What's The Sex?

  • So, everyone seems to be on a kick...het or slash with the rarity of a femme here and there. There are some slash stories that get no love whatsoever, same with het, but then there are others that get so much love -- why?

    What's bigger? Which do you like more? What do you want to see more off? Discuss, question...shoot!
    In all honesty, I'm a huge fan of slash and femme, but I write all three. I also roleplay and I roleplay (as well) all three. Yet, whenever I seem to write something it never seems to get good attention, it just draws out the "oh, it's slash." or "oh, why het?". I always put what kind of pairing will be in it in the tags as well as the small discription. Did I miss the big break?
    June 4th, 2009 at 10:32pm
  • I think slash is bigger on Mibba but I could be wrong since I point-blank will not read het.

    I don't like reading about female characters. I rarely like writing about female characters. I don't like sex between a boy and a girl. I don't like vaginas.

    The most popular stories on Mibba (that don't suck) are simply good writers creating good work, in my opinion.

    I'm sure there are well-written stories that have very few readers. There could be hundreds of reasons:

    - an obscure pairing will not be read as much as a popular pairing because not as many people read about it.

    - bad title, summary, short description, etc.

    - a female character that seems Mary-Sueish.

    - a story that seems cliche to the point of dullness.

    - there are thousands and thousands of stories on Mibba.
    June 4th, 2009 at 10:38pm
  • I'm not the biggest slash fan, I'll be honest. Unless I know a specific author I like, it's hard to sift through the thousands of mediocre stories looking for a good one.

    But I do enjoy well written Pete/Patrick and Mark/Tom when I can find them.

    I do hate it when authors don't tag their work correctly and when I search for All Time Low het and find Jonas Brothers incest... [/end rant.
    June 5th, 2009 at 09:45am
  • I write both slash and het, and for a long time, I rathered het, but these days, I kinda prefer to write and read slash. :XD
    June 5th, 2009 at 09:52am
  • I don't mind really as long as it's well written and you can immerse yourself in it.
    June 5th, 2009 at 11:05am
  • I've only ever really written het and femme, but reading-wise, I only read slash or femme. Mostly slash, because there aren't that many good femmes out there.
    June 5th, 2009 at 02:56pm
  • Honestly, I prefer stories and novels no explicit sex because I'm not reading it for the sex. Of course, I don't abandon a story/novel I like just because it contains one, two or more sex scenes, just if the focus of the story is on the sex.
    June 5th, 2009 at 08:42pm
  • I hate writing slash, but seriously love reading it. :cute:
    June 5th, 2009 at 10:42pm
  • I love reading and writing slash the most.
    I'll read some het but I find it really hard to find a good het story anymore. Slash tends to keep my interest a lot more.
    June 6th, 2009 at 03:30am
  • I'm a het girl. I love to read a good sex scene; I'm not the best at writing them, but I do like to read them. I don't care for slash, because boys getting it on with other boys and girls getting it on with girls just doesn't appeal to me. I will read a Bratt (Brian Haner and Matt Sanders slash) occasionally. I'm not against slash, but, like I said, I'm a het girl. :file:
    June 6th, 2009 at 05:25am
  • When it comes to sex scenes, I feel more comfortable reading and writing slash, though I don't really write explicit things anymore unless it's tasteful.

    But generally, I'll read anything that's well written.
    June 6th, 2009 at 09:55am
  • I love het. And I don't like man/man slash but I love girl/girl. Female characters are usually written to be quite annoying, which bugs me but then I tend to try and find stories with good OFCs.

    I'll only read slash if it's been written by a favourite of mine.
    June 6th, 2009 at 10:29am
  • I prefer Femmeslash to Het any day, most of the het sex scenes I've read contain those sexual metaphors that make me laugh.

    'love tunnel' or 'throbbing member', they make me giggle more than anything.
    June 6th, 2009 at 03:58pm
  • I prefer to write het/femme, and that carries over to what I read. Don't get me wrong, I will read good slash, I'm just more picky about it.
    June 6th, 2009 at 08:16pm
  • Slash/femme over het, but slash over femme.

    I hate het. I don't get along with female characters in het, even if they are well written. They just always piss me off.
    June 6th, 2009 at 09:55pm
  • For a while I used to love slash, especially Frerad, now as I have matured, I find ready slash really weird and I'm uncomfortable with it. I have nothing against guys banging each other, I just think that it's slightly gross. But that's my opinion, don't like femme either for some reason. Have nothing against chicks banging each other either!

    I do read some het but only if the story is fairly decent and the author made a good job of it.
    June 7th, 2009 at 03:10pm
  • the-vampiress-angel:
    For a while I used to love slash, especially Frerad, now as I have matured, I find ready slash really weird and I'm uncomfortable with it.
    I don't think maturing has anything to do with it . . .
    And I'm sort of offended.
    I'm twenty-two and I love slash, hate het.
    And while I may act fifteen at times, I am mature.
    I don't think like/disliking a certain type of pairing has anything to do with maturity.
    It just means you've changed your mind about what you like.
    Because I could totally take that in the other direction and say "when I was eleven and stupid I hated slash and only wrote het but now that I'm older I've seen the light". I was eleven, stupid, hated slash, and only wrote het. But I think it's really rude to imply that anyone who likes het must be young and stupid and immature.
    June 9th, 2009 at 07:59pm
  • I don't write a lot of sex. I always have a weird feeling my mum reads my stories. I don't like to think about it.

    I like het the most. I used to be mad about 'boy seks' because I'd never really known what it was :tehe: but now I'm just a bit bored of it, I only enjoy it if it's tasteful and has a good storyline (I'm a sucker for the overused unrequited love plotline). I suppose I like the idea of two male characters because guys are so raw and real, and try to hide emotions and stuff but I think the actual act of sex is more private than is conveyed in slash stories. I've read stories by writers who have successfully written fairly graphic sex scenes and still make me think its the most adorable thing ever :XD
    I just don't like sex in a sort of unemotional sense.
    With het I like it when the sex is bad, or it hurts the girl :lmfao because I find that a lot more realistic. But I hate it when its sex with relation to highschool or mary sues. Or vampires. I much prefer original fiction <3
    I just don't like femme, at all. And I don't know why. I probably haven't given it a proper chance though.
    June 9th, 2009 at 09:15pm
  • When I first started reading fanfiction, all I ever read was het. I only got into femme and slash a few months ago. I love all of them, but I can't stand stories that only focus on sex.
    June 9th, 2009 at 10:58pm
  • I used to write and read het, but never slash; and now it's the other way around.
    June 10th, 2009 at 12:15am