World War Z- The Zombie War.

  • cosmic pixel

    cosmic pixel (100)

    United States
    I am from America and I honestly believe that in a Zombie Apocalypse situation our government would mean nothing and do nothing, essentially. The zombies would get to the politicians just like the rest of us because money does not make you invincible. I know politicians and bankers love to think that but it is not true. How would the government be able to do anything about it anyway; if electricity, transportation, ect. is down, how will they spread news about the action they had planned for the virus?

    It would be a very every man for himself situation; you wouldn't trust anyone and nobody would trust you. Take humanity and society for what it is now, and then add a disaster like this? Humanity wouldn't stand a chance because we've become so selfish and pathetic. We wouldn't team up or anything with eachother because we just don't do that anymore. We would kill eachother off to help ourselves out, we live for selfishness and we would ultimately die because of it.
    May 22nd, 2013 at 06:11pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I don't believe a zombie apocalypse is possible. But, if it were, I already said that I would hole up in my house for a little bit and then if it didn't seem to be a 1-2 week thing, I'd probably just kill myself. I have no desire to live through the zombie apocalypse and what would you win if you did? A shithole of a world, basically.

    Yeah, I'll just power off early.
    May 22nd, 2013 at 10:10pm
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I imagine if a zombie apocalypse did happen it would play out like it does in the Newsflesh trilogy, where people had encountered zombie movies/games/books etc and (mostly) wiped out the zombies before they could wipe out humanity.
    May 23rd, 2013 at 12:17am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Honestly, if a zombie apocalypse were to be started, I'm doubtful that humans would be able to survive. Particularly the one in developed countries. Humans in developed countries like the U.S and England seem a bit, I don't know, spoiled? I don't know if that's the word I'm looking for or not. We seem to lose our minds if we even so much as lose power, how would we survive a zombie apocalypse if we freak out over having no power? A lot of people in the West in particular don't seem to know how to survive, it's doubtful they'd be able to survive a zombie apocalypse. A gun is not enough to survive. How would you feed yourself? You wouldn't have stores anymore, you wouldn't have people getting your food for you anymore. You'd have to hunt and/or grow your own food, most people don't even know how to begin with growing their own food. Everyone simply talks about how they're 'ready' for a zombie apocalypse because they have guns, like that makes them invincible. It doesn't. Sure, you can fight off the zombies, but if you can't feed yourself then you might as well just be considered dead anyway. And you won't be able to rely on your government either. If something like a zombie apocalypse happen, most governments probably wouldn't give a shit about their citizens, they'd rather just save themselves.

    With that said, I don't think a zombie apocalypse is real or even possible. I find the amount of fear over the possibility a bit naive. It's just irrational. In my opinion, humans have more of a chance of killing ourselves off with nuclear warfare than a zombie apocalypse. There's a higher chance of us being stupid enough to start a nuclear war than zombies popping up. We have more of a chance of dying off from a disease than a zombie apocalypse. Sure, maybe the virus would make humans go rabid, but they wouldn't be zombies. A zombie apocalypse just isn't all that possible, it probably won't ever happen. This fear people have is just an irrational fear being driven by the popularity of zombies.

    If a zombie apocalypse did happen, I don't think I'd fight. Rather, I'd just prefer to kill myself if it happens.
    May 23rd, 2013 at 12:43am