Do You Have Any Phobias?

  • Monophobia is an abnormal fear of being alone.

    I've had this fear for quite a while...Even though I'm in a relationship I'm still really scared that I will end up alone one day.

    Kakorrhaphiophobia is a fear of failure or defeat.

    I'm applying for university right now and I have this fear that I will fail to get in. I also have always felt that I will be a failure to my family.
    February 1st, 2012 at 12:39pm
  • Agoraphobia (fear of being in crowded public places / fear of leaving a safe place)
    Emetophobia (fear of vomiting)
    Athazagoraphobia (fear of being forgotten, ignored or forgetting)
    Achluophobia (fear of darkness)

    I actually have quite a few more...but these are fears I think of almost daily.
    February 4th, 2012 at 06:05am
  • Aichmophobia- Fear of needles
    Hobophobia- Fear of bums or beggars.
    Scelerophibia - Fear of burglars, bad men.
    February 24th, 2012 at 12:54am
  • Female, 18

    Acrophobia - Fear of heights
    I'm okay if I'm only on the 2nd floor, but anything above & beyond terrifies me. I'm especially afraid when I look over the edge of a building or balcony. I start shaking & freeze up.

    Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders
    I dislike spiders so much. I freak out even if it's a tiny one. Ugh, just thinking about it is making my skin crawl. Yak

    Demophobia - Fear of crowds
    By this, I mean when I'm absolutely surrounded my people. On all sides, above, bellow, east, west, everywhere. It's probably also a combination of confined spaces.

    Glossophobia - Fear of public speaking
    I always hated giving presentations in class. I would stare at the ground or my paper & stutter. Plus, I naturally have a quiet voice so I would always speak softly. It's similar to my fear of heights. I freeze up, but I also begin imagining that everyone is making fun of me & I slowly start to lose my breath. It's awful.

    Commitmentphobia - Fear of commitment or relationships
    I'm not sure if that is the correct term, but I searched it & that's all that google gave me. Well, this is probably the worst phobia I could have. I don't even know why I'm afraid to be in a relationship. The thing I want most in the world is to be in love & find someone to love, who also loves me. But how can I do that when I'm afraid of commitment. It's counterproductive! >.<
    I've never even been in a relationship because of this fear. Whenever a guy asks me out, I instantly start to panic & think up excuses of why not to go out with him. Even if I actually like the guy, I'll make up some lame excuse or just flat out say no. Wow, I just made myself sound like a bitch. -_-
    *Sigh* I don't know why I have this phobia. And I swear, I'm not a bitch. Cry

    That's probably not all my phobias, but I'll stop there because I'm about to go into ranting mode.
    March 2nd, 2012 at 08:00am
  • I fear of high places and fear of singing alone in front of a crowd
    March 5th, 2012 at 11:21pm
  • Pocrescophobia- Fear of gaining weight
    April 22nd, 2012 at 05:29am
  • Arsonphobia - Fear of fire.
    If someone else tells me to do something for him/her that would involve using fire, such as cooking food, it would take a long time for me to finish that task. My phobia started right after me and my family didn't almost make it alive out of our apartment building.
    April 22nd, 2012 at 03:06pm
  • Male

    Aeroacrophobia - fear of open high places
    This means I'm fine with heights if I'm in a building or it's enclosed some way, but if I'm standing on the top of a cliff or something and the drop is just open and there's nothing around me, my knees are just crazy weak and I feel sick and it's just not pleasant.

    Arithmophobia - fear of numbers
    I have this with certain numbers. I'm uneasy around odd numbers, and I don't get a good feeling from the number 2, though multiples of 2 are fine.

    Cancerophobia - fear of cancer
    I'm just paranoid that every lump, bump or spot could be something more serious. It's horrible, because I'm too scared to get it checked out in case it's something bad but I'm too scared to leave it for the same reason.

    Catoptrophobia - fear of mirrors
    I know far too many crepy traditions and superstitions focusing on mirrors and as a result I hate looking into them, I'm terrified of them. I can't have a mirror in my room and if I have no choice (such as it's fixed to a wall) I'll cover it or pile things up on top of it. If I need to see myself for whatever reason, I flick my video camera on and flip the screen over so I can see myself that way.

    Coulrophobia - fear of clowns
    Self-explanitory really. Hate clowns, terrified of them, always have been, always will be, why do they even exist.

    Nosocomephobia - fear of hospitals
    I'm scared of basically everything about them and will usually have anxiety attacks if I know I have to go to one for whatever reason.
    June 14th, 2012 at 12:39am
  • I don't know if I've posted in this thread before, but I guess I'll do it anyway regardless...

    Arachnophobia: fear of spiders
    I am completely terrified of spiders, to the point where even seeing one, no matter how small, makes my skin crawl. My fear of them got more intense a few years back when I discovered the hard way I was allergic to spider bites. I was bitten by a spider and got hives all over my body because of it. It wasn't a fatal allergic reaction or anything, but it really freaked me out at the time and the thought of it happening again does scares me. At this point, I start to feel itchy if a spider even comes near me. It doesn't even have to touch me for me to feel like I'm getting itchy. Whenever I see a spider in real life, on TV, or on the Internet, my skin starts to crawl. I won't sleep in a room where I've seen a spider until I'm positive that it's gone. I can't kill spiders, I can't keep calm enough to get close enough to kill one. Whenever I do try to kill one, I end up running away. I can't get within any decent distance of a spider without absolutely freaking out. I have to have someone else do it for me because of how badly I freak out whenever I see a spider. I always freeze up when seeing a spider near me and either scream or move away from it slowly.

    Fear of swallowing pills
    It's a bit of an odd one, I know. This one embarrasses me, it makes me feel so childish and foolish. I'm not really sure what this phobia would be called or if there's even a name for it. I've had a few people tell me it could be Pharmacophobia (fear of medicine) but I'm not scared of all medicine. I'm not scared of medicine per say, I'm simply scared of swallowing the pills. I can't swallow pills, I've tried numerous ways to get them down but none of it has worked for me. I don't know what else to do, I'm really at a loss with this. I can't seem to get over this fear no matter what I do. I'm terrified of choking on the pill to the point where I can't swallow any of them. The only pills I can take are ones I'm able to chew or cut up to make it easier. There have been times where I've tried to swallow a pill only to end up in tears because I got that scared. I just.... I can't do it. No matter how much I try or what I do, I can't ever get the pills down or keep them down. If I do manage to get them down, I end up choking them back up soon after.

    I have other fears, but none of which I'd call a phobia. Like I also have a fear of hospitals, but I would be able to go into a hospital if I really needed to. So I wouldn't call that a phobia but more of a small fear. The above two are the only two phobias that I have, that come to mind at least.
    June 14th, 2012 at 01:40am
  • I am so glad that I am not the only one who is bloody terrified of taking pills. Nothing will keep it down. Not even tons of water. It's just... Gah. I can't do it. TT___TT
    June 23rd, 2012 at 11:02am
  • I have major pregnancy fear. I don't know if I'd go so far as to say it was a phobia, but all of my nightmares lately have been about pregnancy.

    But for an actual phobia, I have trypophobia. I don't even know if that's spelled right because I'm too scared to Google it. It's the phobia of holes in the skin, and is triggered by clusters of holes, or for me, photos of illness and disease that affects the skin. Unfortunately a lot of people don't think it's real, but trust me, it is. It's even hard to find out about it online because all of the articles have extremely triggering photos, gah. I feel awful just writing about it.
    June 25th, 2012 at 03:13pm
  • Female, 15.

    Alektorophobia - Fear of chickens.
    I'm absolutely terrified of chickens. To me, they look like demon birds. The way they move, sound, and look at me just makes me sick. If I hear them, see them on TV, or (God forbid) have to be in the presence of even one, I will become extremely uncomfortable and eventually my anxiety will get so bad I'll have to leave the room.

    Dysmorphophobia- Fear of deformity ; Leprophobia or Lepraphobia- Fear of leprosy.
    I put these together because they go together. For me, its mainly skin deformities/disorders, especially leprosy and harlequin babies (Google it). I'm terrified of waking up one day and having leprosy, or giving birth to a harlequin babies. Looking at people with moderate-severe skin deformities, or even just pictures, makes me extremely uncomfortable and they're very hard to look at. I'm terrified of the simple thought of a harlequin baby, and talking about them right now is making me exceedingly uncomfortable.

    Hadephobia - Fear of Hell; Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - Fear of the number 666; Satanophobia- Fear of Satan.
    These also go together. I have a very very strong fear of all of these things, including Satanic demons (one in particular, Baphomet). It started when I was about 9 or 10 and I began having reoccurring nightmares of me waking up in the middle of the night, and a man with a ram's head (which I later learned to be Baphomet) standing at the foot of my bed. In some dreams, he will just stand there. In others, he will say something riddle-like or very strange. Eventually, as my depression got much worse, in my dreams he told me to kill myself. I thought nothing of it, I thought it was just my depression getting to me, until one day I was watching Paranormal State and a woman said her sister had the same dreams I had, and then three days after telling her; committed suicide. Ever since I have become perpetually terrified of things relating to Satan. I cannot read, watch movies/TV shows, or talk about Satan/Hell/666/Baphomet/Demons. I will also have nothing to do with séances, an Ouija board, or any Satanic ritual.

    Myctophobia- Fear of darkness.
    I hate being in the dark because I cannot see whats around me, I don't know whats in the room with me. I can't even sleep in the dark because I get so nervous and terrified I'll start crying. Oddly enough, I didn't have this until I was about 12.

    Anguillophobia - Fear of eels.
    I've had this nearly my whole life and I have no way to explain it. I'm terrified I'm going to be underwater in a lake, river, ocean, etc. and I'm going to have eels all around me. I can't even look at pictures of them.

    Yeah I know mine are weird. Lol.
    June 30th, 2012 at 02:25am
  • Female, almost 17

    Nyctophobia- basically a really extreme fear of the darkness caused by the brain's disfigured perception of what is "hiding" or what could happen in the dark environment.

    My shrinks have told me that it was triggered by childhood trauma.
    July 14th, 2012 at 02:15am
  • Airi.:
    Fear of swallowing pills
    It's a bit of an odd one, I know. This one embarrasses me, it makes me feel so childish and foolish. I'm not really sure what this phobia would be called or if there's even a name for it. I've had a few people tell me it could be Pharmacophobia (fear of medicine) but I'm not scared of all medicine. I'm not scared of medicine per say, I'm simply scared of swallowing the pills. I can't swallow pills, I've tried numerous ways to get them down but none of it has worked for me. I don't know what else to do, I'm really at a loss with this. I can't seem to get over this fear no matter what I do. I'm terrified of choking on the pill to the point where I can't swallow any of them. The only pills I can take are ones I'm able to chew or cut up to make it easier. There have been times where I've tried to swallow a pill only to end up in tears because I got that scared. I just.... I can't do it. No matter how much I try or what I do, I can't ever get the pills down or keep them down. If I do manage to get them down, I end up choking them back up soon after.
    I have major pregnancy fear. I don't know if I'd go so far as to say it was a phobia, but all of my nightmares lately have been about pregnancy.

    But for an actual phobia, I have trypophobia. I don't even know if that's spelled right because I'm too scared to Google it. It's the phobia of holes in the skin, and is triggered by clusters of holes, or for me, photos of illness and disease that affects the skin. Unfortunately a lot of people don't think it's real, but trust me, it is. It's even hard to find out about it online because all of the articles have extremely triggering photos, gah. I feel awful just writing about it.
    These two. Then I also have a fear of wasps. Not bees, just wasps. Although that might be more of a, "fear of getting stung" than anything else.

    I also have a fear of seeing open mouths. Not sure how that came about.

    And, last but not least, a fear of getting my fist swallowed. (dad's fault with idiotic joking around.)

    Not sure of the names of these, though.
    July 14th, 2012 at 03:45am
  • I have a severe phobia of needles. I discovered this when I was about 9 or 10, and my parents were watching TV, and it showed someone getting a lethal injection, and I passed out. Instantaneously. One second I was watching TV, and the next thing I remember is mom propping me back up on the couch asking dad if they should take me to the hospital. I haven't been to the doctor in about seven years because I'm always afraid they'll have to do blood work. I haven't been to the dentist since I was about 12, at which point I bit through one of the dentist's tools (one he was using to pry my mouth open) when I was supposed to be getting Novocaine (and keep in mind this was AFTER the laughing gas). As of the last time I had to get a shot--age 15--I still had a panic attack over something that simple. I've never had blood drawn, and it's actually on my bucket list to give blood or plasma someday because I know it's important but it's just too terrifying for me.

    I also have an oddly specific phobia of being in a car (or really just out and about) during severe weather. Like, heavy rain and wind? Fine. But if there's cloud-to-ground lightning, hail, and/or threat of tornadoes, I'm in instant panic mode. I've had nightmares about being in a car during tornadoes since I was about 7.

    I wish more people understood phobias. So many people just think it's a really bad fear of something that you can just talk yourself through if you're just willing to try hard enough or concentrate or whatever. Not many people realize that phobias are anxiety disorders, and ones that actually affect peoples' lives. And so I say I have a phobia of needles, what people seem to hear is, "I am scared of needles because I'm too stupid to realize they're not actually harmful or all that painful." I'm usually uncomfortable discussing my phobias with people who don't also have phobias, because most people drastically underestimate the panic and fear that grips a person during a phobic reaction, or the lack of control over that reaction.
    July 19th, 2012 at 05:00am
  • All of mine are strong fears, not phobias, except for my phobia of needles. I know this was brought on from childhood trauma, because when I was three I split my lip open. I’d been rocking on a chair in my bedroom, but I fell forward when I rocked too hard. My chin hit the table and I bit straight through my lip. I can remember the whole thing terrifyingly vividly.

    I had to have stitches in my lip at midnight in a hospital full of drunks, and I still remember getting the stitches too. Green wire, scissors, blood on the mattress and my parents pinning me down because I was fighting so hard. Topped off with the fact that there was no anaesthetic, and they had to redo the stitches after getting them wrong? No wonder I have a phobia.

    Early in the year I got my injections for cervical cancer, and I was one of many who had a panic attack. Unfortunately I had that panic attack during the lesson before the injection, and not when I was waiting in the room. The boys and teacher were all laughing at me and telling me it was no big deal, and I was being stupid about the whole thing. I was crying my eyes out.

    I think I handled the actual injections quite well, but I was in a state of shock in the waiting room and after the injection. When I was waiting for the needle was the worst part, because I started to get phantom pains that were far worse than the actual sting.

    I also hate the dark because I have this fear of ghosts. I believe in ghosts and have been through what I think is a paranormal experience. I’m terrified that the ghosts are waiting in my bedroom to the point where I have to put a fan on in my room, whatever the temperature, to block out any creaks or weird noises.
    July 19th, 2012 at 09:47pm
  • Female
    Aichmophobia (fear of needles)
    I cant stand the idea of having a thin pointy metal thing sticking into my body.

    It's the fear of any sharp object. I dont know what it is but they scare me. Maybe its because Im afriad of what I'll do with them or what will be done with them. But Im very afraid of sharp objects coming near me.
    July 20th, 2012 at 12:38am
  • Female, 15.

    1. Virginitiphobia -- Fear of rape:
    So, I was raped by my cousin when I was young, and ever since this has stuck with me. Everyday at least once I feel like I'm going to be raped, though it is mostly at night that I feel this way and when I'm in crowds or at school. I also can't go back to the place I was raped because my fear is strongest there.

    2. Nyctophobia -- Fear of darkness:
    This is related to the one above. When I am in the dark I feel most vulnerable, because I have horrible vision as is, and the dark only impairs that further. If that's not enough, I see things. I see figures and on top of that I feel like I'm being watched, all while I'm in the dark.

    3. Lalophobia -- Fear of speaking:
    I can not speak in front of someone unless i know them well, because I know me. I say stupid shit, and I don't want to be hated or judged for said stupid shit. It terrifies me, like speaking or reading infront of people makes my heart pound and makes me feel sick.

    4. Anthropophobia -- Fear of people or society:
    This is the closest I could find to how I feel. I don't necessarily fear everyone I meet, but I can't get close to people. I have one emotional friendship, meaning he is the only person I can talk to about how I'm feeling and he's the only person I care about. My other friends are just to separate me from who I really am, if that makes sense. I only like them because they think I'm funny, and I feel as if that's the only thing I can do right; making people laugh. As for society, people in general I do not trust or like.

    5. Erotophobia -- Fear of sex:
    I'm sure this one is fairly obvious with what happened to me. However, the idea of sex doesn't bother me at all, but the idea of me having sex with someone, that terrifies me.

    Now, I don't know if these are all necessarily phobias, rather, most of them are probably just really strong fears.
    July 20th, 2012 at 12:40am
  • genderfluid, 17

    i've always been afraid of the dark. my guardian thought i had insomnia because i can't sleep until it's at least 6:00 a.m, but it's because i cannot sleep in the dark. it's either raise the electricity bills or wait until it's light out.

    i'm also terribly afraid of bugs crawling in my ears. if i feel something moving or buzzing around my ear, i freak out and demand to be taken to the hospital.

    lastly, i'm really afraid of zombies/the dead coming back to life. that's some scary stuff, man.
    July 20th, 2012 at 01:52am
  • I have a terrible phobia of vomit. I can't watch it on TV or in movies and I always have to leave the room if it happens while I'm watching something. Often times I'm scared to death during the winter at school, because everyone gets sick during that period, and even the slightest cough or sneeze will cause me to leave the room and not be able to go back, because I'll be afraid that the person will throw up. One year I was in the school bathroom with 2 or 3 other people, and a girl came in gagging. I ran out and sat down on a bench. I was shaking and couldn't make myself do anything for a long time. It's really hard to deal with sometimes. I also fear sometimes that the food I'm eating will make me sick. It's a lame phobia to have.

    I also can't speak in front of crowds. At school I simply refuse to read anything out loud.
    July 22nd, 2012 at 10:35am