Are You Perverted?

  • I.Get.High.Off.Life.:
    what might this web site b? x]
    Here is the website. XD

    Have fun! Hug
    December 29th, 2009 at 02:47am
  • Yes, god yes i am
    January 2nd, 2010 at 03:06am
  • I dunno if I posted on here yet, but I'm a professional pervert. And it's rubbed onto all of my epic friends Con XD.

    Me and one of my friend can make a perv joke out of aaanything.

    Like...we made one about the wall in our math class.

    "The wall is big and hard Weird."
    "The wall gets touched all the time."
    "We can't keep our hands off of the wall Weird." (And I really can't XD.)

    We're just epic like that File.
    January 2nd, 2010 at 09:55am
  • I'm really good at perverted comebacks.
    A kid once told me "I'm going to get inside that brain of yours."
    told him I was going to get inside his mom.

    I earned a round of applause from my classmates. File
    January 3rd, 2010 at 06:43pm
  • I'm a bit perverted
    sometimes i twist things to a bit off dirty stuff Embarassed

    Like one time the telly was on and some ski competition was on and the Norwegian skier was reaching the finish line and the commentator kept saying "He is coming, he is coming, he is coming!" with a louder voice as he was closing to the Finnish line and when he finished the commentator literally screamed hysterical "He came, he made it!"

    Off course something else popped in to my mind when I heard that Shocked
    January 7th, 2010 at 07:29pm
  • I was with my friend Jennifer today and she was trying to plug my laptop. The plug wouldn't reach from the wall to where she was sitting and she kept saying "Stay in! Stay in!"

    I said "That's what she said."
    January 19th, 2010 at 12:22am
  • Seriousely, my friends get like really mad at me cuz I can make anything perverted. Like my friend said he was gonna rake the leaves and I was like ewwwww thatz wat she said
    January 19th, 2010 at 03:02am
  • Okay. Guys. I was at lunch today with my friends at a round table...someone at the table handed a banana to the girl sitting next to me. She said, "Ooh, it's big today."


    And me and my friend was talking about something...something random; I forgot XD. And our other friend only caught the perverted parts of it. Like, we were talking about something that had to do with the fact that whipped cream tastes salty if you lick it off of someone's skin.

    Other friend: "OMFG Perverts!"
    January 21st, 2010 at 04:09am
  • I thought wrong of a bulb pipette with a rubber thats attached to the end. And its dangling. tehe
    January 21st, 2010 at 02:54pm
  • A few weeks ago in English class, we were learning about Julius Ceaser. When our teacher said, "He left money, private parks-"

    "Private parts?" Someone said.

    "No, private parks."

    "PERV!" Someone else yell.

    January 23rd, 2010 at 01:06am
  • Oh, my gosh. On...Thursday, I think? My life management skills teacher was talking about our next semester, which would be P.E. with him. Someone was giving him sass and he said, "I'm gonna work you so hard, your tongue will fall out."

    Everyone burst our laughing. Then I gave my friend the *perv senses are tingling* look and we started laughing even harder XD.

    And at lunch- this dude I know said, "Open, you dirty bastard!" lmfao he was trying to open this strawberry-apple slushie thing.

    "It hurts to bend down." He was trying to pick up extra trash on the floor in art class. XD.
    January 23rd, 2010 at 08:33pm
  • Defiantly. My friend texted me today, to tell me she was coming over soon.
    "I'm coming." LMFAO, do you ge t it? DO YOU GET IT?
    Overly sick minded.
    January 25th, 2010 at 03:01am
  • I am perverted.

    wyliecoyotesfriend, you make me LOL.
    January 26th, 2010 at 06:17am
  • Yeah, very perverted. I blame my friends... just kidding. They have no idea how perverted I am. They think I'm still ignorant about a lot of things. I'd rather not say anything though.
    February 5th, 2010 at 06:02am
  • NonameXP:
    Yeah, very perverted. I blame my friends... just kidding. They have no idea how perverted I am. They think I'm still ignorant about a lot of things. I'd rather not say anything though.
    Haha, I blame my friends, too.
    February 20th, 2010 at 09:14pm
  • During winter break, my best friend Karen came down to visit, so we were at her boyfriend's house. She took my phone so she could go on MySpace with it. The phone kept messing up when she was trying to check her messages (the Internet on my phone is limited and very slow).

    Karen: Stop telling me it's too large to open!
    Me: That's what she said!
    Karen: (laughs) Oh wow.

    February 20th, 2010 at 09:24pm
  • Haha.I already know I am perverted.
    February 24th, 2010 at 04:52pm
  • I was in Chemistry the other day and these guys were playing with one of those erasers that are sort of like putty. One of them (we'll call him Mike) said "Mine's soft." and the other (we'll call him Bob) goes "Mine's actually really hard." then Mike goes "Dude...put it in your mouth!" so Bob goes "No way! It's sticky!"

    We were all laughing and they had no idea what was going on.
    March 6th, 2010 at 08:52pm
  • Once, my guitar teacher asked me if I was a Bowie fan, and I replied, "Yeah, I'm a huge Bowie fan! I was obsessed with him for, like, a year!"

    Then he said, "You did what to him?"

    I burst into hysterical laughter.

    Ah, yes, the dreaded organism/orgasm confusion. Once in 7th grade a kid accidentally misread "organism" and my teacher just said, "No, you mean 'organism.' We learned about orgasms last semester." Which is actually rather funny since we had spent the majority of the previous semester with (ugh) sex ed.

    But overall, I don't think I'm particularly perverted in the grand scheme of things, especially compared to others in my age group.

    And there was this one time that I was telling my dad about my essay, "How to Eat a Mandolin." At one point I told him, "And you're supposed to put the head in your mouth first."

    I think he realized how nasty that sounded, because there was a bit of a pause before he said, "Cool."
    March 23rd, 2010 at 10:58pm
  • YES SIR I AM! ....... I swear I think about sex every 10 mins or less time span in-between I think about it no matter what is going on
    March 23rd, 2010 at 11:46pm