Child of Teenage Parents

  • cardiotoxicity

    cardiotoxicity (100)

    New Zealand
    Dad was 19 when I was born. Mum was in her twenties.
    Ended up living with my grandparents too. Neutral

    Now that I'm older me and dad are really close cause the age gap isn't that big. But yeah, he was not ready. At all.
    October 10th, 2009 at 09:32am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I don't particularly think it's a good idea to have a child in your teenage years because most teenagers are just kids themselves and can't really raise one of their own. Some teenagers are and I do know some teenagers who are some of the best parents but for the most part, I think teenagers are usually not ready to raise a child. I'm not disupting that there are some teenagers who can take care of a child and some who do take care of their children very well.

    My mom was kind of a teenage parent. She had my brother when she was only nineteen. She doesn't think she was ready to be a mother. At the time, she did but as she raised my brother she blames herself for how he turned out and thinks she raised him all wrong because she started out so young. I don't think she is the cause of it all but she seems to think that.
    October 11th, 2009 at 09:52am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    My mom was sixteen when she got pregnant and seventeen when she had me. My dad was eighteen and a senior in high school. (Mom was a junior.)

    My dad was mentally abusive to my mom. He threw things near her. They had two more kids before they got divorced. My mom said they got divorced because I walked up to her at the age of four and said "Mommy, please don't divorce Daddy. I'll tell him to stop throwing things at you."

    I don't think it was the fact that they were teenagers. I think it was the fact that they were both not the most well-adjusted teenagers. My dad had a lot of rebellion and drinking problems because his mom died when he was 16 and he had trouble coping. My mom had other problems. (She's Bipolar II.)

    But I think my GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) is because of it. I got it when I was two and it never went away.
    October 12th, 2009 at 04:22am
  • Kawng 'ite

    Kawng 'ite (100)

    United States
    My sister was fifteen when she had my beautiful niece. My niece was born exactly 10 days before my sisters birthday. It will be hell for her in the near future since my niece's birthday is December 20. Then Christmas. Then my sister's birthday is the 30th. It is pretty neat actually.

    Anyways, back to the story. At first my sister didn't know what the hell she was doing, but with the support from her parents, she is now raising a beautiful two year old baby.
    February 24th, 2010 at 05:30pm
  • Stained Glass Eyes.

    Stained Glass Eyes. (200)

    United States
    I was not the daughter of a teenage mother, but one of a drug abuser. She put me up folr adoption, and I see her every few years. My real brother came and visited me last year, we had lots of fun.
    February 25th, 2010 at 04:30am
  • tweak;

    tweak; (100)

    United States
    I was not the daughter of a teenage mother, but one of a drug abuser. She put me up folr adoption, and I see her every few years. My real brother came and visited me last year, we had lots of fun.
    not trying to be rude, but that really has nothing to do with this thread.

    my mother was eighteen when she had me. i'm the reason she's stuck working at toys 'r us because she couldn't go to college.
    February 25th, 2010 at 04:45am
  • Mayken

    Mayken (100)

    United States
    My brother had one of his sons at 16 then another at 18. He wasn't prepared for it at all, at first he didn't want the boys when his girlfriend was pregnant but when Oli and Kaylan were born he came around to the idea and started to act like a dad. He took care of them since they were born all the way up until he passed away in November. He was an amazing dad, it all came natural to him. Even if we still had our parents I doubt he wouldve needed their help.
    February 25th, 2010 at 05:08am
  • rhetoric

    rhetoric (100)

    My mom was twenty-five when she had me, but she was seventeen when she had my oldest sister, my dad was nineteen.
    They got together when my mom was fourteen and separated when she was thirty-two. They had five children, and she was pregnant on the sixth.
    My mom never got the chance to go to college, but wouldn't have anyway, her family rarely being able to afford food as my grandmother is an alcoholic and spent it on drink.
    Now, with my youngest brother, having a form of autism, she's still not able to get any job because she has to be there to take of him all the time.

    What I think is really strange is my cousins. Katherine had her son at eighteen. A year later her mum and sister got pregnant. Two girls, only a few months apart. Mary had Aisling in her mid-forties, Rachel had Kaitlynn when she was fifteen.
    Kath's son is older than his aunt. Unsure
    Personally, I think that a bit odd.

    Most of my Dad's sisters had their kids at the age of twenty and below. A good few of my cousins did also.

    It's really odd, but they all make great parents, so I guess there's not much to say about it.
    March 17th, 2010 at 05:45pm
  • iMeowTao

    iMeowTao (100)

    United States
    Rose Red:
    One of my best friends had her child when she was fifteen (fourteen at the time of conception). And still, being so young, she tried to make the best of the situation, since she was against abortion. So many people tried to get her to get rid of her child, saying that she wouldn't be able to handle it, etc, but she didn't listen. And now, almost three years later, she proved them all wrong.

    She's doing her senior year right now, getting her diploma, and is a very caring and loving mom. When she first had the child, she still took classes through corespondance, and will still graduate on time. It takes a lot out of her, but she's a wonderful mother, and total proof that a teen can raise a child right. I've seen her with her baby and the child is so happy. Even though she doesn't have much money (the father ran out on her a few months after she had the baby, but her parents are supportive), we all know the child is going to be raised right. My friend has worked hard to be able to support herself and the baby once she graduates, and I'm so proud of her for making the best out of a tough situation.
    ^Honestly... That's awesome.
    I just had to say that. ^ ^;

    Anyway, I'm not sure if my mom had hit her twenties yet or not when she had me, but... I know I was her fourth child, and I was from her second marriage. -.-;
    My mom started having sex at 14, and started having children not long afterwards... Yeah, she's made mistakes that have affected all of her kids lives...

    But not everyone who gets pregnant in their teen years are destined failures.
    I think it largely depends on maturity, having people to lean on in those times of need, understanding it's not gunna be easy, and living life the best way you know how to regardless.
    I'm not a guru, I'm sure other things play factors, too... But I feel like if I said, "Oh, because so and so is a prego teenager they won't be a good mom!" that'd only make things worse for that person and discourage them from even trying.

    I deffinately don't encourage it, but it happens. It doesn't mean 'the end', not in my opinion.
    March 19th, 2010 at 05:43pm
  • pulmonary archery.

    pulmonary archery. (100)

    United Kingdom
    My mum had me when she was 17, and she raised me on her own. She never had huge career prospects, but she finished school and worked for herself. When she had me she moved out of home and into a little flat, and after that she privately rented a house which I grew up in until I was about 14. I wasn't planned, and things were always hard, but she never used it as an excuse to sit around and live off benefits (which you see quite a lot of people doing now days). She works part time in my old school, has done since I was about 8.

    She raised me pretty perfectly, too. I'm an almost straight A student, I have respect for myself, and I'm generally a good person. There's a lot of negative stereotypes attached to children who have single and teenage parents - and I break pretty much all of them.

    I had a good run, but I too often see people my age now having children and they just don't seem ready, just in the things they do. When you've got a three month old baby, you don't go clubbing twice a week. You just don't. Once you have a child they have to come first in every situation, and I think a lot of teenagers aren't mature enough to realise that.
    March 22nd, 2010 at 07:28pm
  • aubs

    aubs (420)

    Drabble Scribe
    United States
    I am not the child of a teenage pregnancy but I have a friend who is.

    Her mother and her don't get along too well. She doesn't get along with her father either. Since her mother is still "young", she acts like a not yet matured 16- year-old. It annoys my friend all the time!

    And, I admire those woman who have children while they are still in high school. Well, the ones who finish high school after they have the baby. I don't like the idea though because it could be stressful to have a child and still worry about school all at the same time.

    That is my thoughts about it.
    March 23rd, 2010 at 12:47am
  • tweak;

    tweak; (100)

    United States
    More Original:
    I am not the child of a teenage pregnancy but I have a friend who is.

    Her mother and her don't get along too well. She doesn't get along with her father either. Since her mother is still "young", she acts like a not yet matured 16- year-old. It annoys my friend all the time!

    And, I admire those woman who have children while they are still in high school. Well, the ones who finish high school after they have the baby. I don't like the idea though because it could be stressful to have a child and still worry about school all at the same time.

    That is my thoughts about it.
    My mom is the same way sometimes. She had me when she was eighteen, I'm almost seventeen now, and when we fight, she acts like a teenager. I swear, sometimes I must be more mature than her. The shit that comes out of her mouth is just ridiculous and so immature, it's like unreal. But it's only when she's mad and she sounds like an idiot. I honestly believe she's stuck in an eighteen year old's body sometimes. o__o
    March 23rd, 2010 at 07:39am
  • aubs

    aubs (420)

    Drabble Scribe
    United States
    ^ When I am with my friend and her family, I notice the way her mom dresses like and it sickens me. She dresses like a teenager. I mean, my friend just thinks that it is embarrassing to see her mother dressed like that, and of course, I would too.

    I think, when a mother has a child, they should act like an adult. They shouldn't keep acting like a teenager when they are not. It is creepy.
    March 24th, 2010 at 02:38am
  • The Rumor

    The Rumor (365)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ^ How do you mean, 'dresses like a teenager'? My Mum dresses fashionably and buys her clothes from the same stores as me and my sister but it's just because she likes the way she looks and the clothes she wears are really nice. My Mum, two sisters and I tend to swap and share clothes quite a bit as well.
    March 24th, 2010 at 04:32pm
  • blooming.

    blooming. (100)

    I don't think there's anything wrong with it, except if you're like 14 and under. I think that's a bit too young. I know tons of teen mothers, actually my sisters old friend from school just had a baby boy the other day, she's 19. He's so cute, and she's a brilliant mother. Cute

    My Mum's best friends daughter, and childhood friend of mine and my sisters had a baby like... a year ago? So she was around 17 when she got pregnant, she's an awesome mother and her daughter is adorable!

    Being a teen Mum is all the rage in my town lately, at least 20 teen girls we know have had or are about to have a child and they're between the ages of 17 and 19. I think as long as the parents are financially and emotionally capable of caring for the child and are able to provide everything it needs then why not? It's their choice. I do, however, disapprove of teenage girls having babies just because they can, and especially if they are not mature or capable of looking after the child, that's just terrible and I feel so sorry for the kids.

    A girl I was best friends with in Primary school is due to have her baby soon, she has the maturity of an 8 year old and personally, I think she's gone a bit weird, like... mentally. Shifty She's so irresponsible and not very intelligent. Plus the fact she wanted to name her daughter Miley, and then Buffy, and now Miley again... yes, after Miley Cyrus. Twitch OMG NO! Facepalm

    Children of teenage parents usually seem to turn out fine. I believe it definitely depends on the parent.

    I don't know if I went off-topic or not... Shifty
    April 9th, 2010 at 10:34am
  • blooming.

    blooming. (100)

    More Original:
    ^ When I am with my friend and her family, I notice the way her mom dresses like and it sickens me. She dresses like a teenager. I mean, my friend just thinks that it is embarrassing to see her mother dressed like that, and of course, I would too.

    I think, when a mother has a child, they should act like an adult. They shouldn't keep acting like a teenager when they are not. It is creepy.
    My Mum acts like a teenager sometimes, she's really rebellious. Get drunk a lot and still goes out partying, it's annoying. Disgust She wasn't a teen Mum though, so I guess this is kind of like spam.

    To make this not spam, I honestly don't think it has anything to do with age, more so the person. I watched 16 and Pregnant on MTV and these two kids decided to put their baby up for adoption because they didn't have the money to look after it, they were devastated. It was the most emotional episode ever, and since their parents weren't really responsible they were super mature becuase they basically looked after themselves. It all depends on the person.
    April 9th, 2010 at 10:51am
  • guns and horses

    guns and horses (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    im 16, my son was born in march.
    id like to think he'd be proud of me in years to come, and that ashamed would be the last word he'd think.
    id hate to disappoint him.
    im trying my hardest to be the best mother i could possibly be.
    i dont think being a teenager has anything to do with the way you raise a child.
    i believe some teenage parents can bring a child up better than some adults.
    its all about responsibility and how serious you take being a parent.
    May 29th, 2010 at 05:49pm
  • failing.munchkin

    failing.munchkin (100)

    My older sister [she's 22] has 4 kids.
    She had her first,a baby boy named Joshua,when she was 18.
    She also got married when she was 18,and [and NO im NOT racist,i love coloured people!] to a black person.<<--- he's AWESOME xD
    She also has a girl names Mariah,which is 3,and Jaden which is nearly 2,and Nehamiah [Nee-ah-my-ah] who is nearly 1!
    Backto the point,
    i don't really mind about teenage parents. I mean,if you have kids earlier,then they'll get to see you live longer,along with their grandparents,mayber great grandparents.
    i hate how people treat teenage parents.
    I guess thats where alot of stress comes from to them.
    And,i always put up a fight if anyone insults my sister for having kids young [hey,i put up a fight whenever anyone insults her about her about anything!]
    And i think,that teenage parents are put down in the community,and its in NO way fair!
    Okay,i'm rambling... :DD
    But,my point is,
    i have no problem with teenage parents,
    alot of others do.
    It's no way fair,and i hate people that put them down!
    June 25th, 2010 at 09:03pm
  • Bloodwing

    Bloodwing (150)

    United States
    My mother was 17 when she had my oldest sister. My sister's dad committed suicide... But, my mom took care of my oldest sister for two years on her own, then married my dad (biggest mistake...) and had three more kids with him. She did well for my sister. And my dad was 18 when he and my mom got together. I don't think he was really ready, but she was.
    June 25th, 2010 at 09:22pm
  • Rango

    Rango (100)

    United States
    My mom and dad were both 17. They lived with her mother for a few months... Then they moved out on their own. It's been hard but I know that teenagers can do it. It's all in how they approach it.

    I'm a teen mother myself, and we're doing just fine. It all just depends on the person.
    July 20th, 2010 at 06:19am