What Gets You Emotional?

  • Hey Jude and Dear Prudence by The Beatles.
    September 16th, 2011 at 06:03am
  • Don't Dream It's Over- Crowded House.
    I have no idea why but it just gets to me everytime I hear it.

    And the film 'My Sister's Keeper" literally destroys me everytime I watch it. I can't put into words how tragic that film is - and mainly because unfortunately, it's such a real thing people go through everyday. If I even think about it too much I can start crying. :/
    September 16th, 2011 at 11:38am
  • The Heroin Diaries (Book) by Nikki Sixx. It's like, exactly what I was feeling a few months ago, it gets me everytime
    September 18th, 2011 at 08:44pm
  • The song Avril 14th by Aphex Twin
    June 13th, 2012 at 09:32pm
  • I'm one of the most sensitive people in the world. Anything can bring me to tears if it appeals to my emotions. Music does it more than anything else. There are several songs that bring me to tears every single time that I hear them. Nutshell by Alice in Chains and Crown of Thorns by Pearl Jam are the two biggest offenders right now.

    Nutshell because it's just me right now and Crown of Thorns because Eddie's voice is just fantastic and it's an amazing tribute to Andrew Wood of Mother Love Bone for which the song was created originally. I don't know. I'm just a sucker for things like that. So many emotions! haha!
    June 13th, 2012 at 10:33pm
  • Atterberg
    - Piano Concerto

    - Symphony no. 7 (2nd mvt.)
    - Piano Concerto no. 5 (2nd mvt.)

    - Lamentation & Consolation no. 2
    - Piano Concerto no. 1

    - Caprice Bohémien
    - Piano Concerti nos. 2 and 3
    - Symphony no. 2

    - Piano Concerto no. 2 (2nd mvt.)
    - Symphony no. 7 (4th mvt.)

    Lots of music like that. As for rock/metal/etc...

    Alter Bridge
    - Make It Right
    - Blackbird
    - In Loving Memory

    Arcane Roots
    - Long & Low

    - This Is The Last Time
    - Bedshaped
    - She Has No Time

    - Invincible
    - Shine
    - Unintended

    Snow Patrol
    - Run
    - Chasing Cars

    Plenty more, but these come to mind first.
    June 13th, 2012 at 10:59pm
  • It's mostly songs for me. Usually the following can make me morose or, if I'm already sad, get me to actual tears:

    Iron and Wine - Naked as We Came
    The Calling - One By One
    Coldplay - Fix You
    Nickel Creek - Out of the Woods
    Bowling for Soup - When We Die
    The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel
    Breaking Benjamin - Dear Agony
    Hurts - Silver Lining
    Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
    Death Cab For Cutie - What Sarah Said

    Those are the ones that come to mind right away, though I'm sure there's probably more. Music just makes me feel such feelings.
    June 13th, 2012 at 11:52pm
  • Do movies count? I rarely get emotional during songs or books but movies are a different story, the main one being the original The Land Before Time. When Little Foot's mom dies... oh gawd. Crying or Very sad
    June 14th, 2012 at 01:16am
  • whenever inoue gets upset in bleach. she thinks she's useless but she's not. she's an amazing character and i hate seeing her upset.
    June 14th, 2012 at 01:38pm
  • "Dreaming Light" (especially the video) and "One Last Goodbye" by Anathema
    June 18th, 2012 at 07:00am
  • Most Disney films make me cry.
    Politics make me angry. I have to periodically take breaks from the news because it upsets me so much.
    June 18th, 2012 at 08:06pm
  • I cry at so much. Facepalm For songs, it's definitely Fire and Ice by Within Temptation, This is Letting Go by Rise Against, Higher than Hope by Nightwish and Meadows of Heaven by Nightwish.

    Movies and TV...well, I'll cry in basically anything where a good character dies. In particular, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. It's just the saddest film I've ever seen. And I cried so much during the final Harry Potter.

    As for books...Between Shades of Grey is just the saddest book I've ever read. But most books don't make me so emotional for some reason.
    June 22nd, 2012 at 05:10pm
  • I cried watching Everybody's Fine last night.

    OMG NO! it was bittersweet.
    June 22nd, 2012 at 06:01pm
  • The chapter in Deathly Hallows where he's walking through the forest to Voldemort with all the people from the resurrection stone. Oh my god, I die every time.
    June 22nd, 2012 at 06:22pm
  • The song "Breathe Me" by Sia has always been so emotional for me to listen to.
    June 23rd, 2012 at 04:09am
  • Everything. Just everything brings a tear to my eye.
    June 23rd, 2012 at 03:11pm
  • Because of The Shame - Against Me!
    June 26th, 2012 at 04:18am
  • Pretty much everything. A beautiful song, film, book, quote, etc.

    Some songs that get me emotional include (but are definitely not limited to): "Tender" and "No Distance Left to Run" by Blur, "Jesus of Suburbia" by Green Day, and "Slide Away" and "Talk Tonight" by Oasis.

    I always cry when I watch It's a Wonderful Life, The Graduate, and A Streetcar Named Desire.

    The book Mick Harte Was Here by Barbara Park kills me every time.

    The last time I cried was a few days ago when Portugal beat the Czech Republic to advance to the semi-finals in Euro 2012. I really lost it then.

    There are also some things that just touch me inside. Poetry, music, and stories especially. They don't necessarily make me cry, but I feel changed somehow after I've experienced them. Some things are so beautiful and haunting they stay with me for a long time.
    June 26th, 2012 at 08:11pm
  • Basically everything makes me cry.

    When I'm very frustrated to the point where I want to scream, I cry. I've cried while taking a Physics test and doing math homework!

    I also get emotional easily when it comes to family, songs, books, movies, etc.

    I cried so much while watching the Deathly Hallows part 2. Even the small parts, like Professor McGonagall putting the shield around the school made me sob heavily.

    Songs by my favorite band (Mayday Parade) really get my emotions going, mainly because I love them so much and I'm just very proud of them. Also, the song A Trophy Father's Trophy Son by Sleeping With Sirens really hits home for me; I can relate to it easily.

    And many books have made me cry as well.

    I'm just a really sensitive person, I guess.
    July 12th, 2012 at 02:58am
  • I am an emiotional nut. I think anything or anyone can get me emotional, I don't really understand why but it's like I get sad over things most people wouldn't. I''m pretty niave now thAT I think of it. This thought makes me sad now. Sad
    July 12th, 2012 at 05:22am