The Vampire Diaries

  • Season Three Spoilers as said by executive producer Julie Plec.
    (I put that in big text because I'm not doing this in white.)

    -There will be a small time jump from the ending of season two as season three celebrates Elena's eighteenth birthday. Elena will now be a senior in high school, but don't bank on a season-ending graduation. Now that she's 18, Elena and Jeremy technically don't need a parent living in their house. She will be taking care of herself.

    -Elena will be struggling with a deep attraction to Damon.

    -And there will be a character called Rebecca coming to show. She is a vampire from Stefan's dark ripper days and this Rebecca person loved and possibly still loves Stefan.

    I for one am interested in seeing how they will go with all these spoilers. I wonder how Elena is going to support Jeremy and herself. I know however she got money in season's one and two are mundane unimportant details but I wonder if we would see her get a job, like Matt did in season one.

    As for Elena fighting an attraction to Damon, it kind of makes me mad. Of course Saint Elena is not just going to go running into Damon's arms now that Stefan is gone but the will-they-or-won't-they Damon and Elena dance is getting old. Elena needs to stop being so stubborn when it comes to Damon.

    I'm interested in seeing more dark Stefan but not so interested in this Rebecca person.
    August 6th, 2011 at 07:10pm
  • I just wish that Elena gives into Damon, honestly. Haha. Someone needs to love the guy!

    And this Rebecca person? Let's hope that she isn't going to be someone that I just... dislike. That makes me wanna jump into the TV and strangle her. And of course, another girl who loves Stefan.
    August 10th, 2011 at 06:07am
  • I agree, she just needs to give in. She has stayed by Stefan when he's had his dark moments so she should be able to be with Damon. The more she pulls herself from the Damon the more annoyed I get. I don't really like her as much as I use to. Sometimes the show feels like The-Princess-Elena-Diaries.

    I'll strangle her with you. tehe I feel like this Rebecca is going to be another Lexi.
    August 11th, 2011 at 01:26am

  • Crazy Cheese Crazy

    Ooh, Elena saw a sexy naked Damon. tehe Damon isn't that bad though. Haha, so she'll definitely be able to handle him. Yeah, I do get annoyed, especially when she hurts Damon. D:

    It's a plan! And I didn't mind Lexi at all.. she wasn't so bad. lol, but I bet Rebecca will be worse.
    August 13th, 2011 at 10:40am
  • Forget Elena just let me have sexy naked Damon, please!! Naughty That teaser looks good. I'm getting excited. Not gonna be to exciting for Elena's longing for Stefan but it looks like there is going to be a lot more Stefan-free Delena scenes. Crazy
    August 14th, 2011 at 12:21am
  • Haha, I'm pretty excited! OH, I know. Did you see the promo-video - or whatever it's called - that usually has all three of them, but now it had one of both Elena and Damon? Crazy ANNND. I'm totally rooting for Forwood, they were getting pretty steamy. tehe I want Caroline with Tyler.
    August 14th, 2011 at 01:28am
  • I saw that! Crazy It's about time too. I like seeing them together so much.

    And I'm not a Forwood shipper Shifty Everyone found such a spark for that but I haven't yet. I use to ship Matt/Caroline; pre-season two Matt and Caroline. They ruined Matt in season two that I don't really ship them anymore, especially after he went behind Caroline's back and conspired with her mom. I wonder if he'll back for season three.
    August 14th, 2011 at 07:46am
  • I'm looking forward to sexy Damon and steamy Forwood. Wink

    Oh, and this Rebecca chick? If this season ends with Stelena, I want Rebecca and Damon - I'm sick and tired of sweet and sexy Damon getting the short end of the stick. He's tortured and he doesn't know how to control his temper sometimes, he needs love. I know he didn't love Rose, but I loved them together, even if it wasn't going to be an endgame relationship.
    August 14th, 2011 at 09:03am
  • I know. When they kissed the last episode. I FREAKED OUT! Well.. of course the pause after my jaw dropping, then I freaked out.

    I never was too, I thought Matt with Caroline was cute, but then.. Tyler came in more, and since Matt didn't know anything at all with the supernatural, I thought that was pretty bad, because then he could get hurt and stuff, and not very understanding. And of course, there was that whole thing with her mom too. Besides, the whole Vampire/Werewolf ship is pretty neat, since their suppose to be natural enemies. Eh? Now their hooking up. tehe

    And I read (where I found the trailer) that Matt will be coming in more, because of Jeremy's predicament, with seeing his lost loves, or whatever. It said that Matt will be one of the first people to know about him seeing his little sister, and that he'll be around more.

    The season better not end with Stelena. Grr lol, if she's anything like Rose then I wouldn't mind if Damon was with Rebecca, but if she's worse, then... I don't know.
    August 14th, 2011 at 11:29pm
  • I was like "Hubba hubba WHATTHEHELLJUSTHAPPENED?! DA FUCK?" and just confused. Elena shouldn't have done that, but I can't lie, I loved it. I'm more of a Bamon shipper, but I ship Beremy as well, so I could deal with Delena. If it ends with Delena, I want Stefan to have someone, but who, I'm not sure.

    I loved Matt and Caroline! And then Tyler came in and then Matt was being a jerk and really had little to do with the plot, so then Forwood became my primary ship in the show.

    Oooh, and the plot thickens.

    Rose was amazing, I wish they could bring her back to life, but that's too Hollywood. I'm curious about Rebecca and I want someone else connected to Lexi to show up. Maybe Rebecca and Lexi had a history? That'd be an interesting thing to explore, though I think it's unlikely.

    Edit: In case anyone was wondering, Claire Holt (Samara from Pretty Little Liars) is cast to be Rebecca.
    August 15th, 2011 at 07:07am
  • I don't think Stefan will have trouble finding someone. Haha. But he does love Elena a lot.. but I ship Delena.

    Yeah! I loved Matt and Caroline... but then the whole vampire/werewolf relationship going on, just seems.. so.. different! Especially since he could like kill her by ONE BITE during the full moon.

    I think Rebecca and Lexi did have a history, possibly. Because they both knew Stefan during his Ripper days, eh? And she kind of looks like the girl who played Lexi!

    ... duude. I still can't believe Jenna died. Disgust
    August 21st, 2011 at 01:54pm
  • ^ I still can't believe Jenna died either. Watching the season three premiere tonight will feel weird. The first season without her. Sad

    Season three premiere tonight. I'm excited and anxious. It looks like it will be the season of Delena. Just as long as its not slow going. They just have to get together at some point.
    September 15th, 2011 at 11:46pm
  • I'm so excited for the premiere tonight! 30 more minutes!
    September 16th, 2011 at 01:30am
  • 12 minutes! Its gonna be amazing. I saw a 20 second Damon and Elena clip from tonight's episode. Naked Damon in effect. Happy face

    Edit: Oh my god. I loved tonight's episode.

    I really like Klaus and Stefan together. Not like together together but that storyline, its interesting. Bad Stefan gets me excited and sad at the same time.

    I don't care that Andie is dead. I never liked her.

    Sad Elena is really depressing, she just needs to give in and let Damon love her. She can be happy again with Damon.

    I got giggles when Damon called Elena his 'birthday girl'.

    And what Vicki said to Jeremy. That's making me think some stuff. Maybe her soul is stuck or something, like a ghost whisperer thing. I don't know but I hope we get more answers for that.

    Tyler and Caroline; that was hot but I still don't ship them.

    But that ending with Caroline and Tyler's mom. What the fuck. Grr I'm sure Tyler will save her though.
    September 16th, 2011 at 01:49am
  • ^But Tyler was sleeping soundly!

    And I agree with the Andie part, didn't like her either. She was getting in the way of Elena and Damon!

    Can I just say, Damon walking around the house in bubbles Happy face
    September 16th, 2011 at 09:28am
  • ^ Okay, yes, that's true, but he could wake up. I just have a feeling he will save her. No way they will just do off with Caroline at the beginning like that.

    Definitely! I don't even understand why he was still with her. Last I remember Damon basically attacked her and kicked her out of the boarding house.

    And yes, Damon in those bubbles. Happy face If I were Elena I wouldn't have looked away.
    September 16th, 2011 at 10:38am
  • ^ YES YES YES! I agree, it was nice seeing Damon walking around in only bubbles. tehe

    OK... that whole Elena and Stefan phone call.. made me sad. I'm a Delena shipper.. but damn, I couldn't help but tear up at that. D:

    OMFG, and the ending too. I was like.. What the hell! I knew that Tylers mom was going to do something, since she was looking all creepy and stuff. But I didn't expect her to do something like that. What went through my mind was; "I can't wait until Tyler hears about this!"

    It's really weird not seeing Jenna, I wish she didn't die.

    "Not cool bro." Haha, Oh Damon. <3
    September 16th, 2011 at 07:32pm
  • Yeah, that phone call was a bit sad. Both Stefan and Elena looked ready for a breakdown. I know Elena can't be expected to be happy after everything that happened but I will get super annoyed if she is pining over Stefan in every episode.

    Yeah, so weird. I miss Jenna a lot.

    Oh and look at what I found on Tumblr. Enjoy. Naughty Happy face tehe
    September 17th, 2011 at 08:03am
  • When Damon pushed Elena into the river. lmfao

    I'm really glad that Matt isn't being kept in the dark anymore, and how he's helping Jeremy. And whats up with Anna being all; "Don't trust Vicki." Or whatever she said? OMFG

    I also love how Stefan cares so much for Damon. And how Damon isn't going to give up on him.
    Bromance. <3

    CAROLINES DAD!? No He's a bad dad! Planning to hurt his own daughter? (or.. trying to fix her?) I really thought how Tyler did all that so his mom wouldn't do anything to Caroline, was sweet. But it would seriously suck to watch your only son be in pain while transforming into a werewolf.

    September 23rd, 2011 at 03:15am
  • I gasped when Damon pushed her into the river then I giggled. I was a bit disappointed when he got into the river with her because he didn't get as wet as her... no pun intended. tehe

    I agree. Its nice to see Matt in the loop. I think the new friendship or bromance between Matt and Jeremy is very cute.

    Anna says not to trust Vicki but for some reason I get a feeling that Anna can't be trusted herself. I always liked her but still.

    I knew Bill was Caroline's dad in the first five minutes. At the end I even whispered "Daddy" before Caroline did but I agree, bad dad! And from the looks of next weeks preview, its seems he is going to try and make her human again? I don't know but I don't want Caroline to get hurt.

    AND DELENA. Crazy They should have kissed! I'm going to write a drabble with alternative ending to that episode where they kiss.
    September 23rd, 2011 at 03:26am