Am I Weird?

  • Miss Authoress

    Miss Authoress (200)

    United States
    Well, I don't think my differences are a bad thing. Yes, I'm weird but I'm happy to weird. My friends say I'm unique and special XD So yes, I think I'm weird but a good weird. Eccentric.

    Here's the list of things that make me...well me :D
    1) I've never kissed anyone, dated anyone or even had an interest in being in a relationship
    2) I have no interest in ever having children
    3) I would prefer to talk about WWII, law, forensics and other obscure topics than boys.
    4) I use old fashion metaphors and lingo such as keen, peachy, bees' knees
    5) I actually enjoy talking in front of people
    6) I don't mind getting up and acting or acting loony in front of people
    7) I don't have a phone or Facebook
    8) One of the things I would like to work as in life is a funeral director
    9) I love to do voices, like voice manipulation
    10) I would rather meet my favorite voice actors than any other star. (After all, voice actors made up my childhood!)
    11) I know a lot of obscure trivia
    12) I get amused with the slightest things, from just being able to talk about my favorite TV shows to just discovering something new.
    December 6th, 2010 at 05:20am
  • fearful;

    fearful; (300)

    Well, I like being weird. My idea of a good time is watching the stars, instead of some vomit-stained party. I don't drink or smoke and I don't think I ever will, because I don't picture myself actually doing that. I am happiest reading a book curled up on a comfy couch under a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate on a rainy night. I think I'm an introvert, despite of what people think. I'm an individualist, I don't have Facebook and I barely use my phone. I'm not into the same things kids my age are and I'm okay with that.
    December 6th, 2010 at 06:26am
  • oreomylove

    oreomylove (100)

    United States
    I think being an individual in today's society has sadly translated into being nothing but weirdo. So face most for you sound normal.
    December 7th, 2011 at 07:17pm
  • leaf's a buzzard

    leaf's a buzzard (100)

    United States
    Welcome to my f!@#ing world.

    Even spelled the word right. Makes me feel a little special:
    Carissa's Wierd:
    The only reason people try to talk to each other
    Is 'cuz they gotta say something
    That is smarter than the other one said
    Everyone's fucking crazy
    People never listen to what you have to say
    'Cuz their so damn scared
    That you'll be smarter than them some day
    Everyone's fucking crazy
    Greatest band in the world, IMO.

    It's helped me come to terms with it, honestly. Yeah, I'm wierd. Yeah, people might not accept me... but I stopped caring. There's no depression left, just empty feelings and empty bottles. Take it or leave it, I am who I am, and I am content with that. Though I would like to find someone who really is right for me some day, I wouldn't call it my first priority. I've been hurt too many times to risk myself on a whim like I used to.

    I've changed a lot, and some people don't see it. People judge me based on things they don't even fully understand...

    I totally feel like posting some songs now.
    December 8th, 2011 at 01:36am
  • cr4mpz

    cr4mpz (100)

    United States
    I talk to people that don't exist. In short, I have imaginary friends.
    In solitude, I act out the stories I think up and movies I see/books I read.
    I think life would be easier without friends. But then I get bored.
    I over exaggerate things in my mind. I don't mean just a smidge of exaggeration, it's like a soap opera times a trillion. But on the outside, I'm as calm as a snail.
    I plan conversations that will never happen.
    I talk to myself when I'm alone. Not as in major conversations, I just ask myself questions and answer them. It's like a two-person interview.
    I like pickles and M&Ms together.
    My love for writing is larger than my talent.
    all of this.

    plus, i have maladaptive daydreaming disorder so I'm legit weird. (i think you may have this too)
    also, I like to make silly expressions in my mirror and strange sounds like grunting or groaning.

    oh and that fact that 'weird' is spelled wrong in this thread is seriously bothering me.
    December 13th, 2011 at 04:54pm
  • thebodyeclectic

    thebodyeclectic (100)

    United States
    Uhm, well...

    I like to make messes just to clean them.

    I literally don't know what I'm saying sometimes - it comes out, and I know it makes sense because people respond with legit answers, but my brain doesn't tell me what I've said.

    I black out (no, I'm not on drugs)- and that's usually when I do shit I'd never do if I was coherent.
    July 6th, 2012 at 08:17pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    @ oreomylove
    Sounds like my best friend, unfortunately.

    This is slightly TMI but ... nah, I should leave that one out.
    But I've always wanted to pee standing up and I have a lot of dreams where I do, but I still have a vagina. That sounds a little weirder now that I wrote it down.
    July 7th, 2012 at 08:41pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    Here's the list of things that make me...well me :D
    1) I've never kissed anyone, dated anyone or even had an interest in being in a relationship
    3) I would prefer to talk about WWII, law, forensics and other obscure topics than boys.
    5) I actually enjoy talking in front of people
    6) I don't mind getting up and acting or acting loony in front of people
    11) I know a lot of obscure triviaThat's Ayana too (me, that is).
    July 7th, 2012 at 08:48pm
  • amaranthine.

    amaranthine. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I plan conversations that will never happen.
    I talk to myself when I'm alone. Not as in major conversations, I just ask myself questions and answer them. It's like a two-person interview.
    I do both these things all the time (talking to myself has been getting a lot worse lately). I didn't realise anyone else did the whole planning-out-a-conversation thing.

    I'm also slightly obsessive over tidying up - when I get back from holiday or something, I can't relax until I've put everything away. And yet, I hate cleaning.
    I don't use my phone nearly as much as about 99% of my age group does.
    I analyse everything. Even if I'm just sitting in the car, my brain is analysing and 'talking about' everything I see out the window, or the music I'm listening to.
    July 11th, 2012 at 04:21pm
  • thelastpainter

    thelastpainter (110)

    United States
    Slightly TMI:
    I get turned on really easily, but then turned off when actually doing something. Shifty I have no idea why.
    July 11th, 2012 at 05:10pm
  • t-bone wilson

    t-bone wilson (100)

    United States
    i'm home alone most of the time so i do literally everything in only underwear. i do yoga and i meditate and cook in just my undies. it's quite liberating, actually.
    July 20th, 2012 at 02:02am
  • music_saves_me

    music_saves_me (100)

    Ok things that make me weird....
    1) candy actually makes me feel happy no matter what is happening
    2) I could spend days on end just reading and not wanting to do anything else
    3) I can eat and eat and eat and not feel full or gain weight
    4) I find the dumbest most childish things funny.. almost hilarious
    5) I fall for people really quickly
    6) I take thing too seriously
    7) I have a really random sense of style
    8) I crush on someone all the time (even if Im still getting over an ex)
    9) When Im crushing on someone I flirt nonstop and the flirting usually involves making fun of them
    10) I always have to listen to music or have my Ipod with me

    yup thats everything that makes me... me
    July 24th, 2012 at 02:04am
  • Eunoic

    Eunoic (100)

    United States
    Sometimes I feel as though happiness isn't a real emotion.
    Sometimes I like being sad and I force myself to think of horrible things happening so that I can cry.
    I started writing my auto-biography already.
    I pull out my own hair sometimes because it feels good.
    I shaved my head, and I don't wear makeup.
    August 4th, 2013 at 05:45am
  • the god of thunder.

    the god of thunder. (300)

    United States
    I have small amounts of OCD, ADHD, all which coexist with my depression.

    Depression is the only thing I've ever been treated for, but I have intrusive thoughts/compulsions that are really random and specific. For example, when I open a door, I'll think about it being a symbol for me separating two people because I'm separating the door from the door hinge, and it'll make me feel really nervous and sad. I have an unexplainable issue with white paper towels/napkins and random pieces of paper. If a piece of paper is lying on a desk, I'm okay with that. But if a single white piece of paper is in the corner of the desk, and the other corners are vacant, it'll bother me immensely.

    Whenever I'm getting ready to watch something on tv or do something else that I need to prepare for, I have to rearrange everything around me, itch myself all over, go to the bathroom a bazillion times, and other stuff because I don't feel "ready." :v

    I also have either hyperactive attention or very, very focused and narrow attention during which I cannot divert my mind from the focus at-hand. When it's focused, I feel analytic, logical, and in control, but severely depressed and bored. When it's hyperactive, I feel colorful, excited, creative, and yet chaotic and exhausted.

    I also have almost no sex drive, unless it's a really harmless in the moment thing, because it feels boring and dumb to spend any time on. Though I don't see that as an issue, this makes me feel kind of like an oddball though, since our culture is obsessed with sex & everybody tends to flaunt their sexual desires, but I'd rather be doing other stuff.
    October 4th, 2013 at 04:29am
  • TheGreatHendowski-.-

    TheGreatHendowski-.- (100)

    United States
    I always feel angry; the slightest thing will provoke me into being absolutely furious for no valid reason. I can seriously just be late going somewhere or have someone bother me when I'm doing something and I will get so pissed off. My parents say that it's just hormones because I'm young but I've always been like this. Nothing helps calm me down until I burn off the adrenaline, usually by provoking an all out fist fight. I feel so out of place because no one else in my family is like this.
    December 14th, 2013 at 08:54am
  • archivist

    archivist (660)

    United States
    here's my list. hold your hats, mates.
    1) Mentally, I'm older than twenty. Physically and developmentally? Fourteen.
    2) I'm a lonely IQ point away from genius.
    3) I never lost that little kid fascination with space and being an astronaut.
    4) Despite my facade, I'm a very insecure sort of person.
    5) I don't have any accent. I have to consciously decide how to speak. It's confusing as anything.
    6) I'm a surrealist. Salvador Dali is my spirit animal. if that is, I had such a thing
    7) I know one computer language: forum BBcode. JavaScript, HTML, LWJGL, here I come.
    8) Apparently I have nice eyebrows?
    9) I love fantasy. Medieval fantasy, to be precise.
    10) I despise everything about my appearance besides my wrists. I like those.
    11) I used to make jewellry.
    12) I've got this obsession with the end of time and space that may only be cured by a journey to such an end.
    13) I play Minecraft. My computer can hardly handle that, so forget about Portal and BioShock. :c
    that's me mates hope u enjoyed
    December 15th, 2013 at 07:53am
  • Crash Thrusts.

    Crash Thrusts. (100)

    United States
    I'm proud to be weird. Some people say I have issues or I should be normal, but meh. I like being odd.

    1) I like wearing a lot of black.
    2) I wear jackets even when it's not cold.
    3) I make fun of everything, especially things I like.
    4) The same with people. My niece once asked why I called one of my closest friends an asshole, and I told her "That's exactly why I call him an asshole." She doesn't understand.
    5) Sometimes when I'm cooking something on the stove (mostly Ramon), I stand like a flamingo. I place my left foot on my right leg.
    6) I put a lot of sugar in my coffee. It has to be sweet, or else I won't drink it.
    7) My eating habits are weird. I have a sweet tooth and I don't eat anything like steak, ribs, ham, burgers, hot dogs, or deer. Nothing that was apart of cows or pigs or...deer. But I sometimes eat chicken and turkey, and I love sea food.
    8) I like wearing ripped jeans.
    9) I like fantasy shows/movies.
    10) But I'm not a horror fan.
    11) I never want to tan. I like being pale.
    12) When I get ideas about dialogue for stories, I mouth or mumble the words aloud.
    13) I pace. A lot.
    14) I don't care for zombies and I'd rather not have a zombie apocalypse.
    15) I'm not a big fan of Star Wars, but I like the game SWTOR.
    16) I have an odd respect for smart criminals. I see too many stupid ones on the news and I have a tendency to say "If you're going to be a criminal, at least be smart about it. You never hear about the smart ones on the news because they know how to not get caught."
    17) I'm a hopeless romantic who prefers realistic relationships to overly fluffy ones. I like seeing the relationship grow and see funny things going on between the two partners instead, say, constant sayings of "I love yous" or soul-mates.
    18) I'm not superstitious. Therefore, I don't believe in luck. But I believe in karma.
    19) I'm a twenty-year-old who loves cartoons.
    20) I just made a list of twenty things that's weird about me.

    There are definitely more, but I'd rather not waste everyone's time. tehe
    December 17th, 2013 at 02:23pm
  • Jahni200

    Jahni200 (100)

    United States
    -_- what is the reason for this thread anymore the guy wrote this 4 years ago it doesn't look like he needs anymore help (Sorry if he is a she) we all know hes in great depression. He probably have seen a doctor already
    December 23rd, 2013 at 12:45am
  • archivist

    archivist (660)

    United States
    @ Jahni200
    The reason for this thread is that people enjoy posting what they think is weird about themselves. No one's consoling anyone here.
    December 23rd, 2013 at 05:12am
  • Jahni200

    Jahni200 (100)

    United States
    @Wake up

    Oh my bad i thought it was just one person telling us how he feels and then we awnser his problem

    Oh ok well keep on doing what your doing
    December 23rd, 2013 at 05:17am