Do You Have Any Phobias?

  • Female, 16

    Glossophobia: Fear of public speaking
    I have a presentation tomorrow and I've pretty much decided that I'd rather have a zero for a quiz grade than read my report to the class. I just can't do it. If the class isn't big like the one I have to speak for (there's like 23 other kids in my class) than I could maybe calm myself down. The other day I threw up in my mouth a little just thinking of going up and doing it. I was crying earlier thinking about doing it.

    Autophobia: Fear of being alone.
    Achluophobia: Fear of darkness.
    These two sort of tie together. I'm more afraid if I'm alone in the dark. So I sleep with the TV on. If I sleep over a friend's house though I can sleep in the dark, but I'd still prefer to have a light on.
    November 11th, 2010 at 01:29am
  • Female
    Demophobia- Fear of crowds.
    I hate it when people touch me or when I'm stuck in a crowd with people. I feel suffocated and begin to panic or hyperventilate. I also dig my nails into my skin if the people are pushing into me.
    It sucks if I'm waiting in line for something.
    November 17th, 2010 at 12:59am
  • Female, 16

    I don't know appropriate names, but:

    Fear of deep water
    Fear of handstands
    Fear of being alone
    Fear of a zombie apocalypse. O.o

    I think that's it.
    November 17th, 2010 at 03:52am
  • Female, 18

    Neilasparophobia: Fear of aliens.

    Yeah, it sounds ridiculous. Ever since I can remember, I've just been scared to death of the thought of something abducting me and doing tests on me. I literally can not watch the movie Signs without wanting to cry.
    My parents had the same type of baby monitor for my little brother, and it freaked me out so bad I got rid of them all and bought them a new set.

    reading through these, I really don't think people understand what a phobia is.
    A phobia is an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, animals, or people.

    To the people that list ten+ things, I would reconsider claiming to have a phobia of all of those. You would most certainly not be able to function in the every day world, having an intense fear of men, crowds, heights, cars, and bees all in one. You'd be having panic attacks left and right Facepalm
    November 17th, 2010 at 10:11am
  • Female, 17

    Aphephobia - Fear of being touched.

    Virginitiphobia - Fear of rape.
    I've never been raped but I'm terrified of it.

    Vitricophobia - Fear of step-father.
    I kid you not. I didn't know there was an actual name for this until 20 seconds ago.
    November 26th, 2010 at 02:15pm
  • Female, 14

    Aphephobia - Fear of being touched.

    It really gets in the way of things for me. I hate getting / giving hugs because I feel like I'm choking, which might be a little bit of Claustrophobia, but I'm trying to relax about being touched a little. I mean, I freak out even when my mom touches me. No
    November 27th, 2010 at 12:02am
  • Public speaking - but i got over that, when i signed up for the classes
    Spiders - but i also got over that, i bought a tarantula. I also save spiders now.
    Heights - but this one is a must, i work putting glass in skyscrapers, tallest building was 22 or 23 stories. I had to put a ladder at the very edge just to hold the metal casing around them. This fear i say is a must because it the fear of heights that'll keep me alive. That S*#ts scary.
    rejection - but that human nature. we're social animals.
    November 27th, 2010 at 05:24am
  • Atelophobia - fear of imperfection.
    I'm not sure if I'm a perfectionist (I like to think that I'm not), but this phobia is almost inevitable in my life. I would plan ahead of time and make sure that nothing messes up. When something does, I would punish myself for a week or so.

    Katsaridaphobia - fear of cockroaches.
    I think I have only killed a cockroach thrice or four times in my life. Even the little ones scare me.
    November 27th, 2010 at 10:45am
  • VENEPHOBIA - I'm so scared of viens, which is horrible because I'm white and I can see them in my wrists. If anyone squeezes my vien I'll start freeking out and crying and getting sick. I dunno why, blood doesn't bother me at all but viens...
    TRYPANOPHOBIA - needles and injections, which comes a little but from my fear of viens (once I had to get my blood drawn and it was terrible) but also because the thought of something going under my skin is just aweful. I got sick looking at a picture of a needle once. I'm so scared because I'm gonna take hormones when I'm older and you gotta take injections, I dunno how I'll manage or if I'll just end up taking the tablets that destroy your liver and kill you.
    November 27th, 2010 at 08:19pm
  • Bovineaphobia - Fear of cows.
    Yes. I'm serious. Looking at them (not pictures), I will get really really nervous and do anything to get away. If I'm forced to be somewhere there's cows, or like walk past them I will start crying, shaking. And it's kind of a big problem too, because I have to walk past at least one field with cows on when I go to school....
    November 27th, 2010 at 09:01pm
  • Female, 15

    Hemophobia - fear of blood, or large amounts of blood
    Autophobia - fear of being alone

    I wouldn't call them severe. I can get by when I see blood or when I'm alone, but It do start getting anxious and I can't sit still.
    November 29th, 2010 at 03:37am
  • Female, 15

    I have no idea what it's called and I'm too lazy to look it up, but I am terrified of choking. It interferes pretty badly with my life and I'm constantly thinking about while eating. Plus, I can barely swallow pills.
    November 29th, 2010 at 04:48am
  • Homophobophobia.

    Scared of homophobes :B
    November 29th, 2010 at 05:09am
  • Female, nearly 16.

    Achluophobia - Fear of darkness.
    Apiphobia - Fear of bees.
    Ecclesiophobia - Fear of church.
    Tonitrophobia - Fear of thunder.
    November 30th, 2010 at 01:40am
  • Male, fourteen.

    Is there a word for a fear of people touching my teeth? I've always had it.

    Seriously; going to the dentist is a fucking nightmare. I'm not even afraid of the pain that comes from it; I just have to distract myself so I don fidget while he's pawing at my teeth.

    I seriously think if people touch my teeth too much, they'll fall out and my gums will bleed furiously.

    My main characters obsession with them has helped somewhat. Laughing
    November 30th, 2010 at 02:01am
  • Just look at my profile, there's a whole list of things that are wrong with me, from mental illnesses to learning difficulties to my many phobias.
    November 30th, 2010 at 10:16am
  • Female, 15.

    I'm terrified of being raped. I think it's my worst fear.
    My next is growing old. I'll die before finding a gray hair.
    I also have a fear of marriage. I don't want to be married. Ever.
    December 4th, 2010 at 04:59pm
  • Female, 17.

    I'm petrified of pills. Can't swallow them at all - even the tiniest one.
    I'm scared of spiders of all sizes.
    December 4th, 2010 at 07:04pm
  • Gender: Female
    Age: 19

    Demophobia- Fear of crowds
    Aphephobia- Fear of being touched
    Claustrophobia- Fear of small spaces.

    The two phobias Demophobia and Aphephobia pretty much go hand in hand for me. When I was in High School, I would avoid crowds at all cost, but when I had to, or I would get in a traffic jam because there were so many hallways, I would freak out. The fact that people brushed against my arms when they would walk past me I would freak out. I hated people just touching me, nonchalantly, or evenly on friendly terms. I don't know. I've been like that since I was rather small, so I just would prefer to stay away from people doing that to me at all. Today, I'm not so much like that. Demophobia doesn't affect me as much as it did because I don't have to deal with large crowds like I used to. Aphephobia doesn't bother me as much, because there are no particular strangers to brush/touch/grab me in anyway. I don't mind friends touching me, but when it comes to hugs, I'd prefer not to do that. Ha-ha.

    Claustrophobia, I remember when I was little, I freaked out because some of my cousins locked me inside of a closet. I couldn't get out, and at that point I developed the severe condition of evading small spaces. I tend to hyperventilate, and if it gets real severe, or if I know I can't get out, I end up screaming or crying. Whichever one will get me out first.
    December 5th, 2010 at 08:30pm
  • Female
    Arachnophobia times a million- fear of spiders
    Thalassophobia- fear of the ocean. I can't watch shows that go under water, I feel so paranoid. I can't even go under water in pools alone...I have no idea why I'm so scared.
    December 16th, 2010 at 07:52am