Do You Have Any Phobias?

  • Female, 16.

    Acrophobia- Fear of heights. I cannot in any way stand in a tall building and look out (especially those with large windows) nor can I stand on a bridge and look over. The reason for this is that I know I will jump if I do so... (Catapedaphobia- Fear of jumping from high and low places.)

    Bacteriophobia- Fear of bacteria. I guess some would say it is OCD... I've had a panic attack before when someone asked if I wanted to drink from their bottle. I will not eat anything if the person hasn't washed their hands several times. I do not touch anything after I have washed my hands if I am eating. I clean my door handles, computer keyboard and game controllers multiple times a week even though it is only really me that uses them. I do not eat anything if I do not know who made it. I imagine bacteria squirming all over my body and it's disgusting.

    Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia- Fear of cancer.

    Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns. Again, have had panic attacks...

    I also have a fear of water covering my face. I'm not so bad now, but when I was younger I'd have panic attacks if even a little bit touched my face. Washing my hair was a problem, I had to lie in an empty bath with the shower running on my hair, but now I can wash it in the bath and even put my head under a little so it covers my ears. I think this is because I cannot swim and fear I might drown... which pretty much started when I was about three. My mother had taken me to the local swimming pool and I slipped in at the deep end, went under and couldn't get out....
    December 16th, 2010 at 06:44pm
  • i really do not like things that are not humans
    i generlly feel uncomfortable around all bugs, spiders and animals

    their are some exceptions though. like turtles or hamsters cats(i love cats) and some types of birds
    February 6th, 2011 at 12:10am
  • Somniphobia which is the fear of sleep.
    February 6th, 2011 at 03:33am
  • Female
    Bananaphobia - fear of bananas
    Now I'm sure that most people must think I'm making some silly joke, but I'm insanely serious about this. I can't touch bananas - I scream and run away if a banana is placed near me... If one touches any of my stuff, I have to immediately wash it, without touching the infected area...
    I mean, most people just find this comical but there is something about bananas which reduces me to a panic and causes me to get all nervous and freaked out.
    But well, it's not all too difficult to handle. Some people think it's a joke and try to throw bananas at me, but I'm used to it and just try to be subtle about my freak-outs. Hmm, and at home, we keep the bananas away from the other fruit... o.O
    February 7th, 2011 at 10:03pm
  • Female, 13

    Achluophobia - Fear of the Dark
    This has to be one of my biggest fears. Once it was pitch black dark and my friend asked me to come over and I said I would. She lives right across the street. So I walked to the rode and froze, thinking about everything that could happen and then I ran back to the front door of my house and broke down, breathing heavy and trying not to cry. I failed miserably. I repeated the process about 5 times before I gave up and asked my mom to drive me across street. And in a dark room I get paranoid about every little sound.

    Atelophobia - Fear of Imperfection
    In some strange way, I have this. I am afraid of something not being perfect. When something isn't I'm instantly paranoid and try to fix it so it is. Like if something isn't perfectly even, I'll try to make it. If something isn't in perfect order, I must fix it or it's on my mind the rest of the day.

    Athazagoraphobia - Fear of Being Forgotten
    Sorta like fear of rejection, but not really, it's just the fear of being forgotten kills me. I got really scared when I thought I was being ignored and cried for about a week and kept trying to think of possible ways to prevent the forgetting. I was never being forgotten in the first place.

    I'd say those are my only phobias but I have a really really weird one that doesn't have a name. I fear people hearing me breath. I sometimes hold my breath or yawn to try and. Keep quiet breathing.
    February 10th, 2011 at 02:13am
  • aquaphobia- the fear of drowning. It feaks me out. That to me is the scariest way to die.
    February 11th, 2011 at 01:26am
  • Female, 18

    Arachnophobia - fear of spiders.
    This isn't just a little, "spiders creep me out" fear, it's much bigger than that. I can not go near a spider or spaces that I think there might be one, example: underneath the stairs at my work. I had to go under there to get an extra shelf once and it took me a good fifteen minutes of deep breathing to reach something into the space to drag out a shelf. Turns out I shouldn't have, there was a dead spider on the shelf and I locked myself in the office upstairs and cried while the cashier I was working with laughed at me. I can't even get close enough to a spider to kill it so I have to find someone else to kill it or just deal with the fact that it is alive and free to crawl where ever. I once phoned my mom sobbing to try and get her to come home and kill a spider for me. Forty-five minute phone call later and the spider was dead, my mom was in hysterics, I was sobbing uncontrollably, and there were five shoes in the bathtub that I had thrown trying to kill the spider. Yeah...get those fucking things away from me.

    Fear of elevators
    The only name I could find to somewhat describe this would be claustrophobic but I don't think that that describes this fear for me because I'm not afraid of small spaces, just elevators. I tell people that I don't like them because they make me sick, which they do, but truthfully I just don't want to be in one. It's not the fear of getting stuck or anything like that so I'm not sure exactly what it is about them that makes me so afraid. This fear isn't nearly as bad as my fear of spiders but I avoid elevators as much as possible. Climbed twelve flights of stairs to take an exam last semester because I wouldn't go up in the elevator.
    February 11th, 2011 at 07:39am
  • Female, 19

    I don't know if it actually has a name but I'm afraid of bunnies.
    O and I have a fear of tissues that are touched by other people or not in a box... :(
    February 12th, 2011 at 03:22am
  • Female
    Aichmophobia- the needle fear.
    I cant in any way, shape, or form watch people get a shot. Or if someone accidently pricks themselves with a needle it makes me sick. And so help me if anyone tries to give me a shot...its pretty bad news :/

    This one is sort of ridiculous. I cant go more than 5-6 feet off the ground without feeling squimish

    Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsly represents a sentient being
    Wow. This fear is probably the most intense one i have. it was most likely caused by an unfortunate viewing of Goosebumps. But this a legitimate fear of mine. I seriously think they're coming to life.
    February 12th, 2011 at 05:50am
  • Eisoptrophobia - fear of mirrors.

    It's not common, but by God I get scared of mirrors if I'm on my own. My best friend has a lot of mirrors in her room and it just scares me that they could have been in someone else's room. Could have been in anyone's room. They've seen things and it's like they watch you. It's more second hand mirrors, not new mirrors, and my fear isn't as 'intense' as it used to be, but I still get quite anxious/scared around mirrors. I have NONE whatsoever in my room and the only mirrors I'll use are downstairs where all my family are. Also, I'll use it for about two seconds and then dash.
    February 12th, 2011 at 01:44pm
  • Arachnophobia - fear of spiders
    Mine isn't as bad as 'Logan! owns you's but i hate it so much. I'm always imagining that there are spiders EVERYWHERE. You know how when you're wlaking down the dark hallway and you like run because you're scared? Most people say 'run before the serial killer gets you!' but I always ran because I just had this fear that there was a spider 2 metres long hiding in one of the rooms watching me. One of my friends took a photo of a spider and put it on facebook, tagging me in the post, i clicked on the post without knowing what the picture was and when it came up i screamed and almost broke my laptop =/ the worst part is when its even like a daddy long legs and i'm trying to kill it and it moves and i jump away i feel so damn pathetic. It's harmless but it still scares me!
    February 15th, 2011 at 02:42am
  • female, 14
    Fear of needles

    and I honestly, think that't it...
    February 15th, 2011 at 05:27am
  • Aichmophobia - I've also been wary of needles but recently I've started feeling sick afterwards. I get incredibly dizzy and collapse to the floor and feel like I'm burning and they have to put me in that recling chair thing. It's dreadful.

    Emetophobia - I have an extreme fear of throwing up. I've had it for several years now. The concept absolutely petrifies me. I can't see it, I can't deal with it, I sure as hell can't do it... It'll give me a dreadful panic attack. I get nervous if I feel even remotely sick. I'm terrified of being ill. it's really impacted my life. I'm absent a lot because I'm afraid to go to school if I feel even a teensy bit ill.
    February 15th, 2011 at 05:45pm
  • female, 14
    I know I've been here before, but I sort of realised that I'm terrified of snakes. I saw one in the movies the other day and I couldn't stand looking at it. I couldn't listen to it either. I sort of realised this now because I haven't thought about or seen any snakes in years.
    February 18th, 2011 at 12:30am
  • I also have Thantophobia, the fear of death.

    I am terrifyed by it.
    February 18th, 2011 at 02:42am
  • Female
    Phobia of sicknesses

    I can't even stand watching it on tv, when people are sick (not like "cold" kind of sick but like really sick). It's so hard trying not to think about it right now :D
    February 18th, 2011 at 03:03am
  • Female, 14

    Basiphobia--fear of falling. It's not really the height that gets to me--I can go up in a tall building and look down through a window and be like, "Oh wow, that's so cool!" But if the wall is all glass, I can't stand near it because I'm afraid it'll break and I'll fall. I can't stand being within ten feet of the edge of a cliff because all these scenarios of my being a klutz and tumbling down and down and down impairs me of thinking rationally.

    Entonophobia--fear of ticks. I remember when I was in fifth grade, there was a tick infestation for about four months. In those four months, I had five ticks try to kill me. Three of them were climbing onto my clothes, and two of them actually bit me. When I found the three that climbed onto my clothes, it was in the middle of class, and I immediately started hyperventilating and sobbing hysterrically, and I jumped up and ran to the bathroom to try and get it off. The teacher aid had to chase after me each time and help me. It was really embarrassing. The other two ticks bit me, and luckily, I found those at my house. All the same things happened, except they were more enhanced by knowing that it had actually put it's head under my skin. Ugh! I couldn't stop crying for hours after that.
    February 19th, 2011 at 09:10pm
  • Mine is fear of falling as well, but the main issue is falling and getting hurt physically. The though of breaking a bone, cutting myself, and kind of mutilaton creeps me out to end. I'm not necessarily scared of heights, just the fear of falling somewhere high then getting crushed when I land at the bottom..

    I also have a fear of the future. If I'm not doing what I love, I get stressed out.

    And I also have a fear of being laughed at or talked about.

    AND when people are mad at me :P
    February 23rd, 2011 at 12:10am
  • Acrophobia- fear of hights.....
    This is by far my worst fear, i freak out.....start crying and hyperventilating. It is terrible, i cant go on roller coasters really, unless i close my eyes, and just thinking about it just.....ohhhh no way.....

    I also have a bit of claustrophobia, its not bad, i just feel extremely uncomfortable in tight spaces, like elevators and things like that.
    February 23rd, 2011 at 11:51pm
  • Logan! owns you:
    Female, 18
    Fear of elevators
    The only name I could find to somewhat describe this would be claustrophobic but I don't think that that describes this fear for me because I'm not afraid of small spaces, just elevators. I tell people that I don't like them because they make me sick, which they do, but truthfully I just don't want to be in one. It's not the fear of getting stuck or anything like that so I'm not sure exactly what it is about them that makes me so afraid. This fear isn't nearly as bad as my fear of spiders but I avoid elevators as much as possible. Climbed twelve flights of stairs to take an exam last semester because I wouldn't go up in the elevator.
    Male, 15.
    I have finally found somebody else with this fear. After watching The Tower of Terror, my fear just got worse. I would much rather take the stairs, because they're fun, but even the stairs are scary. I just never quite got over my fear of heights. I'm always imagining that the hotel or building that I'm in is going to collapse. I have seen Titanic two too many times. I get really dizzy after I get off of an elevator, and my heart skips a beat whenever the elevator does that little jumping thing on me.

    Trypanophobia - fear of needles
    I got my first flu shot without freaking out last year. A couple years ago, three nurses had to hold me down because I was freaking out so much. I was trying to get away, and they just couldn't restrain me. I was kicking and screaming. I wish that I could just silently sit and get a shot, but I always end up crying. And I can't look when they give me a shot. I can't even watch when they give other people shots on the news or the television screen.

    Of course, when I got internal bleeding from a blood test one or two years ago, it definitely added to my fear. I never want to get a blood test again. I nearly walked out of the hospital when they told me I was going to get a blood test, and I swear that I will the next time that they try to give me one. I bet I'll think differently when I realize I would have to walk out in one of those robe things. I will just escape before putting one of those on. Anyhow, my fear of needles has hardly improved.

    I am beginning to have a fear of dogs, though. Big dogs always love to attack me. Shocked
    February 24th, 2011 at 04:09am