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  • Answering.Alexandra.

    Answering.Alexandra. (100)

    United States
    One Hundred True Facts.

    1. Last beverage→ Water.
    2. Last phone call→ Dad
    3. Last text message→ Ryan
    4. Last song you listened to→ Show me what I'm looking for - Carolina Liar
    5. Last time you cried→ Today, after watching the Vampire Diaries. :3

    6. Dated someone twice → No.
    7. Been cheated on? No
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yeah, unfortunately.
    10. Been depressed?→ Yeah.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Nope.

    12. Aqua.
    13. White.
    14. Lime green.
    15. Black.

    16. Made new friends → Of course.
    17. Fallen out of love → Nope. Never even been in love.
    18. Laughed until you cried → All the time!
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yes.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Not yet.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yep.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Um, I have no idea.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Every single one.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 3.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ No. Even if I did, I wouldn't know what name.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ I went out to dinner with family.
    28. What time did you wake up today → Um.. One .(:
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Reading.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → My trip to Europe!
    31. Last time you saw your father→ A couple minutes ago.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → My past relationships with people I thought I'd have forever.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Augustana. (:
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → The fact that I don't feel special . I feel I'm not worth anything to anyone.
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba.

    37. What's your name→ Alexandra.
    38. Nicknames→ Allie, Gator, Coffee.
    39. Relationship Status → I am single.
    40. Zodiac sign → Virgo.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Brouillet.
    43. Middle School → Stahl.
    44. High school ---> Rogers.
    45. Hair color → Dirty Blonde
    46. Long or short --> Long.
    47. Height → 5'5"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes, unfortunately.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My hair.
    50. Piercings → Ears.
    51. Tattoos → Someday.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → never.
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Rachel, Savannah, Amanda.
    56. First sport you joined → Swimming.
    57. First pet → Wiggles.
    58. First vacation→ Las Vegas.
    59. First concert → Chicago.
    60. First crush → His name was Grey.

    61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Nothing.
    63. I'm about to → attempt to work on my story.
    64. Listening to → Augustana.
    65. Waiting for → Sleep to overcome me.

    66. Want kids? Definitely.
    67. Want to get married? Yes.
    68. Careers in mind? English Teacher, Writer.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → I honestly don't mind.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Stomach.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive. But loud too.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Doesn't matter, really.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Yep.
    79. Drank hard liquor → No.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yeahhh.
    81. Sex on first date → No.
    82. Broken someone's heart → I hope not.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yeah.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yeah, I have.
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah, sorry.
    87. Cried when someone died → Uh yeah.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yeah, actually.

    89. Yourself → Yes. I'm working on that.
    90. Miracles → My faith in miracles is fading, but it's still there.
    91. Love at first sight → Kind of.
    92. Heaven → Yes.
    93. Santa Clause → No. Sorry Santa.
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yeah.
    96. Angels → Yeah.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes, there is.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No, I haven't.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Not right now. My life is pretty good right now.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Ehhh.
    January 6th, 2013 at 04:34am
  • serendipity cake.

    serendipity cake. (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1. Last beverage→ Lemonade
    2. Last phone call→ Mother
    3. Last text message→ No mobile Embarassed
    4. Last song you listened to→ Again&Again - 2PM
    5. Last time you cried→ 3 days ago

    6. Dated someone twice → No
    7. Been cheated on? No
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? No
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes
    10. Been depressed?→Yes
    11. Been drunk and threw up? No

    12. Red
    13. Yellow
    14. Purple
    15. Green

    16. Made new friends → Yes
    17. Fallen out of love → No
    18. Laughed until you cried → Too many times
    19. Met someone who changed you → I heard somewhere that you're an average of your five closest friends, so yes Shifty
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Recently
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Not yet
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Yes
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ 97% of them
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ None
    25. Do you have any pets → A cat called Jem
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Already changed it, and I'm happy
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Bought a printer Facepalm
    28. What time did you wake up today → ~12:00pm
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Watching youtube videos
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → University
    31. Last time you saw your father→ No idea, he died when I was two
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Living in a castle would be nice
    33. What are you listening to right now → Nothing. But my headphones are still in
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → An electric heater is blowing in my face
    36. Most visited webpage → YouTube

    37. What's your name→ Ayesha
    38. Nicknames→ Ajib, Jibjab, Ayeesh
    39. Relationship Status → Foodsexual
    40. Zodiac sign → Leo
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female
    42. Elementary--> I live in England
    43. Middle School → So we don't have all this
    44. High school ---> But my primary was Linthorpe and my secondary was Acklam Grange
    45. Hair color → Dark brown
    46. Long or short --> Medium-long (just above my boobs when it's natural, middle of my back when I straighten it)
    47. Height → 5'4 and a half
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → No
    49: What do you like about yourself? → I'm a good listener
    50. Piercings → None
    51. Tattoos → None
    52. Righty or lefty → Both (but I write with my right usually)

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Eyelid
    54. First piercing → Never had one
    55. First best friends --> Toni, Bethany, Amber. I don't talk to any of them anymore
    56. First sport you joined → Cricket
    57. First pet → Whiskers
    58. First vacation→ Never been
    59. First concert → My Passion/Young Guns
    60. First crush → A guy who lived a street away from me

    61. Eating → Nothing
    62. Drinking → Nothing
    63. I'm about to → Do some work
    64. Listening to → Still nothing. Gotta fix that
    65. Waiting for → Nothing

    66. Want kids? God no
    67. Want to get married? Not really
    68. Careers in mind? English teacher abroad, Astronomer, Therapist

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugging
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller
    72. Older or Younger → Older
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice stomach
    75. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Hesitant

    78. Kissed a stranger → No
    79. Drank hard liquor → No
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → No
    81. Sex on first date → No
    82. Broken someone's heart → No idea
    83. Have you had your own heart broken → No
    84. Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → No
    85. Been arrested → No
    86. Turned someone down → Yes
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → No

    89. Yourself → Yes
    90. Miracles → No
    91. Love at first sight → No
    92. Heaven → No
    93. Santa Clause → No
    95. Kiss on the first date? Depends
    96. Angels → No

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? No
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Oh God, so many things
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Pardon?
    January 13th, 2013 at 11:38pm
  • dreamland.

    dreamland. (100)

    United States
    One Hundred True Facts.

    1. Last beverage→ honey green tea
    2. Last phone call→ katie
    3. Last text message→ tehya
    4. Last song you listened to→ something by mac miller because a classmate was playing it.
    5. Last time you cried→ monday night because i was sick and felt horrid.

    6. Dated someone twice → nope.
    7. Been cheated on? nope
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? never been kissed.
    9. Lost someone special?→ yessir.
    10. Been depressed?→ still am.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? nope, i've never drank before.

    12. black
    13. dark purple
    14. cream
    15. light green

    16. Made new friends → definitely.
    17. Fallen out of love → i've never been in love to start with.
    18. Laughed until you cried → it's rare, but i definitely have.
    19. Met someone who changed you → yes. :3
    20. Found out who your true friends were → yes, i have
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → yeah. that sucked haha.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ nope!
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ pretty much everyone
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 2
    25. Do you have any pets → 3 dogs and a million cats haha
    26. Do you want to change your name→ eeehhh. i used to want to.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ i stayed home and got chinese food and roses from my momma haha.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 6:30 AM
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → sleeping
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → graduation in may!
    31. Last time you saw your father→ last night.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → my depression/anxiety
    33. What are you listening to right now → my class talking about senior sneak, which i care nothing about.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → uhh..maybe..
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → my calss
    36. Most visited webpage → mibba or tumblr, definitely.

    37. What's your name→ taylor
    38. Nicknames→ tay, teddi, bear, ted, theodore, tater tot...
    39. Relationship Status → siiiingle.
    40. Zodiac sign → gemini
    41. Male or female or transgender → female
    42. Elementary--> JES
    43. Middle School → JHS
    44. High school ---> JHS
    45. Hair color → naturally, dirty blond, now, dark red.
    46. Long or short --> short
    47. Height → 5'7.5"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → idk yet...maybe it could develop into that soon..
    49: What do you like about yourself? → me eyes.
    50. Piercings → ears and i used to have my lip.
    51. Tattoos → hopefully someday.
    52. Righty or lefty → lefty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → tonsillectomy...does that even count?
    54. First piercing → ears
    55. First best friends --> riley, jessica, (don't really talk to them at all anymore)
    56. First sport you joined → nothing.
    57. First pet → cheyenne
    58. First vacation→ oklahoma to my uncles haha.
    59. First concert → black veil brides and the birthday massacre.
    60. First crush → tyce. ew haha.

    61. Eating → nothing.
    62. Drinking → honey water.
    63. I'm about to → do nothing at all haha.
    64. Listening to → class bickering
    65. Waiting for → the day to be over.

    66. Want kids? of course (:
    67. Want to get married? yes
    68. Careers in mind? nanny. no other option (:

    69. Lips or eyes → eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → hugs
    71. Shorter or taller → taller
    72. Older or Younger → as long as its not a huge gap either way.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous romantic.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → nice arms
    75. Sensitive or loud → both, i suppose.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → i don't really mind.

    78. Kissed a stranger → no
    79. Drank hard liquor → nope
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → yes.
    81. Sex on first date → no.
    82. Broken someone's heart → maybe..i hope not, but it's definitely possible
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → yes.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → yeah, i'm pretty sure.
    85. Been arrested → nooooo haha.
    86. Turned someone down → yes, i have. i felt horrible.
    87. Cried when someone died → of course
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → i've like girls, but they haven't been like...legit friends.

    89. Yourself → eeehh. a little
    90. Miracles → i'm really not sure.
    91. Love at first sight → maybe?
    92. Heaven → nope!
    93. Santa Clause → nope!
    95. Kiss on the first date? yeah, if i ever go on a date haha.
    96. Angels → i faith and religious base is being questioned

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? yeah, kinda
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? nope!
    99. Would you go back in time to change something?yeah, a few things.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? uuuuuhhhhhh
    January 16th, 2013 at 06:56pm
  • Sansa Stark

    Sansa Stark (930)

    New Zealand
    One Hundred True Facts.

    1. Last beverage→ peach iced tea
    2. Last phone call→ mom
    3. Last text message→ my ex bf
    4. Last song you listened to→ Super Junior - Sorry Sorry (Answer)
    5. Last time you cried→ Yesterday, I saw a dog die

    6. Dated someone twice → No.
    7. Been cheated on? Yes.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes.
    10. Been depressed?→ still am.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? I don't drink alcohol.

    12. black
    13. candy pink
    14. orange
    15. light green

    16. Made new friends → definitely.
    17. Fallen out of love → Yes.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yes.
    19. Met someone who changed you → yes.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → yes
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → yes.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ yes.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Not a lot.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ None.
    25. Do you have any pets → my mom won't let me.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ I don't love my name, but I wouldn't change it.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Ate cake and my brother wanted to blow out the candles for me xD
    28. What time did you wake up today → Why would I remember?
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Tumblr!
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → finding a job.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ 5 seconds ago, lol.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → I wish I were rich.
    33. What are you listening to right now → the news.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → that guy from myspace xD
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → my foot hurts
    36. Most visited webpage → seoulbeats

    37. What's your name→ Mariana
    38. Nicknames→ Marie, Squirrel
    39. Relationship Status → siiiingle.
    40. Zodiac sign → gemini
    41. Male or female or transgender → female
    42. Elementary--> JES
    43. Middle School → yes
    44. High school ---> yes
    45. Hair color → dark blonde
    46. Long or short --> medium I guess
    47. Height → 5'1''
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → A Chinese boy who lives close to me.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → pretty much everything
    50. Piercings → just my ears
    51. Tattoos → hopefully someday.
    52. Righty or lefty → I'm actually both.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → I had two, the first was to correct something in my bowls.
    54. First piercing → ears
    55. First best friends --> Mily, I met her in elementary school.
    56. First sport you joined → karate
    57. First pet → A dog named Pimpão.
    58. First vacation→ Tróia, Setubal (Portugal)
    59. First concert → first big one was My chemical romance.
    60. First crush → Leonardo DiCaprio xD

    61. Eating → nothing
    62. Drinking → nothing
    63. I'm about to → continue to frolick around on mibba
    64. Listening to → still the news
    65. Waiting for → nothing

    66. Want kids? No.
    67. Want to get married? No.
    68. Careers in mind? If I'm allowed to dream, movie director.

    69. Lips or eyes → Lips
    70. Hugs or kisses → kisses
    71. Shorter or taller → taller
    72. Older or Younger → as long as its not a huge gap either way
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous romantic
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → both
    75. Sensitive or loud → Loud in bed xD sensitive when I'm sad
    76. Hook-up or relationship → right now? friends with benefits
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → trouble maker

    78. Kissed a stranger → No
    79. Drank hard liquor → no
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → yes.
    81. Sex on first date → no.
    82. Broken someone's heart → I don't think so
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → yes.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → yes, I'm a cry baby
    85. Been arrested → no xD
    86. Turned someone down → yes
    87. Cried when someone died → I'm gonna sound like a heartless bitch, but I cried over my dog's death more than any human being
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → no

    89. Yourself → sometimes
    90. Miracles → maybe
    91. Love at first sight → maybe
    92. Heaven → maybe
    93. Santa Clause → nope!
    95. Kiss on the first date? yeah
    96. Angels → maybe

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? yep but he's all the way in south korea
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? no
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? sure
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths?

    what is that supposed to mean?
    February 2nd, 2013 at 10:07pm
  • lumy.

    lumy. (100)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Pepsi.
    2. Last phone call→ Brother.
    3. Last text message→ Sam.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Everyday by Buddy Holly
    5. Last time you cried– yesterday, i think.

    6. Dated someone twice → Yep.
    7. Been cheated on? Yeah.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes. My ex.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes.
    10. Been depressed?→ Definitely.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? No.

    12. Aqua.
    13. Silver.
    14. Grey.
    15. None.

    16. Made new friends → Yep! A couple weeks ago I had to start doing that.
    17. Fallen out of love → Eh. I'm not sure I would call it love.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Nope.
    19. Met someone who changed you → ...yes.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Definitely.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Ha, yes.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Facebook friends, yes; Mibba, no.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Facebook, not enough; Mibba, like 3.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 0.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Yes.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ I was out of town at contest, won first, then went home to my parents being jerks. They also didn't do anything for my birthday or voctory and my brother got reallly mad.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 8:45.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Finally getting to bed.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Sleep.. again.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Yesterday.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Gender identity. I don't identify as eiyher gender and it's confusing as hell.
    33. What are you listening to right now → 3 Little Birds covered by Brendon Urie.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom→ I'm sure.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Me.
    36. Most visited webpage → Xanga.
    37. What's your name→ Nope.
    38. Nicknames→ Bree, Brenda, Brenana, Brennza, Kota, Hayden, Orchid
    39. Relationship Status → Single.
    40. Zodiac sign → Aquarius.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Trans is the closest match there.. but genderless.
    42. Elementary--> Yeah... what?
    43. Middle School → I went there.
    44. High school ---> I'm going there.
    45. Hair color → Blonde.
    46. Long or short --> Rather short, needs to be shorter.
    47. Height → 5'1"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yeah.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → Uh.. I'm witty.
    50. Piercings → I love then, but can't keep them for long because I geet annoyed.
    51. Tattoos → Not yet.
    52. Righty or lefty → Lefty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → None.
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends- Sara. Only friend till Middle school. Only ACTUAL friend till high school.
    56. First sport you joined → Cheer..
    57. First pet → King.
    58. First vacation→ Don't remember.
    59. First concert → I was forced to go with my niece to a Miley Cyrus concert.
    60. First crush: This dude in second grade.
    RIGHT NOW: 61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Nothing.
    63. I'm about to → Answer question 64?
    64. Listening to → My Chemical Romance.
    65. Waiting for → To be ready to move. I'll be forcing myself to get up like always..

    66. Want kids? No.
    67. Want to get married? No.
    68. Careers in mind? Something in marketing i guess.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller. 72. Older or Younger → I get along better with older.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Who cares.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Doesn't matter.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Both.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationships suck and I hate sexual stuff. Just kissing?
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Doesn't matter.


    78. Kissed a stranger → ...
    79. Drank hard liquor → No.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yeah.
    81. Sex on first date → Nope.
    82. Broken someone's heart → Yeah.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yeah.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yeah.
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah.
    87. Cried when someone died → Not really.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yeah.

    89. Yourself → No.
    90. Miracles → No.
    91. Love at first sight → Stuff happens.
    92. Heaven → No.
    93. Santa Clause → No. That's just parents being jerks and lying to their kids.
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yeah. Hate it, but I always let it happen..
    96. Angels → No.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? No.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Sure.
    February 23rd, 2013 at 04:39pm
  • louis tomlinson.

    louis tomlinson. (100)

    United States
    100 Truths -

    1. Last beverage→ Starbucks mocha frappuccino
    2. Last phone call→ Marsha
    3. Last text message→ Jess
    4. Last song you listened to→ Radioactive - Marina and the Diamonds
    5. Last time you cried→ a few months ago

    6. Dated someone twice → nope
    7. Been cheated on? I don't think so
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? yeah
    9. Lost someone special?→ yes
    10. Been depressed?→ yes
    11. Been drunk and threw up? no

    12. purple
    13. orange
    14. blue
    15. green

    16. Made new friends → yeah
    17. Fallen out of love → yeah
    18. Laughed until you cried → yeah
    19. Met someone who changed you → I guess
    20. Found out who your true friends were → yep
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yep.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ What do you mean by friend's list?
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ I don't know
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 0
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Yes
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Went out for pizza with some friends
    28. What time did you wake up today → 6:15
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → sleeping
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → summer!
    31. Last time you saw your father→ this morning
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → the way I look
    33. What are you listening to right now → Marina and the Diamonds
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yeah
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → my mom
    36. Most visited webpage → YouTube

    37. What's your name→ Kara.
    38. Nicknames→ Kara Beara, Kira, Killer, Kar
    39. Relationship Status → Single pringle
    40. Zodiac sign → Sagittarius
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> SHL
    43. Middle School → Flood
    44. High school ---> BHS
    45. Hair color → Brown.
    46. Long or short --> in the middle
    47. Height → 5'1"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → I guess.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My hair
    50. Piercings → Ears.
    51. Tattoos → none
    52. Righty or lefty → righty

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → never had one
    54. First piercing → ears
    55. First best friends --> Emily, Alli, Abby
    56. First sport you joined → dance (is that a sport? If not, soccer)
    57. First pet → a dog, Roxy (I still have her)
    58. First vacation→ Cape May
    59. First concert → The Cheetah Girls :3
    60. First crush → A kid in my kindergarten named David
    61. Eating → nothing
    62. Drinking → Starbucks
    63. I'm about to → make cookies
    64. Listening to → Marina and the Diamonds
    65. Waiting for → my dad

    66. Want kids? No
    67. Want to get married? Yes
    68. Careers in mind? Author, Radio DJ, Photographer, Journalist, Physical Therapist

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller
    72. Older or Younger → Older
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both
    75. Sensitive or loud → Both
    76. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → trouble maker

    78. Kissed a stranger → no
    79. Drank hard liquor → no
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → yes
    81. Sex on first date → no
    82. Broken someone's heart → yes
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → yes
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → no
    85. Been arrested → no
    86. Turned someone down → yes
    87. Cried when someone died → yes
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → no

    89. Yourself → sometimes
    90. Miracles → yeah
    91. Love at first sight → I guess
    92. Heaven → yeah
    93. Santa Clause → maybe
    95. Kiss on the first date? depends
    96. Angels → yes

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yeah
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Yeah
    April 10th, 2013 at 10:33pm
  • LOVE1516

    LOVE1516 (100)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Tea
    2. Last phone call→ Neighbor, Cheryl
    3. Last text message→ Sister
    4. Last song you listened to→ Someone Like You- Adele
    5. Last time you cried→ Two nights ago, watching Letters to Juliet

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes
    7. Been cheated on? Yes, once
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? No
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes, two family members
    10. Been depressed?→ Yes
    11. Been drunk and threw up? No

    12. Black
    13. Dark Purple
    14. Baby Blue
    15. Red

    16. Made new friends → Not since I've moved, well once, but she turned out to be a back stabber.
    17. Fallen out of love → No I don't think I've ever been in total love.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yes
    19. Met someone who changed you → No
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Yes
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Nope.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Mostly all of them
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ Undecided, all I know is I'm adopting some how.
    25. Do you have any pets → Around 16 animals and soon 40 chickens...
    26. Do you want to change your name→ I use to but, I've come to love it.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Went to the mall with Birthday money.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 8:00a.m.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Reading.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Going to the rodeo for my 16th B-day.
    31. Last time you saw your father→A few minutes ago.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → A certain friend I made, everything started screwing up when I hung out with her.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Heart Attack - Demi Lovota(Cover by KelseyLynnMusic)
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Having to go do chores..
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba.

    37. What's your name→ Katie
    38. Nicknames→ Kate, Katyln, Kay
    39. Relationship Status → Single.
    40. Zodiac sign → Capricorn.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Homeschool
    43. Middle School → Homeschool
    44. High school ---> Still Homeschool
    45. Hair color → Dirty Blonde
    46. Long or short --> Long.
    47. Height → 5'9"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Not really
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My Eyes
    50. Piercings → Ears.
    51. Tattoos → Not permanent, I like to change a lot.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → never.
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Kayla, Wade, Shane, and Ren.
    56. First sport you joined → Tennis(Didn't like it)
    57. First pet → Cosmo, girl cat.
    58. First vacation→ Pennsylvania
    59. First concert → I don't remember
    60. First crush → John

    61. Eating → Chocolate covered pretzels
    62. Drinking → Water.
    63. I'm about to → Do some homework.
    64. Listening to → Never Again - Kelly Clarkson
    65. Waiting for → My BLT.

    66. Want kids? Definitely.
    67. Want to get married? Yeah!
    68. Careers in mind? Vetaniarian, Speculize in Equine and dogs. Then maybe go back for herpatology.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eye's
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Older.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Both.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Probably Both.

    78. Kissed a stranger → No.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Ehh.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Nope.
    81. Sex on first date → No.
    82. Broken someone's heart → Maybe slightly, not sure haven't talked to him again.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yep.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → No.
    85. Been arrested → Almost, thankfully not.
    86. Turned someone down → Nope.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Ehh.

    89. Yourself → Most of the time.
    90. Miracles → Definatly.
    91. Love at first sight → Yes and No, it's hard to explain.
    92. Heaven → Yes.
    93. Santa Clause → No my faith in him died when I was 7.
    95. Kiss on the first date? Nope.
    96. Angels → Yeah.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now?Yes.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Once, never made that mistake again.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Most Defintaly.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Mostly Embarassed
    April 10th, 2013 at 11:05pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Juice. I think it's mango pineapple juice.
    2. Last phone call→ My doctor.
    3. Last text message→ My mother.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Yure Uta by FliP
    5. Last time you cried→ Today actually.

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes.
    7. Been cheated on? Yes.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes.
    10. Been depressed?→ Yes
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Nope, never been drunk before.

    12. Blue
    13. Red
    14. Pink
    15. Purple.

    16. Made new friends → Yup.
    17. Fallen out of love → I guess so.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yup.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yeah, for the worse though I think.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → I thought I did but I don't know.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Totally.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Nope.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ On Mibba....... None.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ One or two maybe.
    25. Do you have any pets → No.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Sometimes I'd really like to make Airi my 'real' name, other times I'm satisfied with the one I have.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Just a small get together with my mother, stepdad, and sister.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 10:30 am
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Same thing as tonight, browsing Mibba and listening to music.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Erm.... I dunno.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Yeah let's not go there.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → I wish I had never trusted her.
    33. What are you listening to right now → jump- Simple plan
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Probably, pretty common name.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Politics. Facepalm
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba Shifty

    37. What's your name→ Airi
    38. Nicknames→ Most just call me Airi, but some call me Ai.
    39. Relationship Status → Single. I'm okay with this.
    40. Zodiac sign → Virgo
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female
    42. Elementary--> Somewhere in California
    43. Middle School → Somewhere in New Mexico.
    44. High school ---> I like to call it Hell.
    45. Hair color → Brunette
    46. Long or short --> Long
    47. Height → 5'3"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yup.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My ability to keep people happy.
    50. Piercings → Just the ears.
    51. Tattoos → Probably never
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Never had one.
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> I....honestly don't think I have one.
    56. First sport you joined → Cheerleading.
    57. First pet → A dog.
    58. First vacation→ The Grand Canyon.
    59. First concert → Never been to one.
    60. First crush → Beats me.
    61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Juice
    63. I'm about to → Continue browsing Mibba.
    64. Listening to → Walking Proud- Ayumi Hamasaki
    65. Waiting for → My mind to slow down.

    66. Want kids? Maybe.
    67. Want to get married? At this point, not really.
    68. Careers in mind? Art therapist.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → How about a bit of both?
    71. Shorter or taller → Generally taller, but I like shorter too.
    72. Older or Younger → Older
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → A bit of both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → "Nice arms" are a thing?
    75. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive, loud people bother me.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → A bit in the middle

    78. Kissed a stranger → Yes
    79. Drank hard liquor → Once
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yup, it sucks.
    81. Sex on first date → No
    82. Broken someone's heart → Possibly.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Unfortunately yes.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes, plenty of times.
    85. Been arrested → No, came close a couple times though.
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yup.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yup.

    89. Yourself → Not at all.
    90. Miracles → No. Too good to be true.
    91. Love at first sight → No.
    92. Heaven → No.
    93. Santa Clause → No
    95. Kiss on the first date? Maybe
    96. Angels → No
    (I am such a pessimistic person, aren't I?)

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Some many things.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? All answers are true if that's what you're asking.
    April 11th, 2013 at 10:30am
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    1. Last beverage→ Cappuccino
    2. Last phone call→ Edith
    3. Last text message→ Dad
    4. Last song you listened to→ Moon, Björk (listening right now, actually)
    5. Last time you cried→ a loong time ago, at a movie, I think.

    6. Dated someone twice → No.
    7. Been cheated on? Not that I know.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes.
    10. Been depressed?→ Yes.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Yes. That was awful.

    12. Red.
    13. Black.
    14. Blue.
    15. Grey.

    16. Made new friends → Yes.
    17. Fallen out of love → Yes.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yes.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yes.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → I've always known.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Yes. Bad idea, btw.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ All of them. Not much into virtual friendship.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 2.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes, a cat.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ My middle name.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Went out to party with friends.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 5AM.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Something on the internet.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Move out and go to college.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ 5 days ago.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → my relationship with my mother.
    33. What are you listening to right now →
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Nothing.
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba, Youtube, We Heart It.
    37. What's your name→ Hannah
    38. Nicknames→ Hanny, right now for my friends.
    39. Relationship Status → "In a Relationship"
    40. Zodiac sign → Libra
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female
    42. Elementary--> Freie Schule Charlottenburg
    43. Middle School → Sophie-Charlotte-Schule
    44. High school ---> Sophie-Charlotte-Schule
    45. Hair color → Dirty blonde
    46. Long or short --> Long
    47. Height → 5'3
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? →Yes
    49: What do you like about yourself? → Eyes
    50. Piercings → Nose, ears.
    51. Tattoos → Yes, only one.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Never done.
    54. First piercing → Ear.
    55. First best friends --> Maria and Anna.
    56. First sport you joined → Artistic gymnastics and hockey. I started them both at about the same time.
    57. First pet → Faust, my cat.
    58. First vacation→ Munich.
    59. First concert → Kylie Minogue.
    60. First crush → Kurt.

    61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Nothing.
    63. I'm about to → do some stuff for school.
    64. Listening to → We Are Golden, Mika.
    65. Waiting for → Mom to come home.

    66. Want kids? Yes.
    67. Want to get married? Yes.
    68. Careers in mind? Psychologist.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Kisses.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Older.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Difficult one, but I'll go with arms.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Loud.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Yes.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes.
    81. Sex on first date → Well, I never went on dates, so I guess it's no.
    82. Broken someone's heart → Yes.
    83. Have you had your own heart broken → Yes.
    84. Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → No.
    85. Been arrested → No.
    86. Turned someone down → Yes.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yes. I still like her, I guess, but we decided it's nice the way it is. We both have boyfriends and are very happy with them.

    89. Yourself → Yes.
    90. Miracles → No. I believe in hard work and maybe a little bit of luck. Not miracles.
    91. Love at first sight → No. Lust at first sight may happen, but not love.
    92. Heaven → No.
    93. Santa Claus → No.
    95. Kiss on the first date? I guess it's alright. No big deal.
    96. Angels → No.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No way.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yes.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? It would be a waste of time doing otherwise, wouldn't it?
    April 11th, 2013 at 08:22pm
  • Snow.White.Queen.

    Snow.White.Queen. (100)

    ]1. Last beverage→ Tea
    2. Last phone call→ Best friend
    3. Last text message→ Shane
    4. Last song you listened to→ Hand of blood - Bullet for my Valentine
    5. Last time you cried→ A few hours ago, well I didn't cry, but my eye wouldn't stop watering.

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes
    7. Been cheated on? No
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Of course
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes
    10. Been depressed?→ Mildly
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Yeah

    12. Black
    13. Purple
    14. Light green
    15. Dark Blue

    16. Made new friends →Yes
    17. Fallen out of love → Yes
    18. Laughed until you cried → Of course!
    19. Met someone who changed you → I guess
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Yes
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes..
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Yup
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ All
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ Maybe 2 or three
    25. Do you have any pets → Yep
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Nah, not really to pushed
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Clubbing with mates
    28. What time did you wake up today → 7:25
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Listening to Bullet for my Valentine, trying to fall asleep
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Tomorrow!
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Over ten years ago
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → My class mates
    33. What are you listening to right now → The Poison,BFMV
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yup.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Family
    36. Most visited webpage → Twitter,Mibba, Youtube
    37. What's your name→ Abigail
    38. Nicknames→ Abby, Berny
    39. Relationship Status → Taken
    40. Zodiac sign → Libra
    41. Male or female or transgender → female
    42. Elementary--> Scoil Mhuire
    43. Middle School → Don't have middle school here
    44. High school ---> St/ Oliver's
    45. Hair color → Really dark brown/Black
    46. Long or short --> Long-ish
    47. Height → 5'11
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? →Yeah
    49: What do you like about yourself? → Hair,eyes
    50. Piercings → Lip, ears,
    51. Tattoos → Yes
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Tonsils
    54. First piercing → Ears
    55. First best friends --> Samantha, Edel.
    56. First sport you joined → Hurling
    57. First pet → Dog
    58. First vacation→ Galway
    60. First crush → Meh...Colin?
    61. Eating → Chewing gum
    62. Drinking → No
    63. I'm about to → Shower
    64. Listening to → BFMV
    65. Waiting for → My mother

    66. Want kids? Yes!
    67. Want to get married? Yes
    68. Careers in mind? Vet

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → Kisses
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller
    72. Older or Younger → Either
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneously romantic
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms :)
    75. Sensitive or loud → A little of both
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → In between.

    78. Kissed a stranger → No
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Don't have them
    81. Sex on first date → No
    82. Broken someone's heart → Yes, I didn't mean to though
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yes
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes
    85. Been arrested → No, thank god
    86. Turned someone down → Yup
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? →No

    89. Yourself → Yes
    90. Miracles → At times
    91. Love at first sight → No, you're only falling in love with looks then
    92. Heaven → Yes
    93. Santa Clause →
    95. Kiss on the first date? Sure
    96. Angels → I guess

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Hell yeah!
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Nope
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yes!
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? I guess
    April 11th, 2013 at 08:55pm
  • honeyjoons

    honeyjoons (350)

    United States
    100 Truths~

    1. Last beverage→ Cherry Kool-aid
    2. Last phone call→ Mom
    3. Last text message→ Joshulyn
    4. Last song you listened to→ Spectrum - S.M. The Performance
    5. Last time you cried→ Yesterday after seeing 3 really nice pictures of Chanyeol Facepalm

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes
    7. Been cheated on? No
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yeah
    10. Been depressed?→ Yep
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Nope

    12. Pink
    13. Purpe
    14. Sky blue

    16. Made new friends → Yes, of course
    17. Fallen out of love → Yep
    18. Laughed until you cried → Literally all of the time
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yes
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Sure have
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yep
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ No (I assume you mean Mibba friends list)
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ 2~ (Still assume Mibba friends list)
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 0 File
    25. Do you have any pets → Not anymore Cry
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Nope!
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ I hung out around town with two of my best friends
    28. What time did you wake up today → Like 11 but then I went back to sleep an hour later and got up at 3:30
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Blogging
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → To get a job...whenever that will be
    31. Last time you saw your father→ A few hours ago
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Um, I wish my family wasn't poor
    33. What are you listening to right now → Beautiful Target by B1A4
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes! (Tom from The Wanted tehe)
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → My period Cussing
    36. Most visited webpage → Probably Mibba or Tumblr

    37. What's your name→ Carese
    38. Nicknames→ Reeses, Reesey, Reeses Pieces
    39. Relationship Status → Single as a dollar
    40. Zodiac sign → Scorpio
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female (Transgender shouldn't be a gender because it doesn't matter what the person was all that matters is what gender they are now Snob)
    42. Elementary--> McGinley, Bookbinder
    43. Middle School → Glenfield, Burlington City Middle School, Levitt
    44. High school ---> Burlington City High, Moorestown High
    45. Hair color → Dark brown
    46. Long or short --> Meh, shoulder length
    47. Height → 5'4"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Technically speaking yes
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My sense of humor
    50. Piercings → Ears for now
    51. Tattoos → Nope
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Got my tonsils out when I was 8
    54. First piercing → Ears
    55. First best friends --> Jordan and Nikita
    56. First sport you joined → HAHA
    57. First pet → Sandy the chihuahua
    58. First vacation→ Never been on one~
    59. First concert → Warped Tour 09
    60. First crush → Jonathan

    61. Eating → Nothing Sad
    62. Drinking → Nothing
    63. I'm about to → Look for the only EXO photoshoot pictures I don't have Grr
    64. Listening to → Bonamana - Super Junior
    65. Waiting for → My cramps to go away

    66. Want kids? Not really
    67. Want to get married? Yes
    68. Careers in mind? Kindergarten teacher

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → Kisses
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller
    72. Older or Younger → I don't mind, although I tend to go for younger guys accidentally
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms Happy face
    75. Sensitive or loud → Loud but can be senstive
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Touble maker but knows when too far is too far

    78. Kissed a stranger → Yes
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yep
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Nope
    81. Sex on first date → No
    82. Broken someone's heart → Apparently~
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Sure have
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes
    85. Been arrested → Nope
    86. Turned someone down → Yes
    87. Cried when someone died → Duh
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yes

    89. Yourself → Meh
    90. Miracles → I suppose
    91. Love at first sight → Kind of
    92. Heaven → Yes
    93. Santa Clause → Nope
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yes
    96. Angels → Yes

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? YES
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Nope
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yes
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Yes
    April 12th, 2013 at 07:03am
  • wonho

    wonho (225)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Coke
    2. Last phone call→ I haven't made a phone call in over 8 months
    3. Last text message→ Carese
    4. Last song you listened to→ Part II - Paramore
    5. Last time you cried→ This morning when listening to Cartel's new album File

    6. Dated someone twice → No
    7. Been cheated on? No
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? No
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes
    10. Been depressed?→ Yes
    11. Been drunk and threw up? No

    12. White
    13. Black
    14. Blue
    15. Green

    16. Made new friends → Yes
    17. Fallen out of love → No
    18. Laughed until you cried → On a daily basis
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yes
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Yes
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ No
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ 2 (for my Mibba friends list)
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 0 (I want to adopt)
    25. Do you have any pets → No
    26. Do you want to change your name→ No (I wouldn't even know what to change it to)
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Nothing, I was not at all in the mood to celebrate then
    28. What time did you wake up today → 10, but I kept waking back up every hour until I got up at 2
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → I think I was tweaking my Tumblr theme
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → To get a job...whenever that will be (leaving this since it's accurate)
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Right now
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → ...I really don't know
    33. What are you listening to right now → Poison - Primary ft. E-Sens
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → My period (leaving this here too since it's also accurate)
    36. Most visited webpage → Chrome says it is Gurupop

    37. What's your name→ Sydney
    38. Nicknames→ I have a lot and I don't really like any of them (unless we're close) so just call me by my name
    39. Relationship Status → Single
    40. Zodiac sign → Cancer
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female (Transgender shouldn't be a gender because it doesn't matter what the person was, all that matters is what gender they are now) (and leaving this because it's also accurate)
    42. Elementary--> South Valley
    43. Middle School → William Allen
    44. High school ---> Moorestown
    45. Hair color → Dark brown
    46. Long or short --> Long (I really need to cut it)
    47. Height → 5'1"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → No
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My morals/values, I guess
    50. Piercings → None (I took my ear piercings out over a year ago)
    51. Tattoos → None
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Some minor mouth surgery when I was 12 (I still don't really know how to explain it)
    54. First piercing → Ears at 14
    55. First best friends --> Emily and Joey
    56. First sport you joined → Swimming
    57. First pet → 2 goldfish...who had names that I do not remember
    58. First vacation→ I don't count going down the shore as a vacation, so the Poconos when I was...5, I think?
    59. First concert → The B-52's, the Go-Go's and the Psychedelic Furs in 2000
    60. First crush → Hm...might've been Danny?

    61. Eating → Nothing
    62. Drinking → Coke
    63. I'm about to → Refresh the general threads page
    64. Listening to → Bon Voyage - K.Will ft. Beenzino
    65. Waiting for → My sinuses to clear up

    66. Want kids? Yes...but I don't want to give birth, I want to adopt
    67. Want to get married? Maybe...I'm not as opposed to the idea as I used to be
    68. Careers in mind? Maybe a historian or something with languages...I still don't know, actually

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller
    72. Older or Younger → I prefer older, but it's not super important, I guess
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms
    75. Sensitive or loud → Loud
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker

    78. Kissed a stranger → No
    79. Drank hard liquor → No
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes
    81. Sex on first date → No
    82. Broken someone's heart → No
    83. Have you had your own heart broken → No
    84. Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes
    85. Been arrested → No
    86. Turned someone down → Yes
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → No

    89. Yourself → Sometimes
    90. Miracles → Sometimes
    91. Love at first sight → No
    92. Heaven → Sort of...hard to explain my views on this
    93. Santa Clause → No
    95. Kiss on the first date? Doesn't matter to me
    96. Angels → Sort of

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? I guess
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? No
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Yes
    April 12th, 2013 at 07:45am
  • DreamingCorpse

    DreamingCorpse (100)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Diet Coke.
    2. Last phone call→ My uncle
    3. Last text message→ My friend, Sung
    4. Last song you listened to→Duality by Slipknot
    5. Last time you cried→ Uhm, probably a couple days ago. I wasn't feeling well.

    Six have you ever:
    6. Dated someone twice → No
    7. Been cheated on? No
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes
    9. Lost someone special?→ Unfortunately
    10. Been depressed?→ Still am battling it
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Lol, no

    List four favorite colors:
    12. Purple
    13. Black
    14. Red
    15. Blue

    Have you:
    16. Made new friends → Sort of?
    17. Fallen out of love → I've never been in love
    18. Laughed until you cried → YES! My family is crazy.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yes
    20. Found out who your true friends were → I'm still working on that.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yeah >.>
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Pft, yeah.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Most of them.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ An even number, either two or four.
    25. Do you have any pets → A dog named Harry.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Just my last name to my moms last name
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Had a sweet sixteen with a couple friends.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 7:45 .-.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Sleeping... I'm lame
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Growing up out of this rut
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Yesterday
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Have some friends, socialize
    33. What are you listening to right now → Nothing
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → No
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → A family friend .-.
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba
    37. What's your name→ Hannah
    38. Nicknames→ Han, Hannie
    39. Relationship Status → Single.
    40. Zodiac sign → Capricorn
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female
    42. Elementary--> Sumac/White Oak
    43. Middle School → Lindero/Medea Creek
    44. High school ---> Oak Park .-.
    45. Hair color → Brown.
    46. Long or short --> Long.
    47. Height → 5'2
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Sort of
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My personality.
    50. Piercings → Ears: doubles, let cartilage. Nose
    51. Tattoos → When I turn eighteen
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    53. First surgery →Tonsillectomy
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Lora and Samantha
    56. First sport you joined → Cheer. Sort of?
    57. First pet → Harry.
    58. First vacation→ Uhm, I'm not sure.
    59. First concert → Hilary Duff
    60. First crush → I don't remember! Im pretty sure it was in preschool!

    Right Now:
    61. Eating → Nada
    62. Drinking → Diet Coke.
    63. I'm about to → Watch TV?
    64. Listening to → Nothing
    65. Waiting for → Life to start being fun?

    Future :
    66. Want kids? Of course.
    67. Want to get married? Yes
    68. Careers in mind? Something to do with art, music, or children

    Which is better with the opposite sex?
    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs? I don't know
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller
    72. Older or Younger → Older!
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → I don't care
    75. Sensitive or loud → A little bit of both
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → I don't care

    Have you ever :
    78. Kissed a stranger → Nope.
    79. Drank hard liquor → No
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → No, I don't wear any.
    81. Sex on first date → Virgin over here.
    82. Broken someone's heart → Nope
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yes.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes
    85. Been arrested → HA, no.
    86. Turned someone down → I don't think so..?
    87. Cried when someone died → More like sobbed
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → No

    Do you believe in:
    89. Yourself → I'm trying to
    90. Miracles → I don't know.
    91. Love at first sight → Sort of
    92. Heaven → Yes
    93. Santa Clause → No .-.
    95. Kiss on the first date? Depends
    96. Angels → Mhm

    Answer truthfully:
    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes. yes I do.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? YES!
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Uh...?
    April 26th, 2013 at 06:26pm
  • Nyctophilia.

    Nyctophilia. (100)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Arizona green tea
    2. Last phone call→ My dad
    3. Last text message→ Eric
    4. Last song you listened to→ Madonna - Hung Up
    5. Last time you cried→ All day yesterday

    6. Dated someone twice → No.
    7. Been cheated on? No.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes -_-
    9. Lost someone special?→ Unfortunately.
    10. Been depressed?→ Very.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Never been drunk.

    12. Neon blue
    13. Lavender
    14. Black
    15. neon pink

    16. Made new friends → Yes.
    17. Fallen out of love → Not yet, but I'd like'd save me the pain.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yep.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Of course.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Yes.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Uh huh.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ No.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ I'm too lazy to count.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 2 at the most.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Kind of, but no.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ I got a tattoo and went out to dinner with my mom and her bf.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 9:05 ish
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Listening to music
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → when I'm finally over my crush and met someone else!
    31. Last time you saw your father→ A month ago
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → I wish it was less stressful.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Synthesizer by The Cataracs
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → I think :P
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Thinking about my "ex"
    36. Most visited webpage → Facebook.

    37. What's your name→ Lynai
    38. Nicknames→ Nai, NaiNai, Lenny, cage-fighter, schitzo-spice
    39. Relationship Status → Single :/
    40. Zodiac sign → Leo
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Wildflower
    43. Middle School → Juniper, Placerita Canyon
    44. High school ---> Palmdale, OFL.
    45. Hair color → Black
    46. Long or short --> short
    47. Height → 5'5
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Unfortunately.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → my humor.
    50. Piercings → ears & cartilage. Have to get my nose redone, it got infected -_-
    51. Tattoos → I have two.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → None
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Carla, Elizabeth, Alejandra
    56. First sport you joined → none.
    57. First pet → Lady & Lucy
    58. First vacation→ Las Vegas
    59. First concert → Panic! At The Disco w/ The Hush Sound, Phantom Planet, and Motion City Soundtrack
    60. First crush → Aaron in 3rd grade
    61. Eating → Yogurt covered pretzels
    62. Drinking → regular green tea
    63. I'm about to → take another nap
    64. Listening to → Someday by Nina
    65. Waiting for → It to be 5 already

    66. Want kids? For sure.
    67. Want to get married? Definitely.
    68. Careers in mind? Cosmetologist, makeup artist, choreographer.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Older
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice arms
    75. Sensitive or loud → both
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → trouble maker, I like assholes unfortunately.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Never
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes :(
    81. Sex on first date → nope
    82. Broken someone's heart → I hope not.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → two months ago and counting :/
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → All the time.
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Sort of, if I was drunk enough, I won't lie.

    89. Yourself → I try to, but it's hard sometimes.
    90. Miracles → Yes.
    91. Love at first sight → Yes
    92. Heaven → Yes.
    93. Santa Clause → no
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yes.
    96. Angels → Yes.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah, I do...
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Nope.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Of course.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? No.
    April 26th, 2013 at 09:26pm
  • sightless.

    sightless. (225)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Pretty sure it was water.
    2. Last phone call→ One of my parents, I think.
    3. Last text message→ My mom.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Halo - Block B
    5. Last time you cried→ Mmm... Think I can't recall.

    6. Dated someone twice → Yes.
    7. Been cheated on? Not that I know of.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes.
    10. Been depressed?→ I suppose.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? No.

    12. Cheese I don't have favorite colors.
    13. I guess a light blue?
    14. Maroon is nice too.
    15. Uh... a seafoam green? I feel like that'd be a nice color.

    16. Made new friends → I guess so?
    17. Fallen out of love → Not really.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yes omg.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Of course.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Not yet.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you →Yes, and it ruined a few friendships.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ What friend's list?
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Ah, that list... None.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 2-3
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Yes, of course, I long for the day. Twitch
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Nothing.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 5 AM
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Listening to music.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Uh... getting a laptop?
    31. Last time you saw your father→ This morning.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Secreeeet.
    33. What are you listening to right now → Nothing, I just paused my music before this.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Not that I recall.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → School, people, the norm.
    36. Most visited webpage → Tumblr (does it count if I only visit the app? XD)

    37. What's your name→ Kaui.
    38. Nicknames→ Musu (although nobody calls me that anymore).
    39. Relationship Status → Single.
    40. Zodiac sign → Boar/Cancer
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Alvah A. Scott.
    43. Middle School → Aiea.
    44. High school ---> Aiea.
    45. Hair color → Black.
    46. Long or short --> Short.
    47. Height → 5'4"-5'5"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → I don't know if it's a crush so much as finding someone attractive.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → I guess my lips?
    50. Piercings → None.
    51. Tattoos → None yet.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → None.
    54. First piercing → None.
    55. First best friends → Leila
    56. First sport you joined → None.
    57. First pet → Hoku.
    58. First vacation→ Vegas.
    59. First concert → None. Cheese
    60. First crush → Eh...
    61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Nothing.
    63. I'm about to → Go back to listening to music.
    64. Listening to → Nothing yet.
    65. Waiting for → Something.

    66. Want kids? Definitely.
    67. Want to get married? I really want to.
    68. Careers in mind? Foreign language teacher, I really wanted to do something in music but I have no talent.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Both.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → I guess it doesn't matter.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both? tehe
    75. Sensitive or loud → Both.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Uh... a healthy dose of both?

    78. Kissed a stranger → Nope.
    79. Drank hard liquor → No.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → No.
    81. Sex on first date → Nooooo.
    82. Broken someone's heart → I hope not.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yeah.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → What about listening to a song and crying?
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → Yeah.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → No.

    89. Yourself → Not really.
    90. Miracles → I guess?
    91. Love at first sight → Not really.
    92. Heaven → No.
    93. Santa Clause → No.
    95. Kiss on the first date? → I guess so.
    96. Angels → The only angels I believe in are Daesung and Jongup. In Love

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yeah, I definitely would.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? I guess?
    April 27th, 2013 at 07:19am
  • pixiedcupcake20

    pixiedcupcake20 (100)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Dr. P
    2. Last phone call→ My manager
    3. Last text message→ Blaze.
    4. Last song you listened to→ Some Nights - Fun.
    5. Last time you cried→Um I don't remember, a few days ago?

    6. Dated someone twice → Big mistake.
    7. Been cheated on? Yup.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yeah.
    10. Been depressed?→ Most of the time.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Ugh yes.

    12. Hot Pink.
    13. Red.
    14. Blue.
    15. Purple.

    16. Made new friends → Of course.
    17. Fallen out of love → Yes.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Less often than I'd like.
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yes.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Which "true" friend?
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yup
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Nope
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Uhm
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 0-2.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Yeah.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Nothing.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 11?
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Uhm trying to sleep?
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → My life to get started.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ I'm a bastard.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → A lot.
    33. What are you listening to right now →Boom! SOAD
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? →Lairs
    36. Most visited webpage → FB

    37. What's your name→ DeAnna
    38. Nicknames→ Chanda, Midget, short shit.
    39. Relationship Status → Taken.
    40. Zodiac sign → Virgo
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Willcox
    43. Middle School → "".
    44. High school ---> Empire/Eastpointe
    45. Hair color → Natural? Dirty blond
    46. Long or short --> Short
    47. Height → 4 ft 8
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yeah.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My butt
    50. Piercings → Ears, belly button, tongue.
    51. Tattoos → 5
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Rather not say.
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends -->Skylar
    56. First sport you joined → Volley Ball
    57. First pet → My first fish was Ron. My first actual pet" Jaime.
    58. First vacation→ Disneyland?.
    59. First concert → James Blunt
    60. First crush → Some girl in Kindergarten.
    61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Nothing..
    63. I'm about to →Poop.
    64. Listening to → Mayday Parade.
    65. Waiting for → A stupid guy.

    66. Want kids? Eh, it's a touchy subject.
    67. Want to get married? I really want to.
    68. Careers in mind? Something with psychotherapy.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Depends on which is better.
    71. Shorter or taller → It's hard for a guy who's fully grown and not a medical midget to be shorter than me...
    72. Older or Younger → OLDER
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms →EH
    75. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Doesn't matter.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Yes.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yeahhh.
    81. Sex on first date → Once or twice.
    82. Broken someone's heart → Yes.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yeah.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Eh.
    85. Been arrested → Nope.
    86. Turned someone down → Yup.
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yes.

    89. Yourself → HA!
    90. Miracles → Vaguely.
    91. Love at first sight → Not anymore.
    92. Heaven → Eh.....
    93. Santa Clause → NO
    95. Kiss on the first date? Not really.
    96. Angels → Kind of.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Parents.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yeah, I definitely would.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? No because I can't post a title.
    April 27th, 2013 at 07:39am
  • louis tomlinson.

    louis tomlinson. (100)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Milk
    2. Last phone call→ My mom
    3. Last text message→ Jack
    4. Last song you listened to→ Chloe - Emblem3
    5. Last time you cried→ Last week because my friend Christina died and it was her funeral

    6. Dated someone twice → No
    7. Been cheated on? I don't think so
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yeah
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes
    10. Been depressed?→ Yes
    11. Been drunk and threw up? No

    12. Blue
    13. Purple
    14. Green
    15. Orange

    16. Made new friends → Of course
    17. Fallen out of love → No
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yeah
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yeah
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Sadly yes
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yep
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ No??
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ I don't know
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ If any, maybe 1.
    25. Do you have any pets → Yeah
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Yes
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Went out for pizza with friends
    28. What time did you wake up today → 7:30 because I had anxiety
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Reading
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Summer
    31. Last time you saw your father→ This morning
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → The way I feel about everything
    33. What are you listening to right now → Chloe by Emblem3
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yeah
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Nothing at the moment
    36. Most visited webpage → Tumblr

    37. What's your name→ Kara
    38. Nicknames→ Kara Beara, Kira, Killer, Kar
    39. Relationship Status → single pringle
    40. Zodiac sign → Sagittarius
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female
    42. Elementary--> Second Hill Lane
    43. Middle School → Flood
    44. High school ---> Bunnell
    45. Hair color → Brown
    46. Long or short --> Medium
    47. Height → 5"2 (i know i grew)
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yeah I guess
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My feet
    50. Piercings → Ears
    51. Tattoos → None yet
    52. Righty or lefty → righty

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Haven't had one
    54. First piercing → Ears
    55. First best friends --> Emily, Alli, Abby
    56. First sport you joined → Dance lol
    57. First pet → A dog
    58. First vacation→ Cape May
    59. First concert → The Cheetah Girls
    60. First crush → some sixth grader when I was four

    61. Eating → Nothing
    62. Drinking → Milk
    63. I'm about to → Go to my room
    64. Listening to → The Pioneer Woman :)
    65. Waiting for → Nothing

    66. Want kids? Maybe. Not really.
    67. Want to get married? Yeah
    68. Careers in mind? Author, photographer, radio DJ

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → Hugs
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller
    72. Older or Younger → Older but it doesn't really matter
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both
    75. Sensitive or loud → Both
    76. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker

    78. Kissed a stranger → Yes
    79. Drank hard liquor → No
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → No
    81. Sex on first date → No
    82. Broken someone's heart → I hope not
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yes
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes
    85. Been arrested → No
    86. Turned someone down → Yes
    87. Cried when someone died → Yeah
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Not in that way

    89. Yourself → Not really
    90. Miracles → Sometimes
    91. Love at first sight → Nah
    92. Heaven → Yeah
    93. Santa Clause → :)
    95. Kiss on the first date? Why not?
    96. Angels → Yes

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yes
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Sure
    May 27th, 2013 at 11:36pm
  • DefineEmaciated

    DefineEmaciated (100)

    Christmas Island
    1. Last beverage→ Red Wine.
    2. Last phone call→ My brother.
    3. Last text message→ The boyfrann. :)
    4. Last song you listened to→ Kill Me- The Pretty Reckless
    5. Last time you cried→ Oh geeze. Last night. Hah.

    6. Dated someone twice → We've all been young and stupid.
    7. Been cheated on? Yep.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Not at all.. I have however had someone kiss *me* and wished they hadn't, hah.
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes. I could have never had enough time with her.
    10. Been depressed?→ Ew. Gag me.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Couple times.

    12. Lilac.
    13. Hot pink.
    14. Glitter.
    15. Zebra.

    16. Made new friends → Of course!
    17. Fallen out of love → Yes.
    18. Laughed until you cried → Oh yeah.
    19. Met someone who changed you → She was everything.
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Thank goodness.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → "Did you hear about Ellie saying the diet sprite tastes like stale vagina?" Actual conversation. This is pretty much the story of my life.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Lol, yes.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ Nearly all of them.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ 1.
    25. Do you have any pets → Nope.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ Lol, I hate my name.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Went out for lunch and had drinks. Partied.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 4 PM. hah.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → I can't remember.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Concert in July. Yesss.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ I was 19 or 20 I think?
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Hmmm....
    33. What are you listening to right now → Brand New.
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Actually, no.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → People blowin up my phone.
    36. Most visited webpage → Mibba and the book of faces.

    37. What's your name→ Ariellisabetta.
    38. Nicknames→ Ellie, Elle, Arielle, Elle-Wood, Ellie-Bug, Lellie
    39. Relationship Status → Taken.<3
    40. Zodiac sign → Sagittarius.
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female.
    42. Elementary--> Rutherford.
    43. Middle School → Coffee.
    44. High school ---> Divided.
    45. Hair color → Bottle Blonde.
    46. Long or short --> Longgg
    47. Height → 5'3.
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Maybe.
    49: What do you like about yourself? → Everything.
    50. Piercings → Angelbites, right side of lip.
    51. Tattoos → Left forearm and right wrist.
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Node on vocal chords.
    54. First piercing → Ears.
    55. First best friends --> Lanie, Jennifer, Christie, Stacey and Jessa.
    56. First sport you joined → Softball.
    57. First pet → Dog named Dynomite and a cat named Mittens.
    58. First vacation→ Texas.
    59. First concert → White Stripes.
    60. First crush → Kindergarten.
    61. Eating → Nothing.
    62. Drinking → Red Wine.
    63. I'm about to → Make a phone call.
    64. Listening to → Mary Magdalene.
    65. Waiting for → Absolution.

    66. Want kids? Maybe.
    67. Want to get married? I don't really believe in monogamy.
    68. Careers in mind? Make-up artist.

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → Kisses.
    71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
    72. Older or Younger → Older.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous. Romance is for the birds.
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Doesn't matter.
    75. Sensitive or loud → Loud.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Doesn't matter.

    78. Kissed a stranger → Nope.
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yep.
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes. -_-
    81. Sex on first date → No way, Jose.
    82. Broken someone's heart → I gotta be me, you gotta be you.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Once or twice.
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → Yes.
    85. Been arrested → Haha, almost.
    86. Turned someone down → Yesss.
    87. Cried when someone died → For about a week.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Yes. :/

    89. Yourself → I try to.
    90. Miracles → Gotta keep the faith.
    91. Love at first sight → I believe it's possible in the same illusionary way that people believe in dreams.
    92. Heaven → I want to.
    93. Santa Clause → Haha, suuureee.
    95. Kiss on the first date? It depends.
    96. Angels → Yes.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? Nahh.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Most definitely.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Whatever.
    May 28th, 2013 at 02:35am
  • Name Of Misery.

    Name Of Misery. (100)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Diet Mountain Dew
    2. Last phone call→ My boyfriend
    3. Last text message→ My boyfriend
    4. Last song you listened to→ Thriftshop- Macklemore
    5. Last time you cried→ Monday D:

    6. Dated someone twice → No
    7. Been cheated on? I don't think so
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes
    9. Lost someone special?→ Yes
    10. Been depressed?→ Yes
    11. Been drunk and threw up? Yes

    12. Green
    13. Mustard
    14. Blue
    15. Grey

    16. Made new friends → Sure
    17. Fallen out of love → No
    18. Laughed until you cried → Yes
    19. Met someone who changed you → Yes
    20. Found out who your true friends were → Yes
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Not on here, no
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ None of them
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ Two or three
    25. Do you have any pets → Yes
    26. Do you want to change your name→ When I get married, I would change my last name (:
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ Hung out with my boyfriend and his roommates
    28. What time did you wake up today → 2 pm
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Playing hide-and-seek with my boyfriend and friends
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → My boyfriend getting back from vacation
    31. Last time you saw your father→ Years ago
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → My ability to put things off forever
    33. What are you listening to right now → The sound of a lawn mower
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yes
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → My cramps
    36. Most visited webpage → Facebook

    37. What's your name→ Kathryn
    38. Nicknames→ Kitten
    39. Relationship Status →Happily taken
    40. Zodiac sign → Leo
    41. Male or female or transgender → Female
    42. Elementary--> Grimsrud
    43. Middle School → Horizon
    44. High school ---> Century
    45. Hair color → Brown
    46. Long or short --> Medium-long
    47. Height → 5'3.5"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → My boyfriend, if that counts
    49: What do you like about yourself? → My wit
    50. Piercings → Just the ears, once
    51. Tattoos → Hopefully sometime soon
    52. Righty or lefty → Righty

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → Tonsils
    54. First piercing → Ears
    55. First best friends --> Rachael and Kristin and Meghan
    56. First sport you joined → Dance
    57. First pet → My dog Worf
    58. First vacation→ I have no idea
    59. First concert → Some local band
    60. First crush → My next-door neighbor in like first grade
    61. Eating → Nothing
    62. Drinking → Water
    63. I'm about to → Clean my room
    64. Listening to → Outside noises
    65. Waiting for → Nothing

    66. Want kids? Yes
    67. Want to get married? Yes
    68. Careers in mind? Nurse anesthetist

    69. Lips or eyes → Eyes
    70. Hugs or kisses → Depends on my mood
    71. Shorter or taller → Shorter, but taller than me (that's not difficult)
    72. Older or Younger → Older
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → Both
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms
    75. Sensitive or loud → Both
    76. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker

    78. Kissed a stranger → No
    79. Drank hard liquor → Yes
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → No
    81. Sex on first date → Well, first day we went out, yeah
    82. Broken someone's heart → No
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → Yes
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → No
    85. Been arrested → No
    86. Turned someone down → Yes, but later changed my mind
    87. Cried when someone died → Yes
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → In a platonic way, yes

    89. Yourself → Sometimes
    90. Miracles → Not really
    91. Love at first sight → Kind of
    92. Heaven → No
    93. Santa Clause → No
    95. Kiss on the first date? Yes
    96. Angels → No

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? No
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? Yes
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Nope
    May 29th, 2013 at 02:32am
  • Charlie Brown.

    Charlie Brown. (100)

    United States
    1. Last beverage→ Coca Coooola
    2. Last phone call→ best friend in england.
    3. Last text message→ ariana
    4. Last song you listened to→ Hell Aint A Bad Place to Be- AC/DC
    5. Last time you cried→ uh, couple weeks ago? Out of frustration.

    6. Dated someone twice → yep.
    7. Been cheated on? nope.
    8. Kissed someone & regretted it? nope.
    9. Lost someone special?→ *sigh* yes.
    10. Been depressed?→ once.
    11. Been drunk and threw up? no.

    12. green.
    13. blue.
    14. deep purple.
    15. red.

    16. Made new friends → yep- just moved schools.
    17. Fallen out of love → nope.
    18. Laughed until you cried → not so much recently. more before.
    19. Met someone who changed you → well i grew up with them, so yeah?
    20. Found out who your true friends were → i'm not too sure anymore.
    21. Found out someone was talking about you → stupid primary school stuff yeah, totally chill now.
    22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ nope.
    23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life→ uh some.
    24. How many kids do you want to have→ not sure if i want them.
    25. Do you have any pets → yep, my cat named Roly who is clinically fat.
    26. Do you want to change your name→ NO WAY JOSE.
    27. What did you do for your last birthday→ chilled with my brother on Haight Ashbury.
    28. What time did you wake up today → 7:06.
    29. What were you doing at midnight last night → watching Game Of Thrones.
    30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → SUMMER and my illustration course in the fall.
    31. Last time you saw your father→ five years ago.
    32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → that i lived in an apartment with my brother.
    33. What are you listening to right now → AC/DC
    34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → multiple.
    35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → school.
    36. Most visited webpage → mibba/facebook/devinatART

    37. What's your name→ Zoe
    38. Nicknames→ Zo, Zobud
    39. Relationship Status → single, mon
    40. Zodiac sign → Virgo
    41. Male or female or transgender → fem.
    42. Elementary--> uh, i went to school in england and ireland so i have no idea
    43. Middle School → ???
    44. High school ---> chs
    45. Hair color → light brown/copper/blonde
    46. Long or short --> medium.
    47. Height → 5'6"
    48. Do you have a crush on someone? → nope
    49: What do you like about yourself? → my eyes, cause they're green
    50. Piercings → lobes
    51. Tattoos → no. In progress of designing
    52. Righty or lefty → righty.

    FIRSTS :
    53. First surgery → -
    54. First piercing → ears.
    55. First best friends --> hannah, leah
    56. First sport you joined → gymnastics
    57. First pet → guinness- a dog
    58. First vacation→ no idea
    59. First concert → p!nk
    60. First crush → i don't knoowowwnv
    61. Eating → lollipops
    62. Drinking → -
    63. I'm about to → continuez avec mon art final
    64. Listening to → war machine AC/DC
    65. Waiting for → nothing.

    66. Want kids? not sure
    67. Want to get married? don't really care?
    68. Careers in mind? illustrator

    69. Lips or eyes → eyes.
    70. Hugs or kisses → either.
    71. Shorter or taller → taller.
    72. Older or Younger → doesn't matter.
    73. Romantic or spontaneous → both?
    74. Nice stomach or nice arms → uh.. OOH ARMS.
    75. Sensitive or loud → in between.
    76. Hook-up or relationship → relationship.
    77. Trouble maker or hesitant → in between.

    78. Kissed a stranger → no.
    79. Drank hard liquor → yeppers
    80. Lost glasses/contacts → not needed
    81. Sex on first date → WOAH BUDDY. nothankyou
    82. Broken someone's heart → hopefully not.
    83.Have you had your own heart broken → not yet
    84.Ever cried because you saw something that reminded you of someone → almost
    85. Been arrested → nope
    86. Turned someone down → yeah.
    87. Cried when someone died → yeah.
    88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → nope.

    89. Yourself → sometimes.
    90. Miracles → too religious sounding
    91. Love at first sight → i guess
    92. Heaven → maybe.
    93. Santa Clause → OFCOURSE
    95. Kiss on the first date? sure
    96. Angels → maybe.

    97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? nope.
    98. Have you dumped anyone because your parents or friends told you to? no way bro, my life my desicion.
    99. Would you go back in time to change something? of course.
    100. Posting this as 100 Truths? okies
    May 29th, 2013 at 03:00am