
  • FallingThroughWorlds

    FallingThroughWorlds (100)

    United States
    I love games, I always have as a kid. I grew up playing the Pokemon games and Zelda (which I wish I'd kept xP) (thankfully there is Vizzed which lets you play retro games for free >:D even hacks)

    I have a Wii, which to me is pretty outdated compared to the newer consoles. I really want a PS4 just because I love the type of games they have rather from Xbox and stuff. The only other major console I have is a 2DS, but someday I hope I can get a 3DS xD

    I'm not much of a PC gamer, but I do enjoy League of Legends currently, and sometimes I'll play RPG games if I find them interesting enough ^^
    March 19th, 2016 at 11:07pm
  • hiwagang hapis

    hiwagang hapis (1550)

    @ FallingThroughWorlds
    Oh my god I enjoy League a lot XD and RPG games too!
    March 20th, 2016 at 01:37pm
  • FallingThroughWorlds

    FallingThroughWorlds (100)

    United States
    @ balani

    RPGs are fun, especially when their innovative and creative. Speaking of, I need to find some to play xD
    March 21st, 2016 at 05:46am
  • hiwagang hapis

    hiwagang hapis (1550)

    @ FallingThroughWorlds
    The DA franchise is a good series of RPG games. Also, Dark Souls and Skyrim huehue
    March 21st, 2016 at 05:48am
  • FallingThroughWorlds

    FallingThroughWorlds (100)

    United States
    @ balani
    Hmmmm.. Dark Souls looks like something I could try. Skyrim however... I dunno xD I'm really picky when it comes to games I play
    March 21st, 2016 at 05:58am
  • hiwagang hapis

    hiwagang hapis (1550)

    @ FallingThroughWorlds
    Same, same but they're just suggestions because there is not a lot of rpg games recently :(
    March 21st, 2016 at 05:59am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I've been playing games since I was really young. I don't think it's a habit that's going to die anytime soon. :P My favorite console is probably the 3DS. It's what I end up playing the most. I also actively play the Wii U but I don't play too much on the PS3. I thought about getting a PS4 but most of the games I want also available on PC so I think I'll skip the PS4 and wait for the NX to come out.

    Right now, my favorite game is Splatoon. It's online feature has me addicted and I've made a lot of friends through it. It's also one of the very few online multiplayer games that I'm actually good at. :P I'm also growing more fond of Pokken Tournament. Braixen is the cutest thing ever in that game. In Love
    March 28th, 2016 at 10:12am
  • SpriceThePrice

    SpriceThePrice (100)

    Everyone that I've ever told this to laughs but,

    gaming seriously has saved my life.
    June 19th, 2016 at 09:56pm
  • Angel Dust

    Angel Dust (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    I've been playing Fire Emblem Fates and Pokemon Yellow on the 3DS Virtual Console. In Love
    June 27th, 2016 at 03:04am
  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    I was wondering if there was a D&D related thread on the mibbs. This is as close as I've found for now. XD
    But yeah, I love Dungeons and Dragons a lot!

    I do also love me the occasional video game. I'm weird with video games though where I really love them, but like I don't play too often? I get super obsessive with a game or two and then play it way a lot for a while and then I put it down and don't really play anymore. I don't beat too many games unfortunately. My attention span for them is just too weird. Facepalm
    May 4th, 2017 at 04:46am
  • Angel Dust

    Angel Dust (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    @ This.Useless.Heart.
    I'm kind of like that with video games as well. But I somehow find my way back to older video games that I've failed to beat in the past. XD
    OKay so I've posted in this thread many times before but I"ll post again. I've been playing video games since i first picked up an NES controller at about age three. LOL. I vaguely remember watching my grandpa play the very first Zelda game for the NES. The first game I remember playing was A Link to the Past for the SNES even though it frustrated me to no end due to me always getting killed at the hands of those soldiers you encounter early on in the game.

    My first handheld console was a Game Boy Color that I had to share with my twin brother, and our first game? Pokemon Blue, though he traded it for Red on a school trip. But a year later after we got our first Game Boy, I recieved my first ever game that was meant for me, Pokemon Yellow: Special Pikachu edition and I also got my own Gameboy Color so now me and my twin didn't have to fight over Pokemon Red. We were now able to battle each other and play alongside each other. Sure I wasn't the best playing Pokemon back then, but I loved Pokemon Yellow. I loved it so much that last June, I bought it for 3ds virtual console so i can play it on my 3ds whenever I want.

    The first game on an actual console i ever recieved was Harvest Moon 64 for the N64. It was because not long after my grandpa got me Harvest Moon 2 GBC for Gameboy Color, I became obsesesed with Harvest Moon and I saw Harvest Moon 64 at a flea market in either North Carolina or Tennessee and my mom must have bought it for me since she saw me eying it and i recieved it for Christmas. Out of all the Nintendo 64 games, I played that obsessively.

    The first game I ever beat was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, this game along with Pokemon Yellow and Harvest Moon 64, was/is near and dear to my heart. It's because of this game that I grew a fondness for Zelda games.

    Another game that I loved immensely was Earthbound: War Against Giygas for SNES. My grandpa used that game to help me learn how to read and boy, did it help! I didn't understand the whole plot back then but this game meant a lot to me. Another older game that meant a lot to me was the first two Shining Force games for the Sega Genesis. I managed to beat both of them when I was about ten and not too long after beating Earthbound and Ocarina of Time.

    I also remember playing Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy 6, and Chrono Trigger for the SNES. Those games are ones me and my grandpa had worked together to beat together.

    Video Games, especially older ones, have caught my interest and they're always a big part of my life. It's strange that I can invest so much of my time and emotions into the stories of fictional characters slaying dragons and rescuing girls from evil wizards.
    May 15th, 2017 at 04:20pm
  • ultrakill

    ultrakill (100)

    United Kingdom
    This is probably a long shot since it's been a month, but anyone else on here play Overwatch? I've played it since the beta and been in love since, made so many new friends since it and it's wonderful. If it's not obvious, the cowboy has my heart, so. But yeah. Gaming/Overwatch fans? Cute
    June 16th, 2017 at 09:13pm
  • the optimist.

    the optimist. (100)

    United States
    I've recently gotten back into playing Diablo 3. I was really put off by it for the longest time. I pretty much gave up on the Wizard which as I've recently learned is considered "broken" or, ridiculously good. Maybe I just don't get it/it's not for me. The Rise of the Necromancer pack is what got me back into it. I played Diablo 2 and fell in love with the Necromancer. Needless to say I was disappointed that they didn't include him when 3 was first released. Think I was browsing Facebook one night and saw a sponsored advert for it.

    Well alright. Take my money. Decided to see if I could get back into it. Yeah, I've lost about 40 spare hours of my life getting to Torment XIII with him, beat Greater Rift 70 and yeah. Suddenly I don't feel like I suck at it anymore haha.

    Path of Exile is getting ready to drop a remodel of their game too with patch 3.0.0. 10 acts, no need to play through three times to get to the highest difficulty ... I just need a new mouse.

    I forgot all about my Final Fantasy VII replay when I was invited to test the Necromancer on Diablo 3. Man, I need a new hobby.
    July 10th, 2017 at 11:35pm
  • archivist

    archivist (660)

    United States
    I just bought Dishonored and I've been trying to get better at not murdering all the City Watch... not going so well. I'm bad at sneaking.

    Also been loving the Fallout series, as well as Skyrim, and I've got almost 1100 hours in Starbound by now! I've only had it a year!
    August 28th, 2017 at 09:04am
  • Angel Dust

    Angel Dust (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    I have about 300 hours of Stardew Valley logged in on my steam but here lately, I've been all about the visual novels... though those aren't considered full on games but whatever. LOL
    September 18th, 2017 at 09:52pm
  • euclid.

    euclid. (100)

    United States
    Red Devil Hina:
    I have about 300 hours of Stardew Valley logged in on my steam but here lately, I've been all about the visual novels... though those aren't considered full on games but whatever. LOL
    I have almost two straight days logged on Stardew Valley on PS4 right's all I do when I'm home now, since maybe Saturday or so? I'm just about to cross over into year 2 and I'm excited to have crops and make decent money again lol.
    Other than that, I've been digging having a PS4...I got into Overwatch finally, and I'm not very good at it but I get a little better every time I play. I always feel weird/bad about maining Reaper because of how the community views him...but I'm trying to not let that get to me. I like playing Bastion (another non-favourite, probably because he's broken/too OP lol), Lucio, and Roadhog, but I'm trying to expand my repertoire. I try to practice with a new person in Practice Mode every time I play, as well as to practice my aiming at moving targets while moving. Never was really into first-person shooters...

    I also have some other things on the back burner: I still need to finish Mass Effect Andromeda (I wish it was as captivating as the original trilogy, but I find it lacking the same spark it had before), Transistor, and Pyre. I've been meaning to do story mode in Grand Theft Auto 5, or at least level up on GTA Online. And then I've recently bought Persona 5, NieR: Automata, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. I also was thinking about plugging my brother's old PS3 to the television in the living room, as my boyfriend had bought me the MGS HD Collection, and I wanted to replay Kingdom Hearts like my boyfriend is currently doing in anticipation for KH3.

    I have so many games and so little time...and yet I still dedicate myself to playing Stardew Valley. :p
    October 12th, 2017 at 11:48pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'll play anything as long as there's a controller spare but I'm pretty bad at most types of gameplay haha. I'm only really decent at platformers and massive open world sandboxes.

    Anyone else here a Minecraft fan? My absolute favourite, I have about six different games going on cos I love trying all the different mods. Currently playing with Fossils and Archaeology and just caused a massive server lag cos I left a male and female dilophosaurus together and they spawned hundreds of babies overnight... anyway, any Minecraft fans?
    December 18th, 2017 at 12:23pm
  • euclid.

    euclid. (100)

    United States
    @ lozzieee who.
    I used to absolutely love Minecraft. Don't play it much anymore (I've only ever had it on PC [but my laptop broke] and Android [controls were a little weird, but it was fun playing on a private server with my boyfriend from his cousin's iPad]) but it still holds a special place in my heart, and I still watch the Achievement Hunters play it weekly. I've been digging the Sky Factory mod that people have been playing recently--it looks absolutely fascinating to go from having to plant trees and collect rainwater all the way to having railguns and computers. OMFG

    But I'd love to play it again casually when I buy a new laptop. I always wanted to make it to The End and defeat the Ender dragon...but also it was fun strip mining for diamond to try to buff myself up against mobs.
    I've bit the bullet and purchased a Nintendo Switch and I am absolutely enamored with the thing. I play it mainly as a handheld device when I go and visit my boyfriend at his place, but playing on screen with games like Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Skyrim is good stuff. I'm especially into Breath of the Wild right now, just from all the added features from the last Zelda game I played (which was probably Twilight Princess, not counting the Ocarina of Time remake on 3DS) like scaling mountains and cooking. I'm still early on in the game, as I am with all my RPGs on the Switch (Super Mario Odyssey and Skyrim, the former of which is absolutely adorable and good fun as well) but I'm slowly working my way through each of them when I can.

    Not to mention, I've brought it over to a friend's house for a gaming party and having Mario Kart 8 Deluxe to play with friends was an absolute joy. There was much cursing and lots of salt but still so much fun. XD Another friend brought his brand new one later in the evening, along with some other co-op games I'm thinking about picking up (ARMS looks like a ton of fun, especially if you get good enough to do competitive), but that won't be until much I've spent a good chunk of my credit card on this purchase. Embarassed Don't regret it though!
    January 10th, 2018 at 09:37pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ matt murdock
    UGH the Lets Play lads doing Skyfactory! Every Friday night! I watch AHWU in anticipation and cheer like a nerd every time Lil J announces it tehe Now I wish it was Friday...

    Modded Minecraft in general is pretty sweet. If you want to best the End Dragon I'd definitely do it in Vanilla first, with mods it loses all its difficulty and most of its fun (just look at Jack and Ryan!). AH's playthrough is what inspired me and the boy to set up our own floating island haha. I would totally recommend playing Skyfactory when you get the chance. The grind is so, so very real but the payoff feels so worth it, especially when you get things automated and can dick about with more hands-on things like Botania and Blood Magic. I hope you get to jump back into Minecraft soon! Very Happy
    Boyfriend treated me to Lego Harry Potter 1-7 and we've been playing it on and off and my god, I've missed Lego games. And the remaster is awesome! Having the disks is so much better, playing on PlayStation Now was awful cos the connection was terrible. It's definitely going to be my first platinum!
    January 11th, 2018 at 03:14pm