British Universities!

  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Stephen Fry:
    I'm about to start UCAS and will probably make you regret saying that Weird

    Could you just describe it to me? Sorry, I know I'm being horribly vague, but what's your average week? What kind of things have you covered? What are lectures/classes/whatever else you have like? What books have you covered? What would you recommend reading beforehand? What's your advice on accommodation? What do you wish you'd known before going? I want to know as much information as possible, even though I'm pretty much already sold tehe
    I will never regret talking at length about Edinburgh's English department Weird

    The timetable should be the same for the forseeable future, but we have three weekly lectures, all 50 minutes long. They're on a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. In addition there's also a 50 minute tutorial but there's no fixed time and you have a little bit of choice about this. A lot of the info about what we read should be on here. Especially check this page out, you should be able to access it and it gives you an idea of how much reading is set per week and how the lectures are structured.

    Lectures, well, what can I say about lectures. The lecturers themselves are generally amazing, there are a few who lack charisma/the ability to make things interesting, but by and large they're the sort of people who are pretty ~inspiring to listen to. Like, I really wish I could go to the 'What is literature?' lecture again because the guy who gives it is just so wonderful. I'm so nerdy I cannot even, but whatever. Tutorials are a bit more hit-and-miss, but you'll be in a group of about 4-5 students. You'll probably be set weekly tasks as well as having a discussion on the week's text(s). Tutorials can be a bit awkward because the groups are small, and especially if you're the only one who actually wants to talk (as happened to me during my first term) - but I'd imagine this is the same at every uni.

    I honestly would say you don't need to do any reading before you start (anything specific, I mean. You should still read. But read what you want). I did no reading whatsoever and I can't help but think the people who'd read everything beforehand must have been kind of bored because I never felt like there was too much reading. If you're desperate to do something, though, you could go with some of Paradise Lost or possibly The Pilgrim's Progess. I wish I'd known before I'd started that there was only one copy of Caryl Churchill's Cloud Nine in the entire library and that it's difficult to find elsewhere. I also wish I'd known never to even try walking up to the seventh floor in the David Hume tower for my 10 o' clock tutorial. Just wait for the lift, no matter how huge the queue is.

    Accommodation: pick self-catered, unless you really want to pay an extortionate amount to live in Pollock Halls (but the food isn't great and you get charged so much for it). All of the s/c accommodation is of a fairly good standard so you don't need to worry about it too much. Darroch Court is the 'nicest' inside but also the most expensive.

    Have I missed anything? tehe
    First year at Edinburgh seems pretty hardcore because you do Milton, Spencer and Chaucer, but then I've heard that a lot of people don't survive the second year course on literary theory at Glasgow. I think, although I'm not sure and Meg should feel free to contradict me, Edinburgh teaches books in a somewhat chronological order while at Glasgow English Lit and Comparative Lit courses are based on themes in the first two years, but they offer a lot of courses about specific time periods at honours.
    Honestly, we didn't do that much Spenser. We only did a few extracts - but there is a lot (lot) of Milton involved, the department seriously has some kind of Milton fetish. We also did Bunyan. But yes, we're very chronological. We do everything in order (at least after Christmas, the first term is more of a general intro-to-Literature course), starting from the Medieval and working through the Renaissance and Restoration during first year and then to ~Modernism and beyond~ in second year.
    August 11th, 2010 at 06:18pm
  • Still Ill

    Still Ill (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I am about to start web systems development at Glasgow Caledonian... bricking it a bit.
    August 11th, 2010 at 09:35pm
  • Still Ill

    Still Ill (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Stephen Fry:
    I'm taking three Advanced Highers (in English, Maths and Modern Studies)
    Offt, good luck with the advanced English, it's a bitch. Cheese
    August 11th, 2010 at 09:42pm
  • Stephen Fry

    Stephen Fry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you Cute
    Matt Smith:
    Ah, thank you, stupidly enough I couldn't find that page when trailing the Edinburgh website XD

    Thank you so much for all that info, though. I'm glad I'm actually able to ask a real student about it, rather than rely on the website tehe
    August 12th, 2010 at 03:09pm
  • Stephen Fry

    Stephen Fry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Future Ex Wife:
    Offt, good luck with the advanced English, it's a bitch. Cheese
    I'm quite excited about it tehe Apart from the creative folio OMG NO!

    What did you do your dissertation on?
    August 12th, 2010 at 03:10pm
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Matt Smith:
    Honestly, we didn't do that much Spenser. We only did a few extracts - but there is a lot (lot) of Milton involved, the department seriously has some kind of Milton fetish. We also did Bunyan. But yes, we're very chronological. We do everything in order (at least after Christmas, the first term is more of a general intro-to-Literature course), starting from the Medieval and working through the Renaissance and Restoration during first year and then to ~Modernism and beyond~ in second year.
    Well, I can't say that I'm upset for missing out on Bunyan. I only mentioned it because I was slightly disappointed when I first read about the courses since they seemed so odd and random, but then, of course, I realized that they're not that bad, in fact, they're quite wonderful and really interesting (though tbh, the Comparative Lit programme is so awesome I would've gone to Glasgow even if the English one was absolutely dreadful).

    By the way, Rachael, have you given up on the idea of doing classics completely? My family's moving and packing my old textbooks made me realize how much I miss Latin which in turn made me remember that you said some while ago that you wanted to do classics.
    August 12th, 2010 at 05:27pm
  • Stephen Fry

    Stephen Fry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    By the way, Rachael, have you given up on the idea of doing classics completely? My family's moving and packing my old textbooks made me realize how much I miss Latin which in turn made me remember that you said some while ago that you wanted to do classics.
    I'm not sure, to be honest. Before summer I was working with my English teacher looking at sort of basic Latin and thing, and it was absolutely brilliant, but I'm not really sure about actually applying for it. I think it's probably something I'd do as part of the three subject system.
    August 13th, 2010 at 06:56am
  • Still Ill

    Still Ill (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Stephen Fry:
    I'm quite excited about it tehe Apart from the creative folio OMG NO!

    What did you do your dissertation on?
    The creative folio was the only part I liked about it, aha.
    The title of my dissertation was something like "a literary comparison of two compelling narrative voices: Scout Finch and Holden Caulfield".
    By the end of it, I hated both books.
    I was really annoyed though, because the external exam only tested one of our plays, and we had been told it would be a comparison of both, kind of like the dissertations. Of course, the play that came up was the one I knew least. Disgust
    It's definitely more fun than higher though.
    August 13th, 2010 at 04:43pm
  • Stephen Fry

    Stephen Fry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I think I know where I'm applying Wow

    Magdalen College, Oxford - O33
    English Language and Literature - Q300
    (I'm 99.99% sure I won't get in, but hey, worth a try, you never know, nothing ventured nothing gained and all that!)

    University of St Andrews - S36
    English - Q300

    The University of Edinburgh - E56
    English Literature - Q306

    University of Glasgow - G28
    English Literature - Q301

    The University of Strathclyde - S78
    English - Q300

    I've drafted my personal statement, I'm starting UCAS on Wednesday, getting references sorted it - it's scary how real it all seems! I'm a little concerned that I don't really have an "insurance" choice - I mean, I've met the minimum entry requirements of four out of the five, but should I have one or two with minimum entry requirement below what I have, if that makes sense? XD
    August 16th, 2010 at 07:56pm
  • CoyoteWylie

    CoyoteWylie (100)

    United States
    Hi there :] I live in the U.S., but hate it, so I'm hoping to get a foreign scholarship and go to Warwick in England. They made 2005's top 10 list of universities, which is what originally pointed me to them, but also I hear that they have a really nice language program. I want to be a translator or something of the sort; really anything having to do with languages and being in other countries, because I absolutely loathe the United States, but adore the U.K.(I have a direct bloodline to Ireland, so my Irish heritage has always made me feel like I was in the wrong place being in the U.S.) Although Middlebury is here, and they're said to have one of the best language programs, so I'm conflicted at the moment >.>

    Heh, sorry. I ramble a lot. It's a nasty habit :/
    August 17th, 2010 at 06:42am
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm dreading tomorrow, because we looked at my offer and it isn't clear what they want.

    The prospectus says 160 points, 60 from English Lit
    The offer letter just says 160 points and their website says pretty much the same thing and its just like what the hell do you want from me lmfao

    And there's the fact that my insurance wants 300 UCAS points and I don't think I even hit the 160 Shifty


    I might not be going at all anymore because they've put me in an accommodation where I can't reach my campus of study easily in a disabled access room which makes me think they cocked up and its made me that angry I'm tempted to tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine and just go back to college
    August 18th, 2010 at 04:29pm
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    tony stark:
    I might not be going at all anymore because they've put me in an accommodation where I can't reach my campus of study easily in a disabled access room which makes me think they cocked up and its made me that angry I'm tempted to tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine and just go back to college
    So wait, you require disabled access but they haven't given it you? Because I'm fairly sure that's illegal :/
    August 18th, 2010 at 06:09pm
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Matt Smith:
    So wait, you require disabled access but they haven't given it you? Because I'm fairly sure that's illegal :/
    No they've given me disabled access when I'm ablebodied but I wanted to check there wasn't a mistake because knowing my luck I'd go there and they'd be like, "oh no this isn't right you should be blah blah but we can't do that so no room for you" and I'd just have hassle in September XD

    I emailed them to check there wasn't a mistake and this woman replied with I'm sorry Victoria, all the disabled access at Cutty Sark and Macmillan was full. and I'm literally screaming that's not what I asked so I'm very close to not going to university because they've really put me off it because they just seem as helpful as a fart in a space suit :/

    And to top it off my campus of study is in Greenwich and they've shoved me on the wrong campus so I'll have to pay to get to uni and I don't think I'll be able to afford it because the rent is higher than the ones I put in for :/
    August 18th, 2010 at 06:16pm
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    tony stark:
    No they've given me disabled access when I'm ablebodied but I wanted to check there wasn't a mistake because knowing my luck I'd go there and they'd be like, "oh no this isn't right you should be blah blah but we can't do that so no room for you" and I'd just have hassle in September XD

    I emailed them to check there wasn't a mistake and this woman replied with I'm sorry Victoria, all the disabled access at Cutty Sark and Macmillan was full. and I'm literally screaming that's not what I asked so I'm very close to not going to university because they've really put me off it because they just seem as helpful as a fart in a space suit :/

    And to top it off my campus of study is in Greenwich and they've shoved me on the wrong campus so I'll have to pay to get to uni and I don't think I'll be able to afford it because the rent is higher than the ones I put in for :/
    Well, the wrong campus thing is bad, but them putting you in a disabled access room might not be a mistake. I know my uni has a whole floor of adapted rooms and if not all of them are taken then they rent them out to anyone because they usually have more demand for accommodation than they can supply (excellent organisation on their part).

    The only thing I can suggest at this point is keep calm and take deep breaths XD This stuff can be horrendously stressful and I really lost my head with the SLC at one point. But it all worked out eventually.
    August 18th, 2010 at 06:26pm
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm sitting here and I keep being all calm like, yeah it'll pan out good and then the next minute I'm damning the university to hell lmfao

    It's definatly put me off going, which is really bad because I've wanted to go there since I was like, ten Sad But knowing me I'll go just to get out of Norfolk XD
    August 18th, 2010 at 08:02pm
  • Tom Fletcher.

    Tom Fletcher. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I got AAA in my A2s, so I got into Edinburgh In Love
    I'm a bit panicked though because I haven't recieved any feedback from them about my accommodcation, and I haven't gotten a welcome pack which they said they'd send me 'in the summer'. OMG NO!

    Matt Smith: you go to Edinburgh, right, should I be worried?
    August 19th, 2010 at 05:39pm
  • Stephen Fry

    Stephen Fry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Tom Fletcher.:
    I got AAA in my A2s, so I got into Edinburgh In Love
    I'm a bit panicked though because I haven't recieved any feedback from them about my accommodcation, and I haven't gotten a welcome pack which they said they'd send me 'in the summer'. OMG NO!

    Matt Smith: you go to Edinburgh, right, should I be worried?
    Welcome to Scotland tehe
    August 19th, 2010 at 07:00pm
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I just accepted my place in Greenwich's halls

    My sister told me that the room they've offered me is bigger than my room at home, so this'll be nice for me even if I am on the wrong campus tehe
    August 19th, 2010 at 07:00pm
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Tom Fletcher.:
    I got AAA in my A2s, so I got into Edinburgh In Love
    I'm a bit panicked though because I haven't recieved any feedback from them about my accommodcation, and I haven't gotten a welcome pack which they said they'd send me 'in the summer'. OMG NO!

    Matt Smith: you go to Edinburgh, right, should I be worried?
    Congrats on your exam results. :D
    I think unis typically only send welcome packs to students after their place has been confirmed. If it brings any comfort I haven't heard back from accommodation either despite the fact that my place was confirmed three weeks ago and I can't register for international student orientation until I find out where I'm staying. XD
    August 19th, 2010 at 07:36pm
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Tom Fletcher.:
    I got AAA in my A2s, so I got into Edinburgh In Love
    I'm a bit panicked though because I haven't recieved any feedback from them about my accommodcation, and I haven't gotten a welcome pack which they said they'd send me 'in the summer'. OMG NO!

    Matt Smith: you go to Edinburgh, right, should I be worried?
    You shouldn't have any info about your accommodation yet because you've only just become unconditional (they don't start allocating unless they definitely know you're coming). They should contact you within the next week or two. Also, I don't remember when they sent my welcome pack, but it was also after my results, so I wouldn't worry about that either.

    Congratulations, anyway Wow If you want to know anything about the uni/student life/whatever ask anytime (:
    August 19th, 2010 at 07:48pm