Odd Hobbies

  • I have a new one, recently I've become super obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I collect anything TMNT related. Movies, toys, hoodies, calendars, you name it.

    When I find a new band and such, I go online and research them. I look at photos, read interviews, listen to interviews, and watch behind the scenes footage of their tours.

    I collect CDs, even though I have an iPod. File
    June 26th, 2010 at 03:42am
  • Reading useless trivia.

    Weird Shifty
    June 27th, 2010 at 04:04am
  • Cosplay. tehe
    June 27th, 2010 at 06:31am
  • It's not very strangs, but figure skating. I haven't done it in a while Cry but when I tell people I skate they get all surprised and impressed and shit XD
    June 30th, 2010 at 05:23am
  • searching for fun lists, like "49 things to do to get kicked out of your exam" and crap like that..... I'm actually gonna go do that now =-)
    July 1st, 2010 at 05:50pm
  • I collect quarters aswell Bye I really prefer foreign coins and paper money
    ( too bad some paper money is hard to come buy) Cry

    OH this is weird! I LOVE to collect license plates Mr. Green Mr. Green
    July 27th, 2010 at 06:46pm
  • I skateboard. There's like zero skateboarding male writers on this planet.

    Except for me.
    August 5th, 2010 at 06:24am
  • dynam!te:
    I used to collect leaves..... Ehehe. =] An odd hobby I have as of right now is muting the TV and voicing over it, by myself. (I get terribly bored.)
    Oh yesh, I do the same about TV ;DD I used to do it with my bff when we were little.. And now I started doing the same again. ;D

    I love making lists, no matter what is it. And I like exploring everything around me, sometimes I imagine I'm new in my restrict and I'm going all along it, looking up for every tiny detail. I usually get shocked how much I don't usually see! ;D

    And I like looking into people, their faces, mimics and so on. Also talking with strangers. And laughing of doves, I find them really hilarious :D
    August 21st, 2010 at 12:54pm
  • I can ride a unicycle but not a bicycle. :(
    *hangs head in shame*
    September 11th, 2010 at 10:23am
  • I make weird faces in the mirror ><
    September 13th, 2010 at 07:58pm
  • Every week, without fail, I add one thing I found that week to a corkboard.
    It can be a quote I thought was interesting or a piece of string I found on the ground.

    Everybody who enters my room is always perplexed and amused by it.
    December 16th, 2010 at 10:15pm
  • It may seem like a strange hobby for a guy, but I sew (have to make my own clothes for historical re-creation, 'cause you can't just go to JCPenny's and buy a Viking-style tunic and trousers) and I sort-of crochet (a precursor to learning how to do naalbinding, 'cause you REALLY can't just go to JCPenny's and buy a pair of authentic Viking socks).

    I used to have a journal-type book in which I wrote down all sorts of quotes that started with "If..." At one point, I painted several of those quotes randomly on a pair of old and much-tattered jeans. (Painting old jeans was another hobby.)

    I collect books. I am MOSTLY over my "must have EVERYTHING by authors I like" phase, but it still gnaws at me that there are books and stories by Roger Zelazny that I don't have copies of, like those 3 books of his poetry. (On the other hand, I have a first printing of Nine Princes in Amber.) I very much regret not buying a book about the Inklings (Tolkien, Lewis, MacDonald, and whoever those two other guys were) that I found in a used book shop several years ago.

    I used to do medieval-style combat, before my physical disability got too bad. I was never more than okay with a sword, but I kicked ass with a quarterstaff or mace.
    December 26th, 2010 at 10:12am
  • Research. I love to learn and research about almost anything to the point that I'd called it a hobby. Like, when I get bored, the history of the Soviet Union, for example, will pop in to my head, and so I'll research it online, go rent a book about it, and actually take notes and test myself as if I'm doing it for school rather than fun. Most recently I've researched the hell out of reticular pythons.

    Yeah. I'm a nerd.
    December 29th, 2010 at 08:06am
  • smoker's delight.:
    Research. I love to learn and research about almost anything to the point that I'd called it a hobby. Like, when I get bored, the history of the Soviet Union, for example, will pop in to my head, and so I'll research it online, go rent a book about it, and actually take notes and test myself as if I'm doing it for school rather than fun. Most recently I've researched the hell out of reticular pythons.

    Yeah. I'm a nerd.
    Yeah, but a cool nerd.

    I can't rememebr who the quote is from, but someone famous once said that his definition of a dullard was someone who, needing to look up a word in a dictionary, looked up only that word and then closed the book.

    Research for its own sake is fun; it feeds the brain.

    I've been researching hydroponic gardening - and not for the reason you may think! I want to know what vegetables, aside from tomatoes, can be grown without soil.
    December 29th, 2010 at 09:47am
  • I collect make up and scarves. I wear the scarves but not the make up (or at least not often enough to justify my having it in the first place).

    I also collect birthday cards and other greeting cards. Maybe that's just a sub-division of pack rat syndrome, or maybe I'm lazy, but I like to say I collect them :P
    January 18th, 2011 at 02:18am
  • Annoying the hell out of my family members by screaming insanely loud random stuff that never makes sense. :D
    January 19th, 2011 at 12:29am
  • I have this Market cornered. I gather and cook wild foods, I go to malls in costume, I make ceramic masks, I juggle knives, and those are just the ones that come to mind. I'm sort of an odd duck.
    March 2nd, 2011 at 07:21pm
  • I collect rocks and minerals.
    I collect coins.
    I like glass.
    ...and yes, I love LEGOs.
    And I have a friend who used to be a complete pokemon freak.
    March 8th, 2011 at 04:25am
  • I collect things... Odd flavored chapsticks, notebooks, pretty rocks, random pieces of jewelry, writing utensils, stuffed animals, feathers..

    I also take pictures, of pretty much everything. If my phone is charged and/or I have a camera nearby, you can expect at least 50 pictures to be taken by me before the day is over. Of course, most of them end up getting deleted... but yeah.

    I like to write things on little pieces of paper and leave them places I know someone will find them; especially thing I know will make at least one person's day.

    And I make signs for people. If you don't know what that means, I write/draw their name all cool on either a piece of paper or part of my body and decorate it, take pictures, and post them online. Like on facebook or something.

    Speaking of, I draw on myself a lot. And I draw on other people. And on clothes/shoes. And random belongings. And sidewalks. And.. pretty much everything. >.>

    I like to walk around and make up new identities for myself. Like, I'll go a whole day or two pretending to be a character I made up to see how believable I am, how long I can go like that, ecs. Usually, random people don't talk to me, so this doesn't get very far... but it's entertaining, especially because most of my characters have me doing things that get weird looks out of strangers. xD

    I also make up personalities and lives for strangers...
    and make weird faces at mirrors..
    and sometimes my friends and I pick someone and follow them around until either we see them get in a car, we get distracted and lose them, or the person confronts us. No one has confronted us yet, though. [x

    And, I hang out in elevators. I don't usually ride it up and down or anything. I just hang around in it. Maybe strike up conversation with people that get in. Fun stories have come from that. <3.

    I spend a lot of time editing pictures.
    I used to crochet. I google translate the heck out of random things.

    And.. I did this thing, kind of like a mix between baton twirling and juggling, I guess. I don't remember what it's called, but I learned how from this woman I met in Canada about four years ago... you hold two plain batons in your hands, and used them to hit, toss, and spin a decorated/flared baton in the middle that's sometimes lit on fire. You can do a lot of tricks with them.. and it's pretty easy. It took me less than a day to learn the basics. It was fun. But, then one of my batons broke and I lost them all.. so I haven't done it in nearly two years.

    I also love experimenting in the kitchen.
    And walking about in the nude.
    and internet stalking awesome people.
    and experimenting with make up. and hair.

    Ohh, let's all play dress up. <3.

    LOL AND I LOVE CROSS DRESSING. I've only ever successfully done it once, though. And I made over a guy to look like a woman. He was a sexy female (okay... not really. but if you didn't know him, you would have thought he was a woman. just not a particularly attractive one. I mean, we gave him very convincing breasts and everything. Even shaved his chest).
    I really want to transform myself into a boy for a day, at least once.. It think I'd be more attractive as a male than as a female, honestly. o_o

    Oh.. this post is getting far too long..
    ...I think I'll go now.
    March 10th, 2011 at 01:45am
  • I sing in the middle of the street and people go like O.O xD
    March 19th, 2011 at 02:28am