Fall Out Boy the third

  • second star.:
    we should totally look into getting Patrick a White suit.

    & -emotional keymash- to the able post above. They are everything you've said above and then more. Fall Out Boy will always be the therapists pumping through my speakers. Thats all there is to it really.
    there aren't enough words to describe what they really are, you know? they were just perfect in every way! and, yes let's get patrick a white suit :D
    June 12th, 2011 at 05:56pm
  • I totally get what you mean. Fall Out Boy were/are/always will be everything. /emotional gush
    & Patrick would look smokin' in a white tux. He could channel his inner Brendon Urie and wear a tophat.
    June 12th, 2011 at 06:13pm
  • second star.:
    I totally get what you mean. Fall Out Boy were/are/always will be everything. /emotional gush
    & Patrick would look smokin' in a white tux. He could channel his inner Brendon Urie and wear a tophat.
    inner brendon :D
    June 13th, 2011 at 02:22am
  • everyone has their own inner brendon. except pete who is too busy channeling ryan.
    June 13th, 2011 at 04:07pm
  • LMAO, not anymore. i gotta say, lyrically the young veins disappointed. i don't think pete is channeling ryan anymore :D
    June 13th, 2011 at 04:28pm
  • i haven't actually listened to any of the young veins,so its a shame to hear they're not as good.
    maybe brendon is channeling pete then, because the lyrics for vices&virtues are pretty awesome and pete's lyrics are always good.
    all this channeling just sounds kind of kinky, to be honest (':
    June 13th, 2011 at 05:34pm
  • it does sound kinky, i thought the same thing, i just didn't wanna say it xD

    yea, young veins wasn't the greatest thing... brendon is totally channeling pete, but it's a bit different than pete, i dunno what it is. i think pete's lyrics are phenomenal. he and jesse lacey (brand new) are lyrical geniuses.
    June 14th, 2011 at 11:14pm
  • well, those boys are all awfully close. they're probably used to all this "channeling" in various combinations by now tehe
    i think brendon's lyrics, whilst amazing, aren't as raw as pete's. like you said, pete has this way with words that just makes him stand out and it comes across in his blogs as well.
    June 14th, 2011 at 11:25pm
  • haha oh, channeling. brendon is more metaphorical in a sense, pete is purely raw. he's like in your face about it, but he isn't at the same time. i also think though it's the huge variation in mental health between the two. i feel like tons of bipolar writers surpass average people who have just had their shares of ups and downs xD
    June 15th, 2011 at 12:08am
  • pete has never tried hide his emotions in his words. he uses his words to express his emotions, whilst brendon's (and ryan's as well) have always been much more hidden, so to speak.
    i think having bipolar kind of gives people a different view of the world, and therefore write lyrics or whatever that have a deeper meaning to them /deep and philosophical. tehe
    June 15th, 2011 at 12:15am
  • fo sho xD i agree completely. it gives you a completely separate view of the world from everyone else. it's like you're on a parallel, and he shows that. he shows that with every word he rights.

    strangely enough jesse lacey does as well, but i don't think jesse lacey suffers from anything like that. i think jesse is just a genius.

    brendon isn't as concerned with "hiding" as ryan was though. i feel like sometimes it got to a point where ryan tried to hard to hide himself, brendon did it just enough!
    June 15th, 2011 at 01:46am
  • definitely. i think it's very brave that pete isn't afraid to do that either.
    i've never listened to a lot of brand new, so i shall have to do some investigating.
    i think you're right, but i think a lot of that is to do with ryan being old past his years. brendon is more naive than ryan in that sense.
    June 15th, 2011 at 01:40pm
  • you know, sometimes i feel like it isn't the fact that he's beyond his years, it's that he doesn't want to be found out. ryan strikes me as one of those people who just doesn't want others to really know him.

    pete has no fear in anything, because what is there to fear? i mean, he has no worries about most things he does. the man tried to kill himself in a walmart parking lot, and you never hear anything about regret. you just get atavan halen. all he did was explain why.

    you should totally listen to brand new, you'll love them. i recommend listening to these albums; the devil and god are raging inside me, deja entendu, and daisy.

    they have a fourth album, it's their first one. it's great for when you're in one of those really early 2000's mood, you know? but it's still lyrically fantastic, it just sounds so 2001. the album's called your favorite weapon xD

    i think the best song in the world, lyrically at least, would involve pete and jesse. musically, patrick and brendon, but lyrically pete and jesse (:
    June 15th, 2011 at 06:07pm
  • yeah i get you. it's weird cos that pushes me away from ryan but draws me to him at the same time.

    pete deserves all the respect in the world for that reason. it takes a person of strong character to have that kind of acceptance about their life and this fearlessness.

    i shall definitely look into it Cute early 2000s music for the win.

    we should force them to combine tehe maybe they'll take bribes?
    June 15th, 2011 at 07:21pm
  • yea, i don't know. that's why i love/hate the ryro lyrics Disgust

    pete deserves a lot more respect than he is given, and i find it strange when other people don't seem to understand that. this entire band does, as i said before they're our spokesmen.

    fall out boy pointed out that we're just a group of really sad kids, and that's okay ^.^ they kind of make it obvious that things will get better in strange ways.

    early 2000's xD haha, so great. lmfao

    they better take bribes. we'll send pete a new bulldog and i don't know what we'd get jesse... but he lives two towns over from me. i'll figure this out! Clap
    June 15th, 2011 at 08:57pm
  • ah yes. the early 2000s. it's obvious to see i have great control of date and time ¬_¬ lmfao

    that's the great thing about fall out boy. like you said, they're just a bunch of "normal kids" achieving their dreams. it's great to watch.

    only two towns? that's a win right there. good luck on your mission with that one and meanwhile i'll figure out how to send a bulldog in the post. Think

    on another note:
    new clan. line today!
    Clap Crazy
    June 16th, 2011 at 09:47am
  • ^.^ two towns! i must get a move on it before i move back to the city! haha, you actually can put him in a crate and ship him via plane. my uncle in california sent my grandma a puppy that way (:

    fall out boy gives me hope for like everything, they remind you that normal people can be famous too. they don't have to be complete idiots or overly rich to achieve their fame. panic! at the disco is the same way, they were just babies when they started!

    maybe, that's why ryro hid. that whole "if i can't see you, you can't see me" policy might've still been in place. because, young veins lyrics were seriously lacking O.O he was just a baby hahahahaha.
    June 16th, 2011 at 05:45pm
  • wow, i didn't know that. dog in a box it is Cute

    i love that feeling about the whole of decaydance. they're just 'normal' people doing what they love.
    June 17th, 2011 at 12:58pm
  • and they're good at what they love, except for paramore in my opinion, however, i will not go there today.

    yea, puppy in a box ^.^

    oh decaydance, how i love thee! i feel like decaydance in itself deserves its own thread, but where what that even go? under artists? O.O questions that need answers...
    June 17th, 2011 at 07:53pm
  • ah, i'm not a huge fan of paramore either.

    it would be pretty awesome for decaydance to have their own thread. i assume it would go under artists, but i don't know if it would be allowed as they all have their own separate threads... Think
    June 17th, 2011 at 08:56pm