Ever Hated Anything About Your Ethinicity?

  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    ierotic; killjoy.:
    I'm black.
    And I hate all the stereotypes that are associated with being black. All of them.
    And I hate it when there are people of my race that prove those stereotypes true.
    And I hate it when people of other ethnicities make racist remarks in front of you, and expect you not to get offended because they consider you their "friend" and you're expected to not take it personally.

    I especially hate when someone is extremely racist, but doesn't know they are.

    Living in Texas is both an immense blessing and a curse. O_<
    I'm black too. And I know exactly what you mean, especially the second thing you said. I hate ALL stereotypes especially the ones regarding hair. Like when people say "You have nigger hair" or, "Her hair is nappy." It's not nappy, it's just really tightly curled. And I always ask those people "What the fuck is nigger hair? There's no such thing." It just makes my blood boil.

    It's rare that I see a black girl with her hair in it's natural form without all them damn chemicals in it to make it straight. So, I admire the girls that keep their hair natural without stripping it (cause that's what relaxers do). I wish I could go natural but my mom is slightly brain washed to the hair thing also.

    I'm not going to lie I used to sometimes get brain washed to it too (that is until I came to high school and met a lot of white and Hispanic bums and druggies and white and Hispanic fuck ups) it's not just black people and I hate when people see it like that.

    Hell, I trust black people more than I trust any other race (and you might say it's because I'm black but you should hear the minds of other blacks)
    October 2nd, 2010 at 04:37pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    im mixed. black/white. my hair was crazy.where i live theres hardly any black ppl,
    so i wanted my hair like everyone elses . i hought that cutting it wld make it easier to control. my hair was all the way down almost past my butt and then i chopped it all
    off in sixth grade. and since im half black my hair grows extremely slow. now im about to go in 8th grade and its only grown a bit..like a little past my shoulders. and thats only when i straighten my hair. thats what i dislike the most.
    Um..... I'm black and my hair grows fast.
    October 2nd, 2010 at 04:44pm
  • Charlie Scene

    Charlie Scene (100)

    United States
    Um..... I'm black and my hair grows fast.
    My best friend is black and her hair grows crazy slow. She just started putting like, Castor Oil on her scalp or something.

    I hate Irish stereotypes...I got made fun of alot in grade school, even though I live in an Irish-American neighborhood. We had a special breakfast day once and ever single kid in my class brought me Lucky Charms because of the leprechaun. They also used to follow me home and call me fat green leprechaun. They were just obsessed with leprechauns...

    I think I hate the stereotypes because I'm from a stereotypical Irish family. We eat lots of meat, potatoes every day, tea frequently during the day, well known family the pub...

    It sucks living the stereotype Disgust
    October 19th, 2010 at 12:19pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    Frank Edwin Wright:
    My best friend is black and her hair grows crazy slow. She just started putting like, Castor Oil on her scalp or something.

    I hate Irish stereotypes...I got made fun of alot in grade school, even though I live in an Irish-American neighborhood. We had a special breakfast day once and ever single kid in my class brought me Lucky Charms because of the leprechaun. They also used to follow me home and call me fat green leprechaun. They were just obsessed with leprechauns...

    I think I hate the stereotypes because I'm from a stereotypical Irish family. We eat lots of meat, potatoes every day, tea frequently during the day, well known family the pub...

    It sucks living the stereotype Disgust
    I know a lot of black girls who's hair grows like weeds.

    Well, stereotypes are based on the majority of a race or population, that's all. Most of the time they can just be something to laugh at, it's not that serious. Just like "All black people eat chicken." Well obviously that's not true because I know a black vegan and one of my favorite R&B female singers (Erykah Badu) who is black is a vegetarian. But I eat a hell of a lot of chicken. It's just a common meal (not fried though, that's rare).

    And like "All white people are fat and lazy." That's not true. The lazy part... well, I don't know (I don't live around a lot of whites) but the fat part is obviously a lie.

    But some stereotypes can be just straight up insulting like the one I hear about black people about being drug dealers and shit like that. It's aggravating to hear it because I'm very pro black (black everything, black power, love in black people, love in black hair, black... just black.) I don't even associate the color black as meaning evil or dirty. When I think of black, I think of Africa, myself and beauty.

    Just make sure you always love your race, that's all that matters. You should love who you are because if you don't, it would be very hard for you to live in happiness.
    October 31st, 2010 at 04:21am
  • WTFMusicPerson

    WTFMusicPerson (210)

    United States
    I like my race I'm full Mexican American but my mom that raised me is white so people assume I'm mixed. I'm not going to go off correcting everyone all the time like "shes not my biological mom" so I let them think what they want.

    I hate this for 2 things I'm not fully accepted by mexicans because I can't speak Spanish fluently, and because I'm dark skinned white people are kind of cold shoulder-ish to me untill they meet my mom.

    I also sort of hate the male domincance in my culture... Guys are like princes and girls are like maids most the time. Not all the time but tradiotionally a girl sorta knows how to do most house work at a young age and guys dont untill they get a bit older if they even learn at all... Or guys have more freedom while girls don't because fathers/mothers are more strict with daughters then their sons for some freak reason.

    But I do notice that changeing with modern times.
    November 6th, 2010 at 12:41am
  • Morning Coffee.

    Morning Coffee. (100)

    United States
    Let's see,

    I'm a lot of different things, but I'm mostly Italian and Welsh. I hate when I tell people I'm Italian, and they automaticaly think mob (even though my family did have mob connections XD) I also have a Welsh last name that 90% of people will say wrong.
    November 6th, 2010 at 01:03am
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    I like my race I'm full Mexican American but my mom that raised me is white so people assume I'm mixed. I'm not going to go off correcting everyone all the time like "shes not my biological mom" so I let them think what they want.

    I hate this for 2 things I'm not fully accepted by mexicans because I can't speak Spanish fluently, and because I'm dark skinned white people are kind of cold shoulder-ish to me untill they meet my mom.

    I also sort of hate the male domincance in my culture... Guys are like princes and girls are like maids most the time. Not all the time but tradiotionally a girl sorta knows how to do most house work at a young age and guys dont untill they get a bit older if they even learn at all... Or guys have more freedom while girls don't because fathers/mothers are more strict with daughters then their sons for some freak reason.

    But I do notice that changeing with modern times.
    Wow, I know exactly how you feel. I go to a school that's like evenly white, black and Hispanic (well, I still think the number for blacks is higher) but Hispanics only seem to really make friends that are their own race. Now, there's ups and downs to that. One because sometimes they can be closed minded to some things and another because they usually stick up for their own race (something I wish more blacks would do). And you're right, they generally won't talk to you if you can't speak Spanish. But I'm learning.

    Then it's the discriminating against black black people. But the only thing is, I have no white parents or anything like that so... it's the same old thing. Plus I'm as dark as milk chocolate, sometimes darker depending on the brand of chocolate. It kind of sucks though how you would be discriminated against just because you don't have white in you and the only way to change that is by having someone in your family that's white. v_v Hell, sometimes that might even make it worse.
    November 7th, 2010 at 01:47am
  • Germ

    Germ (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm English/Irish and the thing that ticks me off about England is our national dish X)
    Like steriotypically speaking; Italians are famous for pizza, Belgians for waffles etc etc...And for England it's either scones (which I hate) and fish and chips -.-' classy
    November 10th, 2010 at 04:48pm
  • kelly of yore

    kelly of yore (100)

    United States
    ignore. Disgust
    November 11th, 2010 at 12:50am
  • the fiddling imp

    the fiddling imp (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Not really.

    I mean, apart from the obvious; racist past (I'm caucasian, English) but I think we brits are pretty cool. I like culture we've got over here, but sometimes I wish we were more like the other Europeans.
    November 12th, 2010 at 11:24pm
  • SHYLA01

    SHYLA01 (350)

    I'm from Australia baby! :D
    I don't hate anything about being my ethnicity...
    Now this may sound stupid but I hate how white people apparently can't be affected by racism by other races, you know. It seems that racism is seen as;
    'A white person hating someone because of their *insert race here*'
    Do you know I found out that if I as a white person experienced racism from lets say and aboriginal it's not seen as 'racism' but, get this, "reverse racism"
    That's right: REVERSE RACISM.
    It seems that racism is for everybody BUT white people, and that ticks me off that people don't care because I'm white and caucasians are just 'white racist, KKK member, Nazi, bogan red neck' and we shouldn't be casted as being affected by racism but instead our own term of reverse racism -_-
    November 15th, 2010 at 09:39am
  • Born on the Cob

    Born on the Cob (100)

    Korea (North)
    I'm half Sicilian so apparently I should be like those kids on Jersey Shore.

    I'm not and thank God.

    But on the flip-side, I'm also partly Hungarian and Hungary has the highest population of green-eyed people! I love my eyes~ 1 in 5 Hungarians have them.
    November 20th, 2010 at 04:56pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    I'm from Australia baby! :D
    I don't hate anything about being my ethnicity...
    Now this may sound stupid but I hate how white people apparently can't be affected by racism by other races, you know. It seems that racism is seen as;
    'A white person hating someone because of their *insert race here*'
    Do you know I found out that if I as a white person experienced racism from lets say and aboriginal it's not seen as 'racism' but, get this, "reverse racism"
    That's right: REVERSE RACISM.
    It seems that racism is for everybody BUT white people, and that ticks me off that people don't care because I'm white and caucasians are just 'white racist, KKK member, Nazi, bogan red neck' and we shouldn't be casted as being affected by racism but instead our own term of reverse racism -_-
    I think a part of that has to do with the past of many white cultures. Their beliefs of being the better race while treating other races as less. It's the same for other races, there's still racist white people in the world and the races that they're racist towards feel that racism and hate it.
    November 23rd, 2010 at 10:01pm
  • method acting.

    method acting. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I don't hate anything about my ethnicity, through and through stereotypical English Rose, other than the point SHYLA01 touched on. Pretty much on a weekly basis while I was at sixth form, people were "racist" towards me. Yet it never mattered because I'm a blonde haired, blue eyed girl. Some of the things I was called, probably weren't typically offensive, but they were meant in that way. Indians were the majority race at my sixth form and there was a segregation they created. If you dared to step into one half of the canteen, you would be barged into, glared at, countless times I got "move out the way goldilocks."

    There are worse occassions too. Whenever I go to the clubs in town with my friends, comments such as "give me a blowjob/suck my dick, you white bitch/slut/whore" Sexual harrassment or racism? Never seems to be the latter.
    December 2nd, 2010 at 01:51pm
  • minaj colfer.

    minaj colfer. (100)

    United States
    I just hate when people think I'm racist just because I'm white. Cry
    December 2nd, 2010 at 07:31pm
  • disastrophe

    disastrophe (100)

    I'm Irish and I wish I could get a bloody tan! But I don't think that's actually anything to do with my ethnicity because there are people in my family who get great tans.
    December 5th, 2010 at 01:11pm
  • Samantha Michelle

    Samantha Michelle (100)

    United States
    I hate the fact I'm Italian just because if I was over seas I would be having either a white or red wine with dinner every night. In America, we can't express our cultures in such a way. Like the Germans. They have a shot of Jagger before every meal. From what I understand, that is.
    March 9th, 2011 at 01:55pm
  • Angelus.

    Angelus. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ^ the Jager thing isn't true :) (though it sounds like a damn good idea lmfao)

    I'm Caucasian, and I hate how easily I burn in the sun. Especially my face lmfao
    April 20th, 2011 at 02:43pm
  • Mayhem's Lady

    Mayhem's Lady (110)

    At least people don't accused you guys for being sluts and whores. For example, if some asians are married in America to a white guy, they'll say we're sluts and married for an American Citizenship. I'm like Fuck Off
    April 21st, 2011 at 03:48pm
  • Monroe;

    Monroe; (615)

    I hate that because I'm white, people think I'm racist. I hate how some black people in Ireland accuse me of being racist because I dislike how they scam people and steal.
    April 21st, 2011 at 04:19pm