
  • Well, I talk to myself. I'm not sure if that's a quirk. xD Around my friends, I begin to mutter to myself and eventually one of them has to ask what the hell I'm doing. I also mutter things about myself in third person when my friends are forcing me to do something I don't want to do. It's really weird. D:
    My eyes also widen when someone calls my name. And when I talk, sometimes, my eyes get all ADHD-ish and look all over the place. >_>
    Also, lol, I used to have this thing where I had to have everything symmetrical. If I touched this object a certain way, I'd have to do the same with my other hand. If I didn't it wrong, then I'd have to do the wrong action with the first hand, and so on and so on. It really bugged my mom, because, sometimes, I'd just stop randomly to touch something with my other hand... D:
    My friends call me a freak.
    March 16th, 2010 at 12:04am
  • I can't seem to find the right volume when I speak. I speak either too quiet, or too loud (though it's mostly too quiet).

    I laugh obnoxiously loud and badly (and I laugh at ANYTHING, so that's fairly obvious all the time)

    I'm awfully ticklish. It's almost a hinderance.

    I have a hard time focusing when I'm recounting a story or anything. It takes me forever.

    ...idk Tongue
    March 16th, 2010 at 02:42am
  • I've posted before but I thought of more things.
    I talk to myself a lot.
    When I eat nothing on my plate is allowed to touch.
    March 19th, 2010 at 10:44pm
  • I cannot sleep at night unless I check to make sure the bathroom door is closed. I have no idea why. XD

    Also, I have this weird little...I'm not sure if it's a quirk, but Mom says it is. I can't leave the house in the morning without watching at least three minutes of Good day L.A.. And I don't particularly like that show, I just...I don't know.
    March 20th, 2010 at 06:09am
  • hmmm, well, I think wayyy too much.
    My eyes get a little bit crossed. I had surgery on them.
    I walk funny. with my feet out. Ever heard of "Pigeon toe'd"?
    It's like the oppisite xD
    also, If someone is like tapping their foot, it frustrates me. Bad. Like idk. It just really bothers me, yet, I always have to be moving. Like right now, I'm opening and closing a drawer with my foot. I have to be doing something like that, but I can't stand it when other people do it.

    Hehe, i know. i'm weird xD
    March 21st, 2010 at 03:01am
  • I'm extremely ticklish, and I talk to myself.
    And if I brush my foot against a wall or something, I have to brush my other foot against it, or it feels uneven.
    March 23rd, 2010 at 09:10pm
  • i bite things. + i always massage my throat when i'm nervous.
    March 23rd, 2010 at 09:13pm
  • I can't stay in a confined space after someone sneezes.
    Like in the car, my mom could sneeze into her sleeve of whatever,
    but I'll need her to roll down her window and air out the car or I won't breathe.

    I need to have things symmetrical. If they aren't, I'll go to fix it myself.
    (No lie. I went through an entire shoe store trying to straighten all the boxes.)

    I'll naturally freeze and/or glare when someone starts to smacks his/her food or play with his/her keys.

    Sometimes I'll try to make Internet faces like ":D" or "xD" on my own face to convey how I feel.
    March 26th, 2010 at 08:23am
  • I always have to straighten things up. Especially those clips that keep airplane and train trays in place. I don't know what they're called.
    Whenever I listen to music on my iPod at night - I always pretend I'm playing the guitar or drums to it. Seriously, my air guitar is unnaturally refined.
    I bounce my left leg a lot.
    April 2nd, 2010 at 04:21pm
  • I have many quirks.
    I have weird habits and odd music taste. And I narrate my life too. Out loud.
    April 2nd, 2010 at 05:25pm
  • lmfao I have an inner monologue/life narration too. I don't tell anyone I know that because they wouldn't understand it.

    I'm not really totally happy if my socks don't match my shirt. I'm extremely pleased if my undies for the day match the socks and shirt as well.

    Sometimes when I'm walking and I look at the ground (usually when I'm alone) I have to make sure I step in the cement boxes and absolutely not on the cracks.

    This one's really weird and I haven't told anyone it before. When I cross the street and a car's coming, I absolutely HAVE to have at least one foot on the sidewalk before the car passes behind me. Shifty I can't explain it, but I'll even speed up and jump to get there in time.

    I'm obsessed with watching people's feet when they walk. From behind, I mean. I get so, so irritated when people's feet are turned outward, even a little, when they walk. I know it's normal and that's how the majority of people walk, but it makes me absolutely nutty. I walk straight enough that they actually turn in because I'm so ansty about it. And one leg in front of the other, almost model-style. I'm really weird about that.

    Uh, last that I can think of, is as soon as I see someone's handwriting, I analyze it. Whether it's a signature on a sheet for a substitute teacher, someone's notes I'm copying, or they're at a seat next to me, I will do it. Before I even properly read it. I sort of hate having decided to take up graphology because now it's hard-wired in my head and comes automatically to pick handwriting apart.
    April 3rd, 2010 at 01:13am
  • I use my scissors upside down.
    I mess with my glasses when I'm nervous.
    May 10th, 2010 at 12:12am
  • One of my quirks is if you give me a deck of cards I will put them in order according to suit and number (if not already done so). I also shrink myself which I've recently learned is a defense mechanism I developed so I could deal with my problems without having to deal with the emotions myself, per se. For example, I look at my problems critically, as if they're happening to someone else and from that perspective try to deal with them. Does that make any sense? Anyway, another weird quirk I have is that I can't sleep with the closet door open. I can't tell you why though.
    May 10th, 2010 at 04:43am
  • I like to pretend that my life is a muscial and either sing about what im doing or sing about wwhats going on around me.......... I also hum or sing christmas songs all year round...... and I pretend im a dino all the time like i bite people and rawr at them.... oh and I tend to skip all the time.... Im just a little strange but arent we all hahaha
    May 12th, 2010 at 04:15am
  • I have so many. Where do I start?

    Well, I talk to myself in both English and Japanese, especially when I'm walking around. I get startled very easily. I often start singing all of a sudden, but stop when I find out someone was listening to me (when this happens, I'm often told to keep going, but I get so scared that I just can't.) I often refer to people, especially my boyfriend, as "love" (ex. "How are you today, love?")

    Oh, I could just go on forever!
    January 8th, 2012 at 03:46am
  • I talk to myself in these little wierd accents when I am in cleaning or writing. Or in the kichen in general. Or when I am with my dogs.
    If there is something I see on TV I can't watch it if it started before I got there, no matter how long it has been on.
    I talk to myself as the characters of people in my stories--depending which I am working on.
    Everything has to be in a category or a list. If one thing is out of place I will smack a hoe.
    January 8th, 2012 at 01:41pm
  • I have lots, as most people with OCD do Drunk .
    Some of my non OCD-related ones are fiddling with my hair, I'm always singing and tapping too.
    January 8th, 2012 at 07:14pm
  • Sometimes I'll hum made up songs.
    I also let out one random hiccup every once in a while that my friends say sounds like a pterodactyl.
    January 10th, 2012 at 12:18am
  • I like to take ALL of the chocolate off (and eat it) of the 3 Musketeer before eating the nugget. Shifty

    I can't enjoy the candy bar unless I do that.
    January 10th, 2012 at 12:21am
  • I stare at the ground the majority of the time when I'm walking by myself, and I try to step in sidewalk boxes a certain amount of times in a pattern... Like, I step twice in one box and once in the next and make sure I go 2,1,2,1,2,1 the rest of the time im walking. If I skrew up I start over:3
    I make poems in my mind, about things I'm doing while I do them.
    I narrate my life.
    I have to jiggle the door handle after I lock the door or I get paranoid and anxious the rest of the day.
    I make faces to myself when I'm reading or thinking...
    I cannot sleep with the bedroom door open.
    I tend to do things without thinking about them, and then tend to forget whether I did those things or not...
    I sometimes have to read something multiple times before I put the words together and realize what it means. Especially in textbooks.
    I change my handwriting for my different classes. Health & Biology: preppy&blocky World Geo: smooth&connected Spanish: sharp&seperated English: messy&fast Math: Neat&well organized.
    I usually set my bed before I get into it, as opposed to when I awake in the morning.
    I have to put my deodorant on the same on each side.
    I'm a little addicted to reading and caffeine.
    I can't sleep very well with socks, a bra, or pants on. Unless I'm exhausted.
    January 10th, 2012 at 10:20am