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  • The Real Mitt Romney

    The Real Mitt Romney (250)

    Hong Kong
    1. Last beverage→ water
    2. Last phone call→ my dad’s friend Jim.
    3. Last text message→ Sarah
    4. Last song you listened to→ Pawn Shop by Sublime
    5. Last time you cried→ Earlier for about two seconds

    6. Dated someone twice → no
    7. Been cheated on? no
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? no
    9. Lost someone special?→ Once.
    10. Been depressed?→ Probably.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? I’ve never thrown up after drinking

    12. Dark green.
    13. Plum.
    14. Gold.
    15. Blue.

    16. Made new friends → yes, but not lately.
    17. Fallen out of love → Yep.
    18. Laughed until you cried → yes, last night.
    19. Met someone who changed you → no
    20. Found out who your true friends were → um. Yeah.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Lolololololol yeah, I didn’t really care. She has a mouth and her own mind. Let her speak it.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ No
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ None of them
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ Um. Three or four…
    25. Do you have any pets → yea
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Sometime soon.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ I don’t even remember… so probably nothing.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 12 PM, but I went to bed at 11 AM.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → talking.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Breakfast.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ a few hours ago
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → my height.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Sublime, lol.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes. I have a cousin Tom.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → No one brahh.
    36. Most visited webpage → mibba or facebook.

    37. What's your name→ Elizabeth.
    38. Nicknames→ Liz
    39. Relationship Status → single
    40. Zodiac sign → Pieces
    41. Male or female or transgender → female
    42. Elementary--> n/a.
    43. Middle School → n/a.
    44. High school ---> n/a.
    45. Hair color → dirty blonde.
    46. Long or short --> medium.
    47. Height → 5’4
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → No one I know IRL.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My eyes.
    50. Piercings → first holes, one cartilage.
    51. Tattoos → possibly oneday
    52. Righty or lefty → righty

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → lololololol.
    54. First piercing → cartilage.
    55. First best friends --> LOLOLOL.
    56. First sport you joined → Soccer
    57. First pet → Hobbsy
    58. First vacation→ some where in Canada.
    59. First concert → to list a few of the bands I saw for my first concert: Avenged Sevenfold, Hail the Villain and New Politics.
    60. First crush → Lololol. His name was like Preston or something like that in pre k.
    61. Eating → no
    62. Drinking → no
    63. I'm about to → answer the nest question.
    64. Listening to → Pantera
    65. Waiting for → morning

    66. Want kids? Yes.
    67. Want to get married? Yes.
    68. Careers in mind? Journalist or a professional motocross rider.

    69. Lips or eyes → hm. Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → kisses
    71. Shorter or taller → taller
    72. Older or Younger → older
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → a bit of both
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → arms
    75. Sensitive or loud → loud
    76. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → trouble maker

    78. Kissed a stranger → na.
    79. Drank hard liquor → once.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Never.
    81. Sex on first date → na.
    82. Broken someone's heart → no.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → no.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → no.
    85. Been arrested → no.
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yeah.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → yeah.

    89. Yourself → nope
    90. Miracles → nope
    91. Love at first sight → nope
    92. Heaven → I don’t know anymore.
    93. Santa Clause → nope
    95. Kiss on the first date? It depends on the person.
    96. Angels → I don’t know.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Not really. I enjoy being in bed alone.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yes.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? This isn’t Facebook.
    August 20th, 2012 at 07:44am
  • deathXbeforeXdisco

    deathXbeforeXdisco (100)

    1. Last beverage→ Milk.
    2. Last phone call→ Shaneka.
    3. Last text message→ Murray.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Hakuna Matata. (It means no worries ^_^)
    5. Last time you cried→ Couple of days ago, I'm really sick ><

    6. Dated someone twice → Kind of?
    7. Been cheated on? Not that I know of, but I -think- so
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes. They turned out to be a creeper o.O
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yeah... :/
    10. Been depressed?→ Severely, but I'm getting better.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Yes >< It's why I don't really drink.

    12. Midnight black.
    13. Purple.
    14. Blue.
    15. Silver.

    16. Made new friends → This year? Yeah.
    17. Fallen out of love → You can't fall out of love if you didn't love anyone.
    18. Laughed until you cried → xD Impossible not to with friends like mine :D
    19. Met someone who changed you → Hmmm, not really...
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Yes. It surprised me.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes >.>
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Yep.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Almost all of them.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ Erm... lots? xD
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes! I have practically a farm!
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Yes and no. I hate my name but I don't want to pick something stupid and when I introduce myself people look at me with a weird expression.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Worked until 1am. Fun stuff! -_-
    28. What time did you wake up today → 8:45am. Stupid alarm >.>
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Talking on facebook to people. Interesting huh? >.>
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → UNIVERSITY! MOVING OUT! MY OWN PLACE! and of course, AMITY AFFLICTION IN A MONTH + ONE WEEK! :D
    31. Last time you saw your father→ About 2-3 hours ago?
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → I'd like to be older thankyou.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Enjoy The Silence by Anberlin
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yeah, he's my neighbour.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Being sick for like 3 weeks!
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba and Facebook ><

    37. What's your name→ Lozza
    38. Nicknames→ Lozza, Lozzy, Loz.
    39. Relationship Status → In a relationship :3
    40. Zodiac sign → Aquarius.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Quite a few.
    43. Middle School → Well, in Australia middle school and high school are the same thing.
    44. High school ---> TMSH
    45. Hair color → Strawberry Blonde naturally
    46. Long or short --> Medium-ish at the moment, but I'm craving my long hair back :c
    47. Height → 167-ish cm (idk what that is in feet)
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Does it count if it's someone famous? 'Cause if it does I have heaps!
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My... hair?
    50. Piercings → Ears twice and belly button. Hoping to get my lip done soonish.
    51. Tattoos → SOON! My 18th is in like 6 months :3
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → No surgery :3
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Lei Lei and Gandis(Odd names cause this was in PNG)
    56. First sport you joined → Netball, unless you count horse riding.
    57. First pet → Max.
    58. First vacation→ New Zealand.
    59. First concert → Fall Out Boy w/ Hey Monday + All American Rejects.
    60. First crush → I was in Prep, and he was in grade 3 I think. I thought he was pretty.

    61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Nothing.
    63. I'm about to → Go out and feed my horse.
    64. Listening to → Aerosmith. (I have a weird collection of music...)
    65. Waiting for → Nothing really.

    66. Want kids? Definitely.
    67. Want to get married? I already designed my ideal ring and dress and found the perfect place :3
    68. Careers in mind? Music Therapist, therapist, zoologist, sound techie, art teacher, author... I haven't decided yet...

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs. By far.
    71. Shorter or taller → Have to be taller.
    72. Older or Younger → I can only date guys older than me and I have no idea why.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Either or, doesn't bother me.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Both, but more on the sensitive side.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Troublemakers are more sexy, but hesitant ones are so cute ^_^

    78. Kissed a stranger → Nope.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yep. And mixed it. Note; don't mix Amaretto, cheap vodka and some sort of cherry liqueur.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → $300 glasses.
    81. Sex on first date → Never.
    82. Broken someone's heart → God, I hope not.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yeah, plenty of times.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes.
    85. Been arrested → Me? Pfft, never!
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah...
    87. Cried when someone died → Who doesn't?
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Considered it, but I don't think I 'liked' her, per say.

    89. Yourself → Not really.
    90. Miracles → Nope.
    91. Love at first sight → Not a chance. Wrote an essay on that too.
    92. Heaven → Nope, though it'd be nice.
    93. Santa Clause → Not for over 10 years.
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yes ^-^
    96. Angels → I guess...

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes...
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Not exactly...
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yeah, I definitely would.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Already did a few years back on FB xD
    August 20th, 2012 at 08:39am
  • peggy carter.

    peggy carter. (100)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ soda
    2. Last phone call→ ...uh, I don't really know.
    3. Last text message→ Fulvio.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Abraham's Daughter - Arcade Fire
    5. Last time you cried→ two months ago

    6. Dated someone twice → no
    7. Been cheated on? yes.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? no
    9. Lost someone special?→ yes.
    10. Been depressed?→ Yeah.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? the first one. tehe

    12. Olive green.
    13. Burgundy.
    14. Sunset orange (yeah, Peeta-style).
    15. Marine blue.

    16. Made new friends → Yup. Cute
    17. Fallen out of love → Nah.
    18. Laughed until you cried → at least once a week.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yeah, I hope it was for the better.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → yeah...
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → I'm paranoid. Of course!
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Nope
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ two.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ Two.
    25. Do you have any pets → No. Sad
    26. Do you want to change your name→ I might legally change it to Lou(ise), but I know I'll chicken out.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ I went to Outback Steakhouse. Weird
    28. What time did you wake up today → 9:52 am. Because my mother woke me. Grr
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → MIBBA! (Kidding; I was asleep, for once.)
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Orientation!
    31. Last time you saw your father→ I'm kind of sitting right next to him.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → my bad luck -- to good luck!
    33. What are you listening to right now → Arcade Fire, obviously.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → I know lots of Tom's.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Being forced to go out with my family ALL THE FREAKING TIME.
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba.

    37. What's your name→ Gabrielle
    38. Nicknames→ Lou, Gabi, Gabby, Luna, Skittles, Turtle, Loki, Lupin, Moony, Moocow (<3), Big Head tehe, Loony Lovegood, Remus, and basically everything.
    39. Relationship Status → taken, for about two and a half months now. Very Happy
    40. Zodiac sign → Aquarius. tehe
    41. Male or female or transgender → female
    42. Elementary--> Jean-Paul Richter, and then Maspeth.
    43. Middle School → Frank Sansivieri.
    44. High school ---> HSMSE@CCNY. (I'm a nerd-o.)
    45. Hair color → Black. Black black black. Black as hell night.
    46. Long or short --> mediuuuum.
    47. Height → 5’4
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → aha, does Boyfriend count? If not, celebrities. And there's always
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My eyes, my voice.
    50. Piercings → ears.
    51. Tattoos → n/a
    52. Righty or lefty → righty!

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → what? no.
    54. First piercing → lobes.
    55. First best friends --> uhhhh, Carol and AJ (boy, not girl).
    56. First sport you joined → bahahaha. n/a
    57. First pet → I don't remember my fish's name. Therefore, my turtle, Levi/athan.
    58. First vacation→ ahaha. Delaware.
    59. First concert → never been. n/a
    60. First crush → This dude when I was two. He was two and he was da bomb then. Shifty His name was Dean.

    61. Eating → no
    62. Drinking → no
    63. I'm about to → fall asleep.
    64. Listening to → Haven't you already asked me this twice?
    65. Waiting for → this to end.

    66. Want kids? Yes.
    67. Want to get married? Yes.
    68. Careers in mind? Author, architect, or ... author.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs. Haven't kissed anyone, ever, so... Shifty
    71. Shorter or taller → taller
    72. Older or Younger → older, but younger if it's not too much of an age difference. more than 2 years younger... no.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → can I choose both?
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → stomachs matter.
    75. Sensitive or loud → loud
    76. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker. I like bad boys. Naughty

    78. Kissed a stranger → nah.
    79. Drank hard liquor → I try to forget.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → no.
    81. Sex on first date → hell no.
    82. Broken someone's heart → yes.
    83. Have you had your own heart broken → once? I think.
    84. Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → close.
    85. Been arrested → nah.
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yeah.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Nope.

    89. Yourself → not really.
    90. Miracles → yes.
    91. Love at first sight → It sort of happened to me, so yes.
    92. Heaven → Yeah.
    93. Santa Clause → THIS JOLLY OLD ELF IS REAL.
    95. Kiss on the first date? Maybe.
    96. Angels → Yeah.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? All the time.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? What does that even mean?
    August 20th, 2012 at 11:20pm
  • allthecities

    allthecities (100)

    1. Last beverage→ Tea (milk, three sugars).
    2. Last phone call→ The bestie.
    3. Last text message→ Also the bestie.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Crazy Fool; Jack Savoretti.
    5. Last time you cried→ Watching Brave last Wednesday.

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes.
    7. Been cheated on? Yes.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes.
    9. Lost someone special?→ More than just one person.
    10. Been depressed?→ Clinically.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Never.

    12. Green.
    13. Mustard yellow.
    14. Red.
    15. Purple.

    16. Made new friends → Yes.
    17. Fallen out of love → Yes.
    18. Laughed until you cried → God, yes.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Numerous people.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Definitely.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Yeah.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Most of them
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ Not sure I want kids (not sure that medically I can have them), but if I do/can I want to have two.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes, a grey cat called Merlin.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Already have.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Saw a local band with my bestie.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 11.05am
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Writing.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Doctor Who to start again on Saturday.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ About fifteen minutes ago.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → One thing? Let's just settle for 'my life', shall we?
    33. What are you listening to right now → Jack Savoretti.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yep.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Student Finance.
    36. Most visited webpage → Probably Tumblr.

    37. What's your name→ Delilah.
    38. Nicknames→ Lilah, Lil, Lily, Dee.
    39. Relationship Status → It's complicated.
    40. Zodiac sign → Sagittarius.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Yep.
    43. Middle School → We don't have that here.
    44. High school ---> Sadly, yes.
    45. Hair color → Auburn.
    46. Long or short --> Short.
    47. Height → 5'7"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yeah.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My hair, my eyes.
    50. Piercings → Ears.
    51. Tattoos → Someday.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → I had a camera down my throat to check my asthma wasn't gonna kill me when I was four, does that count?
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Stephanie, Katy, Zoe, Callum.
    56. First sport you joined → Netball.
    57. First pet → Emma the goldfish.
    58. First vacation→ The first one I remember is Disneyland Paris in 1994. The first one I went on was, I think, Belgium when I was three months old.
    59. First concert → My Chemical Romance & Thursday at the Manchester Evening News Arena, Saturday 23rd March 2007.
    60. First crush → Callum!

    61. Eating → A honey and lemon throat sweet.
    62. Drinking → Nothing.
    63. I'm about to → Clean my room.
    64. Listening to → Jack Savoretti.
    65. Waiting for → The rain to ease off a bit so I can go for a walk.

    66. Want kids? Maybe.
    67. Want to get married? Yes.
    68. Careers in mind? Writer, office manager, barrister, copy editor, journalist, something in publishing, teaching . . . I've honestly got no idea.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Kissing.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Doesn't matter.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice arms.
    75. Sensitive or loud → A combination.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → I'd like a relationship, but seem to be destined for the former . . .
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Doesn't matter.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Yes.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes.
    81. Sex on first date → No.
    82. Broken someone's heart → Sadly, yes.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yeah.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes.
    85. Been arrested → Almost.
    86. Turned someone down → Yes.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yes.

    89. Yourself → Not really.
    90. Miracles → No.
    91. Love at first sight → I will when it happens.
    92. Heaven → No.
    93. Santa Clause → Obviously.
    95. Kiss on the first date? It depends.
    96. Angels → No.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yeah.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? → Yes.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? → Yeah.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → Sure.
    August 27th, 2012 at 01:55pm
  • bo_Omshakalaka_

    bo_Omshakalaka_ (100)

    1. Last beverage→ Coca Cola
    2. Last phone call→ My school ._.
    3. Last text message→ My best friend
    4. Last song you listened to→ Train - 50 Ways To Say Goodbye
    5. Last time you cried→ To be honest, I don't exactly remember

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes
    7. Been cheated on? No
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? No
    9. Lost someone special?→ More than just one person
    10. Been depressed?→ No
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Nope

    12. Blue
    13. Orange
    14. Purple
    15. Red

    16. Made new friends → Yes
    17. Fallen out of love → Yes
    18. Laughed until you cried → Many times!
    19. Met someone who changed you → More than one
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Yeah
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ No
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ One
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ Two
    25. Do you have any pets → I have birds
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Not that I love my name, but I wouldn't want to change it. So many problems it would bring!
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Hung out with my boyfriend + had a family dinner with my godmother and -father.
    28. What time did you wake up today → Around noon
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Watching youtube videos with Luna
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → I'm going to a themepark this Thursday with my boyfriend!
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Yesterday evening before they left for France
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Well, I'm sure I'd find a few things.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Simple Plan - Astronaut
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yeah, I know a lot of Toms.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → The fact that a plan got cancelled again
    36. Most visited webpage → Facebook

    37. What's your name→ Leen
    38. Nicknames→ Lennie, Leentje, Sunny, Leeneuh
    39. Relationship Status → Madly in love with my boyfriend!
    40. Zodiac sign → Gemini
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female
    42. Elementary--> Gesubsidieerde basisschool
    43. Middle School → We don't have it here.
    44. High school ---> Kardinaal Van Roey Instituut
    45. Hair color → Dark brown
    46. Long or short --> Long
    47. Height → 1,70m
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My eyes
    50. Piercings → Ears
    51. Tattoos → Never
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → I haven't had surgery yet.
    54. First piercing → In my ears, when I was about 13 I think.
    55. First best friends --> Nel, Julie, Nele
    56. First sport you joined → Dance
    57. First pet → Flupke the bird.
    58. First vacation→ When I was a baby, I went to The Dominican Republic. The first I remember was to Malaysia and New Zealand, when I was 5 or 6 years old.
    59. First concert → Tom Dice
    60. First crush → Thomas

    61. Eating → Nothing
    62. Drinking → Nothing
    63. I'm about to → Read a book
    64. Listening to → Hot Chelle Rae - I Like It Like That
    65. Waiting for → My best friend to text me

    66. Want kids? Yeah
    67. Want to get married? Yes
    68. Careers in mind? Physiotherapist

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → Both!
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller
    72. Older or Younger → Around my age
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Eh... both.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Doesn't matter

    78. Kissed a stranger → No
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → No, I have glasses but I never lost them.
    81. Sex on first date → No
    82. Broken someone's heart → Yeah..
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yes
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes
    85. Been arrested → No
    86. Turned someone down → Yes
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → No

    89. Yourself → Not really
    90. Miracles → Depends
    91. Love at first sight → Not really
    92. Heaven → I have absolutely no idea
    93. Santa Clause → Haha, no
    95. Kiss on the first date? Depends
    96. Angels → I don't know

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yeah
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? → No
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? → Yeah, and not just one thing
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → Yes!
    August 27th, 2012 at 05:02pm
  • DizzyFromSpinning

    DizzyFromSpinning (100)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Water.
    2. Last phone call→ Great Grandma.
    3. Last text message→ Rachel.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Welcome To The Black Parade – My Chemical Romance
    5. Last time you cried→ A few months ago when having a panic attack.

    6. Dated someone twice → No.
    7. Been cheated on? No.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Nada.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes. I miss her so much.
    10. Been depressed?→ More often lately, it seems.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? No. I usually drink only until I feel a little buzzed.

    12. Lime green.
    13. Black
    14. Black&White checkered
    15. Green&Black striped.

    16. Made new friends → Yuppers.
    17. Fallen out of love → In a way, yes.
    18. Laughed until you cried → A lot of the time, yes.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yes, and I’m thankful I met them.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → YES.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Of course. But why they were talking about me, I’ll never know.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Nope.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Most.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ Zero. If I do decide to have kids I want to adopt.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yup. A bird.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ A few years back I was seriously thinking about legally changing my name, but didn’t.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ *Thinks* Y’know, I can’t remember...
    28. What time did you wake up today → 2pm...Is that bad?
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Watching Awkward.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → My next b-day which is in like a month!
    31. Last time you saw your father→ We’re not on speaking terms. He screwed up and I don’t want to deal.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Well, you know.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Kingdom Hearts Hikari Theme
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Surprisingly, I don’t know anyone named Tom. How sad.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Life in general.
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba.

    37. What's your name→ Spencer.
    38. Nicknames→ Spence, Punk, Dizzy
    39. Relationship Status → Single. HATE IT.
    40. Zodiac sign → Virgo.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Sucked.
    43. Middle School → Sucked more.
    44. High school ---> Went to 4 schools. First year and a half were the worst. The rest were epic.
    45. Hair color → Brown.
    46. Long or short --> Long.
    47. Height → 5'11”
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yeah.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → Not a lot.
    50. Piercings → Don’t like the guns. None.
    51. Tattoos → Don’t like the needles. None.
    52. Righty or lefty → Right handed.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Shortly after birth. I was born with a hole in my mouth. Clef Pallet & I don’t have a Uvula because of it.
    54. First piercing → None.
    55. First best friends --> Vanessa, Joelle, Trisha, Harrison, & Casey
    56. First sport you joined → I can’t remember if Baton or Gymnastics came first...
    57. First pet → Kitty named Lucky who had to be put to sleep. Ironic?
    58. First vacation→ Mexico? But I don’t remember it. The first one I remember is Pheonix Arizona.
    59. First concert → Hoobastank. Tix were sold out so we stood outside the stadium & listened.
    60. First crush → Some guy named Clint in 3rd grade.
    61. Eating → Nada. But I’m craving some popcorn.
    62. Drinking → Water.
    63. I'm about to → I’m not sure. Whatever I feel like doing when I finish. Maybe go back to Youtube to watch the vid I inturrupted to start this survey.
    64. Listening to → The Midi Mafia - PHamous
    65. Waiting for → The sun to rise. Time to fly.

    66. Want kids? Not really.
    67. Want to get married? Maybe. Can’t trust most guys to stay faithful these days and I don’t want to get married only to end up in a horrible divorce.
    68. Careers in mind? MTV, Photographer, Set designer.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Kisses.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller than me is nice, but even height or a few inches shorter work too.
    72. Older or Younger → 2 years younger or 6 years older is fine with me. After that, it’s kind of pushing it unless he’s a sugar daddy.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Stomach.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Both.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker. But in a fun sort of way, not getting the cops called out on him on a regular basis trouble.

    78. Kissed a stranger → No.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Sort of. Not a lot.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes. Totally sucked cuz I was in a wave pool & my glasses just flew right off. Luckily the guy I was crushin’ on at the time rescued them for me.
    81. Sex on first date → Hell no.
    82. Broken someone's heart → I hope not.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yup.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes.
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah...but only because I thought he was screwing with me. Sorry.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yeah. Miss ya cuz.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → No.

    89. Yourself → Not really, but I do have my moments.
    90. Miracles → Yes. Witnessed one last May.
    91. Love at first sight → I haven’t seen it first hand, but I know it’s out there.
    92. Heaven → Yes.
    93. Santa Clause → Only during Christmas.
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yeah.
    96. Angels → Yeah.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Hell yeah.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Sort of. I didn’t give a guy a full chance because everyone said he was crazy.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Hell yeah.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Yup.
    August 28th, 2012 at 11:47am
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    1. Last beverage→ Pepsi Max
    2. Last phone call→ My mum
    3. Last text message→ Debra
    4. Last song you listened to→ My Last Breath, Evenescance
    5. Last time you cried→ This morning

    6. Dated someone twice → yes
    7. Been cheated on? → Yep
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? → Yep
    9. Lost someone special?→ Too many times
    10. Been depressed?→ Mhm
    11. Been drunk and threw up? → Never thrown up from drinking.

    12. Green
    13. Purple
    14. Blue.
    15. Red.

    16. Made new friends → Yes.
    17. Fallen out of love → Yeah, sadly.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yep
    19. Met someone who changed you → Many times.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Yep
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes ¬_¬
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Yeah.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ On mibba, maybe three or four xD On facebook, about half maybe?
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ no idea.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yep
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Maybe, not sure
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Got a tattoo then got drunk and did karaoke.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 10ish?
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Reading
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Moving and getting my kitten
    31. Last time you saw your father→ When I was about 7.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Too many things to decide
    33. What are you listening to right now → Evanescence.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yep
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Boys
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba, facebook or tumblr

    37. What's your name→ Amy
    38. Nicknames→ Ames, Aims, Motorkitty,
    39. Relationship Status → Single.
    40. Zodiac sign → Aquarius
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Wellington and then Caledonia
    43. Middle School → Dude, Scottish.
    44. High school ---> St. Andrews, then St. Matthews, then Rijnlands Lyceum, then Craigholme
    45. Hair color → Bright red and black
    46. Long or short --> Short
    47. Height → 5'5ish?
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Eh
    49: What do you like about yourself? → Ehm... my writing, maybe
    50. Piercings → Ears x 8, nose
    51. Tattoos → one on each arm and chest piece
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → None c:
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Stephanie and Rachel
    56. First sport you joined → none?
    57. First pet → Tigger
    58. First vacation→ Spain
    59. First concert → I think it was S Club 7 or something.
    60. First crush → Fuck knows.
    61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Pepsi
    63. I'm about to → Freak out
    64. Listening to → Kate Nash
    65. Waiting for → A facebook message

    66. Want kids? → maybe
    67. Want to get married? → Not sure
    68. Careers in mind? → Writer, journalist

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Older
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Bit of both, but if I had to choose spontaneous
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms? I dunno xD
    75. Sensitive or loud → Bit of both
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Eh, right now a hook-up. I don't care xD
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker

    78. Kissed a stranger → Think so
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yeah.
    81. Sex on first date → Nah
    82. Broken someone's heart → More than likely
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → oh yeah.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Mhm
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah :\
    87. Cried when someone died → Yep
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yeah

    89. Yourself → Hell no
    90. Miracles → If I experience one, maybe
    91. Love at first sight → I did once.
    92. Heaven → Nope
    93. Santa Clause → naw
    95. Kiss on the first date? →maybe
    96. Angels → Nope

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? → Nope. Wish I had though
    99. Would you go back in time to change something?→ Loads of things.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → how about no.
    August 28th, 2012 at 05:16pm
  • crisiscore.

    crisiscore. (100)

    United Kingdom
    1. Last beverage→ Cola
    2. Last phone call→ Suhky
    3. Last text message→ Amy
    4. Last song you listened to→ Rabbit Heart - Florence and the Machine
    5. Last time you cried→ Yesterday

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes
    7. Been cheated on?mhm
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? yes
    9. Lost someone special?→ yes
    10. Been depressed?→ mhm
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Not thrown up when drinking

    12. Blue
    13. Black
    14. Purple
    15. White.

    16. Made new friends → Yea
    17. Fallen out of love → Not really, I'm still there.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yesss
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yup
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Definitely.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yeah
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Yeah.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Majority of the ones on fb, on here, about two. xD.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ none
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Yeah, I would, but I wouldn't at the same time.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Sat in with pizza films and vodka (my pal wasn't 18 yet.) :<
    28. What time did you wake up today → 1:30
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Sleeping
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Distant Worlds
    31. Last time you saw your father→ A couple of years ago
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Someone being confusing
    33. What are you listening to right now → Hatsune Miku
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yeah
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Boys and this girl I cannot stand. ._.
    36. Most visited webpage → Tumblr

    37. What's your name→ Debra
    38. Nicknames→ Debzorah, Debz.
    39. Relationship Status → Single/seeing someone? Idk.
    40. Zodiac sign → Libra
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Bonaventure
    43. Middle School → lolwtfisthat
    44. High school ---> Ardrossan Academy
    45. Hair color → Black with red tips
    46. Long or short --> Medium
    47. Height → 5'2
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yeah.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My hair color.
    50. Piercings → Ears.
    51. Tattoos → Nah
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Nothing.
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Brianna
    56. First sport you joined → Figure Skating
    57. First pet → Mimi
    58. First vacation→ Scotland
    59. First concert → MCR :L
    60. First crush → Ben Sparling
    61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Nothing
    63. I'm about to → Go to tumblr and complain about this nasty bint -_-
    64. Listening to → Hatsune Miku
    65. Waiting for → A baka.

    66. Want kids? No
    67. Want to get married?Don't care
    68. Careers in mind? Nurse, Games Designer, Technical support.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → Kissing while hugging.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Don;t care
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Doesn't matter.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Both.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Doesn't matter.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Yeah
    79. Drank hard liquor → Not really.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yeahhh.
    81. Sex on first date → yeah ><
    82. Broken someone's heart → I have.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yeah.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yup.
    85. Been arrested → nope
    86. Turned someone down → yeah, tons of times
    87. Cried when someone died → mhm
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Nope.

    89. Yourself → Not really, but I try. :)
    90. Miracles → I wish.
    91. Love at first sight → nah
    92. Heaven → nope
    93. Santa Clause →nope
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yeah.
    96. Angels → nope

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No way.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yeah, I definitely would.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? k
    August 29th, 2012 at 07:48pm
  • Aria T'Loak

    Aria T'Loak (150)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Grape Propel.
    2. Last phone call→ Momma.
    3. Last text message→ Holly.
    4. Last song you listened to→ My Heart Is Broken - Evanescence
    5. Last time you cried→ Last night.

    6. Dated someone twice → Yep.
    7. Been cheated on? Not that I know of.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Nope.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes.
    10. Been depressed?→ All the time.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Nope.

    12. Blue & Silver
    13. Red
    14. Green
    15. Purple

    16. Made new friends → Yep.
    17. Fallen out of love → Nope. Can't do it. Tried.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yep.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Definitely.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Unfortunately. And fortunately.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → All the time.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Nope.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Not many.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ None.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Yep. I want to ASAP.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Nothing much. My birthdays are damn close to ignored when it comes to friends.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 7:00. It was horrible. And I have to do it again tomorrow...
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Eating ice cream and messing around online.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → This weekend. Going home.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Last weekend.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → A bad decision I made.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Evanescence.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yep.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → My brain. 'cause it hurts and yeah.
    36. Most visited webpage → AFF.

    37. What's your name→ Haven
    38. Nicknames→ Venni.
    39. Relationship Status → Single, sadly.
    40. Zodiac sign → Scorpio
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female
    42. Elementary--> Cobden
    43. Middle School → Still Cobden
    44. High school ---> And still Cobden
    45. Hair color → Black, dark brown, bright blue, a bit of blonde.
    46. Long or short --> Long.
    47. Height → 5'9"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yep.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My hair.
    50. Piercings → None.
    51. Tattoos → Heart in the shape of the world with music notes going around it on my inner wrist.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Cyst on my back.
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Ashley, Clint.
    56. First sport you joined → NOTHING.
    57. First pet → Scruffy.
    58. First vacation→ Montana, Wyoming, etc.
    59. First concert → Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, Sevendust. April of last year.
    60. First crush → like kindergarten.
    61. Eating → Nada.
    62. Drinking → Propel.
    63. I'm about to → Go get food from Winslow.
    64. Listening to → Evanescence.
    65. Waiting for → A friend to wake up.

    66. Want kids? Not in the slightest.
    67. Want to get married? Depends on who I end up with.
    68. Careers in mind? Copyeditor.

    69. Lips or eyes → Both? Fuck.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Neither. I'm weird.
    71. Shorter or taller → Much taller...much.
    72. Older or Younger → Older, preferably.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Don't care.
    75. Sensitive or loud → A nice middle ground...
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Nope.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Nope.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Unfortunately.
    81. Sex on first date → Nope.
    82. Broken someone's heart → I think so. I wish I hadn't.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Absolutely.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes. All the fucking time anymore.
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → Nope.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yep.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → YES. Sigh.

    89. Yourself → Lol, no.
    90. Miracles → Nope.
    91. Love at first sight → I don't even know.
    92. Heaven → Nope.
    93. Santa Clause → Nope.
    95. Kiss on the first date? I don't care.
    96. Angels → Nope. Not unless they're real life angels.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Of course.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Nope.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yes. I'd go back about...well, I guess it's been about a month.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Uh-huh.
    August 29th, 2012 at 11:01pm
  • A7Xknifemaster

    A7Xknifemaster (100)

    United States
    1. Last beverage → Lemon Lime Kool-aid.
    2. Last phone call → My cousin asking about a gamertag.
    3. Last text message → My brother. (=
    4. Last song you listened to → A Little Piece Of Heaven by Avenged Sevenfold. <3
    5. Last time you cried → Yesterday a couple tears slipped.

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes.
    7. Been cheated on → Sadly, yes.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it → Sure haven't
    9. Lost someone special → In a way.
    10. Been depressed → Yeppa.
    11. Been drunk and threw up → Haha. Yea.

    12. Purple.
    13. Blue.
    14. Red.
    15. Black.

    16. Made new friends → Yes, and quite a few here lately. (=
    17. Fallen out of love → Yeppa.
    18. Laughed until you cried → A lot, actually.
    19. Met someone who changed you → I believe that each person we meet changes us in some slight way.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → I always knew.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → That's just the world for you.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list → Which friends list?

    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → What effing list?!
    24. How many kids do you want to have → None. I like kids but i don't want any of my own.
    25. Do you have any pets → Three annoying dogs, a blind cat and two gerbils.
    26. Do you want to change your name → Yes! I want to change my first name to 'Beer' so that my name will be 'Beer Wine' and will be tattooed on Johnny Christ =P
    27. What did you do for your last birthday → Saw Avenged Sevenfold at ROTR <3
    28. What time did you wake up today → 4 p.m. =/ but i didn't get to bed until 11 am.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Playing Resident evil 6. (=
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Avenged Sevenfold to write a new album and start touring again.
    31. Last time you saw your father → Yesterday. (=
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Income.
    33. What are you listening to right now → The tv.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Well technically his name is Thomas but hes called Tommy.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now → Nothing.
    36. Most visited webpage → Facebook so i can update my A7X fan page. <3

    37. What's your name → Brandy. =\
    38. Nicknames → Bran Bran, Bran and Brannie.
    39. Relationship Status → Single.
    40. Zodiac sign → Taurus.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary → Never went to public school.
    43. Middle School → None.
    44. High school → Damnit. -_-
    45. Hair color → I always change it and its hardly ever one color at a time.
    46. Long or short → Long in the front, short-ish in the back.
    47. Height → 5'6" ish.
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → If that's what you want to call it.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → I am very loving. I think all people should be.
    50. Piercings → Ears, tongue and lip. Lip and ears i done myself! ^_^
    51. Tattoos → None yet. When i turn 18 I'm getting a DeathBat though.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty but I'm pretty good with both. ...And my feet. o.O

    53. First surgery → I've thankfully never had to have surgery.
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends → My brothers and my Sunshine: Steffany. They are all still my best friends. <3
    56. First sport you joined → None. I suck at all sports.
    57. First pet → A German Shepard named Star if i recall.
    58. First vacation→ Never really been on a vacation. I travel a lot but its for concerts.
    59. First concert → Halestorm, Shinedown and Papa Roach. <3
    60. First crush → Can't recall.

    61. Eating → Nothing. But a taco would be nice.
    62. Drinking → Nothing.
    63. I'm about to → Do the same stuff I'm doing now probably.
    64. Listening to → This has already been asked.
    65. Waiting for → Black Ops 2 to come out.

    66. Want kids? Nope.
    67. Want to get married? Not exactly. I believe in love, not papers.
    68. Careers in mind? What do you consider a career?

    69. Lips or eyes → Both are valuable.
    70. Hugs or kisses → That is something i can't decide between.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Older. Younger makes me feel weird.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice arms as in tattooed. (;
    75. Sensitive or loud → Loud.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationships if they existed anymore.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Neither?!

    78. Kissed a stranger → Sorta.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Gotta love Vodka and Boobin.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Sun glasses.
    81. Sex on first date → No and never will.
    82. Broken someone's heart → So I've been told. )=
    83. Have you had your own heart broken → Yea. But its better now. (=
    84. Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Not that i can recall.
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → All the time here lately.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → I don't have any friends that are girls that aren't family and I'm not into incest.

    89. Yourself → Sometimes.
    90. Miracles → Sure do.
    91. Love at first sight → Eh.
    92. Heaven → Yes.
    93. Santa Clause → Haven't since i was like 6 or 7.
    95. Kiss on the first date → Depends on the person i guess. I'm a kissy type of person.
    96. Angels → Yes.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yea.. but well, that can't happen.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No. Don't believe in shit like that.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? The passed has made me what i am today.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? I so think this shit was created on anther website.
    October 4th, 2012 at 10:42am
  • katze

    katze (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1. Last beverage→ Lemonade.
    2. Last phone call→ Jamie, he was the first person I ever fell in love with and we're still friends but he likes to call me in the middle of the night when he's drunk.
    3. Last text message→ Josh, the lad I'm seeing. He's amazing.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Treat Me Like A Human Being by Morrissey.
    5. Last time you cried→ A week ago at college in front of my tutor - how humiliating.

    6. Dated someone twice → No.
    7. Been cheated on? Not that I'm aware of.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes!
    9. Lost someone special?→ I don't know, I suppose not. Dunno.
    10. Been depressed?→ Yes, badly.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Yeah projectile vomited.

    12. Burgundy.
    13. Navy.
    14. Burgundy.
    15. Burgundy.
    (Do people actually have 4 different favourite colours?!)

    16. Made new friends → Yeah, who hasn't? :s
    17. Fallen out of love → I have. If I hadn't I wouldn't be falling for someone else now.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yep!
    19. Met someone who changed you → Definitely. He fucked up my life proper good just by existing but I learnt from it so it's not all bad I suppose. And I guess my ex and who I'm seeing now have changed me a bit because I started smoking weed but I feel like it's helped me and I don't see it as a bad thing at all.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Yes. A few times.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yeah, wankers.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ On Mibba? Yes.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ I don't understand if you mean on here but if you do then just one.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ Kids? Hahaha I won't even be thinking about that for a while. I freak out every time I've just had sex just incase it made me pregnant even though we use condoms. That's how paranoid I am about the whole thing.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes, 3 cats and 2 degus.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ I'm not overly keen on my name but I'd never want to change it.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Went shopping in the pouring rain and it was fucking shit because my ex who I was with at the time was so mardy he basically ruined my day. Yeah.
    28. What time did you wake up today → Midday.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Bored just chatting and watching youtube videos. Shittest Saturday night I've had in a long while.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → To see him again.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ A few days ago. I rarely see him now though.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → One thing? I know it sounds ungrateful but honestly there are many things.
    33. What are you listening to right now → The xx.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Weird question but yeah.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → That I'm hungry and want to get food but this is addictive and I'm only on 35 :/
    36. Most visited webpage → Facebook.

    37. What's your name→ Jodie.
    38. Nicknames→ Jodes.
    39. Relationship Status → I don't know... 'It's complicated'?
    40. Zodiac sign → Taurus.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> What?
    43. Middle School → I don't understand this I'm British :(
    44. High school ---> I understand this one! Coombeshead.
    45. Hair color → Blonde.
    46. Long or short --> Long.
    47. Height → 5'4"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → CRUSH IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My music taste, it's so good.
    50. Piercings → Two on ears, nose ring.
    51. Tattoos → As soon as I'm 18.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Never had surgery.
    54. First piercing → Nose.
    55. First best friends → I don't remember.
    56. First sport you joined → Don't remember this either. Earliest one I can remember is netball.
    57. First pet → Not sure, earliest I can remember is cats.
    58. First vacation→ Butlins.
    59. First concert → Lily Allen when I was 14.
    60. First crush → I think a boy in my class when I was like 10 or 11.
    61. Eating → Nothing but I'm hungry.
    62. Drinking → Nothing.
    63. I'm about to → Get food after this. It's gone 2pm and I haven't eaten at all.
    64. Listening to → You already asked this in 33. The xx.
    65. Waiting for → Already next weekend so I can see him again and not have to worry about college.

    66. Want kids? Probably one day, but not for a long while.
    67. Want to get married? Yeah I suppose so it's just a scary through right now.
    68. Careers in mind? Dunno, something in film I suppose.

    69. Lips or eyes → Not sure if I'm honest. Eyes I guess.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Both, at the same time.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Older, definitely! It's one of my requirements. My ex was actually a year younger than me but when I met him I genuinely thought he was a couple years older because he looks it.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Bit of both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → In what way? I don't know what makes a stomach or arms 'nice' on a man. I don't like muscles. I like a bit of a pudgy tummy and slightly meaty arms. No skinny boys. I don't mean chubby either, just someone who looks like a man and has a bit of meat on them. Makes them more cuddly too.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Neither ugh!
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship, I get easily attached.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Neither again?

    78. Kissed a stranger → When I first met my ex we were at a party and I'd never met him before and he kissed me literally like 2 seconds after I'd only just been told his name - does that count? We'd spoken a bit but he was practically a stranger to me at the time.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Vodka, many times.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Don't wear them. My eyesight is fine.
    81. Sex on first date → We don't really do dating at my age where I'm from but I've had sex with lads straight away, yeah. It's how I started seeing who I'm kindddd offff with now.
    82. Broken someone's heart → Yes. Sorry.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Badly.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Heard*, yes.
    85. Been arrested → Nope!
    86. Turned someone down → Yep.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yeah.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Haha, yes. Straight though. I think I was just confused about my feelings and sexuality at the time.

    89. Yourself → Not really, no.
    90. Miracles → Nope. Just good and bad luck.
    91. Love at first sight → Yes and I wish I could explain to you why but I don't think anyone could understand.
    92. Heaven → No.
    93. Santa Clause → I'm 17 haha.
    95. Kiss on the first date? Of course!
    96. Angels → No.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Oh my god yes. I miss him already.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Nope.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yeah I would of got a size bigger in these shorts...
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? What does that mean?
    October 21st, 2012 at 03:17pm
  • strigoi.

    strigoi. (395)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Water.
    2. Last phone call→ AJ.
    3. Last text message→ Pete.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Toxicity by System of a Down
    5. Last time you cried→ Not for a while o.o

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes.
    7. Been cheated on? → Yes >.>.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? → Nope.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes D;
    10. Been depressed?→ Yes >.>.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? → Not thrown up. Lol.

    12. Pink.
    13. Black.
    14. Red.
    15. Purple.

    16. Made new friends → Yep.
    17. Fallen out of love → Yes.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Mhmmm.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yes.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Definitely.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Psh, yeah.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Which friends list? Lol.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ or two, probably.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ None.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Yeah, but I probably wouldn't.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Had the most amazing birthday ever. Saw Avenged Sevenfold. ;3
    28. What time did you wake up today → 12:00.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Watching coverage of Hurricane Sandy
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Uhm...THE CHRISTMAS SEASON!
    31. Last time you saw your father→ A little bit ago.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → A lot of stuff...
    33. What are you listening to right now → Nothing.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Probably.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → My bladder.
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba.

    37. What's your name→ Jessica.
    38. Nicknames→ Jess, Jessie, Jessicka.
    39. Relationship Status → Single.
    40. Zodiac sign → Aquarius.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> John Glenn.
    43. Middle School → Pine Hill.
    44. High school ---> Overbrooke.
    45. Hair color → Auburn.
    46. Long or short --> Long.
    47. Height → 5'2"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Eh.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My hair color.
    50. Piercings → Ears, lip, belly button.
    51. Tattoos → One.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Nothing.
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> I don't trust too many people, but those I do: Aly, Ash, Amber, and a few others.
    56. First sport you joined → Cheer. :O
    57. First pet → Bear (RIP<3).
    58. First vacation→ I have no idea. Atlantic City?
    59. First concert → Avenged Sevenfold.
    60. First crush → This kid, Christopher, who I grew up with; when I was like...5 xD.

    61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Water.
    63. I'm about to → Go to the bathroom.
    64. Listening to → Nothing.
    65. Waiting for → An IM reply. xD

    66. Want kids? → Definitely.
    67. Want to get married? → Yes.
    68. Careers in mind? → I really want to be a writer, but until then, whatever I can do.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Kisses while embraced. ;3
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Older.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both, but it's not a mandatory thing. Just be healthy.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Both.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Doesn't matter.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Yeah.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yeah.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Nope.
    81. Sex on first date → Yes. xD
    82. Broken someone's heart → Sadly, yes.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yeah.
    84. Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Nah.
    85. Been arrested → Sort of.
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah.
    87. Cried when someone died → Duhhh.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Nah.

    89. Yourself → Not really, but I try to.
    90. Miracles → Sometimes.
    91. Love at first sight → Not really.
    92. Heaven → I don't know...
    93. Santa Clause → Pshhh yeah.
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yeah.
    96. Angels → Yes.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? → No.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? → Yeah, I definitely would.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → This is on Mibba, so no. xD
    October 31st, 2012 at 04:25am
  • colibri

    colibri (150)

    1. Last beverage→ Apple juice.
    2. Last phone call→ sister.
    3. Last text message→ Peter.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Margot and The Nuclear So and So's - page Written On A Wall
    5. Last time you cried→ Yesterday.

    6. Dated someone twice → No.
    7. Been cheated on? I don't know.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Never kissed.
    9. Lost someone special?→ It seems it happens every year.
    10. Been depressed?→ Five years and running.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? The very first (and only) time I drank, it was on an empty stomach. It was rum and cranberry juice in a litre bottle. I drank half the bottle, and vomited all over the place. My father had to clean it up. We hate each other so it was perfect.

    12. Soft light grey.
    13. Soft light grey-blue
    14. Soft light brown-grey
    15. Red
    [if you haven't noticed I'm bad at colour names]

    16. Made new friends → Yes.
    17. Fallen out of love → No. I've never loved someone and then not loved them. Even if they hate me.
    18. Laughed until you cried → A time or two.
    19. Met someone who changed you → I don't know, because I've stayed pretty much the same for a very long time.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → All of the time. And I keep finding out that I have none.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → So many times. Mostly in whispers of 'freak' 'strange' 'weird' 'not pretty enough'. I knew this guy once that told me him and his friend were talking about me once, and his friend said "She's not hot enough." I still don't understand what that even means.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ No.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ The majority of them, but not always very well.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ It depends on a lot of things. I don't know if I even want kids.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes. Three cats and one dog.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Yes. I'm getting it legally changed as soon as I decide on what I want it to be.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ I slept through it, like most days.
    28. What time did you wake up today → Two thirty PM.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Watching The Inbetweeners.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → University.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Last month. And before that it was a year. He only came down because he was in court fighting child support payments.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Dropping out. [ technically speaking. Though I still do schooling ]
    33. What are you listening to right now → Margot and The Nuclear So and So's - Love Song For a Schuba's Bartender.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → I think so.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → My psychologist and how condescending she is.
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba.

    37. What's your name→ Eliza.
    38. Nicknames→ Liz, Liza, Lila, Leeza, Midnight, Minnie.
    39. Relationship Status → Single.
    40. Zodiac sign → Gemini.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Chiganois.
    43. Middle School → Central Colchester.
    44. High school ---> Sydney Academy.
    45. Hair color → Red.
    46. Long or short --> Medium.
    47. Height → 5'3 1/2
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Constantly.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My hair colour.
    50. Piercings → No.
    51. Tattoos → No.
    52. Righty or lefty → Right.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Corrective eye surgery. [ I'm getting it done again soon ]
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends → Taylor, Harrison, Oliver.
    56. First sport you joined → Soccer.
    57. First pet → Cavale.
    58. First vacation→ Niagra Falls.
    59. First concert → Never gone.
    60. First crush → Some guy I hated then and hate now.

    61. Eating → Nothing. But my stomach still hurts from eating sugar cookie batter.
    62. Drinking → Nothing.
    63. I'm about to → Watch a shitty ROMCOM on purpose.
    64. Listening to → ... Margot and The Nuclear So and So's - Broadripple is Burning.
    65. Waiting for → Something better.

    66. Want kids? It depends.
    67. Want to get married? Probably not. No one would want to spend that much time with me.
    68. Careers in mind? Neurologist, a magazine founder, psychologist, or anything else that could be quiet and/or lucrative.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → ...
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Doesn't matter.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Doesn't matter.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Doesn't matter.

    78. Kissed a stranger → No.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes. And I've broken them out of anger a few times.
    81. Sex on first date → ...
    82. Broken someone's heart → I don't think so.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yes. By many people for many different reasons.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → All the time.
    85. Been arrested → No. But I've watched it happen so many times.
    86. Turned someone down → Yes.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → No.

    89. Yourself → No.
    90. Miracles → No.
    91. Love at first sight → No.
    92. Heaven → No.
    93. Santa Clause → No.
    95. Kiss on the first date? I don't know.
    96. Angels → No.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? It depends.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Everything.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? I don't know.
    October 31st, 2012 at 05:12am
  • quetzalcoatl

    quetzalcoatl (235)

    October 31st, 2012 at 05:36am
  • Little

    Little (100)

    1. Last beverage→ Water
    2. Last phone call→ My mum
    3. Last text message→ My mum
    4. Last song you listened to→ I'll Be There For You - The Rembrandts
    5. Last time you cried→ Last night

    6. Dated someone twice → Yeah
    7. Been cheated on? Yeah
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? No
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes
    10. Been depressed?→ Yes
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Yes

    12. Pink
    13. Green
    14. Black
    15. Silver

    16. Made new friends → Yes
    17. Fallen out of love → Yep
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yes
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yes
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Yes
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yeah
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Not on this friend's list.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ None of them
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 2
    25. Do you have any pets → No
    26. Do you want to change your name→ I'll change my last name when I get married
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Out for cocktails then clubbing
    28. What time did you wake up today → 7.00am
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Sleeping
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → I don't know
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Years ago
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → I would make it more exciting
    33. What are you listening to right now → Nothing
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Everything
    36. Most visited webpage → Facebook or Hotmail

    37. What's your name→ Melanie
    38. Nicknames→ Mel, Melly, Little Mel, Princess Mel
    39. Relationship Status → I'm never sure what it is with the guy I'm seeing...
    40. Zodiac sign → Capricorn
    41. Male or female or transgender → female
    42. Elementary--> BCPS
    43. Middle School →
    44. High school ---> TCC and GSC
    45. Hair color → Blonde
    46. Long or short --> Long
    47. Height → 147cm
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → You could say that
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My hair, my height, my eyes
    50. Piercings → 3 in each lobe and 1 cartilage
    51. Tattoos → Soon
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Hernia
    54. First piercing → Lobes
    55. First best friends --> Caitlin and Jessica
    56. First sport you joined → Tennis
    57. First pet → Patch
    58. First vacation→ QLD
    59. First concert → Elvis Impersonator
    60. First crush → Matt
    61. Eating → no
    62. Drinking → no
    63. I'm about to → Have a shower
    64. Listening to → Nothing
    65. Waiting for → My waxing appointment

    66. Want kids? Yes.
    67. Want to get married? Yes.
    68. Careers in mind? I am an Event Coordinator

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → Kisses
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller
    72. Older or Younger → Older
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms
    75. Sensitive or loud → Loud
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker

    78. Kissed a stranger → Yes
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → No
    81. Sex on first date → No
    82. Broken someone's heart → Yes
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yes
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes
    85. Been arrested → No
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah
    87. Cried when someone died → Yeah
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → yeah

    89. Yourself → Yes
    90. Miracles → Yes
    91. Love at first sight → Yes
    92. Heaven → Yes
    93. Santa Clause → No
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yes
    96. Angels → Yes

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Yes
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yes
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Well I didn't lie...
    November 3rd, 2012 at 02:53am
  • Synyster Lisa

    Synyster Lisa (400)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Diet Coke
    2. Last phone call→ Ray
    3. Last text message→ Joe
    4. Last song you listened to→ Something by Halestorm
    5. Last time you cried→ Halloween.

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes
    7. Been cheated on? Three times. =/
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes
    10. Been depressed?→ Yes
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Yes

    12. Black
    13. Pink.
    14. Blue
    15. Purple.

    16. Made new friends → Of course.
    17. Fallen out of love → Yes
    18. Laughed until you cried → Love it.
    19. Met someone who changed you → No
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Still finding out.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Yes
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Quite a few of them.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ One or two
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Meh?
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Sat on my ship working, then did nothing for the rest of the night.
    28. What time did you wake up today → A bit before 9 am.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Sleeping
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → To go on tour with my job.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Couple of years ago.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Umm....I'm not sure actuallyl
    33. What are you listening to right now → TV
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Nothing at the moment!
    36. Most visited webpage → Facebook

    37. What's your name→ Lisa
    38. Nicknames→ Lis, Cali, Breezy,
    39. Relationship Status → Single. *Sigh*
    40. Zodiac sign → Sagitarius.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Hammerschmidt & Passow
    43. Middle School → Hester & Marquardt
    44. High school ---> Glenbard East
    45. Hair color → Natural brown, usually dyed some sort of red.
    46. Long or short --> Medium
    47. Height → 5'6"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My hair and personality.
    50. Piercings → Ears.
    51. Tattoos → Someday.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Do stitches count?
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Brittany
    56. First sport you joined → Umm...does Recess Baseball count?
    57. First pet → Lucky
    58. First vacation→ Not sure
    59. First concert → Lollapalooza 2003
    60. First crush → Oh gawd, I have no idea.
    61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Water.
    63. I'm about to → Continue this survey.
    64. Listening to → TV
    65. Waiting for → November 10th

    66. Want kids? Definitely.
    67. Want to get married? YES
    68. Careers in mind? Entertainment industry!

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugging
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Preferably older, but will go younger.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Doesn't matter.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Both.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → A little of both.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Nope.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Not that I remember.
    81. Sex on first date → Nope
    82. Broken someone's heart → Probably.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → So many times....
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → Yep
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yes

    89. Yourself → Yes
    90. Miracles → No
    91. Love at first sight → Nope.
    92. Heaven → Nope
    93. Santa Clause → Nope
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yeah.
    96. Angels → Nope

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No, but they were an influence.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yes
    November 4th, 2012 at 03:20am
  • Jackalope Crossing

    Jackalope Crossing (120)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ jasmine green tea. NOM.
    2. Last phone call→ The Art Institute.
    3. Last text message→ Kirk, my boyfriend.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Not sure. I've been listening to HP lately.
    5. Last time you cried→ A few months ago. Freaking out about college.

    6. Dated someone twice → no. I'm still on my first boyfriend...
    7. Been cheated on? Ha, no.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Nope.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Of course.
    10. Been depressed?→ Mhm.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Nope.

    12. Green
    13. peachy/salmon
    14. yellow
    15. purple

    16. Made new friends → yep.
    17. Fallen out of love → nope
    18. Laughed until you cried → often.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Thank goodness yes.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → All my friends are awesome.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → probably.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Ha. Yeah... my boyfriend and all of my friends... truth or dare.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ 100%
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 2 or 3.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes! Django. A Jack Russell. So cute.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Nope.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Babysat.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 8.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → sleeping.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → MUSE CONCERT.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ a few minutes ago.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → I wish I was a more valuable person.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yep.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Eh. My procrastination.
    36. Most visited webpage → youtube.

    37. What's your name→ Molly.
    38. Nicknames→ none.
    39. Relationship Status → Relationship.
    40. Zodiac sign → Virgo
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Pierce Lake
    43. Middle School → Beach Middle
    44. High school ---> CHS
    45. Hair color → Strawberry blonde.
    46. Long or short --> Very long.
    47. Height → 5'3"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → boyfriend?
    49: What do you like about yourself? → hm. not sure.
    50. Piercings → Ears.
    51. Tattoos → none. maybe someday.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → wisdom teeth? does that count?
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Ella.
    56. First sport you joined → Soccer.
    57. First pet → Django
    58. First vacation→ no idea.
    59. First concert → 30 Seconds to Mars. EPIC.
    60. First crush → Cheston. Hahaha.
    61. Eating → Just ate some Dulce de Leche cheerios.
    62. Drinking → Jasmine green tea. SO good. SO good.
    63. I'm about to → read for AP Government
    64. Listening to → HP 4
    65. Waiting for → the end of the book so I can concentrate

    66. Want kids? more than one, no more than three.
    67. Want to get married? definitely.
    68. Careers in mind? journalist, novelist, political scientist.

    69. Lips or eyes → eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → hugs.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → older.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → romantic.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → stomach, I guess. I don't really care though.
    75. Sensitive or loud → sensitive.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → hesitant.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Nope.
    79. Drank hard liquor → yep.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → nope.
    81. Sex on first date → Uh. No.
    82. Broken someone's heart → Nope.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Nope.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yeah.
    85. Been arrested → no
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah, but that was middle school sooo...
    87. Cried when someone died → yes.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Not romantically...

    89. Yourself → no.
    90. Miracles → no.
    91. Love at first sight → no.
    92. Heaven → no.
    93. Santa Clause → no.
    95. Kiss on the first date? depends.
    96. Angels → no.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? yes. :)
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Ha, no.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Probably.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Nope!
    November 4th, 2012 at 08:06pm
  • halcyon.

    halcyon. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1. Last beverage→ Pepsi max.
    2. Last phone call→ Amie.
    3. Last text message→ "Just keep your head up. You deserve better than him xx"
    4. Last song you listened to→ What's The Matter - Milo Greene
    5. Last time you cried→ Last night

    6. Dated someone twice → No
    7. Been cheated on? No
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? No
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yeah
    10. Been depressed?→ Yes
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Yes

    12. Blue
    13. Purple
    14. Red
    15. Orange

    16. Made new friends → Yes
    17. Fallen out of love → Yeah
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yes
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yes
    20. Found out who your true friends were → I suppose
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yeah
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Not on my friend's list, no.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Quite a few. (I'm going by facebook by the way?)
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ Undecided.
    25. Do you have any pets → Three dogs.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Yes.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ My twentieth? Fuck all.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 9:44 AM exactly.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Sorting out flat hunting with a friend.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → CHRISTMAS.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Last night.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Make it a bit more fortunate.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Crystal Castles
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yeah
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Him.
    36. Most visited webpage → Tumblr, facebook, hotmail & BT.

    37. What's your name→ Ellie
    38. Nicknames→ Ellie? Aha.
    39. Relationship Status → Complicated, but most likely single.
    40. Zodiac sign → Gemini.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female
    42. Elementary--> ...?
    43. Middle School →...?
    44. High school ---> Lourdes.
    45. Hair color → Brown
    46. Long or short --> Long
    47. Height → 5'2/5'3.
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Not too sure.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My personality?
    50. Piercings → None
    51. Tattoos → Nah
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Not had surgery.
    54. First piercing → Ears
    55. First best friends --> Sonny, Shawn and Cait.
    56. First sport you joined → Taekwondo.
    57. First pet → Pepsi
    58. First vacation→ Green Day when I was twelve.
    60. First crush → Guy called Chris. Just... Ugh.

    61. Eating → No.
    62. Drinking → Yes.
    63. I'm about to → Do my hair.
    64. Listening to → Christmas music. (I know, I know)
    65. Waiting for → a housing agent to get in touch.

    66. Want kids? Don't know.
    67. Want to get married? Yes.
    68. Careers in mind? Forensic pathologist.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → ...Ugh, both. Kisses probably.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Older.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms
    75. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker

    78. Kissed a stranger → No.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes.
    81. Sex on first date → No.
    82. Broken someone's heart → No.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yes.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes.
    85. Been arrested → No
    86. Turned someone down → Yes.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yeah.

    89. Yourself → No.
    90. Miracles → Kinda.
    91. Love at first sight → To a certain extent.
    92. Heaven → No.
    93. Santa Clause → No
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yes
    96. Angels → ..I want to.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Unfortunately, yes.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yes.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? I didn't lie so.
    November 6th, 2012 at 12:47pm
  • i r i s;

    i r i s; (100)

    1. Last beverage→ Cordial.
    2. Last phone call→ Mum
    3. Last text message→ Katie?
    4. Last song you listened to→ I can't actually remember what song it was... O_o
    5. Last time you cried→ A few days ago.

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes.
    7. Been cheated on? Yes.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Oh yes.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Definitely.
    10. Been depressed?→ Yeah.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Unfortunately.

    12. Purple
    13. Blue
    14. Black
    15. Red

    16. Made new friends → Yeah
    17. Fallen out of love → Previously, completely in love now.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yeah.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Oh yeah.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Yep.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Ugh, yeah.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Jakey <3
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ 97%
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 3 or 4
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes! Two cats, 2 rats.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Nope.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Spent the day with my love. Good times. ^_^
    28. What time did you wake up today → 8:00amish?
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Sleeping.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Christmas & Red Hot Chili Peppers.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ About a year and a half ago. Miss him every day.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Not a thing.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Background noise of the t.v.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Nothing. Good mood.
    36. Most visited webpage → Facebook.

    37. What's your name→ Jacki
    38. Nicknames→ Jack, Kitty.
    39. Relationship Status → Taken.
    40. Zodiac sign → Cancer.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Rukenvale & Camira.
    43. Middle School → WSC
    44. High school ---> WSC
    45. Hair color → Black
    46. Long or short --> Long.
    47. Height → 5'7"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → I'd say it's much more than a crush.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → I like my whole self.
    50. Piercings → Ears and snakebites.
    51. Tattoos → Hopefully soon.
    52. Righty or lefty → Lefty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Hand, 2005
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Chloe, Rose
    56. First sport you joined → Softball
    57. First pet → Jasmine
    58. First vacation→ No clue.
    59. First concert → Guns N' Roses
    60. First crush → No idea.
    61. Eating → Mini meringues...
    62. Drinking → Nothing. Hopefully coffee soon.
    63. I'm about to → Ask Jakey for coffee.
    64. Listening to → Still bullshit t.v. background noise.
    65. Waiting for → Kellie to get home.

    66. Want kids? Definitely.
    67. Want to get married? Yeah, can't wait. <3
    68. Careers in mind? Artist.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Cuddling.
    71. Shorter or taller → Just a little taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Older.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice armies.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Doesn't matter.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Maybe, I am unsure.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes. Probably had some effect on the above question.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Nope.
    81. Sex on first date → No way.
    82. Broken someone's heart → Yes.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yeah..
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yeah.
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yep.

    89. Yourself → Yeah.
    90. Miracles → Yes.
    91. Love at first sight → Yes.
    92. Heaven → Nope.
    93. Santa Clause → Not anymore.
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yeah.
    96. Angels → Yeah.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Already with him.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Fuck no.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Not a thing.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? No.
    November 7th, 2012 at 12:01pm
  • collectivision

    collectivision (100)

    1. Last beverage→ water.
    2. Last phone call→ home.
    3. Last text message→ JAKKALBERRY CAME THIRD!!!
    4. Last song you listened to→ Heart Attack - One Direction
    5. Last time you cried→ Two weeks ago this Friday, graduation.

    6. Dated someone twice → no.
    7. Been cheated on? nope.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Nope.
    9. Lost someone special?→ yup.
    10. Been depressed?→ nooo.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? nope.

    12. Red
    13. Maroon
    14. Blue
    15. Green.

    16. Made new friends → Aha
    17. Fallen out of love → nah.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yeah, lots
    19. Met someone who changed you → yes.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → oh yeah.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes. :(
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ No.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Some.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ I just kinda want them, don't know how many. Two.
    25. Do you have any pets → Nope!
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Sometimes...
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Went out for tea with family and scammed eighty bucks from them.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 6:14.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Sleeping.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → November 19.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ The weekend.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Me?
    33. What are you listening to right now → ...One Direction
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yep, gotta cousin called Tom.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Lit.
    36. Most visited webpage → mibba/ao3/twitter/google

    37. What's your name→ Rachael.
    38. Nicknames→ Too many to list. Ratchet, Rach, Scooby, to name a few.
    39. Relationship Status → Single.
    40. Zodiac sign → Leo.
    41. Male or female or transgender → female.
    42. Elementary--> Primary? St. Al's.
    43. Middle School → N/A
    44. High school ---> LC.
    45. Hair color → dark brown.
    46. Long or short --> medium.
    47. Height → 172cm.
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → some.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → umm.... get back to me on that
    50. Piercings → ears.
    51. Tattoos → no.
    52. Righty or lefty → righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → wisdom teeth.
    54. First piercing → ears.
    55. First best friends --> Lyss, Elle, Sar...
    56. First sport you joined → Basketball.
    57. First pet → None.
    58. First vacation→ Don't remember.
    59. First concert → Short Stack '11
    60. First crush → Don't remember.
    61. Eating → nothing.
    62. Drinking → Milo.
    63. I'm about to → Write an essay or two.
    64. Listening to → still 1D.
    65. Waiting for → X-Factor on Monday.

    66. Want kids? Yeah.
    67. Want to get married? I suppose.
    68. Careers in mind? No clue

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes for sure.
    70. Hugs or kisses → I'm a huggy person.
    71. Shorter or taller → Have to be taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Probs older.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both?
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Again, both.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Ditto.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Um more trouble maker.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Haha, no.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Nope.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Don't need wear them.
    81. Sex on first date → Ah, no.
    82. Broken someone's heart → Not that I know of.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Umm, no.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Not really a crying person.
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → Haha, yes.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yeah...
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → ...No...

    89. Yourself → Not like I should.
    90. Miracles → No.
    91. Love at first sight → Not as such.
    92. Heaven → I want to.
    93. Santa Clause → No.
    95. Kiss on the first date? Uh, yeah?
    96. Angels → I believe in Castiel.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? No.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Nope.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Like my entire life? Yeah.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? No.
    November 8th, 2012 at 07:11am