Do You Have Different Beliefs from Friends and Family?

  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    Oh wow. A lot has changed since my last post... And yet a lot hasn't.
    I'm now definitely a Christian. I still mostly know other Christians and athiests; several folks from both camps are still boneheads about their beliefs.
    It's hard having so many friends who are athiest or whose beliefs (or possible lack thereof) I don't know because I worry about their souls and how they'll spend eternity. I don't want anyone to be damned to Hell, let alone those I care about. I do pray about it, but I'm sure there's more I should do as a believer to reach out.
    Between me and other Christians, there are also various differences, some of which I don't feel comfortable discussing in a public forum. One example is the way some Christians, I feel, get way too hung up on differences between denominations and the Catholic vs. Protestant thing. I'm just like, "We all love Jesus, right? And we can all agree that's most important, right?" Sometimes that argument works, sometimes not.
    September 29th, 2021 at 06:53am