Your Point Of View

  • I'm not a fan of it. I love paper books. Sad I get that it's more accessible and environmentally friendly but, I really love seeing books on my shelves. I love walking into bookstores and seeing them all lined up in alphabetical by author by genre order. And that beautiful old book smell, and new book smell. Happy face

    The media coverage of female athletes?
    August 13th, 2016 at 02:25am
  • It upsets me greatly. The amount of focus upon appearance and manners is absolutely ridiculous: they are athletes, not supermodels. Grr And can we PLEASE leave Gabby alone for her hair??

    The current US Presidential Election?
    August 13th, 2016 at 05:26am
  • Oh, my. I want to be a political journalist but honestly, I'm so glad I can't vote in this year's election (I miss it by about a month love my life). I don't know which candidate is worse, honestly. Ugh.

    The idea of free college tuition?
    August 15th, 2016 at 01:35am
  • My country has it as standard (alongside free university education), so I think it's a good idea. I definitely wouldn't have been able to afford university if my tuition fees weren't paid by the government.

    Facial piercings in a non-customer facing workplace?
    August 28th, 2016 at 09:57pm
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    August 29th, 2016 at 04:27pm
  • Oh hell yeah. I have a few that are just for decoration, they match the theme of the bedroom, but I actually still sleep with one: as long as you aren't creepy/crazy about it I think it's totally normal and fine.

    Nurses with tattoos?
    September 1st, 2016 at 10:29pm
  • I actually don’t mind at all! I think it’s cool! One tjme I met a nurse that had a really cool quote on her arm. Usually I never know what to do or talk about when they are standing over me. It also could get really awkward to me and my social anxiety spikes. But her quote put me at ease and when I asked her about it, she got really animated and the awkwardness disappeared.

    The quote was: “Don’t judge me because I sin differently than you”

    I really love that, because being in a religious family everyone is always so judgmental meanwhile they are sinners too. Just different ways. Because of her tattoo, I was able to relate to the nurse and be more comfortable with her oddly enough while some people might find tattoos on nurse’s scary.

    Your POV on abortion?
    January 13th, 2019 at 02:16pm
  • It's up to the person and the circumstances, really. I don't want a child so if I ended up accidentally pregnant I'd definitely consider it as a possibility because I can barely take care of myself never mind a tiny human. But I wouldn't expect someone else to do the same as me, so I think it's up to the person. I certainly wouldn't judge somebody for having one, though.

    Learning languages in school?
    January 14th, 2019 at 07:40pm
  • I think it should be mandatory, and from the beginning of school. Australia has a terrible second language education and I wish that I had learnt a language (well) at school.

    Face tattoos?
    January 20th, 2019 at 03:55am
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    January 20th, 2019 at 04:28pm
  • I actually really like it, because I am more plugged into the internet world and feel comfortable here than irl. I like to live vicariously through other people too on social media. But I know it’s all just a fantasy. Sometimes I just like to imagine doing the things that these people I follow sometimes do or going to the places they go to. Maybe some people think social media is bad, but I don’t mind it. It also gives me a sense of communitt. Without it I wouldn’t have one, because most people where I live have no community or outlets for creative writers. And if they do it’s only a yearly thing or in a town three hours away. Social media let’s me connect with other people and plug into my areas of interest that I normally would not be able tp do.

    Your POV on colonizing different planets/moons?
    January 22nd, 2019 at 02:26am
  • I think the human race has this stupid notion that we own anything and everything and that we should colonise ALL OF THE THINGS and it's so silly. Like we've wrecked this planet as it is, and now we want to go and do the same to other planets? Nope. I don't agree with it at all because all we'll do is milk the arse out of any source of power / fuel on that area, ruin it like we have with Earth and then bugger off to leave it to die while we exploit another planet. So I'm not a big fan of the idea of us colonising other planets and moons. Leave them in peace.

    Music as a school subject?
    January 24th, 2019 at 08:28pm
  • Super important! And beyond just messing around with different instruments, but actually learning to read music and whatnot. But I understand that it's not cheap, especially for theoretical purposes. I just wish more money would be allocated to the arts in schools and more importance placed upon them.

    Found art (i.e. Duchamp's Fountain and Bicycle and the Readymades art movement)
    January 31st, 2019 at 12:57pm
  • Unusual and weird, but also pretty cool. I don't have a particular opinion on it either way. Like I'm not about to go out of my way to find somewhere displaying it but if I came across it I'd probably appreciate it.

    January 31st, 2019 at 11:27pm
  • I used to be a big supporter, but now it brings me nothing but shame because I’ve dropped out so much and haven’t finished. Like, even saying the word or reading it is associated with regret and shame for me. But I guess that’s a personal issue for a therapist I don’t have XD. But other than my own shame, I think it is a really great thing! I don’t like, however, that nowadays no one can really make a living (in the United States at least) without at least a Bachelor’s Degree. Because what about the people who can’t afford school and don’t want to go into debt? We should be able to make a living without going to University, but that is a thing of the past.

    POV on reading online verses buying actual books?
    February 2nd, 2019 at 09:08pm
  • I actually don't have an opinion either way as I do both. I love curling up in my bed with a physical book, and I love the 'new book' smell and I obviously read physical books a lot and I have done for years. I own a ridiculous amount of books and I've been brought up with my parents buying me a lot of books. I've carried that over to my own money now and I buy a physical book a month to make sure I always have something to read (although I have enough to read and probably shouldn't lmao). However, I also do a lot of reading on the Kindle online app now. We aren't allowed paper at my work (GDPR Rolling Eyes) which means I can't bring in physical books to read and we get quite a bit of time between calls on weekdays, so I like to read in-between calls and the Kindle app is perfect for that. I've got a newfound appreciation for reading online because of that, because it's really convenient for me.

    Football (or soccer if you call it that but it's still football and you're all wrong Coffee)
    February 2nd, 2019 at 10:54pm
  • ^^^^lmfao Hey get off the US’s backs! We are right and everyone else is wrong!! Always! XD JK

    I actually like it because I get to look at the players XD It’s like basketball to me for that reason, which is why I don’t mind watching basketball. Also, like basketball it’s a sport that is easy to follow. I don’t have to know all the rules to know what’s going on! So, if I’m at a game I don’t mind because there are usually cute guys and good athleticism on display that’s easy to follow!

    Your POV on teaching creationism alongside the big bang theory in public schools?
    February 4th, 2019 at 06:33pm
  • I don't think that public school is a place to bring religion, at all.

    Same-gender schools?
    February 5th, 2019 at 11:30am
  • I think it is OK. I don’t know why we need to do it anymore though considering women are no longer seen as inferior or need to be separate to learn “separate” things than men. But I don’t think it’s horrible either that they still exist.

    Your POV on the superhero movies that keep coming out in Hollywood right now?
    February 6th, 2019 at 03:26am
  • Where's Black Widow.
    Honestly though, I don't mind them, I'm just a bit over them and they're becoming cookie cutter in terms of plot. I'm also sick of the superhero (movie) scene being dominated by men.

    iPhone vs Android debate?
    February 6th, 2019 at 04:12am