What Do You Think of My Story Idea?

  • I like the idea, it's a bit messy though. Definitely something unusual and unheard of.
    - - -

    Runners, the new human breed.

    After vampires eradicated nearly every human, the small resistance that remained created a new breed for survival. These trained youngling’ are known as Runners, genetically improved humans, becoming worthy Vampire opponents. Vampires are nearly invincible foes that will stop at nothing until they consume all of humanity’s blood. Known for their supreme abilities and sometimes –in rare cases- supernatural powers, vampires are seen as the ultimate enemy. But, even with their immortality and UV sensitive skin, vampires never developed enhanced speed. With this, the humans trained for decades, genetically enhancing the human body and modifying it.

    This'll be taking place around 2094.
    December 21st, 2010 at 09:37am
  • ^ That... sounds fucking amazing Crazy Happy face Like... I would read that in a heartbeat. I love Human/Vampire rivalry stories xDDD


    Since I inadvertently got skipped, I'll try again xD

    I really want to write an original fairy tale. What I have worked out of the plot right now is this:

    A king wishes for his daughter to get married, but he wants to make sure that she marries someone worthy of her in his eyes. He locks her up at the top of a huge temple that has all sorts of traps and challenges in it. Guarding her at the top is some kind of creature (haven't decided what yet, but probably something of my own design) and the only way to free this princess is to kill the beast and use one of it's teeth to cut her chains. However, in order to defeat the monster, the challenger has to be granted the power to do so by the princess. So in a way, the princess gets to choose who saves her, and she's more-of-less there by her own will.

    I need to figure out more things about it, but that's the basic idea.
    December 22nd, 2010 at 03:07am
  • I like the idea of an original fairy tale first of all. I think your idea sounds pretty cool, too. The temple with all the traps and the twist at the end sounds fucking epic. :)

    I forgot what other idea I was gonna propose on here so I'll repeat. Facepalm
    My idea is to write a somewhat serious/somewhat comedic one-shot about a person who develops an obsessive crush on his/her mailperson. I think the tone will be mixed because the narrator (it's going to be 1st person) is serious, but the situation and his/her feelings and thoughts are a tad ridiculous. I don't know exactly what will become of either. It will be more of a character study type thing, so likely nothing much will even happen.
    December 22nd, 2010 at 07:02am
  • OMG, when I read mailperson I just started laughing. But then I thought about it and it actually makes sense 'cause you're going to get a crush on someone you see everyday, right? I sort of really like the idea. It's so weird, but in a totally good way.
    A story where Ryan and Brendon are dating in high school. (Sorta AU.) They get picked on at school for being gay, but nothing obscene. Just getting called names here or there. But then they go to a show or something one night and some guys follow them and start shit and Brendon ends up getting shot (for being gay).

    Ryan misses school for a week or so and everyone knows when he comes back. It's focused on the teenagers and teachers (but especially the students) coming together. They all make a conscious effort to stop saying 'fag' and 'that's so gay' and the football team does something on their uniforms for Brendon. They play a video of Brendon singing at a pep rally and ask Ryan if they can sell CDs of Brendon singing and give the money to his parents to help with the hospital bills.
    (Brendon is in ICU.)
    December 23rd, 2010 at 02:12am
  • I usually don't read fanfiction because I usually can't connect with the characters, but this gives me a different vibe. I feel like if I read it I'd definitely would be able to get to the point where I care about the characters and what happens to them. I like how everyone bands together to help out. It sounds sad, but nice at the same time.


    A Pokemon Ranger fanfic. It starts with the main character, Cassia who dreams of becoming a Top Ranger, graduating from Ranger School and going off to become a Pokemon Ranger to help the pokemon and people of the world. She later ends up getting into an accident on a mission. The accident results in Cassia getting one of her legs amputated, thus ending her career as a Pokemon Ranger. Then it'll focus on her feelings about the whole event and what she will decide to do with the rest of her life since she can't continue on with her dream.
    December 23rd, 2010 at 02:27am
  • Shame hit him on the last day of senior year, college was next and he was still a Immature child. He only un-locked his heart once to a girl name Jizabella. Then there love collided with the distinction of his parents. The cold brisk air always clogged his choice of words when he spoke to a decent looking girl but never did he imagine dating them. His uncle was right it’s time to find the perfect girl. After college it’s the real word that comes next. The only college that accepted him was Bemidji State University. He wanted a head start so he was packed to leave on the day he was assigned a room. He walks on the campus and stops in his steps. Breathless Saiden caught a glimpse of a indescribable angel name Elizabeth Marie.
    December 25th, 2010 at 06:52am
  • ^
    You have to give your opinion of the story idea above yours before you give your own.
    December 26th, 2010 at 12:39am
  • Claiming The Door Knob Bites.

    As much as I adore Pokemon I couldn't see myself ever reading a fanfiction about them. That being said, as long as you know your stuff I'm sure it would be an interesting read. :)


    Okay, so I'm pitching this idea for a book in a few days and I really need some crazy in depth opinions on it. So please, PLEASE be very honest with me.

    Ashley Moira is a Slayer. A species defined by their super human strength, speed and immortality. She is part of a group that enforces the laws of the Immortal race--all those who do not abide by it are killed immediately. The only thing Ashley cares about more than getting the job done is her younger sister Eliza who has not yet reached the point of her turning--where she shall gain her full potential and then take on the same duty that Ashley has been doing for quite a long time. Just before her sister's turning Ashley is sent to Africa to take care of a troll problem, hired by a pregnant Queen, Tierra. Though she is unknowingly walking into a trap...but it turns out what she thought was the actual trap was the rescue.

    In Africa, Ashley makes friends with an unlikely pairing of a witch, a vampire, and a lycan. The four team up to take down the organization Ashley has been working for all her life, and to save her sister. In this stream of events friendship is developed and even love. Enemies become friends--and friends become enemies.

    This is a story of love and war.

    Many a Moon.
    January 4th, 2011 at 05:01am
  • This seriously sounds like something I would read. Like if I saw it on a bookshelf, I would really consider checking it out. The only thing I'd be wary of is, if it was me anyway, I'd be super hesitant to use the term Slayer, especially considering the powers you described her as having. Maybe I'm too nervous about getting sued and/or called out for "plagarism", but that small detail is still too reminescent of Buffy the Vampire Slayer for me to be entirely comfortable with it.
    Anywho that's just a small detail and easily enough fixed if you get bothered by it too or the people you're pitching it to get hung up on it. Other than that, as I said, it sounds great and like you've really put thought into it and developed it properly.

    Ok, my idea. I literally just got this so it might be rubbish. I might not even do it, but what the hell. It's a crack fic one-shot (maybe two-shot, if I decide to play around with perspectives a little) that personifies a pair of glasses and a person's face (like the physical face itself) and briefly explores their relationship. tehe
    January 4th, 2011 at 08:17am
  • It sounds funny. I'd love to see how the glass and the person's face feel about each other. If you write please, send me the link.

    My new idea:

    It's about a boy named Talon who was raised to be a Hunter by his father. Hunter's sometimes have powers to help them hunt. Talon's power is heightened senses.
    They hunt down a tribe called the Kimto Foxes.
    They look similar to humans, aside from the fact that they have fox ears and tails. The Kimto Foxes posses hidden abilities or powers that allow them to protect themselves from enemy groups like the Hunters.
    There is a human village. Some humans hire the Hunter's to gather the Kimto Foxes for their powers or just to use as slaves. Although there are some people who are against it.

    Talon is trying to figure himself out. He has always lived with his father and brother hunting down the Foxes. After a visit to the human village where he met his mother for the first time he starts questioning what he has been taught. He gets himself exiled from the Hunter village for helping some Kimto Foxes escape and has to start completely over. Meanwhile the Hunter's plan a capture of the entire village of the Kimto Foxes. And that's all I got for now.
    January 11th, 2011 at 11:03pm
  • I sounds interesting; but what's so different about humans and hunters, besides heightened senses? Physical aspects? The plot seems a little bit scattered so far. I think it could be really interesting with more depth on the tribes; maybe have Talon attempt to bounce from the human village and the Kimto Foxes?


    The plot centers around Urias and Ozi (place-holder names until I find more representative names) whom both died when they were eleven. Hsually the dead make a smooth transfer from the living world to the underworld and then to either hell or heaven. However, these boys sustained a mishap. Transferring to the underworld ripped apart their souls and left only pieces left. As such, the keeper of the underworld stitched the boy's souls back together. However, this wasn't the end of the problem. Ozi was to be sent to heaven; Urias was to be sent to hell. Because they both share a soul, they can't be far apart or their soul will shatter. The two were forced to stay in the underworld, albeit with mutations. They also had their former names stripped(james and porter) and were replaced with urias and ozi, respectively.

    Due to their personality mutations, the two were given the jobs of the 'torturers.' Essentially, they create everyone's worst nightmare. But that's just what they are - nightmares. None of it's real. However, Urias and Ozi have not taken a liking to this. The two have escaped from the underworld and are killing people in the real world. While in the real world, all of their abnormal physical abnormalities are unseen until a person is close to death.

    ESSENTIALLY, both boys play as serial killers while trying to avoid Hell's minions whom have been forced to go out and bring them back. Technically, they're not even boys anymore; they stay in their bodies but they've been around for about 50+ years.
    January 12th, 2011 at 12:53am
  • That sounds really interesting! Wow I like how well thought out the plot is, and it sounds like something I'd read. I like that they're given the job of torturers, since they're in the underworld, and that they refuse it. I suppose this can be explained in the story, but I'd like to know why exactly they decided to kill people while on Earth, since they were given the job as torturers in the Underworld. Wouldn't the torturing in the Underworld be the same as the killing in the real world (They getting the same high off of it)?


    My story idea is a Big Bang (korean-pop band) Alternate Reality fiction, and is a General (There may be romances on the side, but won't be the main objective). It's not completely all the way thought out, but so far all I have of it is that the rulers of each country are actually Androids planning on turning every one of their subjects into mindless drones/robots (which is a painful and deadly process to go through) and the boys of Big Bang find this out and are going to try to stop it, at least for their country. As this is a Alternate Reality fiction, the guys in Big Bang aren't actually pop singers, and have normal everyday jobs. I'm focusing on Seunghyun as the main character, the other four members definitely being secondary characters.
    January 12th, 2011 at 01:28am
  • Even though I don't know the band, that sounds awesome Wow I'm such a sucker for sci-fi, and I really like the Android idea.


    This is a Harry Potter fanfic, but I'm only using the universe, not any of the characters and VERY little of the canon. It's a modern-day fic about a half-blood girl who graduates from Salem Witches Academy in the US, but due to a legal complication, she needs to go to another school to "finish her education." It would be a comedy/drama about her in her senior year of a high school where her Muggle friends go. There would be a definate focus on her having difficulty adjusting to not using magic at school and handling Muggle life.
    January 17th, 2011 at 05:07am
  • Okay so the story I'm writing now is up to I think 57 pages on Microsoft. The plot is about a girl in the late 1800's that lived a normal life with her mom, when she found out she is cursed. Her parents made a deal with a fortune teller because she was going to die when she was born. The deal is that she'll live her whole life, only if she find her true love by her 20th birthday. She doesn't know about the whole thing until a couple months before her birthday. The twist is that her true love is cursed as well and she'll have to find a way to be with them, without their curse getting in the way. The story involves werewolf's, vampires, and mystical things. It's not Twilight related though! It's more Wolfman based, the good old werewolf's and vampires. I think it's pretty good, I'm not the best at describing my stories though. I'm not posting it until it's done so I don't have abandon it like I do most stories. But yeah please tell me what you think!
    January 17th, 2011 at 06:23am
  • ^
    You're supposed to say what you think of the story above yours and then post your idea. I'm going to do the girl above you and then you can post again later.


    I actually think that sounds really smart. It's a great way to combine the two worlds. It's cool that she's Half-Blood so she'll understand some stuff. If she weren't it's probably venturing into crack (not that there's anything wrong with that.


    I want to write a fic where Ryan Ross has Aspberger's, pretty severe. It's between AS and autism. He's nineteen and lives with Brendon and Brendon's family. Brendon is in high school and his mother is a nurse so she "understands" how to help Ryan. Basically, Ryan really only connects to Brendon on a level deeper than the surface. Ryan ends up falling for Brendon but he doesn't really understand it and when they start dating Brendon's parents freak out and think he took advantage and Ryan doesn't know how to cope with the situation. It would be probably be a two or three shot, but around 10k in words.
    January 17th, 2011 at 06:36am
  • ^
    Sorry I guess I didn't read it right so I'll do yours :)
    I think your story has something more than the normal slash stories, which makes happy because it'll probably have more depth to it than a romance. I think it sounds good, go for it:)
    January 17th, 2011 at 06:43am
  • Damn, that's long. It actually sounds really interesting. I'm not into period fics, personally, but I like that they made a deal with someone and she has this sort of labyrinth of things to come over. I also like that you didn't tell me what her love's curse was because it keeps you interested.


    I'm currently working on this.

    Ryan and Pete were kind of seeing each other for a year, but not dating, just really good friends and sleeping together. It's up in the air if it's AU or not 'cause it just hasn't come up yet, but I'm leaning toward not. Basically, Pete gets Ryan pregnant and when Ryan tells him, Pete decides they should go get married (in Vegas) and then Ryan moves in with Pete.

    When the fic starts they've been married for eight weeks and Ryan is four months pregnant.

    It sounds cracky, but it's actually a serious sorta fic. They're discovering that they know very little about each other as people and, on top of having to learn all this shit, they're having a baby and Ryan isn't exactly sure he's ready for it. It's not titled yet.
    January 17th, 2011 at 07:23am
  • I think that has a lot of potential. You just have to make sure you write it realistically because I know a lot of people don't like those kind of stories, since most aren't written well. Good luck with it. :)


    I just came up with this idea. I'm not sure whose POV it'll be written in, yet. Possibly third person. Anywho. There will be a boy and a girl and they run away from home for different reasons. And their homes were about a half hour away. They cross paths and get to know each other better, and try to convince each other to go back home. I'm still thinking of an ending, though.
    January 23rd, 2011 at 06:34pm
  • I think that's really interesting that they're both running away but don't want the other person to do it. It'll also be interesting to see what their reason are and how they compare to each other (not in competition, I mean the characters themselves).
    Basically, I've been really wanting to write bottom!Brendon, but not with Ryan 'cause that's just weird. So I came up with this idea . . .

    It's set awhile back in Panic days, like pre-PO. And Ryan and Brendon are both little sluts, basically. They sleep with a lot of different guys, use protection, and enjoy it. They compare notes at the end of everyday and sometimes they sleep together, Brendon topping Ryan. It drives Spencer insane. Ryan and Brendon also cuddle all the time, sleep in the same bed when they have hotels, and stay in the same apartment when they're off-tour.

    Between albums, Ryan and Brendon end up spending two months together without ever sleeping with anyone else and then Brendon takes Ryan to a party and has sex and Ryan gets jealous, but doesn't want to admit it. I haven't decided how to end it.
    There would be no condemnation of sex or promiscuous sex in this story.
    January 23rd, 2011 at 06:53pm
  • It sounds interesting. I just wouldn't read it myself. I'm not really into reading about sex. I know a lot of other people who would like it though.

    - - - - -

    A girl named Erin likes sitting on her window sill while her window is open. One day she accidentally falls out of the window. She closes her eyes when she's falling and when she opens her eyes she finds a forest around her instead of her yard. She explores the forest and eventually meets a man in a polka dot suit who claims he knows a way she can get home.

    At the same time Erin falls out her window, a boy, Kit, is cleaning out his closet. He ends up leaving the room and when he comes back he trips over his own feet into the closet. When he gets up, he's not home anymore. He's in a castle. He meets the princess of the castle and tells him he has to help her catch the man in the polka dot suit before he can go home.

    The man tells Erin the princess of the castle is evil while the princess is telling Kit the man is evil. When Erin and Kit meet they don't know who is lying and who is telling the truth.

    I'm kind of writing two stories at the same time and sometime in the middle of the two they collide and become the same one.
    I'll be switching between Erin and Kit's point of views until they meet up.
    February 7th, 2011 at 11:22pm