Religion and Homosexuality

  • Dr. Feelgood:
    "Choose that path"? Loving someone isn't committing a crime. Loving someone is not a sin.

    How is killing somebody on the same par as being gay?
    Obviously, I don't agree with this, but it's a quote pulled from a message I got from someone on YouTube. This guy had said that homosexuality is just as bad as murder, and when I asked him about it, this is what he said:
    What is it when one gay gives another gay AIDS and he knows that he has it? Murder in a normal persons mind.
    May 25th, 2009 at 04:33pm
  • The 'AIDS is a gay disease' argument was thrown out in the 1980s.
    That person clearly needs to be educated.
    May 25th, 2009 at 04:47pm
  • Cresent_Moon_126:
    I'm a christian, and I believe that you have a choice to be homosexual, no one forces you to be gay, God doesn't decide whether you're going to be gay or not, as you live, you choose that path.

    Christians aren't supposed to judge, but they're not suposed to sympathize either. If you want to find out whether being homosexual is a sin, by the biblical purposes, it's in the bible. Specifiacally in the bible, which is why most churches don't let homosexuals in the church.
    Killing someone or being gay according to God, is still sin in God's eyes.
    Yet you never hear any people talking about how they chose to be straight. (Unless they're "reformed" gays.)
    God made us. God made us with the sexual orientation we are. Because it's not a choice. Science and doctors and psychology have proven that.
    Being homosexual is never specified as a sin in the Bible.
    Tell me, when did you make the conscious decision to be heterosexual?
    And, please, tell me when I made the conscious decision to be pansexual. Because I was confused about my sexual orientation for nearly five years.
    May 26th, 2009 at 02:27am
  • I'm saying, thinking about how God would look at sin, both is still considered a sin isn't it, so does it matter?Sp Ike

    Loving someone isn't committing a crime, neither is it a sin, but I'm saying, in Christian religion, having the same gender partner is considered a sin. :con:

    In many dif. accounts it talks about that being an abomination, which means it is against God, so, anything that is against God, is initially a sin. Victory

    To be confused about that, you could be attracted to someone's spirit, how they act, but now, it gets twisted and people claim to be in love with same sexes. It's perverse, really, to me.
    But, I'm not going to preach or anything, I don't do that, unless of course the other party's willing to listen. :file:

    Though I still think you have a choice, I have a choice, right now, that I'm not attracted to girls, it's all about self will really.
    May 26th, 2009 at 03:18am
  • Cresent_Moon_126:
    Loving someone isn't committing a crime, neither is it a sin, but I'm saying, in Christian religion, having the same gender partner is considered a sin. :con:

    Though I still think you have a choice, I have a choice, right now, that I'm not attracted to girls, it's all about self will really.
    Having the same "gender partner", you still love them and care for them the way you would if they were of the opposite sex. So in Christian religion, being gay, loving someone of the same gender, being a homosexual, is a sin. Isn't Christianity about being accpeting, accepting all people? Regardless, you can be accepting without having a Christian religion.

    I don't think it's about getting up in the morning and saying to yourself, right - today I'm going to like girls, for the rest of my life I'm going to like woman.

    What you feel is not self will. You cannot help the way you feel. I think your argument is bullshit.
    May 26th, 2009 at 06:00am
  • Cresent_Moon_126:
    Loving someone isn't committing a crime, neither is it a sin, but I'm saying, in Christian religion, having the same gender partner is considered a sin. :con:
    Not true. Never once in the Bible does it speak out against loving, monogamous homosexual relationships.

    There are seven verses admonishing certain homosexual behaviors regarding sex in the Bible, but never does it say anything against loving homosexual relationships.

    So... do your research.
    May 26th, 2009 at 07:49am
  • Like I said the idea of the same gender partner is perverse, that is how you can "love" someone who is the exact same gender as yourself.

    Christianity is about believing in the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Accepting a gay person, or whatever is fine, we see that you are like that, but we aren't supposed to sympathize.
    Yeah, you might not feel self will, actually if you're already in sin, you'd have no 'choice', really, unless you actually tried to stop, then you have a choice whether you want to be gay or not.
    If you think it so, then stop replying, I'm not going to waste anything on someone who doesn't want to listen, like I said before.

    Yeeeaaa, that's what I'm talking about, what, *sigh* happened to those "homosexual" behaving people? They were usually destroyed right? They were referred to as abominations, which means it isn't of God, and if it isn't of God and he destroys it, it's out of his will, and anything out of his will is a sin.
    May 26th, 2009 at 07:56am
  • Cresent_Moon_126:
    Accepting a gay person, or whatever is fine, we see that you are like that, but we aren't supposed to sympathize.
    I don't understand why you keep mentioning sympathize. Why would gay people expect christians to sympathize with them? :shifty
    Yeeeaaa, that's what I'm talking about, what, *sigh* happened to those "homosexual" behaving people? They were usually destroyed right? They were referred to as abominations, which means it isn't of God, and if it isn't of God and he destroys it, it's out of his will, and anything out of his will is a sin.
    However, "abomination" was used to mean untraditional in those times as well.
    May 26th, 2009 at 08:56am
  • Wow... I was gonna resist but I think I need to respond now.

    Love is not and never will be a matter of self will. You do not decide whether or not you'll fall in love with someone.
    In the bible it speaks of lying with someone of the same gender in bed as an abomination... (aka homosexual sex).
    Do you want to know what was also considered an abomination in that same book in the bible? Shellfish. Any and all shellfish is considered an abomination. If you eat it you are as sinful as someone that participates in homosexual sex.

    Guess what else was brought up in that section?

    If you're a woman on your period everything you touch or sit on will be considered "unclean" for like 30 days and you must sacrifice a dove or the like at a church.

    Does that happen nowadays? Because if so I'd love to see it...

    I've brought this fact up with people before and they said "Oh well that is no longer a sin since Jesus died for us"


    That is all I have to say, an answer would be appreciated.
    May 26th, 2009 at 09:27am
  • I keep mentioning sympathize because that's one of my mom's favorite lines, it self explantory, really, it isn't the fact that homosexuals would want sympathy, it's the fact that Christians won't conform to the way the world is, basically.

    Yep, and everything traditional, in Hebrew terms, used to be of God, right.


    It's perverse, like I said before.

    But that's the old testament, the reason why people say that is because when Jesus came, he brought the new covenant with God and his people. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice, which is why we don't have to kill bulls and rams anymore.

    Murder is still a sin, stealing is still a can't just say that homosexuality is the only thing that didn't change.
    If God was alright with homosexuality, then why didn't he make two men at the beginning of time, or two women?
    Homosexuality goes against what God put in order, therefore it's a sin.
    May 26th, 2009 at 11:11am
  • ^
    So then, God is a-okay with incest?

    But anyway,

    The first woman existed 10,000 years before the first man.
    May 26th, 2009 at 12:48pm
  • Lol I keep forgetting how stupid an argument can a Christian pull together
    May 26th, 2009 at 03:18pm
  • Cresent_Moon_126:
    Accepting a gay person, or whatever is fine, we see that you are like that, but we aren't supposed to sympathize.
    Yes you are. Even the strictest Catholics are supposed to love gay people.
    Whatever you believe about their personal lives, a gay person is still a child of God (if you believe in God. Which I assume you do). You need to love them like you would love any other person. Isn't that love the whole principle of Christianity? Love thy neighbour as thyself - regardless of who they are, or what they've done.
    Campbell Bain.:
    The first woman existed 10,000 years before the first man.
    I don't get this. Is it Lucy?
    If so, what's to say that there isn't a male skeleton out there of the same age, just that we haven't found it yet?
    After all, we're still making discoveries. Filling in the gaps. Ida is the latest, and I'm pretty sure she won't be the last.
    May 26th, 2009 at 04:59pm
  • Cresent_Moon_126:
    It's perverse, like I said before.

    But that's the old testament, the reason why people say that is because when Jesus came, he brought the new covenant with God and his people. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice, which is why we don't have to kill bulls and rams anymore.

    Murder is still a sin, stealing is still a can't just say that homosexuality is the only thing that didn't change.
    If God was alright with homosexuality, then why didn't he make two men at the beginning of time, or two women?
    Homosexuality goes against what God put in order, therefore it's a sin.
    Murder and stealing are still sins because they harm other people. When the bible was written, it became the law, so rules that said do not murder, do not steal were a good plan.

    Why is love a sin? Homosexual sex, I can understand, it doesn't produce children, and could not in any shape or form when the bible was written. I think the reason it's a sin is because sex (even heterosexual sex) is considered bad. If you're having sex to have children, well, okay, the church can live with that. But sex for joy? No way. Sex is related to a multitude of sins, and as sex outside of marriage is a sin, and homosexuals can't marry in many places, that would make it a sin, would it not?

    I think it's been carried too far, and people have become close minded to the reasoning behind the original verse. And why there's such a big deal made over it is sort of beyond me. We don't stone people do death for blasphemy anymore, and a lot of other things, why is there still a homosexual prejudice?
    May 26th, 2009 at 05:27pm
  • Cresent_Moon_126:
    I keep mentioning sympathize because that's one of my mom's favorite lines
    You're just regurgitating the same thing that your parents don't understand from a preacher who also doesn't understand.

    Do you not get that you sound like a robot?
    May 26th, 2009 at 05:29pm
  • Cresent_Moon_126:
    Like I said the idea of the same gender partner is perverse, that is how you can "love" someone who is the exact same gender as yourself.
    You're not listening.
    I just stated that it never ever ever EVER says in the Bible that a loving, monogamous relationship with a same sex gender partner is a sin.
    I'm sorry to keep bolding things, but maybe people will read it if it's bolded.
    It's never stated as a sin.
    It's never stated as perverse.
    It's never stated as something wrong.

    The only time homosexuality is stated as a sin is in regards to casual, promiscuous gay sex. Which is fine because casual, promiscuous heterosexual sex is a sin, too.


    You can't keep saying God says it's a sin and it's perverse if you don't have anything to back it up.
    May 26th, 2009 at 07:33pm
  • Cresent_Moon_126:
    Like I said the idea of the same gender partner is perverse, that is how you can "love" someone who is the exact same gender as yourself.
    In addition to what Druscilla just said, your use of 'gender' is contentious, too.
    I mean, I'm quite happy to say that I find transvestism and or cross dressing attractive. I find extreme effeminacy in men attractive. I find men in dresses, high-heels and makeup attractive. I can't explain why, but then again, if I can't choose who I'm attracted to, then I shouldn't have to. I don't know if there is a special word for it, either.

    Essentially, I am attracted to men who display outward signs of the female gender. I identify with the female gender. So does that make me perverse?
    Gender doesn't refer to your biological setup. It's about social characteristics and stereotypes. If I was attracted to the female sex, I would be a lesbian, but I'm not. Therein lies the difference.

    A lot of male transvestites are straight. So, if they dated a woman, they should be perfectly acceptable to Christians. Then again, ultra-Christians can probably find some way to take issue with transvestites, I don't know. Actually, it would be quite interesting to find out.
    May 26th, 2009 at 08:17pm
  • What religion are you and what effect does your religion have on your opinion of gay people, gay rights, gay behaviors, etc?

    I am Chrsitian and personally, I believe that my religion calls us to love gay people and everything else about them

    Do you think religion is one of the main barriers of gay rights?
    yes, I believe that religion is one of the main barriers of gay rights because radical Christians ruin it for the rest of us

    What do you think of gay marriages in a church? Should they be allowed? Should they not? Under what circumstances should they be allowed?
    I am not sure of gay marriage in the first place (I mean, I believe they should have the same rights as married couples but not sure about other things, it's hard to explain), so the whole church thing is a little iffy to me.
    Do you think God/Allah/Jehovah/Yaweh/whoever loves gay people? Do you think He/She created gay people?
    Yes, I believe that God loves gay people! I believe He created them too, just as He created straight people!
    May 26th, 2009 at 08:57pm
  • Xsoteria:
    Lol I keep forgetting how stupid an argument can a Christian pull together
    There's no need to be rude about them. They have as much right to stating their opinion as anyone else.
    If God was alright with homosexuality, then why didn't he make two men at the beginning of time, or two women?
    If God thought of homosexuality as a sin, then why did he make gay people? It's not something you can choose. Who walks down the street one day thinking, "Hmm, decisions, decisions. Shall I fall in love with men, or women? Or both... or neither...?" It just doesn't happen.

    Besides, the reason God made a man and a woman at the beginning of time was so that the world would soon be populated. He wasn't saying "This is what a couple should be."
    May 26th, 2009 at 09:18pm
  • ^Actually I think I've refrained myself well quite a bit. I didn't even point out anyone in particular, and no bad words were used. So get off my back, irrational omnipoliteness isn't the site's particular rule and I'll be impolite as much as I like.
    May 26th, 2009 at 09:34pm