Are Your Characters Real?

  • untold:
    When I do my homework I turn into Marissa. tehe She's just so smart and logical, where I most of the time don't give a crap about my grades. She whips me into shape.
    Lol can I borrow her to get me to do my math homework? tehe

    Lol I dream about my characters, too. Since I write a lot of Tokio Hotel fanfictions, I daze off during class, and when I'm just sitting and doing nothing, and I even dream about them while I'm asleep.

    Which is actually quite funny, considering my newest story is based off of a dream I had the other night about me writing a story about Bill and Tom Kaulitz :D So, I took the story I dreamt about and made it a real story :D Confusing, huh?
    October 17th, 2009 at 07:06am
  • ladyschrei:
    Lol I dream about my characters, too. Since I write a lot of Tokio Hotel fanfictions, I daze off during class, and when I'm just sitting and doing nothing, and I even dream about them while I'm asleep.
    I've done that many times before. At first it freaked me out, I thought I was insane dreaming about my stories. But I gradually got used to it. It's kind of interesting dreaming about your own stories. Dreaming about them while dazing off during class happens to me way more often since I do it more often. XD
    October 17th, 2009 at 08:26am
  • Elijah, from Eccentrically, is ALWAYS nagging.
    I'll give him that.
    October 17th, 2009 at 08:34am
  • George Ryan Ross.:
    Lol I dream about my characters, too. Since I write a lot of Tokio Hotel fanfictions, I daze off during class, and when I'm just sitting and doing nothing, and I even dream about them while I'm asleep.
    I've done that many times before. At first it freaked me out, I thought I was insane dreaming about my stories. But I gradually got used to it. It's kind of interesting dreaming about your own stories. Dreaming about them while dazing off during class happens to me way more often since I do it more often. XD
    Lol exactly! And I'll always snap out of it and be like, "WTF just happened?" XD
    October 17th, 2009 at 07:01pm
  • Haha, thank god I wasn't alone.
    I always thought I was weird and hearing little voices in my head never eased the feeling.
    I did get used to it but I don't share what happens to me to anyone. Out of all my friends I'm the one who writes and pretty much reads. I know they would never understand if I tell them my characters are speaking to me.
    October 17th, 2009 at 07:43pm
  • My characters talk to me. They tell me about their lives, their loves, their hopes, their dreams, and the pain they keep deep inside. Cry
    October 18th, 2009 at 03:09am
  • Prongs:
    Haha, thank god I wasn't alone.
    I always thought I was weird and hearing little voices in my head never eased the feeling.
    I did get used to it but I don't share what happens to me to anyone. Out of all my friends I'm the one who writes and pretty much reads. I know they would never understand if I tell them my characters are speaking to me.
    My friends are the same way. I have two friends that understand what I'm going through and the rest just think I'm crazy. I'm really glad I'm not the only one with voices in her head.

    The worst part is when my characters start having conversations amongst themselves while I'm trying to think. Sorting out the voices can get annoying. Disgust
    October 18th, 2009 at 04:33am
  • ^I hate when my characters talk at the same time. It's like I loud fire bell is going offf inside my brain and I can't seem to concentrate since it's so noisy.
    October 18th, 2009 at 07:28am
  • ladyschrei:
    Oh my gahh, don't even go there xD You don't want to enter my head. There's a new character in there every five seconds ... and when they're all together ... -shudder-
    Ha! I know the feeling! And when the muses enter the fray, oh em gee, I just try to leave. That's when my grades started dropping because they won't shut up long enough for me to do homework.
    October 18th, 2009 at 10:59pm
  • Miss Cullen -I wish-:
    Ha! I know the feeling! And when the muses enter the fray, oh em gee, I just try to leave. That's when my grades started dropping because they won't shut up long enough for me to do homework.
    Lol I daze off during class or when I'm reading a book because they won't shut up and I like to join their conversations in my head :D
    October 18th, 2009 at 11:45pm
  • They talk all of the time, some of them even argue with me.
    Our personalities are nothing alike, so we don't clash very often.
    October 21st, 2009 at 02:42am
  • Andreas Hudec.:
    ^ XD Me three. It helps with development.

    Coffee I think in accent and tone to go with it.
    I can spend hours in deep thought, the voice in my head German and male.
    Hehe, I do thattttt. Gotta get the accent right. It just does it for me.

    But other than acting them out and randomly having idea about them, and talking to them physically and the fact they seem to take control WHEN I'm writing... like, never do quite what I intended them to... And sometimes going off and doing something esle completely... O_o;;; Not really. I don't get voices in my head like many of you >_<

    But they do tell me stuff- like I SWEAR Orlo told me his dog was called JPeg, eheh ^^. Swear it. And Dem tolddd me he keeps mints in his pocket and likes damp windows with dew running down them, the smell especially.

    Weirdddd I know. O_O

    EDIT: You reckon I should make a topic: Things Your Characters Told You ?
    Could be interesting ;]
    October 22nd, 2009 at 01:47pm
  • Ashley likes to add his little commentary on things. It's usually highly innapropriate. The majority of my "That's What She Said"s come to me in Ashleys voice which is rather amusing since I always imagined him sounding like a bit deeper Jess McCartney. Shifty
    October 24th, 2009 at 06:22am
  • Oh, yes. I get into fights with them every day.

    But I also find myself consulting them about what they're willing to do, and what they're not so willing to do.

    ....I probably sound insane. XD
    October 24th, 2009 at 08:03am
  • Mine won't shut up at night.
    They always have conversations in my head will I'm trying to sleep.
    October 27th, 2009 at 03:23am
  • My characters speak for me. They are basically my soul. Every character symbolizes a part of me, what they do is something I would do. What they say is something I would say. They are a part of me. They speak and act for me through my writing because I know personally I cannot talk to anyone about anything if it weren't for my characters in my stories (or poems).
    October 27th, 2009 at 05:06am
  • I have honestly made myself cry working out fight scenes/dialogue in my head.

    If I can't sleep, I try and go over character relationships, motives etc. in my head. In Love. It makes me emotional.
    October 27th, 2009 at 11:26am
  • My characters always feel so real to me. Maddie, for example.
    She is me and what I want, without the cancer.
    She is how I know I would deal with things if I had her troubles and her opportunities. She is what I would do if Ruki had agreed to spend three months with me (even though wishes through foundations don't stretch that far, I figured I'd make it his own decision).

    And because she's so real, it's so hard for me to hurt her when I have to.'s hard for me when I'm plotting out the chapters where she has to be weak. I want her to have a burst of strength that gets her past day ninety, but I know I can't.

    My characters are very real to me, and I don't always talk to them, but when I'm writing, I can almost hear what they would say or do in my head.
    October 27th, 2009 at 08:30pm
  • My characters can sometimes become my alter egos. tehe

    I'll "become" one of them in the car or something.
    October 28th, 2009 at 10:27pm
  • Nope! That's why I call them characters. Yes
    October 29th, 2009 at 12:01am