LGBT Members?

  • LunaNomea

    LunaNomea (100)

    United States
    @ PabloUnleashed
    My high school was like that too. So when I came out to my friends, they had no problem with it. They actually started kissing other girls because doing it was "cool". I thought they were being very weird honestly. But I was glad that no one minded that I was a lesbian. i was afraid no one would spend the night with me anymore or anything because they were afraid i would look or something. I have heard people say that before about lesbians, so I was afraid.

    I'd say just stick through it and one day you will find someone that is special for you. : )
    August 15th, 2012 at 12:16am
  • precursors

    precursors (105)

    United States
    always infinite:
    I actually think it's completely justified. The saying does not say "all cis people are scum and should die", it says "cis people who are scum should die". We're allowed to be angry! Being cis comes with a huge amount of privilege, and a big part of them don't acknowlegde that privilege. I think it's perfectly okay to use this saying. A tumblr user who explains this a lot better than me, is
    While I do agree that being cis comes with some privilege, I don't think that it justifies stooping to hatred and murder. Yes, anger is justified but it seems counter productive to me. Spouting off in rages and saying that others are scum and should die isn't going to help give the trans community more rights. I doubt a lot of people would take the saying lightly - I am one of those people - and, from what I've seen in the "die cis scum" tag, it all looks like stooping to the level of bigots to get a point across that could be shown in a much easier, less violent or malicious way. I don't think it's fair to say that someone should die simply because they are cisgendered. Isn't that, to some degree, the same thing as saying that someone should die because they are transgendered? Yes, ignorance is bad - it's horrible and it's hurtful and it should be wiped out, but dishing out the same to someone who isn't aware of transgenderism or is even prejudiced and harsh toward transpeople isn't going to help. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
    August 15th, 2012 at 02:04am
  • Elephant PJs

    Elephant PJs (365)

    New Zealand
    @ always infinite
    Sorry for the late reply, I totally did not see your post. I thought I'd subscribed to the thread Facepalm

    As for your question, I would definitely date a sexual person. It's not something I'd jump into lightly, but I assume we'd just compromise on what we do sexually. At the same time, being aromantic is definitely not out of the question either. When I think I like a guy it feels more like I just want attention, rather than, 'I want to be in a relationship with you,' if that makes any sense XD
    August 15th, 2012 at 05:32am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    @ z o m b i e
    It's unfortunate but true, the extremists are going to get more attention because people have a habit of focusing on the negativity. The extremists in any group are the ones who get paid attention to most because they create the most "scandals" that our society is so obsessed with.

    Really, the only way to counteract the "dis cis scum movement" might be to kindly and patiently explain to people they (hopefully) don't represent the majority of the Trans community and are a big minority in the community. People are going to be given a wrong idea thanks to this so-called movement and the only option may be to try and counteract it by reminding people the majority of the community doesn't share such violent ideals. It's hopeful that this movement will just filter out and die on its own before it causes too much trouble though.
    August 15th, 2012 at 10:25am
  • always infinite

    always infinite (100)

    @ z o m b i e
    You're sort of missing my point though. It's not telling people to die because they're cis. It's telling cis scum they should die (meaing cis people who are scum, not all cis people). I don't personally use the saying, and I do agree that a lot of people are taking it to far, but I understand where it's coming from. I haven't really seen much of it lately though. To me it looks like the "movement" is just sort of dying away. Which is okay. There are probably better ways of getting the point across.

    @ MistressOfInsanity
    Yeah, that totally makes sense! Thanks for replying.
    August 15th, 2012 at 12:39pm
  • femincest

    femincest (150)

    United States
    I'm bisexual, but I prefer girls. I guess the type of boy I like is a very rare breed, I've never actually met a boy that I've ever felt extremely attracted to.
    August 15th, 2012 at 11:21pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    always infinite:
    @ z o m b i e
    You're sort of missing my point though. It's not telling people to die because they're cis. It's telling cis scum they should die (meaing cis people who are scum, not all cis people). I don't personally use the saying, and I do agree that a lot of people are taking it to far, but I understand where it's coming from. I haven't really seen much of it lately though. To me it looks like the "movement" is just sort of dying away. Which is okay. There are probably better ways of getting the point across.
    Okay, I have one question, what is a "cis scum"? How do the people on the "movement" define a "cis scum"?

    I'm do not agree that it's okay to tell someone to die because of whatever reason. This type of hateful messages presents the trans community in a negative view for those who are not educated enough and it stoops down to the same level that bigots think, which I think is the complete wrong approach with dealing with inequality and discrimination.
    August 16th, 2012 at 04:14am
  • always infinite

    always infinite (100)

    @ fen'harel.
    Cis scum are cis people who act like scum. That's the best definition I can give you. I'm not part of the movement, so I don't really have anything better than an outsiders perspective.

    Oh, but I remember this one girl who explained it really well. She said something along the lines of "It's not telling all cis people to die, it's telling the cis privilege to die". Which I absolutely agree with. Cis privilege sucks, as does all other types of privilege. Or I suppose the sucking part is not having the privilege.
    August 16th, 2012 at 10:56am
  • wxyz

    wxyz (240)

    Aland Islands
    @ always infinite
    I don't think it's ever okay to say that someone "should die". But that's just me.

    This is the first I've heard of it, but I'm absolutely bewildered by it. What defines a "cis person who is scum"? What is it about their cisgendered-ness that makes them "scum"? Is it an issue of transphobia? Because if it is, why not direct the "movement" at transphobics instead of generalising a whole bunch of cisgendered people?
    August 16th, 2012 at 06:16pm
  • always infinite

    always infinite (100)

    @ Alex; periphery.
    I guess I haven't really made my opinion clear. I don't like the wording of it, but I think it's a justified movement.
    It's not their cisgender-ness that makes them "scum", it's the privilege that they hold that is scum. Not the person. So it's telling their privilege to die. If that makes any sense at all. As mentioned, I don't particularly like the wording either, but I see where it's coming from. Especially for trans women. (Trans men don't have it half as bad, although we obviously lack a lot of privilege as well)

    But I don't really feel like I'm the right person to discuss this. Yes, I know I'm the one who dropped into the conversation, but I don't really have anything else to say... I just think that the anger is justified (not murder, in case anybody thought that).
    August 16th, 2012 at 06:38pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    always infinite:
    @ Alex; periphery.
    I guess I haven't really made my opinion clear. I don't like the wording of it, but I think it's a justified movement.
    It's not their cisgender-ness that makes them "scum", it's the privilege that they hold that is scum. Not the person. So it's telling their privilege to die. If that makes any sense at all. As mentioned, I don't particularly like the wording either, but I see where it's coming from. Especially for trans women. (Trans men don't have it half as bad, although we obviously lack a lot of privilege as well)

    But I don't really feel like I'm the right person to discuss this. Yes, I know I'm the one who dropped into the conversation, but I don't really have anything else to say... I just think that the anger is justified (not murder, in case anybody thought that).
    I found one Tumblr blogger that describes perfectly what I was trying to get at with the "die cis scum" thing. I quote from them:
    That’s it, I’m calling bullshit on this phrase. You can scream all you want about it only referring to cis people who are scummy, but come the fuck on. Let’s be honest, you’re only using that to justify your own prejudices. If it was really just about scummy people, then you wouldn’t have to add cis in there. By saying this, you are using someone’s gender identity as a negative aspect of them. I’m really hating the whole ‘privileged people are privileged so it’s okay to hate them’ mentality that’s been going around.
    It's not the fault of the person who was born cis to be privileged. The blame lies on society that enforces these privileges. I understand the hate towards institutions, the government, even resentment towards bigots (or hatred) because these institutions are the ones that reinforce the privileges that, let's say a white, middle class, college graduate, middle-aged, straight, cis-man, has.
    August 16th, 2012 at 09:29pm
  • wxyz

    wxyz (240)

    Aland Islands
    It's not the fault of the person who was born cis to be privileged. The blame lies on society that enforces these privileges. I understand the hate towards institutions, the government, even resentment towards bigots (or hatred) because these institutions are the ones that reinforce the privileges that, let's say a white, middle class, college graduate, middle-aged, straight, cis-man, has.
    That basically summed up what I was going to say. I agree totally.
    August 16th, 2012 at 09:35pm
  • always infinite

    always infinite (100)

    @ fen'harel.
    One last thing to add. First of, I don't agree with the wording of the phrase. Second of all, no it's no okay to blame and hate people for something they can't control. You can't control what amount of privilege you have. You can control whether or not you acknowledge that privilege. But you know, I am agreeing less and less with the movement, because there are a lot of people who are taking it way too far. And I totally agree that there are way better ways of solving this issue.
    August 16th, 2012 at 10:01pm
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    I'm Amy, nineteen and a dykling (super short but super gay, see what I did there?).

    I really need a lesbian best friend to be honest. :|
    I've been with my girlfriend for a year but it'd be great to have someone to talk to about my big ol' lesbian life.
    I mean, I'm no straight-o-phobe but talking with heterosexuals about their relationships is so boring and tiring and hsdghsdgs because it's all I'm subjected to.

    I need more queer people in my life! Seriously! I just need someone to talk to about lesbians and lesbian relationships and guessing who's gay (Ellen Page anyone? It's obvious, right?) and other lesbian tendencies. And dsgdsjhgsdg why is it so hard to find someone who is great and gay?

    It's hard to live in such a straight world. :'( So help a girl out. Mibba could be my savior!

    If you'd be ma gaygirl BFFL, we can swap super gay stories late into the night. Okbye.
    August 28th, 2012 at 02:39am
  • Fall To Pieces

    Fall To Pieces (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hey guys. I've not been on here in ages!

    Robyn and I got engaged and I'm going to be with her in September so I'm getting ready to move up there to be with her :) I'm really excited :)
    August 28th, 2012 at 05:38pm
  • precursors

    precursors (105)

    United States
    @ Fall To Pieces
    That's awesome! I'm really happy for both of you Mr. Green and hope that you continue to be happy with each other. Congrats!
    So, I may be transferring to an alternative school this year and... I'm considering coming out to the entire school. It's a small school and geared toward advocating for diversity and equality and being cultured, so I think it'd be easier than trying to be out in a traditional high school. I've always wanted to be stealth at school but I think that having support would be better and would help get my parents on board (plus, my therapist recommended it and the school) so... thoughts? Obviously, I'm worried about hate that I might get because of my gender identity but apparently there's been other transkids that were out at the school and discrimination is not tolerated there. So... yeah, thoughts/opinions/advice?
    August 28th, 2012 at 07:56pm
  • Fall To Pieces

    Fall To Pieces (100)

    United Kingdom
    @z o m b i e

    Thank you :D I'm sure we will because I'm extremely happy :) And so is she so we're both looking forward to it and are really excited :D

    Also I think you should do what you think is right. What you think would make you happy. The outcome of it has to be that you are happy about what you're doing. That it would make you feel better and things.
    August 29th, 2012 at 12:02am
  • XSoulXLoverX

    XSoulXLoverX (350)

    Heyyy! :) I posted in here before, but I would like to post again! :D

    Hey Everyone. I'm Rhea, I'm 18, and I associate as a lesbian. :) I also would like to be able to talk to others and meet new people in my coummintity, whether they live close to me or around the globe, meeting new LGBT members is alaways amazing.

    Also, I am always there for people who need someone to listen to, I'm here! :)
    September 5th, 2012 at 12:12am
  • Ktulu

    Ktulu (100)

    United States
    heyo, i'm nikki and pansexual :) i live in a pretty conservative town in wisco. of around 500 people but there isn't really hate here just old men bickering around the bars, lol. when i told my mom about my sexuality, she told me that she had an idea already, haha, but with my dad it was a total different story and my relationship with him hasn't been the same since.
    September 9th, 2012 at 07:43am
  • Nowhere Boy

    Nowhere Boy (370)

    So today I woke up feeling really dysphoric about my chest, which is really small but still can make me feel bad because it’s not as flat as I would like it to be. So I tied a scarf around my chest as tightly as I could, with some help of stray shoelaces. I had some breathing difficulty and generally felt woozy. It was horrible but I felt flat.

    Ultimately I shouldn’t have done it. I felt like throwing up in my mouth and was generally sick. I had to take it off at lunch because it was falling apart and more trouble then it’s worth.

    I really hope my friend can get a hold of a credit card so he can order me a proper binder.

    In better news, my step dad refered to me as Miles in front of my teachers at open house tonight. He has been refering to me as 'M' recently, as that is the first letter of both my original and chosen name. He really is starting to get better though, which is amazing. I'm really lucky.

    I'm also my schools resident trans* person now that my friend graduated. XD
    September 21st, 2012 at 06:21am