Ten different things you want to say to ten different people right now.

  • daisyfairy

    daisyfairy (495)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1) you've fucked me up and i'll never forgive you for it, but you're my mother so i'll always love you.
    2) i'm sorry we drifted apart.
    3) i'll try and call more! it's just hard with you living on the other side of the planet, i'm sorry.
    4) you're worth more than anyone else, and any guy who can't see that is a waste of time.
    5) have a break from guys. you always go for the same type and they always fuck you over.
    6) i hate you and i don't want your guilt money.
    7) fuck you and your resits. i'm happy with my b, and i don't want to be the school's 'star student', so fuck you.
    8) things will get better, eventually. maybe not yet, but you'll survive what's happening now and come out better for it on the other side.
    9) why are you being so fucking weird towards us.
    10) i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you. fuck distance, distance doesn't matter. i love you in spirit just as much as i'll love you in person. you're my princess and i want you to be my queen.
    October 11th, 2011 at 04:54pm
  • innocent wolves

    innocent wolves (100)

    1) Four years and I still miss you.
    2) You're all over the place. You go from being the sweetest person to the complete opposite. As a consequence, I don't trust you.
    3) I'm only bothering to keep up with you because I'm stupid enough to believe you still possess something genuinely good.
    4) Oh God, you're taking everything so damn seriously. It's just a class; no need to freak out. Shut the hell up.
    5) Well, I think you're sweet. That's all I can say at this point.
    6) I actually think you've ruined far too much already but there's not much I can do about it anyway, so... Whatever.
    7) You're gonna get through this. The one true obstacle among all your imagined ones is yourself. You'll be fine.
    8) You are so childish. Oh my God. Never ever grow up Arms
    9) You're just the most awkward person that ever existed, aren't you? Not sure if it's sweet or just annoying. It's mostly annoying, to be honest.
    10) Thanks for realizing that I can't always be the reasonable person among us.
    October 11th, 2011 at 05:26pm
  • a silent escape.

    a silent escape. (100)

    United States
    1)I love you more than you will ever know. Also, don't use the fact that you know I like you to toy around with my heart and flirt with me because you know it makes me fall even harder. Grr
    2)I can't believe you did that with him. I'm wondering if our drifting apart was a good thing. OMFG
    3)I feel really bad for what happened. I don't want this to be awkward, I'm sorry.
    4)Some days you make me want to throttle you, but other days, I love you to bits. Is that wrong? Shifty
    5)I find it hot sexy adorable how innocent you are around other people.
    6) I think you're the biggest drama queen ever. Please, keep your problems to yourself unless they're in dire need of attention.
    7)You need to grow up and start acting your age and not your shoe size. Disgust
    8)I think I love you. In Love
    9)You're my best friend and I love you to pieces, but will you please stop blaming your problems on your disorders?
    10)I want you to notice me.
    October 13th, 2011 at 02:40am
  • disasterologist.

    disasterologist. (105)

    United States
    1. i still like you and i wish we could have it back where it was.
    2. i miss the old you so fucking much.
    3. you're really nice when you're in a good mood and i wish you could stay that way.
    4. you're the only person i feel i have some leverage over so i do kind of use you and i'm not really sorry.
    5. do you find me attractive?
    6. you're just a great friend and i don't want you to change.
    7. i'm not a whiny bitch to you. stop making me out to be so horrible.
    8. i'm sorry. i really do love you.
    9. i wish i hadn't stopped talking to you.
    10. you're so fucking cute and i want you mine, mmkay?
    October 13th, 2011 at 03:55am
  • Patty Lovell

    Patty Lovell (100)

    1.) B: I'm scared. I'm so scared and it sucks because I'm too embarrased to tell you why and I don't know what I'm going to do.

    2.) A: I'm sorry about being depressed. I'm so sorry I have to count on you this much and I'm even sorrier for not being there for you.

    3.) D: Maybe it's a good thing you moved. You don't know how much of a mess I am and I can't hurt you.

    4.) E: You realize you're what started these changes inside of me, right? You know that three years ago when you cheated on me with my best friend, it left a permanent kind of mark. You know that, right?

    5.) C: I hate you and I hate that I have to see you at school. It only makes me want to die. You make me want to die.

    6.) D: I'm sorry I'm not the best daughter in the world. I don't have enough energy to be the best anything anymore.

    7.) J: Please stop trying to get in my pants. First of all, we've been friends since kindergarten and just because you left and moved back here doesn't mean I'm gonna play doctor with you again. lol.

    That's pretty much everyone..
    October 13th, 2011 at 05:13am
  • the dream maker.

    the dream maker. (200)

    United States
    1. Stop texting me good morning. Actually, stop texting me, period. We don't have the same phone carrier so you're wasting all my messages, and plus, you've texted me more in one month than most of my close friends have in five. I'm ignoring you for a reason - the excessive texting makes me want to avoid you.

    2. Sorry if I come off as annoying. I'm really only trying to help.

    3. You are incredibly adorable, and I like how you're the only one who bothers trying to remember everyone's names, yet you're the one with the worst memory. It's still nice when you remember my name, though.

    4. You're cute. I like you. But I don't think you're interested in me that way. By the way, that whole fiasco that happened earlier this year still annoys me if I think about it for too long.

    5. I don't keep in touch with a lot of people that I graduated with, but I'm glad I still keep in touch with you. I like how we're both so similar. Thanks for being there for me.

    6. You're a great person, and I appreciate your passion and dedication, but nothing you say will ever make me care about the subject you teach. I just can't see how it's important.

    7. I used to be mad that you believed all the negative crap that he said about me even though (a) none of his statements were true, and (b) neither of you actually knew me or met me. But nevermind, that's your own fault and if your opinion is that easily swayed, then maybe it's best I never formally met you.

    8. Since we don't have a mutual hatred anymore, we're slowly reverting back to how we were before she came into the picture. It was fun while it lasted.

    9. You suck as a TA.

    10. Please stop.
    October 13th, 2011 at 05:37am
  • mahitis;

    mahitis; (100)

    United States
    1) Yeah, we were friends and honestly, I don't know why. You told everyone you were abused, kidnapped and raped just to get attention. You are such a hypocrite, you tell other people that those things aren't jokes but then, you threw them around like they were nothing.

    2) Go ahead and tell people what I did to you.
    BUT you better make sure you tell them what you did to me as well.

    3) Please..be more positive. It's going to be okay.

    4) I love you..so much. You may not believe me but I DO.
    You mean the world to me.

    5) I care about you but please..stop being such an attention whore. It's so obvious and it just bugs me.

    6) You and your clique of "underpanel chicks" annoy the crap out of everyone. Shut up.

    7) I miss you...oh well. I knew it would never happen.

    8) I'm sorry..I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you. I'm sorry I'm the "mental" girl who is messed up. I apologize.

    9) You're my best friend. I love you, always will. We've been there for each other, we're going to be okay. You're beautiful, you're gorgeous. Even if you can't accept that, it's true. I love you, more than anything. :3

    10) Fuck you, die in a hole.
    October 13th, 2011 at 08:15am
  • KiddoOverload

    KiddoOverload (100)

    1) you're confusing me so much, I have no idea where we stand.. but just so you know I do really love you..

    2) how the hell do you think group therapy will help me?! I'm social awkward, I'm a shy girl, and you think group therapy will help on my problems?! I thought you were the expert here! but I guess that's what you get when you have to take the next best.

    3) you're my best buddy in DK, I don't wanna lose you, but I feel like we're slipping apart, please don't let that happen, me love ya my husband, (; <3

    4) OMG! now you're making remixes, that just makes you more awesome!! xD you can do so many things, that's the reason why you're my hero (;

    5) I know you're going to have like... "a boys night" but I'm your friend here!! I might not be a boy but I'm cool enough and like the same things as you.. WHY CAN'T I BE INVITED?! ): so fucking unfair..

    6) I can't wait for the vacation, to go horse riding with you (: I hope Shandie behaves (;

    7) I know you're my sister but you aren't my mother, stop trying to decide what I do.

    8) yo, I haven't seen you around, are you still alive? (;

    9) you have a good autumn vacation, we'll see each other after it :3

    10) would you just listen to me?! it seems you never do!!
    October 13th, 2011 at 02:53pm
  • Jonne Aaron.

    Jonne Aaron. (100)

    1. I wish you could've been there to see me grow up. Lately, I miss you more and more... and I worry so much about Nenny all the time, and I just wish you were still here for her.

    2. I wish you were still here too, missy. I'm not mad at you for what you did, I just wish you were still here. I can't help but think how things would be different, how you'd still be there and maybe even talk some sense into the others if you were.

    3. Sometimes, a song comes on the radio and my chest clenches because it reminds me of you. I try not to dwell on it. I don't admit it, but I miss you. I was so close to texting you the other night, but I didn't because I don't know how you'd respond.

    4. I honestly hope that our friendship outlasts the rest of the ones I've had.

    5. You're a fucking slut. I don't care what your excuses are. You're a slut. You're a slut and if you go anywhere near my fucking boyfriend I will rip your head off.

    6. You're a hypocritical bitch who needs to pull her head out of her ass and realize you're just as fucked up as the rest of us, if not more. Fucking a twenty-year-old does not make you any higher or mightier than the rest of us. Also, don't even start on substance abuse shit - you got wasted and sucked a guy off, at least I only get stoned in private with my fucking boyfriend.

    7. The innocent little virgin thing you play on gives me the shits. You're no better than she is. Also, quit the melodrama.

    8. You're a fucking psycho, seriously. You. Need. Help. You're my friend and all, but I can honestly understand why he left you with how bad you really are.

    9. I kinda miss how everyone was when I was in the seventh/eighth grade. I miss you a lot. It bums me out how little we talk now.

    10. You're the best thing that's happened to me. You really are. I trust you so much, with everything. I love you so much, fuck it. You make me happier than I can remember being, and it seems to be visible. Waking up next to you, having you go all cuddly on me. The things you say. The way you roll a cigarette, the way you smoke, the way you share them with me. The time or three we got stoned. Amazing, boychild. Fucking amazing. You mean absolutely everything to me right now and I do fucking love you.
    October 14th, 2011 at 02:24pm
  • i r i s;

    i r i s; (100)

    1) I'm unsure of how I feel about everything. I love you but I'm just scared I'm going to fuck up. I'm happy, but I feel awkward.

    2) I want to help you but I can't deal with everything for you. I love you to bits but you need to grow up and do things for yourself.

    3) I hope you're okay. Really.

    4) Why do you have to take out all your anger on me? You make me feel like shit all the time. You're the only person I can truly rely on, but you make me feel pretty worthless a lot. You're my mum, but sometimes it just seems like you hate me.

    5) You make me feel sick in weird, but good ways.

    6) Apparently the last 6 years of my and your lives don't matter. Thanks for fucking me over. I'm not going to be there when you guys break up. Sorry.

    7) I miss you more than anything. I wish you were still here. <3

    8) Thank you for absolutely everything. Everything. I owe my life to you.

    9) You're so wonderful, I want to hold you. Everything is going to be okay. I promise.

    10) I still think about you sometimes.
    October 14th, 2011 at 06:04pm
  • party trash

    party trash (100)

    United States
    1. I'm sorry we're so in love, yet we make ourselves so miserable. I just don't want to ever let you go.

    2. Thank for making it impossible for me to be okay with him. Really, thanks. Idiot.

    3. I never say this, but: lol you wasted year of my life and my intelligence.

    4. I absolutely cannot wait to see Jeremiah and you next month!

    5. Shut uppp. Just shut upppp.

    6. You're adorable. (: I'm glad I met and work with you.

    7. I almost punched you in the face at work the other day. Like, seriously.

    8. I can't believe what I almost had with you... f.

    9. If you don't live, I'll be absolutely beside myself. I love you to pieces.

    10. Save me.
    October 14th, 2011 at 06:23pm
  • paper bag.

    paper bag. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1) I wish I knew how to make you fall in love with me
    2) I wish we could be friends, after everything I wish you'd give me that. But you're now best mates with her of all fucking people.
    3) Thankyou for just being who you are
    4) Sometimes I think you're not even proud of me, as if i'm not ever good enough.
    5)Chin up, it will all get better soon love. You've gotten through worse
    6) Quite honestly i'd be happy if I could just lay you the fuck out you whore.
    7) If anything. I'm just dissappointed in you.
    8) I don't trust you not to fuck me and everyone else over when it comes to housing. These are my friends now, dont fuck this up.
    9) I wish you could just be my friends, without thinking you have feelings for me. Trust me love, you dont.
    10) if it wouldnt make life awkward, my god i would shag you in a heartbeat. Surely you can't just hang round the flat in boxers and expect me to miss that. File
    October 14th, 2011 at 06:37pm
  • the fiddling imp

    the fiddling imp (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1. Please go and see a doctor. I dislike you a lot and I don't care about you, but for your own sake, go and speak to someone because you need to. You'll be better for it.
    2. You're a snake. Vindictive, unintelligent and you wriggle in between friendships to tear people apart.
    3. I love you, but you really do drain all my energy sometimes. Chill out a bit.
    4. You're a bit of a cunt.
    5. You don't need to wave your A* in front of my face. Stop being such an insolent child. Getting an A* in Science doesn't prove anything apart from the fact that you're good at Science. Stop acting as if you're my superior.
    6. You can be so ridiculous. Honestly. You've loved me forever, since the day you met me, and when I finally fall for you, you tell me that although you have feelings for me, you can't date me because we're friends and 'it would never work'. It would work, Kurt. It would work amazingly because you're fucking perfect for me and I'm fucking perfect for you. Fuck Charley. I didn't even know him when I thought I loved him. What I felt for him wasn't real. I know you and I still bear as much love for you as I did for him, if not more. I know I really hurt you years ago, but you can't punish me forever.
    7. I really really wish we were still as close as we used to be. I loved talking to you about music for hours on end and you were such a kind and thoughtful person. I guess I've pushed you away like I do to everyone eventually. I'm sorry I hurt you.
    8. You're the best friend I've ever had... the only best friend I've ever truly had. Please... please, don't ever leave me.
    9. Thank you for helping me so much. You're the best therapist ever.
    10. You're really pretty.
    October 15th, 2011 at 02:49pm
  • Eimie

    Eimie (100)

    1. I'm not learning anything from you.
    2. I'm still not over you, I still am very much in love with you.
    3. I wish I could explain myself better to you.
    4. Say it to my face, I know you hate me.
    5. Actually I'm not that awkward.
    6. Don't make me go.
    7. Just give me a reason, I deserve one.
    8. You are so confusing!
    9. Don't look at me like I'm disgusting, I did not do anything and you're not all that pleasant either.
    10. I'm stressed! Help me!
    October 15th, 2011 at 07:39pm
  • harmonia nectere.

    harmonia nectere. (100)

    United States
    1. What happend? Why have you majorly avoided me since school started? We were like, tight, dude.
    2. I'm completely over you, kthanks for the memories.
    3. YOU confuse me. Quit giving me that cute look.
    4. I'm gonna be real selfish when it comes to us, so be prepared
    5. You're a bitch and I hate your guts
    6. Is it weird to add you as my friend to FB?
    7. Im sorry I'm a bad best friend, but I'm trying.
    8. I swear if we start sewing next nine weeks, im switching out
    9. Ok, I get it. I'll quit trying.
    10. I don't even know about you.
    October 15th, 2011 at 08:17pm
  • nashville owen

    nashville owen (100)

    United States
    1. It seems like you don't want me to hang out with you and the others.
    2. You're awesome. Stay awesome. Let's be friends forever.
    3. I mis you so much! I love you and I hope we see each other again soon.
    4. Please just tell me. Don't keep it a secret. Or at least, find someone else.
    5. Stop being such a douchebag. You can go from nice to asshole in less than 20 seconds.
    6. Why did you ditch me as your friend? Was it something I did?
    7. Why are you so quiet? Is it weird that I want to be friends with a boy two grades below me?
    8. I swear I want to kill you everytime you open your big fat loud mouth. Shut up already!
    9. Yeah, I still think you're an annoying jerk, but you're human like the rest of us. You've got your own problems.
    10. If you and Danny dated I'd forgive the both of you for being douchebags.
    October 15th, 2011 at 09:11pm
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    1. I'm glad I met you, you've got to be one of the closest friends I've ever made, and I love you to death.
    2. I miss talking to you like we used to, not to say I don't enjoy the times we do talk.
    3. Thank you, because of what happened, I met so many wonderful and loving people.
    4. I care about you, but please don't feel bad if I ask for a little space.
    5. I hope you and I can hang out in the winter, I miss getting to cuddle up to you while we watch Doctor Who.
    6. Call of Duty sucks. Get over it.
    7. Yes, I'd call it flirting, but I'm not entirely sure if I'd want to be in a relationship with you.
    8. Sir, your tests are incredibly hard and pointless, it feels like torture everytime I take one.
    9. We need to go out for lunch sometime, I have a feeling we're gonna be really good friends.
    10. I feel so terrible for not having a clue who you were, and yet you knew my name and everything, and you're in my class. Sorry, m'dear.
    October 16th, 2011 at 12:36am
  • DragonxFox

    DragonxFox (100)

    United States
    1. I don't think I'll ever understand why you had to lie or why you went and acted the way you did the next day.
    2. I don't love you and I'm only a little sorry about that. You know love isn't easy. Please stop threatening to leave if you don't find someone who loves you the same way. There are too many people who love you, far more than they would ever love me and it's sickening to hear you curse your luck in love.
    3. I'm glad we worked things out, but don't go and say something like that again.
    4. It was nothing but the beginnings of a crush. I was feeling the same but my depressed friend had her eyes on you and I wasn't going to get in her path. Suck it up you big baby, I thought we were friends.
    5. I hate the fact that we've drifted and that you couldn't care less.
    6. Yes what we went through was epic bull-crap, but that doesn't mean you have to ignore me. Have some manners at least and tell me to stop.
    7. We keep drifting and I can't stop it from happening. Please stop looking at me like a girl..
    8. We used to be the best of friends, but your depression caused you to close yourself off to anyone who had problems. I'm still around, wondering if it's worth it and holding back the pain you deal every time I try to tell you something's wrong.
    9. I love hanging out with you and I'm sorry for not being myself lately.
    10. Please stop complaining about how depressed you are and that you've only had one boyfriend to boot. Focus on your living situation rather than stupid boys who are only looking for a pretty face who will put out when those three little words are sent your way.
    October 16th, 2011 at 02:21am
  • mia bell.

    mia bell. (150)

    1. Yeah, this is about you. After all this time, I can honestly say that I don't need you anymore. After that last message, that was it. Of all the things you could have said, that made me shut down. I don't fucking care anymore, you're a bitch and a whore. I know I'm saying that because I'm angry and hurt but I don't give a fuck. Suck on it. Lose my number. Go fuck your oh so perfect boyfriend and live a lie within your homophobic fucking family.

    2. You're an asshole. Fuck, I miss you. But you're a dick. I saw someone who looked like you the other day. Before I had time to react, I went to run up and hug him. Then I realised it wasn't you. Then, I went to the toilets and cried. I miss you, Dad. No matter how much I mask it with hurt and anger. I feel those, but I miss you more.

    3. Thank you for being cool about me getting high last night. Thank you for trusting me and my judgement. You're probably the coolest mother ever.

    4. I'm sorry. I think I've finally figured out why it's not working with you. Because ever since her, everything with boys just hasn't felt right. I don't know if I'm even into boys like that anymore.

    5. I have a crush on you. That you're a closeted lesbian? Fuck, yes. Even better. I don't think I have a chance, but I can still fantasise.

    6. If I lost you, I wouldn't know what to do. You've become such a big part of my life. I love you, you're so special to me. In such a short time, we've become so close. I know it sucks being gay, but I know you can do it. We can do it, together. I'll always be there for you. If you're parents reject you, I always have a spare mattress and you're always welcome to it.

    7. Jessjess. You're probably one of the single most important people in my life. You, Amy, Mitch, Clinton. You and those other three people are pretty much my world when it comes to friends that feel like family. You're always there for me, whether I'm hormonal as fuck, feeling suicidal, on a bender, breaking down or the opposite, when I'm happy, when I'm over the moon, when I don't know what to do. Always. Words cannot describe how much you mean to me.

    8. You're an asshole. I said I could get over it, but I know now I can't. I said no. I said stop. You didn't listen. You can't take back what you did. You can't stop how used and dirty I felt. You can't take back my relief at gargling liquid fucking soap. I forgive you, but I'll never forget or be able to be friends like we were.

    9. Thank you for believing in me.

    10. Thank you for being helpful in my naivety and making sure I was okay the whole night.
    October 16th, 2011 at 01:06pm
  • twin.

    twin. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1. It makes me happier than anything to be back in touch with you.
    2. I know you love her but I'm scared she's going to hurt you again and I'm worried you're not going to be able to cope with it Sad
    3. I hate who you've become.
    4. I know it's not ages away but I really wished you lived closer.
    5. I find you excruatingly beautiful.
    6. I wish I didn't get so angry at you because you're pretty much the best and most important person in my life. You just bring out all of my emotions so easily.
    7. I want to be honest with you but I know you're going to be more than dissapointed.
    8. I'm not going to cry over it.
    9. I think you're gonna be a good new friend.
    10. I don't miss you.
    October 23rd, 2011 at 05:37pm