Do You Have Any Phobias?

  • n. josten

    n. josten (1270)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Female. 19.

    Batophobia - Fear of Heights/Being Close to High Things
    I used to not be afraid of heights, but ever since I got older, I'm terrified of them and I'm paranoid enough to think that when I'm close to a high thing, it'll fall and I'll die so I panic and do my damndest to get away from it.

    Entomophobia - Fear of Insects // Arachnophobia - Fear of Spiders
    This one is the most severe phobia(s) I have. I can't function around bugs and what's worse is that during the summer, there's a lot of bugs around where I live. I panic and start hyperventilating and I scratch at my skin harder than I should and I start crying. No one actually takes this phobia seriously until I start having a panic attack and even then, I think it's exasperation with me because the bugs are "harmless."

    Claustrophobia - Fear of Enclosed/Small Spaces
    Self-explanatory. Always have, always will.

    Nyctophobia - Fear of the Dark
    This one never really went away from when I was a child. It was never linked to monsters or anything because I never believed in them, but something about the dark is unsettling and I get panicky so I have to have someone with me if I have to go outside at nighttime.

    Taphophobia - Fear of Being Buried Alive
    I think this one links back to my claustrophobia in a way, but god, I panic at the thought of being buried alive.
    September 26th, 2014 at 07:26am
  • ruslanovna

    ruslanovna (100)

    Hypnotherapy is performed only by an authorized medical professional who has received special training in this technique. There are many hypnotherapy techniques. Each method is applied depending on the problem. Learn more about what hypnotherapy. Hypnosis works on people in different ways. Of course, there are types of people who do not respond to hypnosis. Such 20%.
    December 9th, 2022 at 09:39am