What's Your Name? Do You Like It?

  • Not a fan of my name. Prefer my nick name so much more.
    October 7th, 2010 at 07:29pm
  • xClean_Freak_Mex:
    My name is Jae, I am a girl. People say 'ohh your name is a boys name blah blah blah. They also say ohh you spell it wrong, uhh HELLO I think I can spell my own name. Yeppp anyways, yup thats my name!!!
    your not alone my name is tyler and i am a girl
    October 7th, 2010 at 10:15pm
  • My name is Kamilla. I like it. Kamilla is a quite common name here in Norway, but very many spells it Camilla. So the K is kind of unique. :D So yes, I love my name ^^
    October 7th, 2010 at 10:16pm
  • Monique.
    Everyone I bump into goes, ''Your name is my middle name! How cool is that!!"
    I hated it at first.
    But it's happened so much that I'm used to it.
    So, I think it's pretty safe to say that I have a popular name for middle names.

    When I was younger, my teachers used to pronounce it wrong, or spell it like; Mo'Nique. If they pronounced it wrong they would just call me Monica. I'd be like, REALLY?

    I actually got in trouble with my 2nd grade teacher. I got tired of her pronouncing my name wrong, so her name got pronounced wrong as well.

    Aha. Good times. Very Happy
    October 8th, 2010 at 02:27am
  • Fern.
    Never met anyone with the same name, though I've spotted a few in the credits roll on TV. I don't really think about it, unless some extraordinarily sophisticated genius decides to refer to me as something particularly green, i.e. Tree or Plant.
    October 8th, 2010 at 06:56am
  • Arizona.
    I don't really have any feelings on it. I don't hate it but I don't love it either since I live in Arizona. Thanks mom for not coming up with a name before you were put on the drugs.
    October 8th, 2010 at 11:21pm
  • Jacynthia. Pronounced Juh-cynthia. Mom tried to make a flower sound french.... the flower was "hyacinth". I had NO idea what shewas thinking. I still love it though ^-^ people call me Jacy (no not JC!!!!!) pronounced Jay-cee. like Casee. And my mom calls me Jace. I wouldnt mind, but there was a guy at my old school with the same name, and I had a crush on him, so it pissed me off.

    Also, on the internet, sometimes I use Danica.

    Whats weird is that I have a long first name, and my last name is reealy common...?
    October 10th, 2010 at 02:19am
  • My name's Kristyn. I kinda like it, but it always sounds so formal. That can be a good or bad thing I guess. When I was younger I went by the nickname Kristy, which I now loathe, and unfortunately a lot of people still call me that. Thankfully about four years ago I began being called Krish and Krisha a lot due to a bowling alley mix up and that became my more commonly used nickname, among the many other random ones. I prefer that to Kristy... it's less whorish and more original XD I've been given tons of random nicknames, I can't even remember them all. One is Brittany, go figure XD
    October 10th, 2010 at 10:39am
  • My name's Camila and I hate it with all my life!
    Is so commin here in Chile, there's like a Camila everywhere, but well, i can't do anything about it hahaha
    October 10th, 2010 at 08:58pm
  • My name is Ceara, I hate it because no one can say it correctly!
    October 11th, 2010 at 01:33am
  • My name is Shannon.
    It's Irish I think........well I'm Irish so yeah.
    It means wise old one.
    Apparently it suits me because I behave older than I am.

    I like it, its nice but I would love to change it to Sonny or Emily.

    I don't know.
    My nicknames are Shan for friends & Shannie for my boyfriend and family =)
    October 11th, 2010 at 09:02pm
  • My name's Brigette.
    I like it... except when people try to spell it; reason: there's about ten million ways of spelling this name and it's a pet peeve of mine when it's misspelled.
    October 13th, 2010 at 07:45am
  • My name is Elizabeth Drew Hastings.
    I sort of dislike my name because;

    1. Elizabeth is such a common name. I hear it a lot, and by having this name, I don't really see how it makes me different.

    2. Drew is a guys name. I know my name sort of has a ring to it, but I have no idea what my parents were thinking by giving me this middle name.

    3. Hastings. It kind of makes me think that a rich family or someone related to royalty had it. It's not too bad, but it kind of sounds British-y. It makes me think that people would make fun of me by doing British accents and stuff if they heard my last name.

    I'm sure their are worse names with mine. But I can't complain.
    October 14th, 2010 at 10:39pm
  • My name's Robyn.
    I didn't used to like it because everyone made fun of me for it. I then discovered I was actually named after the aunt I never got to meet (she died of cancer years before I was born), and that gave new meaning to it. I love it now. :)
    October 21st, 2010 at 01:28am
  • My name is EstherRose, but i usually go by Esther. I love to watch new teachers or ones who haven't met me before try to figure out how to pronounce it. Hint: Es-ta, not Es-tha or Etha :P
    I love it, I think its very cool. I think M+D like both names, couldn't pick, so they put them together. It also makes my full name super long because I have a middle name as well (Melissa) :D
    October 21st, 2010 at 07:47am
  • My Name is Moriah! (Exclaimation point and all, seriously I'm going to add it to my birth certificate one day xD)
    Shanaynae (Sha-Nay-Nay)
    Mo Mo

    I like my name because it's spelled differently than most Moriah's who spell it Mariah :) It means God teaches or something like that and I don't really know if it suites me... but I like it! Even though it's incredibly hard to find on a key chain... XD
    October 21st, 2010 at 10:47pm
  • Jewel.

    I like it. Cute
    October 23rd, 2010 at 12:16am
  • Kirsty.
    It's okay, I guess. I prefer my middle name, 'Freya', purely because it's a lot more original.
    October 25th, 2010 at 02:50pm
  • Logan.

    I like it alright, but it's annoying as hell when people just assume that I'm a boy.
    There are girl Logan's out there! There's actually another one, my age, somewhere in my city...
    But all in all, I'm pretty okay with it. c:
    October 25th, 2010 at 04:30pm
  • Shawna. I don't really like it. I would've been fine with a normal, boring name, but oh well.
    October 27th, 2010 at 03:12am