Things You Hate to Write

  • ayanasioux:
    I also hate writing climatic parts. It's hard because I want the reader to really feel it so I think a lot on how to write it. I usually procrastinate when I know I'm going to write a part like that soon and hold off on the story for a bit. I eventually get it over with, though, after I put my head to it.
    This. Or just really important scenes in general. I'll be looking forward to writing them, and then just get stuck with how to go about it xD
    July 10th, 2011 at 11:44pm
  • People getting dressed. People getting undressed.

    Anything that involves a lot of clothing is a bit tedious for me to write because I feel like there's no way to make it read less boringly.
    July 16th, 2011 at 04:04am
  • Abuse... of any kind. It just... I can't describe it. I just don't like writing it. Period.
    July 16th, 2011 at 06:17am
  • I hate writing those kind of 'filler' scenes, where basically something has just happened, and something will happen in the next chapter, but the characters have got to actually get to that point. I never know what to write, and I end up filling it with either pointless talking about nothing much, describing the weather (urgh!) or the characters going 'what just happened?' 'I don't know' etc.

    And I find that a lot of my romantic scenes come across as being a bit cheesy and cliched, so that's stopped me from enjoying writing them. I always use really overused sorts of phrases to describe kissing and stuff, and I probably exaggerate the characters' emotions way too much. Although, to be fair, I've never been in love in the same way as my characters, so maybe that really is how some people feel.
    July 16th, 2011 at 05:44pm
  • i saw sparks:
    People getting dressed. People getting undressed.

    Anything that involves a lot of clothing is a bit tedious for me to write because I feel like there's no way to make it read less boringly.
    I also don't like describing clothing.
    July 16th, 2011 at 09:34pm
  • DreamingWithoutFear:
    I hate writing those kind of 'filler' scenes, where basically something has just happened, and something will happen in the next chapter, but the characters have got to actually get to that point. I never know what to write, and I end up filling it with either pointless talking about nothing much, describing the weather (urgh!) or the characters going 'what just happened?' 'I don't know' etc.
    It's funny, I usually like the filler scenes the most and hate the big things (with the exception of my story Dream Life). One thing that I do to help me with that is add some in-direct foreshadowing and basic human things like playing a card game or talking on a serious topic with someone the character knows. I especially love foreshadowing. I did this like mad with my story Extranormal and I'm doing it with Dream Life also.
    And I find that a lot of my romantic scenes come across as being a bit cheesy and cliched, so that's stopped me from enjoying writing them. I always use really overused sorts of phrases to describe kissing and stuff, and I probably exaggerate the characters' emotions way too much. Although, to be fair, I've never been in love in the same way as my characters, so maybe that really is how some people feel.
    I can so agree. That's why I don't write romances, I hate them, actually. Don't like to read them or write them. I'm a very non-romantic person and I don't like that "I'm so in love with this person" talk and shit like that. I can see my future filled with a lot of scandalous relationships and two night stands (one night sounds too ho-ish) I mean, if the person is that much in love, fine, but I don' t like it when people describe every aspect of the things they love in one paragraph constantly throughout the story, or even explain it to a high extent at all.
    I also don't like describing clothing.
    Yikes, me either. Although I did do it from time to time in Extranormal, but I made it really quick and not too descriptive. The only time I described what a person is wearing is if it's significant to the plot. In Dream Life, I hardly described any clothing at all. I don't think it's a thing that guys do (the main character in the story) a lot.
    July 16th, 2011 at 09:41pm
  • i saw sparks:
    People getting dressed. People getting undressed.

    Anything that involves a lot of clothing is a bit tedious for me to write because I feel like there's no way to make it read less boringly.
    I don't like describing clothing itself, I think that's pretty dull, but I think you can find interesting ways to describe people getting dressed or undressed. Especially undressed. File


    I hate writing scenes that are supposed to set you up for something that happens later. Foreshadowing is not my strong point.
    July 16th, 2011 at 10:06pm
  • ayanasioux:
    I can so agree. That's why I don't write romances, I hate them, actually. Don't like to read them or write them. I'm a very non-romantic person and I don't like that "I'm so in love with this person" talk and shit like that. I can see my future filled with a lot of scandalous relationships and two night stands (one night sounds too ho-ish) I mean, if the person is that much in love, fine, but I don' t like it when people describe every aspect of the things they love in one paragraph constantly throughout the story, or even explain it to a high extent at all.
    Ohmygosh, I love cheesy speeches about love! I mean I can totally understand my people don't, and generally there's a significant part of me that's thinking "THIS IS SO DUMB AND AWKWARD AND CLICHE", but deep down I completely love them. tehe Like I just watched Chasing Amy, and that scene of Ben Affleck professing his hopeless love to Joey Lauren Adams in the pouring rain, no less...I'm a total sucker for that. In spite of Ben Affleck's awful goatee and everything.


    I think the thing that has been most difficult for me to try to write are those moments that happen in life that are very quick and natural but involve like, eighty bajillion social cues (I don't really challenge myself as a writer very much, so). Like, when a character answers the door and the other character is carrying something heavy, and they have to greet each other and get inside, and the one character offers to carry the thing for the other one, but doesn't really ask, just implies it by saying "D'you want me to...?" and holding out their arms, and the other character has to refuse help but find out where to put the thing, and it always takes me way too long to describe and then it totally messes up the flow because the whole exchange is supposed to take place over the course of a minute or two. Twitch
    July 17th, 2011 at 03:45am
  • i too am a sucker for cheesy romance, though when I'm writing, I try to avoid the cliches and find new ways to describe things like kissing and lovey-dovey stuff. Its the fun part for me.
    Paragraphs of description (like clothing) IS very dull, and can totally be weaved into the story dialogue or something like... she adjusted her green tank top around her hips, or something. you still get the description, but less dull paragraphs of it.
    I personally hate action scenes--especially at the climax of a story. I always think i don't write it right, and that it's not realistic or as exciting as it should be. I avoid them, and when i do write them, it takes me forever because I want to get it just right. I'm finding this is more common than I thought... :)
    July 17th, 2011 at 07:15am
  • Sex.
    Wow...I just...just can't do it.
    I think a lot of people have that issue during writing though, so I'm not too worried.
    July 20th, 2011 at 07:11pm
  • ^ I'll second that one. I hate writing it or even trying to write it which is why none of my stories have sex in them or any reference to it.
    July 21st, 2011 at 09:14pm
  • Transitions are killer... like trying to go over a few months. I always feel like I'm glazing over too much, and that my story is lumpy (yes I do realize how little sense that makes). Like how I can write a day in twenty pages but then glaze over a month in a paragraph? I hate it.
    July 21st, 2011 at 09:44pm
  • ^ I hate that feeling too. I almost want to do the stupid ***~~~*~*~THREE MONTHS LATER~*~*~~~*** things because it sounds so odd and formal to be like, "The months passed and fall turned into winter…"
    July 21st, 2011 at 11:25pm
  • loverfayce.:
    ^ I hate that feeling too. I almost want to do the stupid ***~~~*~*~THREE MONTHS LATER~*~*~~~*** things because it sounds so odd and formal to be like, "The months passed and fall turned into winter…"
    "Winter turned into spring. Spring turned into summer. Summer suddenly turned into winter. Then winter gave spring and summer a jump and went straight into fall."
    lmfao (Monty Python)

    Characters flirting xD It's so impossible for me to write properly.
    July 22nd, 2011 at 12:05am
  • ^ i have a similar issue. mostly because I am not a very good flirt in real life, so its not easy to write it.
    July 22nd, 2011 at 04:10am
  • mrsgregcarter:
    ^ i have a similar issue. mostly because I am not a very good flirt in real life, so its not easy to write it.
    I think that's my problem too xD Like, I can write friends just screwing around with each other, but I can't write anything serious.
    July 22nd, 2011 at 07:34am
  • Icamane Potter:
    Characters flirting xD It's so impossible for me to write properly.
    I can't write flirting without making the girl sound like a whore, so uh, I don't know what that says about me…
    July 22nd, 2011 at 08:51am
  • Things I have no experience with. I'm writing from a teacher's point of view and it's really hard. There is only so much you can google.

    Also along the same vein, scenes set in hospitals, because I've never had an operation, so if I ever have a character in an accident I have to kind of skip over the hospital part.
    July 22nd, 2011 at 04:40pm
  • I've discovered with my newest story that I hate writing second chapters... a lot.
    And endings. Endings are the worst. I never know exactly how to end it or if I provided enough closure or too much closure. Grr
    July 22nd, 2011 at 07:11pm
  • I hate writing all the tiny details of sex, like condoms (if they're used), and especially, since I write a lot of gay male couples, the use of lube. To me, it's not important at all and I just think the reader should be intelligent enough to assume that those things are being used (unless it's specifically mentioned that they're not, for whatever reason), but based on what I've read a lot of people say on this site, people are really bothered when those things aren't mentioned. I don't know. I just don't know how to make some guy lubin' up his shit sound sexy.
    July 29th, 2011 at 05:08am