Ten different things you want to say to ten different people right now.

  • sainted swan

    sainted swan (100)

    United States
    one I miss the times when we would talk for a long time, but I still love you very much. I don't think you understand how much I really do.
    two You are an amazing person. You are my best friend and I care so much about you.
    three Even though, we just met during the time I moved, I feel like we are brothers.
    four I find you very annoying so I'm just going to ignore you the best I can. I don't want to create drama.
    five You are very adorable and I care for you.
    six I'm glad we don't talk anymore. You hurt me and it was just awkward after that.
    seven I wish we talked more because I feel amazing to have you as a friend. I feel like I don't do anything for you.
    eight I adore you and admire you. Thank you for giving me the honor of being your friend.
    nine Life is hard, but don't give up.
    ten Can I hug you?
    November 17th, 2011 at 05:15pm
  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    1. I'm gonna say I'm happy for you and wish you the best, and y'know I'm gonna damn well try to make that true as well, but seriously?? Who the hell decides someone's their soulmate and that they want to get married after like what 4 months tops? You're fucking crazy. I love you, but you are...
    2. I guess since I'm no longer part of person 1's future plans, I'm gonna move in with you if and when I finally move back. If you're still okay with that, of course. I'm glad you and I are so cool together; I think we could live together really well.
    3. I actually think we could hang out and be almost normal now. You and I have both been really cool and civil together lately. I know it's just facebook and texting, but I think it's a good sign.
    4. I miss the shit out of you, man. I'm sorry things have been so weird and stupid lately. You were the one who got screwed in all this, and it feels like I'm the only one that even cares. I'm gonna hang out with you next time in town; I feel like I owe it to you (plus I just want to.)
    5. You haven't done anything to me directly, so I guess I will treat you the same, but seriously you're fucking immature and pointless. What do you get out of starting random bullshit anyway? And person 2 was right, you really are two-faced.
    6. I can't believe you went to see Breaking Dawn just for the lulz. XD I can't decide if that's stupid or genius, but whatever it's your money wasted.
    7. See 6. Additionally, I'm having trouble picturing you watching anything Twilight related. lmfao
    8. I don't know what's gonna happen with us, especially on days like today when I feel crazy weird (and not really the good kind of weird) but I hope you're okay with coasting for a while in limbo like we currently are. I'm so grateful for your patience and understanding that you already demonstrated.
    9. I dunno. It's weird; it's like I want to hang out with you, but I don't. You're such a nice person, but I dunno. We just never know what to do or talk about, especially lately.
    10. I love you. I hope you know that. I wouldn't give up my Saturday for just anybody. Facepalm
    November 20th, 2011 at 08:26pm
  • losing control.

    losing control. (4250)

    Board Moderator
    one: you're the best friend ever. Seriously, I don't know anyone else who would offer to kidnap me until every settles down.
    two: you're such a freaking ass. You don't own the world, you certainly don't own me, and you can't expect me to bend over backwards for every little request you have.
    three: I miss when we were best friends. We were basically inseperable and I wish we were still like that.
    four: Stop being so stupid. I know you go screwed but I did too. Your misfortune isn't any worse than anyone elses.
    five: I miss you, I love you, I wish I could give you a hug.
    six: Your parents got you a freaking iPhone and a credit card for your birthday, but they don't do anything for you? Stop being a spoiled bitch, it doesn't suit you, hun.
    seven: please continue making amazing music. It gives me hope.
    eight: Please come home? It's so boring and loneely here without you.
    nine: I think it's awesome what you're doing, and I'm glad you have the courage to do it. Please keep being brave.
    ten: You're so cute and you make living life worth it. I love you so much.
    November 20th, 2011 at 08:46pm
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    One. You have no idea how to do your job. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. Literally.
    Two. It really pisses me off that you quit mid-shift. You just don't do that. Ever.
    Three. Yes, I missed your phone call yesterday. Now you know how I feel when I call and you don't pick up. Doesn't feel nice, does it?
    Four. You infuriate me. You really do and that's all I can say.
    Five. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm scared I'll lose you.
    Six. You have no business sticking your nose into my relationships. Stay away from me and from my boyfriend.
    Seven. Thank you.
    Eight I love you. That is all.
    Nine. Doctors are here because God wants us to use them. Don't be stupid and let yourself die from cancer because you can't understand that. Take the treatment.
    Ten. I hate having to see you all the time.
    November 20th, 2011 at 09:20pm
  • BOSS

    BOSS (100)

    United States
    un; You're a fucking hypocrite.
    deux; I think you're bipolar, but if I tell you, you'll hate me (for a day).
    trois; I'd nail you in a heartbeat.
    quatre; We'd actually be perfect together if I liked you that way.
    cinq; You will never know how disappointed I am in you.
    six; You're the worst fucking teacher I've ever had.
    sept; I like you so much more than him.
    huit; I think I'm hilarious. You can get over it.
    neuf; You're the Dane Cook friend. The "friend nobody likes."
    dix; You're racist, homophobic, and just an all around awful person. I feel really bad that I'm friends with you.
    November 20th, 2011 at 09:22pm
  • Jonne Aaron.

    Jonne Aaron. (100)

    1. You're my absolute best friend and I hope I never, ever lose you. You've been there through it all and it means so much that you didn't leave like everyone else. I can't wait to see MCR with you, bb. It's gonna be amazing.

    2. Even though you like Twilight and hate Queen, you're still an amazing art teacher and I can't thank you enough for giving me all the opportunities - creative and otherwise - this semester. I think you're the only thing I'll really miss about high school.

    3. You're sexist, rude, and an asshole. Stop fucking creeping on me in every class I have with you, I'm not interested. At all. Fuck off.

    4. You make me sick.

    6. You make me sick too, but for other reasons. Mostly because I think you're an idiot and a slut.

    7. Thank you for liking him as much as you do. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't like him. But please, 'adopted son' is a no, I am having sex with him on a regular basis and he is my boyfriend. Son in law, I can deal with though it will weird me out.

    8. I don't know whether I do or don't want to speak to you anymore. You're difficult.

    9. Thank you for making my formal dress. Thank you for being there when I couldn't talk to mum and dad. Thank you for being such a huge part of everything in my life. I love you, Nenny. I miss getting coffee with you every day and I hate the fact that you ave to take care of my uncle's kids. I worry about you all the time, and I am so protective of you. I don't know where I'd be without you.

    10. You're the most amazing, beautiful, everything guy. Really. When we see MCR I am probably going to cry, because it'll be me, you, and Shay in that mosh pit together. Me and the two people who pulled me out of the worst part of my life and gave me something worth living for. You're my Summertime, boychild. I don't care how you change your hair or anything like that, you're still gorgeous and amazing. The fact that you're taking me to formal makes me absolutely well up with joy, because there is so much in that night for me, so much that I want you to be part of. I love you so much, Ro. I really fucking do, I really fucking do. In Love
    November 22nd, 2011 at 01:09pm
  • tempest.

    tempest. (180)

    United States
    1) I can't say I'll always be here for you, because I know I won't be. I can't say that I madly agree with your every move, because you know I don't. But, I love you. You're a wonderful person, absolutely breathtaking in every way. I wish you the best of everything. I'm sorry I left. My God, I'm so sorry.

    2) I know that it's hard, and I know how much of a pain I can be. I really do. I love you, and everything you do. No matter if I support it or not. Please, don't give up on me.

    3) You're beautiful.

    4) Everything I do is because of you. I mean it. You're golden.

    5) You, love, are worth your weight in gold.

    6) I can't make you happy, not like you use to be, I know...god, I know. Know that I'll never stop trying, Hun.

    7) Gimme your hands 'cause you're wonderful.

    8) I didn't know it then, but I owe you the stars. It's heartbreaking that you now are under the mistaken impression that I'm no good. But, love, you ain't made out of gold yourself. I really hope you do well. I do. You'll always be something special.

    9) I've messed with the possibility of forgiving you. I want to. I really do. But, God forbid you walk a mile in my shoes, right?! No one owes you anything, sweetheart. Not a penny. Honest, I regret every second I've ever wasted with you. I really do. There are people like you to show me who I don't want to become.

    10) I love you.
    November 22nd, 2011 at 10:57pm
  • tom riddle

    tom riddle (100)

    November 23rd, 2011 at 12:07am
  • The Master

    The Master (15)

    United Kingdom
    1. Go to a doctor. You're making me worry and making my depression worse.
    2. You are a stubborn bastard. Go and see a shrink too. The pair of you are killing me.
    3. You sypathise with me but I don't know how far our similarities are.
    4. Love stays within you, it doesn't wash up on a shore.
    5. You annoy the hell out of me.
    6. I don't know what you want from this group. I don't think you know either.
    7. Woman, help me for fuck sake. You're MEANT to help.
    8. I really do apologise for my dreaming mind.
    9. You're not as good as him but I can't admit that.
    10. I really hope you die next series.
    November 23rd, 2011 at 01:18am
  • mia bell.

    mia bell. (150)

    1. It's almost been a year, in fact the next date is on the anniversary of the day since you've spoken to me. I miss you, but I'm so hurt by you. How can I call you my father? Less than a month to my P's, I've started grade 12. How much have you missed out on?
    2. You may have said those things, but I'm not sure if it means we'll get back together. I'm not sure I'm willing to take the risk with you, we're too alike, too flighty. I like you, so much more than I've liked anyone in ages. But you're going to have to say and do some pretty special shit for me to agree.
    3. I bought your christmas present and I know you'll love it, I'm so excited.
    4. You are seriously my best friend, don't you dare leave school. You're too smart for that, you're a genius. Don't stop trying, because you and I both know you can do it. When you come out to your parents, I'll be with you every step of the way.
    5. I don't know how we became close like we are, but I love it. Your hugs, your smiles, our talks. Everything.
    6. There's no need to be jealous or dislike me, love. I'm just his friend, I'm not interested in him in any way. I have a lot of guy friends, he's one of them. Trust me, I'm still hung up on another guy.
    7. I love that we can tell each other anything, you constantly amaze me at the things you do and what you come out with.
    8. Sorry I've been avoiding you and your class, I just haven't done the work yet. :/
    9. I love you and would do anything for you. I don't want you to go into surgery yet again, but I know you have to. I just want you to be healthy and better.
    10. You're a bitch, seriously. Grow the fuck up and stop being horrible to everyone. You may be eleven, but that's no excuse to make everyone miserable.
    December 3rd, 2011 at 03:45am
  • hephaestus

    hephaestus (1155)

    United States
    1. Oh my god, just sleep with me already.
    2. I shouldn't feel this way about you.
    3. it's not my fault if you came in my life and f*cked it up.
    4. Just back the f*ck off me.
    5. I hate you because you disappeared for awhile -two years- and came back with some skank and think you can be my dad again.
    6. Stop abusing my father.
    7. Please stop smoking weed.
    8. I'm not alright mom. I need serious help.
    9. I hate the terrible things you did to me.
    10. Please, let me let you go.
    December 3rd, 2011 at 03:49am
  • Little

    Little (100)

    1. I love you but you hurt me so much I don't know if our relationship will ever be able to go back to the way it was. I don't know if I can forgive you.
    2. Without you in my life as my best friend, I wouldn't be able to function. I know I am not always the nicest person but you mean the most to me.
    3. I am starting to get used to the idea of you not being in my life anymore because of your drug abuse. You constantly let me down and I am just going to let you go down your own path of destruction.
    4. I thought you were better than that. You are a filthy skank and deserve a high five...in the face...with a baseball bat. Stay away from him.
    5. I will never speak to you again. Stop trying.
    6. I wish you would find a better way to deal with your loneliness than with a succession of random men. You're making a fool of yourself.
    7. I am still in love with you.
    8. Thanks for everything. I'll miss you.
    9. You are still the most important thing in my world.
    10. Three years later and I still miss you like hell. I hope you're okay, wherever you are.
    December 6th, 2011 at 01:33am
  • Pixie Crimefighter

    Pixie Crimefighter (100)

    United States
    Ichi: I don't say it enough, but I love you so much. I never want to lose you. You're my best friend and so much more than that. I think it'll work out just fin between us.
    Ni: I really wish we would talk more. You and I used to be such good friends, but I feel like she wedged herself in between us. Once I get better, we're going to go out and cause chaos!
    San: Why the hell did you choose that completely talentless guy over me? You wanted to start a punk band, but it's not "punk" to have a guy whose voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard.
    Yon: Would you stop asking me to sing in front of everyone? How many times do I have to sing "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" before you'll be happy?
    Go: Please stop trying to convince me that it's all just a "phase" and that I'll end up being a God-fearing Tea Party activist. Anarchy and Agnosticism makes so much more sense.
    Roku: What is your problem? Why do you always feel the need to yell at me all the fucking time? Do you get some sick kick out of insulting and belittling me and then blaming all your problems on me? I don't care if you support us financially, I want you dead!
    Nana: It seems like all I do is annoy you now. What's going on?
    Hachi: I wish I had enough self-respect to stand up for myself and tell you how much of a fake, shallow bitch you are. Someone needed to tell you that, I might as well had been me. I can't believe I put up with the rumors you spread, your insults, your complaints behind my back, your lies, and your attempts to change me because you were embarrassed of me for as long as I did.
    Kyuu: I can't believe you turned me down. I could of made you so happy. All well, your loss. I'm glad we're still friends, but you should see how happy I make my current beau.
    Juu: Could you please get off your goddamn computer and talk to me once in awhile? You're never going to get laid if you spend your life behind a screen.
    December 6th, 2011 at 02:57am
  • sghjyuk

    sghjyuk (100)

    Welcome sir (madam) to shopping :

    =====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

    =====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

    =====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

    Hi,you know,please don’t stop your step.
    ((( http://www.fullmalls.com )))
    New Online Store:
    jordan air max shox riftairforce1 dunk $30--39;
    Ed Hardy AF JUICY POLO Bikini $20;
    Handbags (Coach lv fendi chanel) $30
    T shirts (Polo ,edhardy,lacoste) $15
    Jean(True Religion,edhardy,coogi) $30
    Sunglasses (Oakey,coach,gucci,Armaini) $15
    New era cap $15 Rolex $99
    Bikini (Ed hardy,polo) $20
    ((( http://www.fullmalls.com )))

    =====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

    =====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

    =====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====
    December 6th, 2011 at 03:18am
  • Saint.

    Saint. (450)

    Great Britain (UK)
    one: you're being really shite lately.
    two: i'm excited to go christmas shopping with you because i miss you and i feel like i haven't seen you in about a year.
    three: i'm sorry, i just never know what to say to you.
    four: despite bitching about you quite a lot, i don't want us to not be friends. just, get your shit together.
    five: we might fight sometimes but i do love you, and if the cunt makes you cry one more time i'm going to punch his cunt in.
    six: you're not funny. if you say one more thing to me, i think i'll go mental.
    seven: you're a liar. have fun in your "cool crowd", pal.
    eight: you're different and that's why i like you. but it also makes it really confusing and difficult. blurgh.
    nine: you're a two faced cunt. you call me a slut? at least i didn't lose my virginity to some random munter, you fucking tramp.
    ten: i think you're lovely and hilarious and i'm sort of intimidated by you.
    December 6th, 2011 at 11:50am
  • wxyz

    wxyz (240)

    Aland Islands
    1. I'm sorry I didn't see you again to say goodbye properly, or thank you for everything you've done for me and the others. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be doing half the things I'm doing and enjoying nowadays. I can't believe you're gone, and we're all gonna miss you a hell of a lot.

    2. You. Are. Amazing. What was it, two days that we were around each other from when we met? And since then only texting, and yet I feel like I know you better than I do lots of people who I've seen so many times before. And I never get the feeling that having a chat with you is a difficult thing to do; it's never laboured, you're always just up for it, nice and cheerful, and understanding. Honestly? I think I probably love you. And I want to see you again. Don't ever lose touch with me; I'm lucky to know someone like you.

    3. Thank you for still being arsed to keep in touch with me during all that you're doing, unlike some people have managed. It proves that it can be done, and I don't feel like I've lost everyone.

    4. Please don't turn into one of them. -__- It would be a huge shame. Yes, you're gorgeous; just don't let that turn you into a slag-magnet. You're worth far more than that.

    5. Fuck off away from me. You make me cringe. You're not a badman, you're just words. And your brain is a sponge for ignorance and horseshit opinions. You make me lose faith in humanity.

    6. I have no idea why the fuck I thought you'd be a decent friend. It had even occurred to me that you'd turn into a prick, I just chose not to listen to that thought. Turns out I should've done. Have fun being a wanker.

    7. I wish I'd got your name. But in a way, it's probably just as well that I didn't; you'd probably have disliked me if you'd gotten to know me. At least we can say we enjoyed the four hours we shared, which equated to the highlight of our year, possibly our lives.

    8. I seriously envy you. There's not much else to say apart from that, really. You're a lucky person, don't ever forget it.

    9. Hahahahahahaha. You're the most arrogant little shit I've ever met. What's it like living with your head inside your arse? It will never cease to amaze me how you think you're so great.

    10. Your cute face contradicts your personality. I wish other people would cotton on to that.
    December 6th, 2011 at 10:12pm
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    1. Thank you, that means so much to me.

    2. You're better than this, all of this. You're so strong and amazing. I really admire you.

    3. You're my idol.

    4. You clearly don't know how it works in the real world. Your blatant one-dimensional view on life is amusing, to say the least. But now I'm going to delete you.

    5. I'm sorry.

    6. I miss you and it hurts so much to think about you these days.

    7. I love you.

    8. I wish you were here with me right now. When I think about it too much, it depresses me, I think I shouldn't think about it, I think we should go our separate ways, but I don't want to. I care about you.

    9. Please, mean it this time.

    10. You mean so much to me, more than I'd admit.
    December 6th, 2011 at 10:19pm
  • paper sirens.

    paper sirens. (100)

    United States
    1. You are the most amazing person I've ever met. I didn't realize how much you truly meant to me until you left.
    2. You're super awesome, but I prefer your brother.
    3. I don't get what I did to you to get you to give me attitude after we've been friends for so long.
    4. You need to move out. Don't settle for this town when there's so much more you could have somewhere else.
    5. You are one of the cutest/sweetest/silliest guys I've ever met, but I don't like your stupid friends; I'd never seen that side of you until I saw you with them. It's a little disappointing.
    6. You can be such a jerk sometimes; you make our whole family miserable a lot of the time. Despite that, I am so grateful you didn't let me go through with the wedding.
    7. Thank you for not judging me through everything I've told you. I'm so blessed to be your daughter.
    8. I've always had a thing for you, but you're so distant and closed up, it's hard to tell how you feel about me.
    9. I can't believe I ever wanted to marry you. You manipulated me, confused me, and drove me insane. You have serious jealousy issues and your immaturity is extremely irritating. I tried being friends with you after it all, but all you did was insult me.
    10. I really hope you're okay. I hope you know that when I tease you, it's only because I love you and want to bond with you. We fight a lot, but all I really want is to be friends with you and support you in everything you do. Middle school's hard, but you'll get through it.
    January 7th, 2012 at 07:28pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    one;; Your girlfriend is a controlling, psychopathic bitch, and you really would be so much better off if you just dumped her. I know you love her (God only knows why) and I know I helped you two get together... but you're so much better than her, and she only wants to hold you back.
    two;; For fuck's sake, I do not want to steal your boyfriend from you. I thought we knew each other better than that! I thought you weren't a completely psychopathic bitch. I'm just his friend, and I don't want to be anything more than friends with him, so calm the fuck down. Or continue being crazy, and hopefully he'll dump you. Your choice.
    three;; She lied when she told you I was emotionally attached to you and wanted us to be more than what we were. You know she's manipulative -- I'm the one that didn't. But even if you didn't know that, you should've known me well enough to know I would have told you if I needed us to be more, that I wouldn't have become emotionally attached to you in the first place. Goddamn, I'm fine just being friends, without the benefits. I miss it, but I'm completely fine with it; what I'm not fine with is the fact that we're just friends, not the really close friends we used to be. Fuck, yeah, I miss you, but I miss you as a friend.
    four;; I don't know why your boyfriend is dating you, because you're entirely too needy of a person, and... I just don't get it. But it's cool, I'm happy for you, just try to remember that you have more in your life than just him. Seriously, woman, you're almost as obsessed as the psycho bitch you're still friends with.
    five;; My respect for you seriously dropped. Obviously your girlfriend comes first. Obviously your other, closer friends come first. But are you fucking kidding me? You do not text me and go on and on about how I need to understand that what I say affects other people and then laugh and not give a damn when what other people are constantly saying to me, affect me. Kudos for sticking up for your girlfriend -- that's always admirable -- but if she had an issue with something as small as that, she needed to confront me herself. I'm. Not. A. Mind. Reader. Oh, and you're an asshole for not bothering to respond to any of my texts in said crisis.
    six;; Stop sending us all of those stupid religious messages! I'm glad you're happy with your religion, and you should totally enjoy the associated holidays, and be as religious as you want with your family and in your home. But you know I'm not a subscriber to your religion. Just send me a "Merry Christmas" card and be done with it, don't go over the top with all the quotes from the bible and overly religious wishes, telling me to have a good day celebrating the savior and all. I don't think you realize how rude you're being.
    seven;; When I ask you to stop joking around about something, stop joking around about it! It's not cute and funny. You're not being entertaining. You're pissing me off. And stop assuming I'm mad when I'm not. If I'm just eating breakfast in the morning and I don't jump up and down and sing the 'good morning' song, it doesn't mean I'm upset. It doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood. It just means I'm not on drugs. And when you ask me what's wrong, and I tell you that nothing is, or that I'm actually in a good mood, stop pressing for me to tell you what's wrong. And stop taking the inevitable explosion as proof that you were right; it's just proof that you were annoying the shit out of me. And I'm not upset because we don't go and do different things, I'm just upset that you don't remember when you promise to do something. It really is the thought that counts. And stop acting as if you miss me so much and hate living far away from me. If that were true, you wouldn't forget everything you promise to do with me, and you wouldn't just come and visit and spend the entire goddamn day sitting in front of the television watching your fucking sports. And then after I've been sitting next to you the entire freaking day watching all of your games so that I can at least KIND OF spend time with you, don't offer to go somewhere to eat right when the one game I actually want to watch starts.
    eight;; Damn it, when I tell you something personally, it isn't something you can share with everyone else. I wish we had a relationship like all of my friends have with their moms, but we can't have one like that when I practically have to schedule time so that we can talk for a half hour, only to get bitched at for venting. I don't want to talk to you at all half of the time, but when I do talk to you, and when I do confess something to you that I totally didn't have to, and when I do take the high road, don't fucking go behind my back and tell your other daughters. They do not need to know personal information like that. Enough of that "well, I didn't want them to make the same mistake" or "well, I wanted to make sure they were nice to you since you're going through a rough time" bullshit. It's fucking gossip, they don't give a damn about being nice to me, and it's a complete betrayal of trust.
    nine;; I really do love you, and I miss the times when we were closer. It's a shame we aren't interested in like any of the same things, because I really want to spend more time with you. And even if you're joking, it hurts when you say things like how you'll tell your kids in the future that I'm just the crazy lady that shows up to the family reunions.
    ten;; YOU DON'T RUN HER LIFE. Christ, you're just her friend! You're not her mother, or her boyfriend (especially because you're a girl...) and you have no right to sit there and lecture her and tell her she can never drink again or anything like that. Jeez, she had a lot really quickly and threw up, but she was fine. There was no need for you to sit there crying in the corner, completely sober, and freaking out. We just couldn't let her lie on her back and leave her there was all. She. Was. Fine. And it's a real shame that while you were crying in the corner, about to call the cops because someone was underaged, the two of us that were drunk had to be the responsible ones, pick everything up, and clean her up. So no, the answer to your question is no, we're not okay right now.

    //long as crap. I had to vent a bit, sorry!
    January 7th, 2012 at 08:35pm
  • Little

    Little (100)

    1. I have no respect for you or anything you stand for anymore. Once I get a better offer, I'm gone. Thanks for nothing you egotistical jerk.

    2. We could have had fun together but you lied about having a girlfriend and that really put me off. I'm not going to mess around with someone who's had a girlfriend for the last three years. At least be man enough to break up with her first. Maybe and only maybe if you had've kept your promises and done what you said I might have come around but until you pick up the phone, nothing is going to happen.

    3. Wow. I was drunk the night that we kissed! I wish I could take it back because things are going to be hella awkward when I see you in the club next. Sorry I deleted you from Facebook too, but it was just too awkward the next morning when you asked for my number.

    4. Are you happy that you got what you wanted? You broke us up and now you have him. I just hope he gets crazy with you like he did with me and I really, really hope that he does to you exactly what he did to me because you deserve it you feral pig. I would have dumped him anyway but thanks for the help, I guess? Bitch.

    5. You are probably the most pathetic person I have the misfortune of knowing. You lie over the most ridiculous and pointless things, you cheat, you don't ever bathe or brush your teeth and you are above all - crazy. The best thing that ever happened to me was breaking up with you. I am so much better than you are. I treated you with nothing but respect and you went and did the worst things imaginable to me. Anyway, stay out of my life and remember that girls don't like being raped in their sleep while you whisper "I love you" over and over to their sleeping forms.

    6. Now you were unexpected. I never thought anything would happen between us and then it did. You were sweet, kind, gentle...Wow. Any girl would be lucky to have you. You're a truly genuine, lovely guy with a strong and smart head on your shoulders and I'm glad I have the chance to get to know you as more than that guy I sort of hang out with once a week.

    7. But you. No matter who I am with, no matter how good they are, I think of you. I wish one day you would be gone from my thoughts forever but there you are...I don't think I'll ever be truly happy with a man unless it's you. I know that will probably never happen so I should strap myself in for "settling for second best" even though these other people I meet, especially person 6 on this list, are way better than you. I just wish I could tell my heart that. It's stupid how much I still love you and how much I always will. You were my first true love and I don't think that will ever change unfortunately.

    8. So what the fuck is with you? Everyone tries to hang out with you and yet you constantly make excuses to cancel or just don't show up and then complain that no one wants to see you because they took your ex's side. Grow up because soon no one will bother trying to catch up with you anymore. I know I'm over making plans with you once you chose not to come to my 21st even though you were just sitting at home.

    9. Since he's been gone, I really started to appreciate you like I never did before. I guess it was because of all the bad shit I heard about you from other people. It kind of poisoned my mind against you and for that I am sorry. You mean so much to me, you don't even know. I love you so much.

    10. You better not make things awkward between us and the other two next month. I just want to have a good drama-free night.
    January 19th, 2012 at 02:27pm