Blood Donations

  • sunflowers.:
    I would love to give blood when I'm older. It's only a couple months till I legally can, and I'd definetly do it every year if I could.
    I don't plan on donating my organs at all, so I think it's something I want to do instead, to do my bit.

    I'm not sure if my weight matters though. I'm underweight, would that prevent me from giving blood? Shifty
    Being underweight will prevent you from donating.
    August 18th, 2010 at 03:46am
  • I've given plasma before, but I can't give actual blood because I'm anemic.
    August 18th, 2010 at 05:23am
  • I'm going to donate blood every chance I get, this year.
    Last year was my first time and it was very rewarding to know I could have saved a life or three.
    August 18th, 2010 at 10:14am
  • I've never donated blood because I've always been tattooed or pierced too recently. I've wanted to for a long time though. I am on the organ register for everything though.
    August 18th, 2010 at 02:55pm
  • bad news.:
    Being underweight will prevent you from donating.
    OMG NO! ah really? oh dear. i might email them and check, i'd really love to donate.

    edit: just checked. You have to weigh 50kg minimum to give blood and i'm 5kg less. Sad hmmm. Is that because they don't want you to lose too much blood?
    August 18th, 2010 at 07:10pm
  • ^ I think it's because those who are underweight are more likely to feel sick and pass out, all that fun stuff.
    August 18th, 2010 at 07:22pm
  • I always wanted to donate but I cant :P My familly has a long history of diseases and stuff, so it wouldn't really help to donate my blood. I don't know if that counts for other things like plasma, organs, etc;

    If I could, I'd probably donate that stuff too, once i'm legal...

    If I ever die, which I hope wont be for a long while, would my organs be acceptable for donation? Or would my families history of disease not permit me to donate? :P
    August 18th, 2010 at 09:01pm
  • I wanted to donate but my heart rate was 1 beat too fast.

    So no donating for me. I cried for hours. =/ I was so excited. I've tried donating like four other times after that, and fail for just a few beats every time.

    Yet, the same girl who passes out every time she donates, and sometimes passes out for no reason at all has donated 3 times.... No shocker that she has passed out every single time. Stupid sons of bitches. >.<
    August 21st, 2010 at 07:40pm
  • We don't do blood drives at my school, and as far as I know, most schools in England don't, but I'm not going to be allowed to donate for a while. Not only because of my age, but also because I have inflamed blood vessels and as this is a reccuring problem, my doctor told me that I'm going to have to go for at least 5 years without any problems before I'm allowed to donate.

    I was really dissapointed. Sad
    August 22nd, 2010 at 02:16pm
  • I had donated 3 times during high school, two out of the three during my senior year. Though it is a rewarding feeling and I know that if I ever need blood it would come back to me, I don't think i'll ever do it again.

    The last time I donated blood, the nurse took it out of my right arm where the vein isn't visible. I had a collapsed vein and my whole arm was black and blue for a month. I can't trust those nurses anymore
    August 25th, 2010 at 06:06am
  • i saw sparks:
    I've given plasma before, but I can't give actual blood because I'm anemic.
    Oh, how to they do that?
    August 25th, 2010 at 08:47am
  • equivocal:
    Oh, how to they do that?
    They hook you up to a machine and draw your blood, run it through a machine that separates the plasma from the red blood cells and other stuff, and put the red blood cells back into you.

    It takes longer than just giving blood, but I can't give blood.
    August 27th, 2010 at 02:22am
  • I gave blood once and all I have to show is permanent nerve damage in my left wrist and a donor's card.
    December 8th, 2010 at 09:51am
  • I remember I had a resistant staff infection and I had to be put in the hospital. They had to put an I.V. in and they first tried on my thumb, where the knuckle is and they didn't get the vain. Then they tried in the middle of my hand(on top) and they both hurt like a bitch. But I donate blood when the school has a blood drive and I'm O+, which makes me happy so then I can help so many more people:)
    December 17th, 2010 at 02:13am
  • Want to give blood very badly, tried to give blood on four separate occasions, failed all four times. Damn it, they're going to take some of my blood whether they like it or not!

    Some lucky patient will never be the same....
    December 18th, 2010 at 09:30am
  • Blood donation is not just a noble deed; it is also a very easy and vital aspect of any society. it is important to your society and to your community.The average human body carries 10 pints of blood, while the average red blood cell transfusion is approximately 3 pints.
    February 9th, 2012 at 04:43pm
  • I donated about three times this past year just recently, but I really do love donating. My mom and I both go actually just at the American Legion around the corner, it's good to help out since not too many people do in my area :/ kind of sad, but c'est la vie.
    May 1st, 2012 at 12:59am
  • How long do you guys have to wait between donations? In Australia it's every three months and I'm like Twitch WHY. I felt fine by the next day and I'm sure the blood was all back within a week or two, I can save three lives every time so I just want to be always giving blood. I'm A+ Cute I wish I was O so the blood could go to anyone, but, genetics. Our blood donation is so stringent, though; I want to get another tattoo, but you can't donate for six months after, in case you got hepatitis or something, which, news flash, is more likely to happen by, idk, going to a hospital or using a public bathroom, probably, than a super-sterile environment such as a reputable expensive tattoo parlour. I read that in other countries, if the parlour is okay'd by the government (i.e. has passed their quality/standards tests) you don't have to wait much longer than the healing time. Anyway, next donation will be in about three weeks and I am going to take some friends who've never done it and convert them to life long donors. Weird Wow Con
    May 1st, 2012 at 01:39pm
  • ^ In the US, I think you're allowed to donate blood every eight weeks.

    I donate about three/four times a year - when my university hosts their blood drive. I've been doing it since high school (during high school, they hosted the drive during the school day and you'd get three periods off after donating - and gym, if your gym period was after your donation - so we all used to sign up nice and early XD ). Now I donate pretty much out of habit. My mom's a nurse so she's always been pro-blood (and organ) donation and use to volunteer at local drives when we were kids.
    May 1st, 2012 at 11:25pm
  • I don't know about you guys but where I live there's these buses everywhere that allow you to donate blood. Most they're at the mall and if you donate blood you get a free movie ticket. I'd really like to do it but the idea of it scares me. I don't trust it. My family doesn't understand it. All I can think about is like a meals on wheels. Shifty
    May 13th, 2012 at 05:26am