Switching POVs

  • Note: I searched for other POV threads: this is not who's point of view you write in or which point of view you write in. Unless I'm wrong and there is one like this. So my apologies ahead of time. tehe

    Do you switch points of view? Do you switch in the middle of chapters? Or do you switch every other chapter or have a pattern to switching the POV (e.g. every three chapters, it's from [romantic interest]'s POV)? For either, do you put something like ******Bob's POV****** to clarify (or does it bother you when you see that in stories)?

    When you switch, do you change the type of POV you write in? Like going from first person to third?

    And lastly, if you don't like POV switching, is there a reason for it?


    I don't really like to switch POV, especially mid-chapter, but I've done so with Hero for things to come full circle. I do have another [unposted] story where it switches every chapter, but they're twins. And when I switch, I'll keep both 1st person [generally, I won't 'switch' if it's in 3rd person anyways].

    The reason I don't prefer using POV switch is because I believe it will kind of give away too much. Like there's no cliffhanger or suspense. If you remain narrating through one person throughout the entire story, you don't know if the other characters are lying or what they're thinking, etc.

    Your thoughts?
    April 4th, 2010 at 04:42am
  • Changing POV is tricky. As a rule of thumb, it's probably best to avoid it. Not that you can't change it, it's just that it easily confuses the reader. Using a new chapter or a set break between paragraphs to change perspective can really help alleviate this. Even then, clear indicators should be given as to who's POV is now being used.
    Changing POV from paragraph to paragraph (or within a paragraph) is just bad form. It complicates things and just comes off as sloppy.
    For my own tastes, I tend to agree that switching between third person and first person can give away too much information. Part of the fun of first person narrations is the fact that the reader only gets to know what the character knows (or, what the character is willing to tell them). Having an omniscient third person narrator suddenly come in and reveal any secrets kinda spoils the fun. Switching between two first person characters can be alright (again, so long as it's clear who we're dealing with). As for my own writing, I tend to pick a POV and stick with it.
    April 4th, 2010 at 08:39am
  • I generally stick with one particular point of view in a single story. But, in The Aviators I have been writing in first person, but have written a few chapters in third person point of view to help move the plot forward.

    I think that pov reall depends on the story and the characters and how best the story will flow.
    April 4th, 2010 at 10:01am
  • I don't really anymore. Unless I write, like, my introduction in first and then the rest in second or third.
    April 4th, 2010 at 08:57pm
  • I don't think it matters whether you switch point of view or not, but whether or not you can pull it off. However, switching in the middle of the chapter has a greater potential of throwing off your reader.
    April 4th, 2010 at 10:01pm
  • It bothers me a little when people switch POV, especially if it's in the middle of a chapter, because it can sometimes get messy and confusing.
    I'm also kinda a hypocrite saying this because I switched POVs all the time for one of my old stories. XD
    April 4th, 2010 at 10:30pm
  • I don't like POV switching. It bothers me, unless it's done well.
    I read a book where it switched POVs regularly, and I think that can work because you're expecting it, but if it randomly goes "Kyle's POV" in the middle of the chapter or something, it really confuses me. I think if you want to write from multiple POVs, just use third person. Simple. Straightforward. Not confusing in the slightest.

    That said, I have done it before. And vowed never to do it again.
    April 4th, 2010 at 11:31pm
  • It depends on what I'm writing. My HP fanfics, I don't switch POV a lot unless I find it necissary or if multiple things happen to multipule characters at the same time, then I switch. But with my OF, I switch when I need to stop giving away too much, and yes, I switch mid-chapter some times, but I don't really have a pattern, except the flashbacks are always in one character's POV. I usually put some stars, but you know when I switch because one character is 1st and the other is in 3rd. I really think that sometimes it's necissary to switch POV if you want your readers to get the whole story, but then again, I usually switch to keep them in the dark :)
    April 5th, 2010 at 05:33am
  • I'm actually doing that in Harlow Summerford, but I think that it'll work out. The prolouge is in third and the rest of the story will be in first except for maybe one sex scene and another scene in second.
    April 6th, 2010 at 05:25am
  • I change perspective in some stories. Whenever I do, though, I have a rule: whenever the point of view changes the chapter changes. I despise little breaks in the middle of chapters that say ****such and such's POV*****. Even without the drama and the asteriks, it just irks the hell out of me. I don't like to read it, but I definitely will not write it. So yeah, even if it makes some chapters short and some long (both and/or the inconsistency of length might bother some people, but they will just have to deal) I change chapters whenever I change perspective.
    April 25th, 2010 at 06:41am
  • I like POV switches to an extent. Like in Jodie Picoult's novels, her way of switching POV is marvelous. Also like Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments Trilogy. In my opinion, it's best pulled off when it's in third person.

    In one of my stories that is in first person, the POV switches.... and I'm not too proud of it. It comes across as... sloppy in a way. However, I have another story in third person that switches POV quite a lot, but I enjoy it and so do my readers.
    April 25th, 2010 at 09:21am
  • Shades of Grey:
    ...but if it randomly goes "Kyle's POV" in the middle of the chapter or something, it really confuses me.
    I hate this.
    I find there's nothing worse with a story then reading through a chapter then all of a sudden there's a break with "~*~*~Kyle's P.O.V.~*~*~" and then the start of the story again.
    Not only does it look horrible, it's just annoying.
    April 25th, 2010 at 04:41pm
  • I haven't come across a story that would switch its point of view at some point and I would like it. Personally, I think it's immature and pointless - and the ~*~*Kyle's POV*~*~ = me clicking away. I think that if you start writing something from a certain point of view, you should finish that way. I'm even petty and I like that third person limited point of view stays limited to a certain character (though I think I did personally switch between two characters in stories often Shifty).

    However. I like when a story written from a point of view of a certain characters gets rewritten in the point of view of another character. But not in the way one chapter - one character, the second chapter - different character. In the way - one story - one character, another story - another character. If you know what I mean? Facepalm
    April 25th, 2010 at 05:33pm
  • girlchild.:
    I haven't come across a story that would switched its point of view at some point and I would like it. Personally, I think it's immature and pointless - and the ~*~*Kyle's POV*~*~ = me clicking away. I think that if you start writing something from a certain point of view, you should finish that way. I'm even petty and I like that third person limited point of view stays limited to a certain character (though I think I did personally switch between two characters in stories often Shifty).

    However. I like when a story written from a point of view of a certain characters gets rewritten in the point of view of another character. But not in the way one chapter - one character, the second chapter - different character. In the way - one story - one character, another story - another character. If you know what I mean? Facepalm
    I agree to an extent. I think that if it's going to be excessive, if there's two or three POV changes within nearly every chapter, then I'm not going to want to read that. I think that, at that point, it would be much better to write in third person instead. I think third person allows for a much better transition.

    BUT if writing in first person and you want to change POV, I still don't think that writing "Jason's POV" looks good, ever. I think that if written correctly, and perhaps leaving a double space between, the readers are perceptive enough to take notice of the shift in POVs - especially if you've really given those characters distinct voices of their own.
    April 25th, 2010 at 05:38pm
  • I hate a story that keeps changing POV D:
    It's just...ugh..It annoys me. Espeacially when it's every character in the story that gets a part of describing their point of view. I like being limited to one character, so then you can think more about why the other character is doing what he/she is doing and why they think that way. To me, it's just more interesting. I like trying to figure people out myself :)
    April 25th, 2010 at 06:09pm
  • I do this a lot Shifty

    I like switching POVs because I like writing from other people's perspective.
    April 25th, 2010 at 10:10pm
  • I hate when people do ****************SIERRAS POV!**************** or anything like that. I feel that if you're going to switch POV it should be in an obvious, less abrasive way. I find that in most cases there is really no need to switch POV, but sometimes there are scenarios where it works. For example, my story Teal is in Gabriel's point of view, but every once in a while I have to switch to Willows (Only once mid chapter, and it was because of a time gap) because there were things Gabe was passed out for, or things that could only be presented from her viewpoint.
    April 26th, 2010 at 10:01am
  • All, if not, most of my stories switch POVs Facepalm

    They're done chapter by chapter, I don't like switching povs in the middle of a chapter, it just looks kind of messy to me. I tend to switch POVs because I like writing from multiple perspectives, especially when they have different stories to tell as opposed to telling the same one, but also because I get bored writing from just one perspective. I tend to lose interest in my stories quite quickly, but I'm trying to change that XD
    April 21st, 2013 at 09:00am
  • Well after reading all of these comments I'm wondering if I should change my writing style altogether.

    I'm constantly switching POV's normally never in the middle of a chapter unless it's incredibly important to get the other characters view onto the readers mind. But one of my stories I'm writing, POV has become essential. If you didn't get the other characters POV then you would be missing half the story and plot line. So that's why I switch but I keep a certain character the primary focus. Like, her POV will go on for three chapters before I switch so you can understand the other character and their motives.
    August 4th, 2013 at 04:02am
  • @ Cafune
    I don't think you should change it at all. Shifty If switching PoVs is essential then as long as the switch is consistent I don't see a reason to change it. Especially since that way it wouldn't be confusing to readers.

    Apparently I've found my niche in writing in third person omniscient. In one of my stories, I switch PoVs a lot. And by a lot I mean at least three times a chapter. lmfao It's not a hundred percent necessary, but it gives readers insight on what I want them to know (and what I don't) and generally it makes the writing much more fun, because I can skip around while still being able to write (and post) in chronological order.
    August 4th, 2013 at 03:46pm