Worst Fashion Experiences

  • Farrow

    Farrow (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    My emo phase:
    Drawing all over a perfectly decent pair of converse to be 'cool'.
    Wearing neon green and black stripey tights with a denim skirt, oversized mcr shirt and a neon green cardigan. Oh dear Lord.
    And the eyeliner. Oh, the eyeliner. It's not that it wasn't neat, it was just the bucket loads that I felt necessary to apply.

    Scene phase:
    Drawing lightening bolts, stars and hearts around my eyes. Back-combing my hair to extreme heights. Way too much Hello Kitty. Never went for the neon look, or the coloured skinny jeans but there was a lot of leopard print. I have pictures, too:
    No need to point out which fool is me.

    My crisis' at the moment: Wearing about seven layers of mascara, and applying far too much hair spray. It's a habit that I can't break sadly.
    May 15th, 2010 at 08:28pm
  • Siriano;

    Siriano; (100)

    United States
    Currently, my vice other than not caring is my weird love of lipliner with no lip color. XD
    May 16th, 2010 at 03:22am
  • josh ray person

    josh ray person (100)

    Once, when I was little, about 5 or 6, we had one of my dresses taken in, or adjusted in some way. And for some reason, I thought it was a great idea to put the dress on right then. But the needles were still in it.
    I had scratches all over my arms and legs. No
    May 16th, 2010 at 04:54am
  • She's A Genius

    She's A Genius (100)

    My goth phase. lmfao
    May 16th, 2010 at 08:55am
  • cannibal glow.

    cannibal glow. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I used to try to be neddy/chavvy in first year:K Swiss trainers, trackies, failed quiffs and way too much dark foundation.
    It was way sexy.
    May 18th, 2010 at 04:00am
  • space cadet glow.

    space cadet glow. (100)

    New Zealand
    Okay cool, this is practically everything I've ever worn. Wow

    I think one that stands out as especially bad was when I was invited to my cousin's wedding. It wasn't until the day before that I realised I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to wear, and in the end my mum gave me one of her dresses. Now. Dress. Loose term. It was probably more like a piece of material with head and arm holes on me. I wore one of my t-shirts over it. Black. Skulls on it.

    And later, at the reception, I put my jeans on in the car.

    They also had skulls on them. On the back. And they were too big and looked terrible.

    And then, when I was young, all I really wore were jeans and skater shirts. I still own the skater shirts. I wear them when no one is around. Con They used to be too big for me so now they're juuust right.

    Luckily, I missed out on the emo style of dress.
    May 18th, 2010 at 10:18am
  • Bells.

    Bells. (365)

    New Zealand
    Me coming out of my Goth phase. lmfao

    I still felt the need to dress alternative.

    This ended badly. XD
    May 18th, 2010 at 11:27am
  • Your Mom

    Your Mom (250)

    United States
    Emo/scene stage. D:
    I'm still trying to grow out my layers... >:/
    May 20th, 2010 at 02:43am
  • pearl.

    pearl. (100)

    United States
    Oh man Facepalm
    I don't really have a cool or interesting wardrobe. I probably only go shopping once every other year. So right now all I have is two pairs of jeans and a few random tee shirts. Not much to mess up XD But I do remember two mistakes I made. One of them being last night...

    First one, I was around ten and 'Hannah Montana' had just come out. She was always wearing skirts over leggings, so when my cousin's birthday party came up I decided to put a lime green and blue skort over a pair of baggy tan cargo capris. Thankfully, we arrived early and my Aunt pulled me into the bathroom, letting me change before anyone saw. The skort was made out of a towel-like fabric and had a floral pattern. Facepalm

    And last night I was messing around with my cheap, bright red, drug store lipstick. Somehow it ended up in my hair and now I have these weird stripes in my hair. I already washed it once... Shocked
    May 20th, 2010 at 06:30am
  • Amelie.

    Amelie. (100)

    United States
    I had a bro-hoe phase crica 7th/8th grade. That's what Southern California does to you, haha.

    Every time I think back to that, I shudder a bit Twitch
    May 21st, 2010 at 07:15am
  • tweak;

    tweak; (100)

    United States
    My goth/emo phase.

    May 21st, 2010 at 07:28am
  • Siren

    Siren (100)

    United States
    My emo/scene phase.

    Oh my God, the eyeliner was so excessive, not to mention the eye shadow. At least that's how I learned to put it on well, but it would smear and smudge and run and I'd look like a depressed racoon by the end of the day Dx

    As for wardrobe
    Nothing but black shirts and I'd wear hoodies on the hottest of days. lol
    I had those fingerless glove things which were pretty cool ^_^

    And I was SO pale, I glowed in the dark.
    I'm still trying to get tan after all of that. x.x

    I'd tease the sh*t out of my hair and over use the hairspray a tad.

    I think I've done better since then ^_^
    May 27th, 2010 at 09:41pm
  • daisyfairy

    daisyfairy (495)

    Great Britain (UK)
    N. Syko:
    My emo phase:
    Drawing all over a perfectly decent pair of converse to be 'cool'.
    Wearing neon green and black stripey tights with a denim skirt, oversized mcr shirt and a neon green cardigan. Oh dear Lord.
    And the eyeliner. Oh, the eyeliner. It's not that it wasn't neat, it was just the bucket loads that I felt necessary to apply.

    Scene phase:
    Drawing lightening bolts, stars and hearts around my eyes. Back-combing my hair to extreme heights. Way too much Hello Kitty. Never went for the neon look, or the coloured skinny jeans but there was a lot of leopard print. I have pictures, too:
    No need to point out which fool is me.

    My crisis' at the moment: Wearing about seven layers of mascara, and applying far too much hair spray. It's a habit that I can't break sadly.
    You should have seen my 'scene' phase, it was just soo try hard. I spent about £30 in Claire's on Hello Kitty stuff, I was only 12 as well, so even though I'm really tall I still looked like a kid in her mum's clothes. Facepalm
    May 30th, 2010 at 06:58pm
  • Twiggy.

    Twiggy. (105)

    I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who went through the emo/scene phase :') I cringe just thinking about mine. It lasted until I was about fifteen (and started when I was about twelve. It was just like a succession of disasters between the ages 12 to 15 basically). When I was thirteen, I started dressing in mostly black, red, and white with loads of skull accessories, black eyeliner, and bought this horrible black and white corset that was too big for me but I wore anyway - I was also really skinny and pale with thin lanky hair: I looked ill.

    When I started high school, I kind of came out of it for a while, but then I met this emo/scene girl and just flew back into it, only beginning to go for a more 'scene' look. I got my hair cut all choppy and layered, thinned it out, straightened it ALL the time, and finished the tragedy off with a little pink bow and 'coon tail' hair extensions. I started buying Hello Kitty things, even though I don't really like Hello Kitty, and I wore skinny jeans, bright coloured Converse, neon jewelry, and really horrible eye make-up - black eye liner and pink eye shadow (which was actually cheek blusher), I looked like a diseased raccoon. I thought I looked cute. No

    The worst though was my Goth phase. It was like the grand finale. When that girl I mentioned before started going Goth, so did I. I wore these horrid black and white stripy tights, lacey tops, corsets, excessive black eyeliner, hideous frilly skirts with all the net underneath, carried Edgar Allan Poe books around, didn't talk to anyone, and I wanted pale skin. I looked up recipes for face masks that lightened your skin, and I avoided the sun like I was a vampire, and put baby powder on my face. Facepalm It was just... Horrible. I don't even like thinking about it.
    June 1st, 2010 at 02:40am
  • starcrossed.

    starcrossed. (250)

    United States
    I went through this phase where everything I wore was too big. bought pants a size larger, shirts a size larger, and I chopped all my hair off. what the HECK was I thinking? I have no idea.

    I too went through a goth phase, of course. I'm sure if scene existed then I would have gone through that too.
    June 1st, 2010 at 08:38pm
  • chemical romantics.

    chemical romantics. (210)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who went through the emo/scene phase :') I cringe just thinking about mine. It lasted until I was about fifteen (and started when I was about twelve. It was just like a succession of disasters between the ages 12 to 15 basically). When I was thirteen, I started dressing in mostly black, red, and white with loads of skull accessories, black eyeliner, and bought this horrible black and white corset that was too big for me but I wore anyway - I was also really skinny and pale with thin lanky hair: I looked ill.

    When I started high school, I kind of came out of it for a while, but then I met this emo/scene girl and just flew back into it, only beginning to go for a more 'scene' look. I got my hair cut all choppy and layered, thinned it out, straightened it ALL the time, and finished the tragedy off with a little pink bow and 'coon tail' hair extensions. I started buying Hello Kitty things, even though I don't really like Hello Kitty, and I wore skinny jeans, bright coloured Converse, neon jewelry, and really horrible eye make-up - black eye liner and pink eye shadow (which was actually cheek blusher), I looked like a diseased raccoon. I thought I looked cute. No

    The worst though was my Goth phase. It was like the grand finale. When that girl I mentioned before started going Goth, so did I. I wore these horrid black and white stripy tights, lacey tops, corsets, excessive black eyeliner, hideous frilly skirts with all the net underneath, carried Edgar Allan Poe books around, didn't talk to anyone, and I wanted pale skin. I looked up recipes for face masks that lightened your skin, and I avoided the sun like I was a vampire, and put baby powder on my face. Facepalm It was just... Horrible. I don't even like thinking about it.
    All of the above without the scene phase. You described me from 11-13.
    Worst years of my life, legit.
    June 2nd, 2010 at 02:43am
  • Farrow

    Farrow (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Right now: I wear eyebrow pencil (this isn't the bad part, most people who are really into make up do wear it to define their eyebrows). The bad part is, I've become so reliant on it, I got a bit to friendly with the tweezers. So, up to the arch of my eyebrow, it's fine. But following that, it's pretty much non existent. Thank god they grow back!
    June 2nd, 2010 at 03:27am
  • chemical romantics.

    chemical romantics. (210)

    Great Britain (UK)
    N. Syko:
    Right now: I wear eyebrow pencil (this isn't the bad part, most people who are really into make up do wear it to define their eyebrows). The bad part is, I've become so reliant on it, I got a bit to friendly with the tweezers. So, up to the arch of my eyebrow, it's fine. But following that, it's pretty much non existent. Thank god they grow back!
    My friend's sister shaved off one of her eyebrows, so she shaved off the other. She's started doing them completely in pencil Facepalm

    Some people may suit it, but she my friend, does not. No
    June 2nd, 2010 at 03:54am
  • Stupidsadistic;

    Stupidsadistic; (100)

    United States
    summer before 6th Grade - I got so into music. especially My Chemical Romance. This, I am not embarrassed by at all. I love My Chem, and the Used,
    and 30 Seconds to Mars, and Mindless Self Indulgence and all kinds of shit.

    6th Grade - my 'i'm a fucking cool kid. i will wear whatever the hell i want and people can say whatever they want because i like what i like and don't give a shit' phase (i didn't have an emo kid phase. Hand):
    black & colored stripey tights, paint splattered pairs of old jeans with 'Miranda' across the ass, fingerless gloves/ arm warmers, flannels, panchos, and my MCR shirts + hoodie. constantly. I was a fucking cool kid. Hand
    People thought I was a dweeb. I thought I was the shit.
    toward the end of that year I dyed bright orange coontails and stripes into my hair. Thumb up

    beginning of 7th Grade - my embarrasing scene stage that makes me want to give myself a lobotomy.
    I cut my ass-length hair to my shoulders in a ridiculously short 'scene cut.' Twilight merch, ugly colorful shit, band shirts band shirts band shirts (of shitty bands, to top it off), HotTopic EVERYTHING, and black skinnies, all the effing time.

    toward the end of 7th grade - better than before but still pathetically pathetic:
    TWLOHA shirts, skinnies, sharpie'd up vans, pink hair, purple hair, blue hair, (green hair fml), and so much effing colored eyeshadow.

    summer of 2009 - shorts, dad's old softball tee's, flip flops, a growing collection of baddass shirts, my red cap, Hyde shades, nerd goggles, and ripped up skinnies. What a badass. lawlz.

    8th grade - current- skinnies, band shirts, grey chucks, checkered Vans, baseball shirts, flannel, v-necks, cat-liner, long tree pendants, bow-headband, red hair, cardigans....
    That's the way to do it I guess. All throught seventh grade is really the shame(aside from the hair dye).The rest I'm cool with, hahaha. (:

    My style is ever-changing, but it is definatley, uh, me. XD
    June 4th, 2010 at 06:36am
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    When I was 12-13 I have no idea what I was trying to do lmfao That would be the worst I think. I may post a picture for you to all wet yourselves at if I can find one lmfao

    The only thing from those days that I still do is my fingerless gloves, even in the summer, but that's to keep them warm when my circulation gets really bad XD
    June 6th, 2010 at 10:24pm