What's Your Hardest Character To Write?

  • Writing Stephen King in my NaNo novel Bently McQuinn Saves Literature was pretty fucking hard XD
    January 11th, 2011 at 05:35am
  • I find Ryan Ross incredibly hard to write. I just can't get his voice straight in my head, which is why I can sort of write him as a secondary character but not a main one.
    July 18th, 2011 at 01:15am
  • Any female character, ever. Which is why I generally stick to slash and y chromosomes. I can never seem to warm up to a female character, so I end up making them all super one-dimensional and awful.
    July 20th, 2011 at 08:55am
  • brendon in my story elle me dit.
    i can't even write the first chapter because i make him come off as too douchey, even though he's supposed to be. like wtf.
    July 20th, 2011 at 09:10am
  • Tyrone in my story Dream Life... and guy main characters in general. Guys don't think the same way as girls do about certain things, so it's hard for me to write from a guys perspective sometimes. Plus it's hard to write Tyrone's character because he doesn't use a lot of smart vocabulary and it's hard for me not to put something in there that's not sophisticated. Plus I like to tell how attractive I think a guy is in a story, not a girl No (and I do no write slashes).
    July 20th, 2011 at 02:32pm
  • I find it harder to write guys than girls, simply because I can relate to girls so much more.

    I also find my character Sonja so hard to write, which is weird, because she has some similar traits to me. However, I think that, because she is a bit like me, I've made her a very complex and detailed character, which means that the way I make her act in certain situations often contradicts the way she's acted in other similar situations. I always have to really think hard about how I make her do things and respond to things, and I have to be careful not to change her personality too much.
    July 20th, 2011 at 05:30pm
  • Luke Ragan of the Renny Boy series. Facepalm He's just the chillest character I know and rarely freaks out, and that's the complete opposite of my personality. And he never swears, so I constantly have to hold my tongue when writing him. And he's kind of an airhead. XD
    July 20th, 2011 at 05:43pm
  • Hmmm...
    I'd have to say...It'd be any female character I create. Even though I am female, I always, for some reason unknown to me, find it hard to write a female. My male characters are always more realistic than any female I create.
    Maybe it's because, since I am a girl myself, I have higher expectations for my females than my males..
    Honestly, I think it must be tied in with my love for music...(Surprise surprise...couldn't get more cliche, could it? Wink )
    I enjoy the 60's, 70's, 80's, and some of the early 90's music (Grunge movement).
    Matter of fact, none of the bands/solo artists I enjoy consists of a female..
    The frontman...the drummer...the guitarist...the bassist...
    They're all males (they are in the bands I enjoy...not saying that EVERY band is that way...)
    Most of the stories I write are related to bands and music, since that is what I love the most. Not fan-fics, but fictional bands...
    And, a lot of my stories are placed in the 60's-80's..
    I don't know....maybe, males are just more interesting to me since I am not one myself.
    My females always end up seeming almost as if they are plastic. It's difficult, really.... Disgust

    There is is...Ha ha. My overly-thought explanation.... Laughing

    July 20th, 2011 at 06:13pm
  • I'm actually having a hard time writing Rachelle. She's just...so...nice, pretty, well-liked, neat...basically everything I'm not. XD
    July 22nd, 2011 at 03:11am
  • Sometimes I find it difficult to write as Spencer Reid (Hoping for Disaster), considering he's sort of a genius and it's a bit hard to pinpoint his emotions since he doesn't always share them.
    July 25th, 2011 at 04:04am
  • The characters I've had the most trouble writing were ones created by co-authors that dropped out of stories. I've always had to take their place and write their characters, and it just never feels like their my own and that makes it tough.
    August 20th, 2013 at 02:17am
  • hawker!:
    Luke Ragan of the Renny Boy series. Facepalm He's just the chillest character I know and rarely freaks out, and that's the complete opposite of my personality. And he never swears, so I constantly have to hold my tongue when writing him. And he's kind of an airhead. XD
    I take that back; I definitely share his naivete. Nowadays, I discovered that Kevin Slater of A List of Best Intentions (formerly So I Got This List...) is the hardest character for me to write. He's just so unconditionally optimistic, and I'm so...not. It was really hard to narrate from his point of view, but when I rewrote it recently, I really did try to make him both positive and believable. XD
    May 11th, 2014 at 03:43am
  • My main character, Sake. XD It's ridiculous, but because I spent so much time fussing over my other characters and trying to make them seem so real, I kinda forgot about him and now he's lacking a bit. Also, he's just so... Unexpected. I think because he has the two sides to himself, it's hard for me to get him straight, to become him, I suppose. Think And he's so... patient and forgiving and easily accepts others. Like, I couldn't do half the things he did. I would not be able to stand Eren (his companion) even though I love Eren so much. XD
    May 11th, 2014 at 01:11pm
  • Fiona in Sunshine. The story is over now, but it was the most difficult when I wrote it. Her character was a psychiatrist, so she was always analyzing everything, which is the exact opposite of how I am. I always had trouble getting in her mindset to write her character well enough, and I think more often than not I just ended up coming up short.
    July 9th, 2014 at 12:25am
  • I think my hardest character to write is either Wynter from Saudade or Aila from Ghostings. Both characters are odd in their own way. Out of the two, I think Wynter is my hardest because she thinks and talks in a rather snobby/pretentious way and I don't talk like that at all. Aila is just odd and sometimes it's difficult to get into her mindset.
    August 5th, 2014 at 05:41pm
  • Shira from Generation Why Bother is a little tough for me to write sometimes. She can be so cold, and even if it's played off in a kind of humorous way, it's still a little annoying. She thinks she's the straight man of the story when she's the furthest thing from it. Shifty
    August 6th, 2014 at 02:52am
  • The Joker...He's insane, so its difficult to know how he would react to a specific situation.
    August 6th, 2014 at 09:56pm
  • I have a hard time writing outgoing characters, being introverted myself I have a hard time comprehend how some people have the ability to just start talking to strangers and have no fear of confrontation. I have an even harder time trying to put it into words...
    August 6th, 2014 at 10:53pm