    August 5th, 2009 at 05:11am