What About Your Heritage?

  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Dad's side: Irish and Singaporean. Irish from bloodline (hence the Irish surname) and Singaporean from my gran's side. My dad was born over there and I'd love to visit one day.

    Mum's side: Scottish and Welsh. She was born here but my grandad's bloodline is Welsh.
    July 30th, 2017 at 03:17pm
  • solo sunrise

    solo sunrise (260)

    Neutral Zone
    I think I've posted here before but it was a little off. I don't know every ethnic group, but Saami (sort of like Inuit) and Norwegian and maybe some other stuff on my dad's side and mostly Polish/maybe Russian on my mom's.
    September 2nd, 2017 at 04:58am
  • VixL

    VixL (100)

    United States
    Found out some interesting things about my ancestry by doing my own racial/family history digging. I’m a African American who’s family was descended from the slaves that were sent to work for white slave owners in North Carolina, so a lot of our genealogy was wiped away due to slavery unfortunately. BUT there are some very interesting things that I ended up learning. For a LONG time my family would tell me tha we were mixed with black, cherokee, and white. I couldn’t find any proof for the Native American claim, but I DID find proof for the black (duh) and white (not surprisingly) claim. One of my ancestors was the slave daughter of her white slave owner Nathaniel Macon from Littleton, North Carolina. I also had a white grandmother who was the common law wife of a Mulatto (mixed black and white) man. So, those little tid bits were interesting. Of course, I still could not find exactly WHERE in Africa my ancestors who were slaves descended from. I thought I got close because one of my oldest ancestors that I can reach back to who was a slave (then my genealogy search goes dead after him) was named Mingo instead of a European, Biblical name as was the practice of naming slaves. But unfortunately I couldn’t find anymore information about him or his unusual name other than it just might have been a coincidence that he was named something non-European. I’m thinking of taking a DNA test as my next stop. Because I would also like to know where my white ancestry is from as well. But mainly where my black ancestry is from, to be honest since that is what I identify as. And I would love to go to Africa some day and visit the places where maybe I could have been from or had a heritage, a language, and a culture there if my ancestors weren’t betrayed by their people or stolen and taken away as slaves.
    February 18th, 2018 at 07:22pm
  • Blood Eagle

    Blood Eagle (110)

    Ascension Island
    English, German and Swedish.

    I got my DNA tested and I am basically evenly mixed between British, Scandinavian and "western European" which makes up about 98% of my DNA. From what I've deduced, the specific countries were England, Germany (but possibly Holland and France and whatever else as well), and Sweden. Then there's about 1% Spanish/Portuguese and 1% Greek/Italian. Most people think that I am Italian or something because I have brown hair and brown eyes. I was actually kind of surprised when I found out that I am like 98% northwestern European because of those comments. But now that I know, it makes total sense because my characteristics are super typical of people from these regions, and I identify with these cultures completely.
    February 23rd, 2018 at 07:19am
  • Lonely Luna

    Lonely Luna (110)

    United States
    I really only know about me being Mexican, but lately I've been dying to do that 23 and me thing to see what else is in my lineage you know?
    January 30th, 2019 at 05:42am