What Do You Think of My Story Idea?

  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States
    I think it's interesting, and definitely has potential, as long as you work hard to avoid cliches. And unless you're planning on having it be more character based than plot based (which can be AWESOME if done right), you might need to solidify a bit more complicated plot.


    I'm thinking of doing a short story (not for posting here, but for an actual story contest) about the great Louisiana flood of 1927. I want to be written in letter form, maybe from a woman to her lover or vice versa. Just a letter about the flood and how she/he's scared and what they're going to do to rebuild. Haven't solidified a lot yet, just have the basic idea in my head.
    September 12th, 2010 at 03:48am
  • wicked ways

    wicked ways (100)

    Wow, that sounds really good. I'd definitely read it anyway. It is really interesting. The letter idea is even more awesome.


    Annually in this country (undecided) whenever a girl turns five they go to a big convention place where men choose them to be their slave/girlfriend or whatever for life. Sophia was chosen by a twenty year old man when she was 5. She is now sixteen and is still fighting to leave. He does all sorts of things to her like rape, pass her off as his girlfriend, abuse her physcially and verbally and many other things.
    September 12th, 2010 at 07:07pm
  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    Hm. Think I don't know. I think I'd have to see it in practice before I could really decide if it works or not.

    A Doctor Who and X-Files Crossover. I'm not 100% percent sure on very many details because this one is still very early in "pre-production", but it will involve The Doctor showing up in Mulder and Scully's time and eventually helping them against some sort of alien threat
    September 13th, 2010 at 04:57am
  • The Way

    The Way (1400)

    It's gonna be very plot-based but if you pull it off it might be good. I admit it's not really my kind of story though XD


    Something that ties in the idea of reincarnation and angels. So the only people who are reincarnated are actually angels on earth who were sacrificed or punished, so they'll never ascend again and instead live out lives repeatedly on earth. I'm not sure if I'm putting a good/evil spin on it yet, but I'm leaning towards no. By sacrifice I meant that for every human that goes to heaven, an angel has to fall and take their place so there would always be life on the human plane. As for the punishment take, which I'm a bit more iffy about, they're the angels who defied God at one point - either by the usual Biblical story that I want to avoid, or because they revealed secrets to humans, etcetera - and were cursed to never come home, and not even death can help them because they'll just be reborn.
    September 15th, 2010 at 12:56pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    You're the only person who can write about angels and make them seem relatable. Just because you do. Definitely a yes.
    A story I'm currently working on, but stuck. It's a fractured oneshot and each section is a different song from "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out". They're all "headed" with a line from that song. And it tells the story of Ryan and Brendon and Ryan&Brendon through the lines and the songs. It is set during the recording of the record.

    It's called A Bene Placito, which literally means "at one's good pleasure" and is considered synonymous with "ad lib".
    September 15th, 2010 at 03:17pm
  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    It sounds like a pretty good idea to me. I'd probably read it.

    Ok. I had this idea a while back. It's a play (or more likely a short film) about a character named Liam that gets into hard drinking and drugs and winds up an addict. It's the story of how he almost loses everything and his long road to recovery. Possibly narrated by him. (haven't fully decided.) Additional note, I'm making a concerted effort with this one to go for realism and emotional depth and not cliche.
    September 17th, 2010 at 08:39am
  • florence

    florence (1000)

    United States
    It sounds really interesting, especially if you made it travel-based along with his struggle to change.
    If you add some unique details and plotlines, then I think it could be amazing.


    This idea just hit me... but I'm not sure about it.

    So, there would be this statue of a man/boy that actually isn't a statue, but rather a guy turned to stone by Madusa.

    His lover would have him in her garden, along with possibly more statue men. And then somehow they'll get turned back to normal near the end, but by then the lover of the guy is old, and when he gets de-stoned (haha) he is still a young guy. He and the other character (that could be the one who possibly saves them) fall in love and such, leaving the old woman lover alone. But by then the old woman is mature enough not to mind, and is actually happy that her once-lover gets a second chance at life.

    So yeah. Major spoilers if it actually does happen, but it could all change.
    That's just the basics, leaving out all the action and adventure in the middle.
    Though it sounds cool to me, I'm still iffy about it.

    Yes, or no?
    September 18th, 2010 at 02:51am
  • budgie

    budgie (100)

    That sounds really cool, and it'd be really interesting to see the relationships and the characters develop, especially with the older woman who was his lover. And it sound slike there would be some kind of epic quest in ther too, which is always nice. tehe


    I'm writing a Sirius/Remus fic, set in the time of the very end of Goblet of Fire and the whole of Order of the Phoenix. Remus and Sirius were together before Sirius went to Azkaban, but now so much has happened that they don't know if they can be together. The story is about them exploring their relationship, whether or not they can be friends again, and whether or not they can be lovers. There's a lot of angst XD I also want to fill in some of the blanks as to what the Order do, etc.
    September 18th, 2010 at 12:09pm
  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    You'd have to be sure to keep everyone in character, not just Remus and Sirius. But I think that will be the hardest part, and it would be awesome xD


    Let's see how well I can explain this xD

    I'm not sure if it will be futuristic or alternate demension, but the basic idea is vampires and humans co-exist rather peacefully. Vamps make up the top "aristocratic" part of society, basicly being in charge of everything, and despite the fact that most of them mistreat humans, everything's pretty peaceful. There is a very small population of humans that have a special blood type, and that blood replenishes itself quickly, tastes good, and makes the vampires fairly resistant to sunlight, making them in high-demand among the vampire community. The main character would be one of these humans, and would be sold into this sort of blood slavery. I'm pretty sure there's going to end up being some sort of vampire war (bloody, of course tehe) and there shall definately be a hot bisexual vampire. Definately R, maybe NC-17.
    September 19th, 2010 at 01:53am
  • Crookshanks

    Crookshanks (650)

    United States
    I would definitely read that. Weird It sounds kind of similar to something I can't quite recall, but I think if you put your own unique spin on it, it would turn out really well.

    So basically, there's this guy who sells his soul to the Devil in order to pay for college. He becomes an incubus demon, and while he's looking for his first soul to corrupt, he happens upon a cute werewolf guy who's about to fulfull his duties to the pack by marrying/mating with his best friend. The demon uses his abilities to make the wolves think he's one of them and eventually seduces/leads the engaged guy to question his sexuality. All sorts of chaos ensues. I'm not sure how it would turn out, since I've never written slash before, but it just doesn't feel like a het story to me. Think
    September 19th, 2010 at 08:27pm
  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    Hm. I can see this one going either way really. I'm hoping that you can make it work and steer clear of disaster. I'd have to see it to be certain, but I have faith that you can do it if you really work hard on it.

    Ok. I had this idea a while back. It's a play (or more likely a short film) about a character named Liam that gets into hard drinking and drugs and winds up an addict. It's the story of how he almost loses everything and his long road to recovery. Possibly narrated by him. (haven't fully decided.) Additional note, I'm making a concerted effort with this one to go for realism and emotional depth and not cliche.
    September 19th, 2010 at 09:25pm
  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States
    I really think this could turn out amazing. However, I would suggest maybe just focusing on one addiction. Sometimes alcohol and drugs (while they go together sometimes) can be just a teeny bit overkill. And you don't see a lot of alcohol addiction stories, at least not around here. However, I'm sure whatever you do will turn out great! I have complete and total faith in you, and I'll definitely read.

    I'm thinking of writing a one-shot based on Tom Waits' song Murder In The Red Barn. Basically it would be about a mafia hit-man whose job is to take a businessman out to a barn in the country, where he's going to be tortured and killed for betraying a member of the mob. The protagonist isn't actually going to carry out the torture/killing, but he ends up standing outside the barn and listening to what's going on inside. It's going to be a third-person narrative, basically his thoughts and how they bounce back and forth from "he deserves it" to "how can we do this to people?".

    It's vaguely formed at this point.

    September 20th, 2010 at 05:23am
  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    DO IT. I command you tehe I've always wanted you to write something about the Mafia Shifty Plus psychological stuff like that is AWESOME, and you can pull it off.


    My lab partners in physics gave me this idea when I was educating them on fanfiction. Basicly, all the Harry Potter books were a lie, and instead of there being an epilogue, Harry wakes up in an insane asylum after carving a lightning bolt into his forehead and yelling about killing the Dark Lord. Dumbledore is his doctor, and JK Rowling heard about him, so she decided to come and visit him, turning his fantasy into a best selling fiction series.

    September 20th, 2010 at 06:00am
  • astudyinchuck

    astudyinchuck (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I definetly think that would work, and I love that it isn't another overused idea and would contain real truths about consumerism. I'm not totally solid about everything, but I'm sure they'd all fall into place. My warning would be that alot of people prefer to read less into narrative pieces.


    I'm thinking of a fic set in the fifties about all boys private schooling and the social problems around that era.
    September 20th, 2010 at 07:41pm
  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States
    I definitely think it would be interesting, as long as you solidify some characters/ a plot. I'd love to read it. Cute


    I'm thinking of writing a one-shot based on Tom Waits' song Murder In The Red Barn. Basically it would be about a mafia hit-man whose job is to take a businessman out to a barn in the country, where he's going to be tortured and killed for betraying a member of the mob. The protagonist isn't actually going to carry out the torture/killing, but he ends up standing outside the barn and listening to what's going on inside. It's going to be a third-person narrative, basically his thoughts and how they bounce back and forth from "he deserves it" to "how can we do this to people?".
    September 20th, 2010 at 07:54pm
  • Unpretty

    Unpretty (200)

    United States
    I would definitely read that. I love anything with the mafia involved, it just makes everything so much more awesome. It'd be a great piece dealing with internal conflict and touching on aspects of guilt. Also I can sort of see where you're headed with the theme, and it isn't at all over done- it's something fresh and interesting. If you actually do write it, let me know- I'd love to read it.

    I've recently began to toy with the idea of writing a futuristic novel. I suppose it could be compared to some aspects of 1984 or Fahrenheit 451. The story would take place in yet another utopian society, produced by the increase in scientific advances and discoveries (and the technology made possible by the aforementioned). Because a perfect society requires perfect people, women will have given up the ability of childbirth in order to have and maintain a thin figure. Instead, a scientific procedure would be used to produce children. The protagonist would be one of the many lab-made babies of the world, living in Danforth with his mother, Baythal. However, he would also happen to be from a particular batch of children that were tampered with by someone working within the industry. These children in the aforementioned "batch" have had some of their qualities exaggerated- for example, instead of a child merely having good eye sight, they would have the ability to see things happening long distances away and perhaps through certain objects. These children are sent back on a kind of warranty, to a facility in which all the defects are kept- it turns out that it isn't uncommon that the process be tampered with, due to extremists that believe this new concept of creating life is corrupt and wrong. The idea is pretty vague at the moment, but it does seem like something I'm very interested in expanding on.
    September 21st, 2010 at 05:28am
  • The Door Knobs Bite

    The Door Knobs Bite (100)

    United States
    I like it. It sounds cool. If you could explain how their technology works and make the world the story takes place in believeable, I can see this working. Maybe give other examples of their technology throughout the story.


    There's a girl that has gained empath abilities(She can feel people's emotions and their physical pains) . She tells no one about it, for fear of everyone thinking she's crazy. With all the stirring emotions of her classmates, school is difficult.

    She often internalizes her friends problems as her own. If she can't fix the problem she feels useless. It doesn't help that her best friend is suffering from depression and is always getting hurt from her own clumsiness. Dating is really hard. If she can't figure out her own feelings from the guy's, it can cause her problems. For these reasons, she tries to distance herself from people.

    Everyone except her dad. Her dad is relaxed and calm so she finds it nice to hang out with him. Until her older siblings and the piling bills start worrying him. Then she has no one, unless she can figure out how to turn off or turn down the sensitivity of her powers.
    September 21st, 2010 at 09:57pm
  • wicked ways

    wicked ways (100)

    It sounds very intruiging. I'd defo read it.


    Set in WW11 and kind of based on the holocoust. It is told through an 18 year old girl's POV and her dad is like with the Germans on Hitler's side, killing the jews. Starts of kind of 'boy in the striped PJ's' when the dad gets promoted to commander and they all move to Poland near Aushwitz. The girl, obviously knows about the war and what side her dad is on but her dad has never told her what they do in Aushwitz but when she goes to see what it is she meets a twenty year old man.

    Shit happens, she goes to see him every day, blah blah blah but then she takes him to her house and keeps him hidden in her bedroom for years. (sounds unbelievable but this shit has happened) and they fall in love over the years.

    Other spoiler type stuff happens, though so I'm not gonna say.
    September 22nd, 2010 at 08:50pm
  • Rango

    Rango (100)

    United States
    That sounds intriguing. I love the potential for the "oh-no-he's-coming-hide!" moments, and the general unlikeliness of the romance sounds book-worthy. Something I'd pick up and read.

    An Inception fic with an OC I have yet to name. She's an Extractor of a new kind, using technology similar to what they use in the movie. She was on the team of people who built the original device, but she began to tinker with things without permission and they immediatly fired her. As she's leaving she steals all of her research and equipment she was using and they put a huge bounty on her, considering she's compromising their security and they had no real idea what she was building and if it was dangerous.

    She still get into people's dream, but the way she does it is different. She uses a small device that's about as big a keyboard messaging phone that she uses to connect to the persons mind. There's a few bugs that she has yet to work out, and when she flees the country in search of a place to continue her research she begins searching for jobs. This is where she meets the gang from Inception. How they meet is a total secret until I get a chapter out. tehe

    It's a romance fic, but I haven't really decided who her romantic interest will be. It's a toss up between Arthur and Eames. She's a computer whiz and pretty intelligent (since she's a Scientist and all) who's a bit of a hot-head/air-head. She's 'innocent' in the way of relationships (friendly and romantic) and is pretty awkward. She doesn't really have a censor and that makes her a bit nervous to speak out.

    I hope I described it as good as it sounds in my head. Shifty
    September 22nd, 2010 at 09:37pm
  • budgie

    budgie (100)

    I think it sounds amazing. For me, Inception didn't really go into the whole process as much as I would have liked and I think reading something like you've just described would be very interesting.


    I'm writing a Sirius/Remus fic, set in the time of the very end of Goblet of Fire and the whole of Order of the Phoenix. Remus and Sirius were together before Sirius went to Azkaban, but now so much has happened that they don't know if they can be together. The story is about them exploring their relationship, whether or not they can be friends again, and whether or not they can be lovers. There's a lot of angst XD I also want to fill in some of the blanks as to what the Order do, etc.
    September 23rd, 2010 at 12:58pm