
  • The Brave New World

    The Brave New World (100)

    Ghosts and spirits, I'm not entirely sure of. Some part of me wants to believe, and the other part of me is just kind of completely iffy on the subject; not pulled in entirely, but interested enough to stop and listen to other people's experiences and their stories and theories. So, I wouldn't completely roll my eyes with disbelief whenever somebody starts telling a ghost story. And I like to think that I had some experience with spirits, maybe? Just once.

    I remember when I had a nightmare. It had been one of the worse nightmares I've ever had in my eight / maybe-nine year old life. I remember being so petrified of the dream that my heart had literally started skipping beats; I remember the feeling of my chest kind of jolting, my back arching, mouth opening and no air coming through. Something like a heavy pressure on my chest, too. But in my mind, for some reason, the first thing that popped into my head was something I think that I read a long time ago - about a cat sitting on people's chests; a big, fat, furry white cat with green marble eyes. But once the real panic of not breathing settled in, it felt like someone was strangling me. I'm pretty sure that I was awake at that point. I wasn't dreaming anymore. Panic broke whatever nightmare I had. My eyes would flutter open from time to time and I'd see my star nightlight across the room, or how pink my walls were - but sometimes, too, I'd get some weird moments when it was like I was staring at the side of my face while I was looking at the wall; like a camera was positioned against my cheek, and I was watching me watching something else.

    I don't know how, but I made myself roll out of bed - and hit the ground, hard. Instantly, it felt like I could breathe again. And I remember staggering out of my room, down the short upstairs corridor, and going to the bathroom.

    My mouth was dry. Really dry. All I could really focus on after catching my breath was how extremely thirsty and tired and shaken up I was. I just wanted some water. I remember snapping on the faucet, cupping my hands underneath the water, and slurping it as fast as I could. Once it felt like I was under control again, I looked up into my mirror - and spotted a girl standing outside of my parent's bedroom. Pale skin, long black hair, wearing a white dress. I think that we made eye contact through the mirror for only a second before I ran out of the room, into my bedroom, jumped into bed, and threw the blankets over my head.

    My family and I had moved into a house in Mount Holly, North Carolina. It was one of those two-story houses, in a new, still-being-built kind of neighborhood. So it wasn't old; it wasn't anything wrong with it, I don't think. And my mom would bring it up from time to time that she'd always feel a presence whenever around my siblings father (divorced; ex-step dad to me?). So maybe that was the presence?

    Dunno. Just saying, though, that was at least one interesting thing to come out of my life. xD
    September 13th, 2014 at 11:47pm
  • Collin Berend

    Collin Berend (230)

    United States
    I would have to say I do not believe in ghost and find that notion odd. What exactly is a ghost anyways? That needs to be established, because everything I have heard actually stems from the brain. I ma open to there being ghost if the evidence points too it.
    January 2nd, 2015 at 01:05am