Do You Have Any Phobias?

  • Somniphobia - The fear of sleep.
    February 26th, 2011 at 01:42am
  • Female, 16
    Speluncaphobia - Fear of caves...yea I know weird.
    February 27th, 2011 at 06:22am
  • Trypophobia - fear of cluster of holes
    Arachnophobia - fear of spiders mostly big hairy tarantulas
    May 30th, 2011 at 05:11pm
  • selachophobia. Fear of sharks. Majorly irrational.
    May 30th, 2011 at 05:18pm
  • If You Only Knew...:
    Bananaphobia - fear of bananas
    Now I'm sure that most people must think I'm making some silly joke, but I'm insanely serious about this. I can't touch bananas - I scream and run away if a banana is placed near me... If one touches any of my stuff, I have to immediately wash it, without touching the infected area...
    I mean, most people just find this comical but there is something about bananas which reduces me to a panic and causes me to get all nervous and freaked out.
    But well, it's not all too difficult to handle. Some people think it's a joke and try to throw bananas at me, but I'm used to it and just try to be subtle about my freak-outs. Hmm, and at home, we keep the bananas away from the other fruit... o.O
    I have a friend who's the same way about ketchup, haha.
    May 30th, 2011 at 05:44pm
  • Female

    Katsaridaphobia - Fear of cockroaches.
    Ugh, writing the word makes my shake. I have panic attacks when I see one, which is often since I live in Florida. Funn.

    Agoraphobia - Fear of wide open spaces, but only if alone.
    I have actually fixed up my closet so I could stay in there without having to be out in my room becuase it was too big for me. I can't stand being out in an open space because it makes me feel that something horrible is going to happen.

    Hastenburaphobia - Fear of grass.
    I hate it to the extreme. This isn't my worst one, but I still do hate grass. I hate the feel of it and the smell. Fresh cut grass gives my a major headache from the smell and I'm also allergic. I hate green grass the most, for some reason.
    May 31st, 2011 at 07:11am
  • Podophobia - fear of feet. I hate feet. I always wear socks, and only don't have them on when I shower, change them or I know I'm alone in the house. I hate other people's feet and start panicking when someone has no shoes on or tries to touch my feet. It seriously freaks me out.

    Aquaphobia - but only deep water. It's like being afraid of heights, but only in the water. I just freak out when I can't or see the bottom. I start freaking out and yeaaah.

    Hagiophobia - fear of saints/holy things. I think this is right, I have a fear of mall Santas. They freak me out, my heart starts racing and I start panicking. I think myabe because I had a bad experience as a kid, but I'm not even suree~
    June 1st, 2011 at 12:55am
  • Genophobia- Fear of sex... gotta fix this.
    June 1st, 2011 at 02:27am
  • Agoraphobia is actually more-so a fear of large crowds and being around people, than just spaces.
    I mention it, because a previous poster posted it as their phobia, but with the wrong definition.
    Anyway. . .
    I'm an agoraphobic.
    Aichmophobia--fear of needles (medical and drug syringes in my case).
    Alliumphobia--fear of garlic (but I am allergic.)
    Bathmophobia/climacophobia--fear of steps or steep slopes (in my case it's steps, and fearing falling down the stairs.)
    Ecclesiophobia--fear of church

    And I've developed Mycophobia (fear of mushrooms) lately, because champignons were what inflamed my appendix two months ago, and I haven't eaten them since.

    Opiophobia- Fear medical doctors experience of prescribing needed pain medications for patients.

    Polyphobia- Fear of many things, would probably best sum that up.
    June 5th, 2011 at 07:25pm
  • Female, 15
    Arachnophobia - Fear of Spiders
    I'm terrified of spiders, even daddy long legs. I scream every time I see one, and run away. After my dad (or my mom, or whoever) kills it, I get the shivers every time I go past the place where it died for like, the next hour.
    Aichmophobia - Fear of Needles
    I don't even know why I'm scared of needles, I just am. Even typing this right now I'm getting freaked out. I can't talk about them, look at them, watch someone (even in the movies) get them, or get them myself. Someone has to be there holding my hand or else I start crying.
    Myrmecophobia - Fear of Ants
    This just recently started developing. There were a whole bunch of ants in my bathroom, and I started freaking out. My mom had to spray Raid X and vacuum them up and even then it took me two days to even consider going back in there.
    Thanatophobia - Fear of Death
    I don't believe in any god, so I'm afraid to die, because that will be just it. I'm not going to come back reincarnated, there's no heaven (in my opinion. I apologize to anyone I might have offended) so I won't go there, and since there's no heaven, there's no hell, so again, I won't go there. When I die, I'll just be another person who stopped breathing.

    Also, this isn't really a phobia, but my lovely best friend just reminded me that I'm scared of Eli from the Unborn. I get squeamish and I can't even touch the floor. And it's only him, like, he's the only movie character I'm scared of.
    June 12th, 2011 at 12:17am
  • I have nidophobia, fear of stinging things (i.e. animals like wasps, scorpions, etc.)

    I'm not so bad with bees, because I know they're more casual and only sting as a last resort defence. Wasps on the other hand, well, I will exit any room when there's a wasp flying around. And if for whatever reason I have to stay in the room, then I'm very very on edge. And if I have a run-in with one then I'll be paranoid for about an hour. XD It's daft really, but I've been stung once, on the back of my neck, and it wasn't a great experience.

    Scorpions, though... I've never come across one except for behind a glass tank. If I found myself by one without such separation there though, I'd probably run a mile. They're horrible things.
    June 13th, 2011 at 10:24pm
  • necrophobia-fear of death, I believe.
    June 16th, 2011 at 08:31pm
  • Entomophobia- Specifically fear of cockroaches.
    June 18th, 2011 at 03:27am
  • I consider myself a very rational person and I know that phobias are anything but rational, I do however, have a severe case of claustrophobia that I have no idea how I developed. I also have this fear of crowds for some reason, I hate the feeling of losing my breath, it's like my chest has five hundred pounds pressing against it. I should try to find out where this comes from.
    June 18th, 2011 at 03:50am
  • Pediophobia- Fear of dolls. Not like Barbie Dolls, the kind of dolls where the eyes can open&close. When I was younger my mother toke me a shop that had some, and I SWEAR, the eyes opened as soon as I walked over. Since then I just cant even look at one.. My breathing get irregular.. They're terrifying.
    I'm not sure what the name of this phobia is (if it actually has a name) but I can't freaking stand when people touch my legs. I start to really panic, on a few occasions I started crying. It's horrible because my little brother tends to try and hold on to my legs, and I end up having to shake him off really quick. Then his feelings get hurt and Blah Blah Blah. It's horrible.
    June 25th, 2011 at 01:05am
  • Female

    I don't know the specific name of either of these phobias so I'll just explain what they are.

    --- Fear of being in crowded places.
    I am absolutely terrified of being in crowded places. Like when there is just people surrounding me and being pushed up against me make me want to cry or hyperventilate.

    ---- Fear of hugs
    Yes, I am not a hugger. I can see people do them and be normal, but I can't stand the idea of someone hugging me. I don't know why, I just have a fear of people hugging me. It's not because of germs, because I am a firm believer in the five (sometimes ten) second rule.

    So yeah those are my phobias.
    July 6th, 2011 at 12:01am
  • Mottephobia..
    July 15th, 2011 at 06:13am
  • Female, 19.

    I was diagnosed with Selective Mutism so the public speaking fear pretty much includes everyone around me. I stutter badly even when speaking to anyone who didn't grow up in the same household with me. This includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Even my friends and my husband. My brothers and sisters aren't exceptions to it either I still stutter when trying to speak to them but it isn't nearly as bad. Most of the time I have to ignore everyone and stare at the floor if I don't want to have a panic attack. It's easier to talk to you guys on here because I don't have to face you.

    Aichmophobia - Fear of Needles
    Claustrophobia - Fear of Enclosed/Small Spaces
    Demophobia - Fear of Crowds
    Glossophobia - Fear of Speaking in Public;
    July 17th, 2011 at 07:16pm
  • I only have four big ones that make me actually hyperventilate and get all fussy.

    First one would be my phobia of the dark, I've had this one since I was little. I slept with my mom ever night until I was around six or seven, and even then I only stopped crawling into my parents bed at the eleven. I went to counseling for it for a bit, but it never worked, now I can fall asleep but I need the hallway light on and my door wide open. I just hate ghosts and crap and the dark is just really, really scary.

    Second would be insects- this one is slowly getting better but not really. I'm okay if there's a mosquito and I have to kill it, that I can manage, but most anything other than that I will thoroughly start to freak out if it is in the same room with me. I think the worst is moths since they're so common but so fucking big, I just shiver thinking about them. If they get near me I'm usually want to cry. I think it's 'cause I had a dream once where I opened this jar and all these insects flew out and even when I woke up and started running down the hall I still saw them and ugh. Just... ugh.

    I think it would be clausterphobia, but whenever I'm restrained or anything like it, like if someone sits on me or something, I start to hyperventilate and I don't think why but I feel like I'm never going to be able to move again and I start to really freak out and then I can't breathe. Everyone used to laugh how whenever someone sat on my legs I would complain how I can't breathe, but I can't. And small spaces just make me feel like that too, like I'll never be able to move again.

    And my strangest would have to be old people. The white hair and saggy face old people, I can do with a few wrinkles but I think past seventy I just get overly freaked out by them. I feel like they're walking dead people or something and they're going to try and attack me, I don't know why. And no, I don't have any grandparents, aha.
    July 17th, 2011 at 11:14pm
  • Tocophobia: Fear of pregnancy or childbirth (both, in my case).
    It's a good thing I don't want children.
    July 21st, 2011 at 08:34pm