Ten different things you want to say to ten different people right now.

  • sketch.

    sketch. (355)

    Great Britain (UK)
    As the title explains itself, i'll just begin.


    1.) I miss you already but I hope you're having a nice time camping in the middle of nowhere.

    2.) I can't be bothered to talk to you, because your mouth is just so much bigger than your brain and it does my head in.

    3.) If it weren't for the fact you have children, and the idea of going to prison, I would kill you in a heartbeat and then burn the body and hide the ashes in the fucking ocean.

    4.) I miss you being one of my best friends.

    5.) I really don't like that you said that. I know you didn't mean harm, you probably just didn't know what to say about them, but just... don't.

    6.) Stop being a whingy cow and be grateful for having her at all. She's beautiful.

    7.) I will always love you. Don't sink to that level.

    8.) I know things aren't easy, kid, but hang on in there.

    9.) You're so much more beautiful than your boyfriend. He is a wanker.

    10.) Don't hate me, pleaaaaaase. I'm nice, really. And polite. And a terrible cook, with questionable dress sense, but i can't help that.
    August 15th, 2010 at 10:01pm
  • sunflowers.

    sunflowers. (300)

    United Kingdom
    1) I miss you more than words can say and the fact that you've been permenant in my life for the last year and a half, makes it hurt even more that we can't just be together and be happy again.
    2) Thank you so much for respecting my choice. I think I overlook the fact that no matter what happens in the future, you have the potential to be a wonderful friend.
    3) You're still in the back of my mind...
    4) Ugh fucks sake just stop talking I don't care about your silly issues and ramblings.
    5) I wish we were better friends, but you're seriously a cheating slut and i'm appalled.
    6) Please eat more, it freaks me out.
    7) Leave me the fuck alone. Everyday you have something to whine and nag at me about, it does me head in.
    8) I miss talking to you on the phone every night! Come back from Ireland now! You're my best friend and not talking to you every day actually sucks right now.
    9) I'm so fucking insanely jealous of what you have with him. I really am.
    10) Thank you for being a great, understanding friend to me. It means a lot.
    August 15th, 2010 at 10:31pm
  • Pixie Sunderland.

    Pixie Sunderland. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1. Calm the fuck down.
    2. Stop drinking, you total alchy.
    3. I'm a little bit in love with you In Love
    4. Stop making sheep jokes, you twat Twitch
    5. Fancy a cup of tea?
    6. I don't know what I'd do without you, bub. Arms
    7. Please stop stalking me, it's creepy.
    9. Please stop rubbing it in my face that I'm single again. I'm happy for you, but piss off, yeah?
    10. Buy me more alcohol, please Con
    August 15th, 2010 at 10:40pm
  • Tom Fletcher.

    Tom Fletcher. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1. I think I have a slight girl crush on you.
    2. I wish we were closer.
    3. You're selfish. I hate what you did, and it made me feel like complete shit. You deserve to be shunned and shouted at.
    4. I wish I had you in my bed (could apply to a multitude of people tbh).
    5. I wish you would just shut up.
    6. I hope I get to see you again someday.
    7. I don't want us to drift apart.
    8. I want my DVD back, please.
    9. Let's start over?
    10. You're a hypocrite.
    August 15th, 2010 at 10:43pm
  • watercooler romance.

    watercooler romance. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1) I wish I could show you how much you mean to me.
    2) You never fucking cared, so don't pretend you did. Leave them alone and stop thinking you're a perfect parent just because you take them to McDonald's once every two months.
    3) I don't think you realise how much it upsets me when you lose your temper and say stuff like that.
    4) I know I say you're an annoying little shit, but I love you really! Cute
    5) I miss you already. Cry
    6) Good riddance.
    7) I really, really wish I didn't feel this way about you.
    8) Even though I might not show it, you're the most amazingly loyal, kind, and selfless friend I've ever had, and I really do appreciate you.
    9) I know we can never be really close friends again, and that really upsets me, but I'm just happy that you're at least making an effort.
    10) Stop ruining my life. You've had your fun, now go fuck with someone else's feelings.
    August 15th, 2010 at 10:55pm
  • Ghoul Scouts

    Ghoul Scouts (165)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    1. Fuck you. you little dramatic bitch.
    2. I want to believe you....but...I just don't know!
    3. I really miss you. Happy birthday dude.
    4. Make me the appointment or I will annoy the shit out of you until you do.
    5. I'm glad we hung out and are friends now.
    6. You are really annoying sometimes.
    8. You are really loud and make my head hurt.
    9. you are so short and cute!
    10. Ohh my. Someone is mad.
    August 15th, 2010 at 11:05pm
  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    1. Pull your head out of your ass. No, doing drugs doesn't make you look cool. I will prompty punch you next time I see you.
    2. I'm actually glad my trunk tried to kill you.
    3. I miss you so, so fucking much. Imma call you now Arms
    5. You still owe me a oneshot >>
    7. Fuck you, just fuck you. You're not the smartest person ever. You can't tell me shit, you fucking hypocrite.
    9. I miss you D:
    10. You can't tell me I can't take French Three. Kiss my white ass, bitch.
    August 16th, 2010 at 06:01am
  • chekov.

    chekov. (100)

    United States
    1. It's not just a friend thing for me anymore, bb. In Love
    2. You deserve love too. I hope people will accept you eventually. <3
    3. I want to be you so effing bad.
    4. I want to be your friend, but really it's just 'cause I find you so attractive.
    5. You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen.
    6. You make life fun for me, you brilliant, extraordinary woman.
    7. I think you got it right, sir.
    8. ~Stuff happened in the mansion, didn't it? Shifty
    9. Oh dear lawd you are yummy.
    10. Please don't be mad if I lose contact with you. We're nothing alike anymore.
    August 16th, 2010 at 07:10am
  • tom riddle

    tom riddle (100)

    1. Just what is your overswelled head/ego compensating for, exactly?
    2. No. Most teenagers wear their hair like this too.
    3. It's not that I don't want you to come... well, it kind of is, really. It's just, they always like you more, that's obvious. You get in there before anyone, so they're not interested in being my friend. But this is finally MY chance to have a friend. And if you come, well, you'll be spoiling it. It'll be like it's you and me, not me and her, you know? I'm being selfish, but I want this experience for myself.
    4. Kind of sick of how you're starting to get into all of these jokes and phrases that you're kind of not really allowed to use. Well, not that you can't, just it's weird 'cause you're not even done, and wouldn't even have bothered if we didn't.
    5. You're a D*CK, and I want you out of our house.
    6. I want to meet you. I want to hug you. I want to be your friend.
    7. Thank you for all that you've done for the world. If you hadn't been born... if you hadn't been on that train, my life would pretty much be meaningless.
    8. You're so fracking hot, it's unbelievable.
    9. When's dinner ready?
    10. I'm going to fail tomorrow.
    August 16th, 2010 at 10:08am
  • Elizabeth Darcy

    Elizabeth Darcy (100)

    1. my god, just stop talking about him. am I just someone you can use to just constantly talk about yourself to?
    2. come back into my life. please. I miss you.
    3. you're amazing. don't ever forget that. and don't compensate your heart for someone who wont love you back.
    4. thank you for being there for me. I don't know what I'd do without you.
    5. I'm going to miss you so much. don't ever change. ever.
    6. we should talk more, you're so much more interesting than most people.
    7. leave them alone. what is it with you and always having to be the centre of attention?
    8. you're a douchebag. treat her right. you don't realise how lucky you are.
    9. you have no idea how much your morning texts make me smile.
    10. I love you so much. stay my best friend forever please, I don't want to ever lose you.
    August 16th, 2010 at 10:15am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    1. Freakin' talk to me, man. I got a feeling we could actually hold a conversation.

    2. Get back on YouTube.

    3. Don't play me off and forget about what I emailed you. When I emailed you my stuff I trusted you with it.

    4. Good luck. I hope we have the same lunch period.

    5. You don't need my permission to start dating again. Just watch out, 'cause I will end up testing any new woman you pick up.

    6. You'd better not ignore me this year.

    7. I wish you weren't so hard to get along with. I bet we could be best friends.

    8. Where the hell did you go?

    9. You saved me from being an angsty little brat in eighth grade. You've inspired me so much through some simple folk punk songs and you don't even know who the hell I am, but you're my hero.

    10. I miss you.
    August 16th, 2010 at 12:02pm
  • ZOFL!

    ZOFL! (100)

    1. Talk to me you stoopid head
    2. Will you eat my Homework for Me???!!!
    3. I can't wait to see the teacher's response to your drawing you did on the test!
    4. Less questions ASAP!
    5. Turn the TV down PLEASE!
    6. How are you going to react?
    7. Will you be my retard in tin foil?
    8. Why don't we talk anymore?
    9. Find me a guy name Carl.
    10. Can i have Ice-cream PLEASE?!
    August 16th, 2010 at 12:06pm
  • confession

    confession (100)

    1 - I love you. Con
    2 - Oh, dude, just shut up.
    3 - I like you! You're super cool! Wow
    4 - Aha. You're seventeen this year and I look the same age as you. tehe
    5 - Go get me more water? Smiley
    6 - ... Do you always wear those tracksuits?
    7 - Can't wait till Saturday :D!
    8 - I salute you.
    9 - STOP LICKING ME >__O
    10 - yeah, you heard me.
    August 16th, 2010 at 12:32pm
  • colorful language

    colorful language (100)

    United States
    1. I wish I could get it through to you that I don't want to be like you.
    2. Look, I'm going to miss you and all, and I love you, but I'm not sorry I'm taking your room.
    3. I miss you.
    4. I wish we would hang out more, I feel like our friendship is in jeopardy.
    5. Sometimes I really hate you, and you can be the biggest bitch I have ever met...but you're probably one of the best friends I've ever had and I don't ever want to lose that.
    6. Do you realize how you make me feel?
    7. I refuse to be your second option. It's either ask me first or don't ask at all.
    8. Hi :}
    9. Mom can we just go already? It's been two fucking hours!
    10. I don't care what you think.
    August 16th, 2010 at 06:32pm
  • Dizzy Miss Lizzy

    Dizzy Miss Lizzy (100)

    1. How come we don't talk anymore? We're supposed to be best friends.
    2. I want to go boating!
    3. Chips are disgusting, and bad for you.
    4. Let's go to a Kenny Chesney concert, kay?
    5. I may have a crush on you... stop staring I can see you.
    6. When I'm up I can't get down, can't get down. Can't get level.
    7. Stop and snap spelled backwards is pots and pans. A secret message?! I think so.
    8. I hate having acne.
    9. You are one super-cool friend.
    10. I'm gonna go for a walk.
    August 16th, 2010 at 06:53pm
  • Harry Potter.

    Harry Potter. (155)

    United States
    1. Get out of my head.
    2. Try talking about someone other than yourself.
    3. I like you.
    4. You might have saved my life, but you're a jerk.
    5. I miss you.
    6. I am still in love with you. I need you.
    7. I'm a boy.
    8. Please trust me.
    9. You aren't that great of a writer.
    10. Don't hate me when this is over.
    August 16th, 2010 at 07:02pm
  • carcinogenic.

    carcinogenic. (250)

    1. I miss you and I want to know that you love me as much as I love you.
    2. My heart is actually breaking from having to leave... I really don't want to go and i wish there was something you could do to keep me here.
    3. SHIP MY PACKAGE Finger
    4. Please please pleeease don't schedule me or call me in for tomorrow. :|
    5. I'm sorry I've been lying and not doing what I'm supposed to.
    6. I wish you were my little sister.
    7. I love you endlessly and I'm desperate for your approval and I want you to be happy and I'm going to miss you so fucking much when I leave because I know we won't talk enough.
    8. I think your partying is disgusting.
    9. I just want you to reassure me that everything's normal. Please?
    10. It's never going to happen.
    August 16th, 2010 at 07:05pm
  • the fallen.

    the fallen. (100)

    United States
    1. I don't wanna wash my hair because I have that orientation. Grr
    2. You're such a silly boy but I love you big bro. tehe
    3. If you talk to my dad like that again, we're gonna have some problems.
    4. If I see you in the hallways, walk the other way. Bitch. Finger
    5. You're not gonna have me again. I already made mistakes like that twice.
    6. I miss you, boo. Con
    7. I hope I can be in American Idol or something to make me a more better singer. In Love
    8. I'm glad you have hope in me.
    9. I really don't wanna go to school yet. tehe
    10. I'll never forgive you. Never. Sad
    August 16th, 2010 at 08:55pm
  • halbig

    halbig (100)

    New Zealand
    1. you have no idea how much that means to me.
    2. i feel like we're drifting apart.
    3. i miss you. i wish you would contact me.
    4. i want to know what's happening. i want to know if i have to leave all my friends.
    5. i wish you would hug me. just once.
    6. and you too.
    7. i wish you knew how much you hurt me. and how much you still hurt me.
    8. i wish you included me more.
    9. i wish i could meet you.
    10. don't bother. you know i don't want to do it, you know i'm probably going to fail, and you know that i've already given up. just forget it and leave me alone, you just make my day worse whenever you try.
    August 18th, 2010 at 12:24pm
  • Devil May Cry

    Devil May Cry (100)

    United States
    1. I don't care anymore.
    2. Haha, you'd be perfect for me... if you weren't so flirty and shallow...
    3. I'm disappointed. But I guess it's not like anyone in the last two months has given me a DIFFERENT feeling...?
    4. I don't know what's up with us...
    5. I don't know why you don't like me... but then again, I don't like me, so?
    6. ...You scare me, hurr. XDD~ You just... don't like the "lessers," so... y'know? That's why people don't like you...
    7. I'm so... so... so... so... disappointed in what you did... but... gotta soldier on, right? I didn't tell you, because I didn't want to hurt your feelings...
    8. I...miss you? Where are you...
    9. I wish you weren't here.
    10. It made me laugh, but... I really didn't appreciate it, ahaha...
    August 18th, 2010 at 03:17pm