LGBT Members?

  • @ Nowhere Boy
    Miles, you really should use those kinds of binding methods. It can be really dangerous. Even a proper binder can cause damage. I recently bruised a rib because of it, so it's very important to be careful. I know that it's very difficult to deal with, but until you can get a proper binder, the best you can do is probably sportbras. Please be careful.
    September 24th, 2012 at 12:46pm
  • always infinite:
    @ Nowhere Boy
    Miles, you really should use those kinds of binding methods. It can be really dangerous. Even a proper binder can cause damage. I recently bruised a rib because of it, so it's very important to be careful. I know that it's very difficult to deal with, but until you can get a proper binder, the best you can do is probably sportbras. Please be careful.
    Thanks! Yeah I will be careful. I don't know what was in my head that day. I usually don't feel that dysphoric, it's weird.
    September 25th, 2012 at 03:21am
  • Hey guys! I am Caslia, and I am a lesbian. My mom was unsure at first, but now is 100% supportive, reading blogs, she watches more 1 Girl 5 Gays than I do, and she is just a big bundle of love. My brother was the hardest person to talk to, and we still haven't have a real conversation, since he is two years younger than me, but things are bad between us. My best friend Zack actually told me I was gay before I had figured myself out. He said, "Caslia, be honest. You are Naomi(from Skins, our favorite show). You are a rug-muncher and you have to get used to it so we can be each others wing person." I love my life, and I am tired of being single, but I am not avidly searching. I am just hoping someone sees how amazing I am!
    September 25th, 2012 at 03:44am
  • Hi! I'm Nate. I guess I'm Bisexual, I lean more towards lesbian though. I'm 17. I'm from North Carolina, USA. It's been a little rough through my life, I am currently working on a story based on my life, not posted yet but soon :) if anyone would like to read it maybe we can relate. Anyways I'm Nate, message me or whatever if anyone wants a new friend :).
    September 25th, 2012 at 08:19pm
  • I currently go to an alternative school and recently asked my principal about changing my name/gender on the roster. He was able to change my gender (FUCK YEAH) but he couldn't change my name without me getting a legal name change - instead, when there is a substitute, the administrator who distributes the attendance sheets for subs will cross out my legal name and put Piers instead. Mr. Green I'm really pumped that this happened and I feel a lot better about myself knowing that the school will make an effort to make my experience more comfortable.

    I'm also considering at some point coming out to the school, so... more info on that when I think about it more. (Also, does anyone have any thoughts on coming out to the school? I feel like it could be beneficial but I'm not sure.)

    @ Lighten The Sky
    Welcome, Nate! I'm Piers Very Happy
    September 26th, 2012 at 04:19am
  • @ z o m b i e
    Congratz dude, I think coming out to your whole school is huge. I think it'd be very beneficial, just be careful there's a lot of LGBT haters out there. :) And thanks for the welcome, Piers. :)
    September 26th, 2012 at 02:18pm
  • I'm bisexual but I like girls a tad more than guys. My community doesn't know. I'm scared if I tell them, they'll disown me.
    September 27th, 2012 at 09:24am
  • I'm 22 and bisexual. I do lean more towards women. I'm much more turned on by women than men. I am, however, engaged to a man. He's the love of my life and I prefer him over any woman in the world, hahaha. So I guess it's my fiance, women, then men. Cool

    I live in Florida but recently moved from New York City. There they were mostly pretty okay with it. Much more than most places, for sure. Down here they are a bit more closed and reserved but I haven't seen too much hate about it... Then again, I haven't lived here long. Many don't like it, though.
    September 28th, 2012 at 02:00am
  • My sister is MtF and I just found out that my stepmom (who lied when she said she wouldn't even cry if her child was trans) refuses to call her by the correct name or pronouns. Unless she changes, my sister will not see our dad because he will not visit her without our stepmother.

    I want to write a letter to my dad explaining that he has to step up and educate his wife, or at least demand that she treat my sister with respect otherwise he will lose his son (my sister before she was my sister) and his daughter, as well as the rest of his children. I will support my sister over anyone who will not respect her.

    Is it not my place to do this? I plan to tell my sister and let her read the letter if she wants, but I want to do this. I am the oldest and I feel it's my place to take care of everyone.

    But I just want a different opinion, I guess, to make sure I'm not overstepping. (My sister won't say anything.)
    September 29th, 2012 at 04:40am
  • Hey, I'm Tiffany, 17 and Bisexual.....and in the closet. I am in our school's GSA. My grandma gives me shit for being in it because she doesn't know i'm Bi. My sisters and a couple of my brothers know... and some of my friends but i'm still in the closet to mostly everyone. I'm gonna wait till college when i'm out of this town to step out.
    September 29th, 2012 at 09:05am
  • @ animal soup
    I'm bisexual, if you wanna talk i am here.
    September 29th, 2012 at 06:45pm
  • @ dru will wait.
    I think that you should do something. It's devastating for a young transperson to be so harshly rejected by a family member and, if your sister won't say anything, someone should. I can sort of understand why your sister wouldn't want to say anything, but it would be more beneficial if your stepmother was educated about transgenderism and for her to lose her prejudice and accept your sister for who she is.

    You might want to talk to your sister about it first, but other than that I'd say go for it.
    September 30th, 2012 at 04:51am
  • @ z o m b i e
    I mentioned it to my sister anyway and she said it was fine. I'm going to offer to educate him (dad) and my stepmom about any questions they have. I plan to explain a lot in the letter.

    I just hope when all of it's over, that my dad has two daughters instead of none.
    September 30th, 2012 at 05:19am
  • Hey, I'm Jess, and to put it in simplest terms, I'm demisexual. I really lean more toward the asexual side of things though, and honestly, its physically and emotionally hindering to the point of being incredibly upsetting. I'm past the point of not feeling a sexual attraction to my boyfriend, and I know I'm now ready to fully take on any sexual acts that I wasn't able to do before, (we've done everything together besides sex - it was a slow process,) however, I just don't seem to have a sex drive, and when I do, it comes up about once a month. Its really hard to get my boyfriend to understand this side of me, seeing as he can be a very sexual person, but he's really been trying very hard and is really being a saint about it. However, I'd still really like to try and be able to cope with it on a level that I'd be able to function and have at least a meager sex life. So, maybe one of you could try and help me; has anyone ever dealt with a situation similar, or maybe someone has some suggestions for me? I know I can be more sexual when I want to, but I can never really seem to get the urges actually going.
    September 30th, 2012 at 09:59am
  • @ dru will wait.
    Good luck with attempting to educate your dad and stepmom for your sister. I really do hope it works out for all of you :)

    @ Whatsername?
    Have you tried watching porn? An awkward question, I know, but it could help stimulate some sort of sex drive. I don't know what other sort of advice I could offer :\
    September 30th, 2012 at 06:40pm
  • @ z o m b i e
    Honestly, tried kind of, but that's really touch and go too. Sometimes it'll work, but usually not so much. I feel like it might be a bit of a physical thing too..? I'm not sure if my birth control has something to do with it or what; I've tried switching from a mono to a tri and I had minimal effects for the first couple months but now that its steady, nothing. But thanks for the advice, it helps, I'll take any that people can offer me, haha.
    September 30th, 2012 at 09:40pm
  • @ animal soup
    where i live it is not very accepting to be gay or bi like i am. i am out and very proud. i do get looks and comments but i blow them off. i go to a catholic school so there is no support or clubs there which sucks.
    October 2nd, 2012 at 01:56am
  • also my parents are very embarrassed by me due to my sexuality so keep my relationships from them due to the fact they would bring my gf or bf down.
    October 2nd, 2012 at 01:58am
  • @ dru will wait.
    I think it's a good idea but do make sure you're sister is okay with it you're a great sibling and I'm proud that you are willing to make a stand good luck
    October 2nd, 2012 at 03:34am
  • @ Whatsername?
    I kind of have that issue too at times, my exgirlfriend had a very high sex drive where as I don't have much of one. The way I try to change that is by watching porn, if a certain type doesn't get me going I try others until I find one that works, Sometimes you just have to find what turns you on. It was hard for my first relationship with sex after I was raped but I try to take it slow and now even if I don't want sex I try to please my partner without having to feel it inside of me. Hope I helped, if you wanna talk more feel free to msg me :)
    October 5th, 2012 at 08:13pm