
  • I'll be doing a photography course in September. Well hopefully.
    I'm not brilliant either, but oh well.
    August 6th, 2009 at 05:47pm
  • I'll be joining our photography course at school soon. I love it. I'm not the best photo taker, but that's what the class is for. To improve on the skills I already have, so that way, I can become an even better photographer.
    August 7th, 2009 at 09:48pm
  • I love photography. It's a bit of a passion of mine. I don't think I'm bloody amazing or anything, but decent enough, so I've been told, anyhow.

    A couple weeks ago for my birthday my parents, brothers, and my grandparent pitched in some money to buy me a new camera (my old one broke and completely died in May), and I'm so excited to use it now. It's my baby. ;]

    I also really enjoy film and using the darkroom at school when I get the chance. :] I wish we had a photography class to take.
    August 8th, 2009 at 06:09am
  • I quite like photography. I don't think I'm good at it or anything, but it's something that's always kind of interested me.

    Next year I plan on doing the photography course at school, and at some point in my Journalism class we're meant to be doing a bit of photojournalism. :cute:
    August 8th, 2009 at 11:17am
  • Not to brag on myself, but I'm not too bad at capturing moments.
    I like to edit on photoshop too.
    August 9th, 2009 at 06:32pm
  • i love taking pictures; im pretty good with taking them too (:
    but im defintiely not up there with professionals.
    August 9th, 2009 at 07:56pm
  • My camera's probably one of my favorite possesions. =] In my backyard we've got dozens of different plants and flowers, I always love going outside on a bright sunny day and take pictures of different flowers. The more angles the better :)
    August 9th, 2009 at 10:28pm
  • L'origine Nascosta:
    I like looking at good photography taken by people who are genuinely interested in it.
    But then you get the 13 yr old girls who buy a canon and pretend that they are 'photographers' so they can be 'individual' and 'sensitive' and instead they come out as
    'PATHETIC' :|

    God, that pisses me off so much.
    Or kids with their cell phones/shitty point and shoots with bad photoshop added on top.

    I, not to sound elitist or anything, want to be a pro, and compared to who else wants to be, I don't think I'll have an issue.
    Oh, and I'm sure when you were 13 and interested in photography, you were just an amazing professional :mrgreen:

    Seriously? Photography is an amazing hobby - I love it myself - but in no way should you have to come across as a professional to be into it. The least one can do is give some pointers to beginners instead of slagging them off.

    On the contrary, there are some seemingly 'good' amateur photographers out there who come across as completely pretentious because they think they're so good at it.

    I'm personally not looking to become a professional as such, but I do love photography. I love landscape photography with interesting skies. I'm looking to upgrade my camera soon, though.
    August 10th, 2009 at 06:51am
  • :shifty You have to start somewhere. Why do you care about people who try to get good at it with what they have? :/
    August 10th, 2009 at 07:18am
  • Photographing is one of my favorite things to do as well.

    I just got interested in it a couple months ago.
    I don't have a NIkon like I wanted, but I'll eventually get there.
    I'll use digital til then.
    August 10th, 2009 at 05:26pm
  • I'm about to go into my second year of photography A-Level.

    I'm really worried about it though, because I'm getting a new teacher, and she's already done a couple of lessons with us and she's terrible. She sets us awful topics and she treats us like five year olds.

    I'm really worried that she's going to put me off the subject, because I love photography and it's what I want to do as a career :|
    August 10th, 2009 at 06:21pm
  • Photography means more than click & picture to me. It's like capturing your journey throughout life. It's like the song 'Slideshow': All the places I go, and all the things that I know, through out the high and low.

    Wow, I'm pathetic.
    August 11th, 2009 at 04:19am
  • ^ No, you really aren't.
    I burst out into song whenever something reminds me of one. My friends get sooooo annoyed. :XD
    August 11th, 2009 at 04:27am
  • I like photography, but not like 'oh my gosh I want to be a photographer' because everyone and their mother wants to be a photographer. I just like taking pictures. It's documenting your life.
    August 11th, 2009 at 07:54am
  • I started a year ago. :tehe:
    I use the family cam, which is now practically mien 'cause everyone else fails at using cameras around in my house so ... yeah. XD
    August 14th, 2009 at 12:13pm
  • I love taking pictures, and I got a camera for my birthday. It's really cool taking pictures of flowers, especially really focused ones. And I took a bunch when my family put a new liner in our pool and refilled it. The water was bouncing everywhere, I got some nice shots...
    August 14th, 2009 at 07:13pm
  • YAY! Wow
    I fail so hard at it, but I love taking pictures.
    August 15th, 2009 at 09:12am
  • Yay
    August 19th, 2009 at 07:34pm
  • I just got a really old fashioned camera and I found it's a lot of fun to take pictures with.
    August 21st, 2009 at 07:16pm
  • I might be getting an SLR sometime soon, depending on whether I pass my results. So fingers crossed. I'm super excited about the prospect of having one. :D
    I was wondering, seeing as everyone here loves photography if anyone could help me with a photography assignment?
    Basically, I'm starting a photography course in September and they set us an assignment to take three pictures representing a descriptive word. I can't think of anything original, though or if I can I can't think of anything to go with it. I thought of golden because it's such a lovely word, but I can't think of anything. D:
    August 22nd, 2009 at 04:07pm