
  • Ohh Star:
    Sometimes I'll hum made up songs.
    I also let out one random hiccup every once in a while that my friends say sounds like a pterodactyl.
    I as well let out one random hiccup every day at least. Everyone laughs. Even my teachers.. **sad face**
    January 10th, 2012 at 10:24am
  • I twitch when I yawn and sort of flail about like a fish out of sea.
    January 10th, 2012 at 02:14pm
  • I have to wash my hands three times before eating. I'm a germaphobe when it comes to food.
    January 10th, 2012 at 04:18pm
  • I don't cut my fingernails, I just file them all the way down, since I'm terrified of them breaking.
    January 10th, 2012 at 09:49pm
  • - When I get really excited or into something, I tend to shout a little bit.
    - When I get really really excited or happy about something, I do this little thing where I flail my arms. XD
    - When somebody asks where something is, I automatically reply, 'It's hiding.'
    - I sing really loud and obnoxiously in the shower or when I have headphones on.
    - I tend to zone out in the middle of sentences or stories that I'm telling, and then when I remember what I was doing, I forget what I was talking about.
    - I come up with the randomest stuff sometimes and then when I think about it later, I realize that it sounds smarter than what I normally say. Facepalm
    - When I say or do something I wouldn't normally say or do, I get goosebumps.
    - When I get nervous during a volleyball game or when I get self conscious about what I'm wearing, I'll fidget with my clothes.
    - I sing in my head.
    - When I'm super excited about something, it's all I'll talk about for a few weeks.
    - Apparently I make my eyes really big when I'm trying to be nice to someone I don't know. It's really weird and I get made fun of for it sometimes.
    - I use smiley faces a lot when I text and talk to people online.
    - I get really worried about if I did things in class or in front of people (like these quirks.) and it's all I can think about and I get really freaked out about it sometimes.
    - It makes me nervous to go to the bathroom in people's houses. Is that weird? Like I'll hold it until I can't hold it anymore.
    - I fidget. A lot. Like I have to tap my foot, or tap my fingers, or do something like that or else I get all weird.
    - I bite my lips a lot, sometimes to the point that they bleed.
    - I get distracted easily.
    - I have this weird thing about spelling and grammar. (Probably because I'm a writer. Laughing )
    - I get really nervous when a popular person talks to me.
    - I move my hands and stuff when I listen to music, like I'm conducting something.
    - Or I do the piano parts if there's a piano in the song.
    - I'll reread and reread stuff over and over before I turn it in or post it.
    - I say lmao a lot, like even if nothing's funny. It's something to say, I guess.

    Wow, I didn't realize how many quirks I had. lmfao I must be a very odd person.
    January 10th, 2012 at 11:39pm
  • fat lamb:
    I narrate my life often, as if it was a book I was writing. I'm not sure if that's weird or not, but at least I don't narrate out loud! XD
    I do that a lot.

    Also, I love science jokes. I'm very quark-y like that.
    January 11th, 2012 at 03:59am
  • I talk fast and loud when I'm excited or mad.
    January 11th, 2012 at 02:04pm
  • - I snort when I laugh. Uncontrollably.
    - I mime the words to the music I'm listening to on my iPod. And if it's orchestral and there are no words, I mime "dum da dum" or whatever fits. xD
    January 11th, 2012 at 09:43pm
  • When I eat sandwiches (with the exception of burgers), I always squish them flat and/or rip smaller pieces off of them to eat instead of biting straight from the sandwich. I tend to actually tear up a lot of my food into pieces to eat, like cookies or muffins. I don't know why. I also like to eat certain types of fruits and veggies (like carrots and kiwis) from the outside in and save the middle parts for last. And when I eat cup ramen, I drink all the soup first and then squish up the noodles into teeny pieces with my spoon before eating them.

    I have a lot of food quirks. Shifty
    January 21st, 2012 at 12:03am
  • ^ I rip up all my food, too. I think it's because eating directly with my mouth seems too messy (even though I probably make more crumbs my ripping food apart.) It's almost like I'm using my hands instead of cutlery. Idk, it makes sense in my head.

    But in general I rarely eat with my hands if cutlery is available. Even foods that are 'supposed to be' eaten with your hands, like slices of pizza or something. I would just much rather cut it up.

    I think I just don't like biting directly into foods D:
    January 21st, 2012 at 02:28pm
  • I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who narrates their life in their head. I thought it was just me... Shifty
    I eat sugar straight from the bag. Sometimes not even with a spoon. Nyam
    January 21st, 2012 at 11:04pm
  • I have an addiction to candy. It's not healthy, but I can't help it!
    January 22nd, 2012 at 05:16pm
  • I do the one a lot of people do - constantly speak in movie quotes (complete with a bad impression)

    Apparently I also play with my hair when I'm reading.
    & I hate eating infront of people I don't know very well or in cafes.

    I guess the weirdest is that I can't walk bare foot on carpet.
    I really dislike carpet :(
    January 27th, 2012 at 04:52pm
  • If I'm eating something and I come across a item of food that I don't like, I'll throw it away. It could be as simple as those brown spots on chips that are actually just burnt pieces to, to much seasoning on a chip. Also, if I'm eating and I taste something I don't like after eating almost the whole entire thing, I won't eat it. I'll be done with it completely. Lastly, I never drink the last bit of whatever it is I'm drinking because I feel like spit gathers down there.

    I cut all my sandwiches in half. I hate wet surfaces like in a kitchen or bathroom, it grosses me out. Before I open a bag of chips, I hold the bag in between my hands and shuffle it back and forth. I don't really know why I do it, it just kinda happens. There's much more but this is things I do every day. Shifty
    January 30th, 2012 at 05:26am
  • I eat everything on my plate counter-clockwise, one food at a time, and none of my food can be touching.

    I also touch peoples' faces when I talk to them. I have a close friend who doesn't like to be touched (AT ALL, if you brush your sleeve on his, he jumps five feet in the air), and I didn't notice until I met him. I went to do it and he squeaked. I still accidentally do it sometimes, but he's getting more comfortable with it.

    I bite my lip to the point of bleeding... Daily. Really awkward classroom situation.

    Last, but not least, I do this... Thing with my hands. It's hard to explain, kind of like a snapping, but there's no noise. I do it when I'm walking. My friends have said that it makes me look a bit crazy because I'm also almost always trying to memorize lines, so I'm mouthing words while doing the hand gestures.
    March 5th, 2012 at 04:15am
    • When I'm home alone I often talk aloud to myself, but like it's an audience of me. (That makes me sound insane. O_O)
    • Also, when I'm home alone and cooking I speak like I'm on a cooking show and narrate everything I'm doing.
    • I speak to my cats like they're people and banter with them (Christ, I must be crazy now that I write this out).
    • I twirl my hair excessively, but always the same piece because no others feel the correct way, and whenever I twirl my hair, it has to touch the area between my nose and lip at least once and when it's there I have to take a quick wiff of it to make sure it smells like shampoo and not something else.
    • I have these random twitches that are similar to the twitches that one would get when they have goosebumps, only it's much more exaggerated and I either shake my head or my entire body swings to one side.
    • When I'm in someone else's house I get grossed out by their silver ware and dining set because I find it unclean and I don't know why.
    • I refuse to look into any mirrors at night or when it's dark out, and when I'm in my bathroom, the shower curtain must be against the wall so that the window in my shower can't be seen.
    • At school, I have to constantly check if my skirt is in the right place (i.e. it's long enough and not showing anything) and I have to fix my skirt every time I stand up from my seat.
    • Also, whenever I have a messenger bag on, the bag has to cover my butt, otherwise I'm uncomfortable.
    • When I walk down the street I refuse to make eye contact with people, because I feel it invites them to talk to you and I don't want to talk to the creepers in my neighborhood.
    March 5th, 2012 at 04:35am
  • I hate even numbers that aren't 2. Shifty
    March 5th, 2012 at 07:15am
  • I have to have every window in the house be covered up because I think that someone is out there, ready to kill me.

    I also have to have the volume on a number ending in 5.
    May 19th, 2012 at 12:53am
  • I make my little toes twitch out of nowhere.

    I observe everyone and how they move and do things.

    I always fiddle with something (its more of a habit now, I do it without realizing it).

    I bite the skin off around my finger nails (doesn't hurt).

    I have to write everything out, or else it will bother me.

    I talk to myself when I'm alone.
    May 19th, 2012 at 07:59pm
  • I sing a lot. Even in situations where I shouldn't, I just burst into song out of the blue. It's rather socially awkward.
    May 19th, 2012 at 09:38pm