Mental Abuse

  • Elizabette Pierre

    Elizabette Pierre (100)

    United States
    My entire life by my parents I've been mentally abused. Just from watching them physically fight, I've been imprinted with a lot of images that will never go away. My mom use to be a drunk and horribly violent. Even though she's sober now, I have huge grudges held against her and my dad.
    December 16th, 2010 at 01:13am
  • I Prey On Blond Boys

    I Prey On Blond Boys (100)

    United States
    I think mental abuse is even worse than physical abuse. My poem Bruises speaks about this issue. Anyone who is going through mental abuse or any abuse will relate with it. Mental abuse is terrible and disgusting. Crying or Very sad
    December 17th, 2010 at 02:07am
  • I Prey On Blond Boys

    I Prey On Blond Boys (100)

    United States
    lucky birds.:
    My entire life by my parents I've been mentally abused. Just from watching them physically fight, I've been imprinted with a lot of images that will never go away. My mom use to be a drunk and horribly violent. Even though she's sober now, I have huge grudges held against her and my dad.
    Exactly except my parents hate each other but won't divorce because of the money. My dad's an alcoholic and my mom is addicted to tobacco. Tobacco seems tame next to alcohol and marijuana and all but she'd do anything for a cigarette, even hurt me. I'll never get over what they do, and what they've put me through.
    December 17th, 2010 at 02:09am
  • nyeh

    nyeh (100)

    United States
    My entire life, mostly by my brother. My brother is the one that always physically and mentally hurt me. My brother has already called me stupid, fat, pig, mushroom(don't ask Facepalm ), dumb, idiot, jerk, boy, ugly, useless, and much more that I can't think of cause I apparently have a small, stupid brain. When my brother doensn't get what he wants (cause he's a spoiled brat Disgust ) he will go name calling on me. Sometimes he will kick me or punch me (and it hurts cause he punches/kicks hard Cry ) for no f*cking reason. He thinks calling me names is funny when it actually makes me sad. Cry Even though he does all those things he is still my brother and I can't say that I 100% hates him, cause I know I don't. I am thankful that he is only 16 and isn't allowed to drink alcohol yet cause in China he drank it all the time. Disgust
    My mom also hurts me mentally, even though she doesn't mean it. Like this one time, my throat was hurting and I told my mom that it does but she ignores it. Then the next day my brother goes up to my mom and says that his throat was hurting and my mom goes and asks the hotel maid person if she knows what medicine to give him. My mom got made at me for being a wuss for not dipping into super hot water and kept being mad at me and got my dad to be as well. The water was really hot and it was in the summer, in a hot Springs that was cleaning out their water and made the water super hot to clean it. Cry The water made my skin burn red as well. My mom always seems to be mad at me most of the times and not really my brother even though he is on his computer 24/7. I haven't learned my multiplications until I was in third/fourth grade while on the other hand, my brother learned it in first/second grade and my mom always hated me for being so stupid and dumb.
    My aunt has hurted me mentally as well. Sad Of all my aunts, I liked her the most and got along with her fairly well.
    One of my friends actually thinks like my brother and calls me names. To be honest...I have no clue why I'm even his friend.
    My dad also mentally abuses me. :/ Even though my dad says that he is more proud of me than my brother, I always see that he is more proud of my brother than he is with me.
    My other friend made fun of me for not knowing (or watch) these kid shows and kid games. It's not my fault that when I was little there was no one to read me to sleep and that I didn't have cable when I was little or now. She also neglects me and she acts like she doesn't. I lost my friendship with her just cause of her always neglecting me even though I was supposed to be her best friend. Sad She only used me for homework now I think about it. Disgust

    Ok, sorry about the length. I just had to rant. >.< Oh and sorry for the faces as well, I like using faces for stuffs. Cute
    December 31st, 2010 at 03:43am
  • Invaderzimgir

    Invaderzimgir (100)

    United States
    Okay so basically when i was about 2 years old my mom walked out on my dad an cheated on him alot and he has forgiven her so many times for what shes done and yet she still went out and cheated. One night me an my sister catherine got sick and my mom took the car an left and my dad had to save us but my mom never came back and she doesnt know how much that has hurt me. I dont remember much of my past but i remember we lived with her an her ex bf Richard..he was an alcoholic and he would verbally abuse me an catherine every day but mostly at night...One night when we were supposed to be asleep we were talking cause we werent tired an he called us down stairs an made me sleep outside in the car and my mom let it happen an she knew perfectly what she was letting him do an she did nothing about it..he would bitch at me for not being able to cut my meat and asking my mom to do it for me during dinner an i was just a now for the past 4 years my dads verbally, mentally, and somewhat physically abused me and catherine..I have an older sister that never gets yelled at for anything and i feel as if he loves her more then he loves me and when he says he hates me he dont know how much it hurts me on he inside or when he calls me all these other names..sometimes he punches me or slaps me across the face and he threatens us that hes gonna beat the shit out of us an he says that if i was a boy hes beat the shit out of me :/ so much more but ive already written like a paragraph and i dont think anyones gonna want to read all of this. Cry my sister also mentally an physically abuses me which makes me feel even shitter about myself.
    January 26th, 2011 at 03:00am
  • alexaestelle

    alexaestelle (250)

    United States
    My dad has done that to me most of my life, as well as my grandmother.
    My dad will always ask me something and then tell me he can't be bothered with my petty crap, or he'll always say things to put me down and make me feel like I'm not good enough. He always calls me a bitch, or says I'm worthless. He gets physical a lot, too, he pushes me down or hits me hard or kicks me.

    My grandmother is always comparing me to the rest of her grandchildren, and saying how I'm not as good as them and what not, and it's really upsetting. We're different people, of course we're not going to be the same.

    I've considered running away a few times, but I couldn't to it to my mother, I just couldn't.

    When they say the cycle is hard to break, they really mean it.

    A few years ago I was in a mentally/emotionally abusive relationship with a guy, and it took me forever to realize it. He would always say things to make me cry and then just let me cry and not care. He was always yelling at me and blaming me for everything, It was terrible. It still hurts me to this day.
    March 7th, 2011 at 01:41am
  • amaranthine.

    amaranthine. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    My dad and I have never had a good relationship, but recently it's got worse and worse. Today, we had an argument that he blew out of proportion, and he looked me straight in the eyes and said "sometimes, I really, really hate you." That hurt, because surely even if our relationship isn't good, we're still supposed to love each other, right?

    Amongst other things he has also called me 'horrible,' 'monster,' 'cow,' and he's sworn at me on way too many occasions when he's got angry. And then, what really hurts the most is when he tries to accuse me of being selfish by saying things like "if mum was dying, you're first response would still be about you." He's said that to me on more than one occasion, and it really hurts, because I know that's not how I would behave at all, but it really makes me feel so terrible about myself.

    He hits me or pushes me occasionally, but not often, so with him the mental abuse is definitely the worst part. It makes my self-esteem very low and makes me feel terrible about myself, as well as despising him.
    June 29th, 2011 at 10:56pm
  • Gabe Says!

    Gabe Says! (100)

    United States
    I feel like what my parents do isn't quite abuse. It's probably just normal.

    I can't really explain the way my dad talks. Sometimes he's so.. condescending. He talkes like I'm so stupid for saying what I just said.

    My mum likes to compare mine and her relationship to her and her mother's when she was my age. She would never say those things to her mother / do those things / act like that when she was my age. She makes me feel like I will never, ever be as good of a kid as she was.

    Also, when I get in trouble, they both act like I'm the biggest fucking brat in the world. For example, they found out about a singular hickey that my boyfriend gave me and was an accident!!They flipped out and yelled called me disgusting, and couldn't even fathom why I would want to look like a whore or something. My mother outright told me she didn't believe that we weren't having sex. I'm still a virgin, thank you very much. They just don't understand.

    And then if I try and talk to them about this stuff and the way they talk to me, they just say I have an attitude and it's the way I talk to them.

    Ugh. It's just stupid. Treat me like I'm a human being.
    June 30th, 2011 at 09:33pm
  • Jack-Likes-Thrust

    Jack-Likes-Thrust (100)

    United States
    My Mother put me down alot growing up. 'You're so f****** IGNORANT!!' 'You ungrateful little B****!'. Yeah. She's the cause of me lno longer showing any emotions on my face for fear of getting ridiculed. She's the cause of me being afraid to mess up in front of someone for fear of being laughed at. She's the cause of my low self esteem. Yet she acts like she did nothing, and I'm just a depressed child.

    Mental abuse will always be worse than Physical in my book. You can't show the scars; You can't prove it.
    July 6th, 2011 at 09:42am
  • Antagonist

    Antagonist (200)

    United States
    My mom used to do this to me, and it wasn't until recently that it dawned on me that it was a form of abuse.
    She used to say horrible things to me, and it just continued until one day I came home from work and I had done something wrong, but she started going on about what a waste of life and a slut (yeah, like she had any room to talk) I was, and I grabbed a backpack of stuff and walked out of there forever...
    August 25th, 2011 at 12:30pm
  • Poe.

    Poe. (100)

    United States
    My parents screwed me up.

    They drink. They fight. They get violent. They curse at me. Call me names. They didn't let me go out with friends when I was younger. They didn't teach me what was okay, and they didn't encourage any confidence in me. For the longest time, I was afraid to go out with friends. To leave the house, to spend the night with people, to go to restaurants, to call a business up on the phone. I still get this nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach sometimes, wondering if I'm doing something wrong.

    My friends used to think it was weird. Most of my really close friends are used to it, though. If I'm standing awkwardly, or fiddling with something (loose strings, my purse), biting my lip, or even just wearing an insecure expression, they'll let me know it's okay, that I can just relax.

    I'm not comfortable around older men. My mother made sure of that. When I was a little younger than ten, she told me she was molested as a child. Then she was sexually assaulted a little bit later. I was afraid to be touched by guys in my grade, afraid they'd touch me. I was afraid my dad would, too, even though he'd never do anything like that.

    There's plenty of other ways, too, I just can't think of them all right now.
    July 20th, 2012 at 04:24am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    It's just a horrible thing. My parents are divorced and my dad/stepmom managed to convince me my mother hated me, cheated on my dad (actually he cheated on her), and that she was setting me up for failure. Meanwhile, my stepmom was convicted of physical child abuse, my parents refused to give me medical care, and they were just plain... insane in their child-rearing philosophy.

    I now live 10 miles away from my mother and I talk to my dad maybe 5 times a year.

    I have forgiven them for what they put me through, but my children will never be allowed to be alone with them.
    July 21st, 2012 at 01:51am
  • Bella Goes Away.

    Bella Goes Away. (860)

    My ex mentally abused me and manipulated me for almost five months. It completely ruined me then, and I nearly killed myself over it. I just can't understand a person who'd choose to go after an autistic and suicidal and depressed 21 year old.
    July 21st, 2012 at 12:43pm
  • FallenAngel187

    FallenAngel187 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Mental abuse is horrible I've suffered it from it for years from bullies, friends which became strangers and a rather abusive man but when he psychically abused me I could deal with that but when he mentally or emotionally abused me it broke me completely I still have the pain from it six months on and I don't think it's ever going to go away completely it tortured and still does, it's made me to the lowest point where I thought if just for. Second I could stop the pain then I'd be ok but nothing ever stops the pain
    August 10th, 2012 at 01:33am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    @ FallenAngel187
    Have you received counseling? I think its free in your country.
    August 10th, 2012 at 05:16pm
  • FallenAngel187

    FallenAngel187 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah they gave me tablets didn't really help though
    August 10th, 2012 at 07:09pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    @ FallenAngel187
    Bleugh. Yeah, medication instead of counseling is crappy. Actual repeated counseling would be so much better.
    August 10th, 2012 at 07:30pm
  • FallenAngel187

    FallenAngel187 (100)

    United Kingdom
    It doesn't help it I am trying to find a different counseler mine is medication or get out
    August 10th, 2012 at 08:25pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    @ FallenAngel187
    That's a horrible thing and I'm sorry its happening. Good luck in finding a new counselor, preferably someone who takes their job seriously and wants to help you.
    August 11th, 2012 at 06:12am
  • FallenAngel187

    FallenAngel187 (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ dru is the man.
    Thank you
    August 11th, 2012 at 12:37pm