What Do You Think of My Story Idea?

  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I like it. It has an aura of Wonderland. It will be interesting to see how you tell it because it's very modern day fairy tale, but you're probably not writing for children.


    A story where Ryan is obsessive-compulsive. He has a lot of compulsions, but his main one is the time. He's obsessed with clocks and watches and he checks them multiple times a day to make sure they're all synchronized, but three minutes early on the time.

    The story is told through Brendon's eyes. He's Ryan's live-in boyfriend.

    Inspired by the line 'I set my clocks early 'cause you know I'm always late'.
    February 7th, 2011 at 11:26pm
  • sore thumb;

    sore thumb; (315)

    United States
    That sounds like it would be really interesting. You've got a lot of potential with that story and you can go in a bunch of different ways.
    This would be a My Chemical Romance fic, starting with 9/11 and the formation of the band and ending when Bullets is released. Tracy Chandler is a struggling theater student who loses her boyfriend in 9/11 and doesn't know how to cope.

    Gerard is working in the comic book store. He is late for work one morning and Tracy is late for class. Gerard ends up dumping his coffee all over the sidewalk and while she helps him clean it up, the first plane crashes.

    It's going to be an evolving love story which is affected by Gerard's depression/addiction/all the crap going on in his life, the aftermath of 9/11, and the formation of MCR.

    I'm gonna write it anyway, but I'd want to know whether people would read it or not, and maybe get some constructive criticism? :)
    February 7th, 2011 at 11:59pm
  • goodbyeeeee

    goodbyeeeee (100)

    United States
    I think that'd be kind of interesting. The only thing I would do is try to give the love part of it more of a twist. That's just my opinion, though. Otherwise, that is a great story idea. I'd read it. (:


    My idea is about a girl named Carlina and a boy named Aaden. They meet by accident one day (or so Carlina thought). Aaden is Death's assistant, kind of. He has to watch certain people that his "Boss" tells him to watch. Aaden gets Carlina to warm up to him after following her around a lot and talking to her. He gets her to go with him to see Death, but she doesn't know. (There will be a person named Death) And Death ends up not wanting her (I'm trying to figure out why still.)

    I still have a lot of questions to solve to make it a good plot, but what do you think so far?
    February 13th, 2011 at 03:28am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I think it's interesting. The personification of Death is always neat to me. It's kind of confusing to read, but once you work out everything and write it, I'm sure it will flow much easier.


    Set about a year from now.

    Ryan and Brendon are together (again, 'cause they break up all the time, meaning Ryan leaves Brendon all the time), but they're fighting (again). Ryan ends up leaving without saying anything and no one hears anything from him and Brendon finds out he's pregnant (yup, m-preg universe), so he calls Ryan and leaves yet another message telling him. Ryan shows up and wants Brendon to get an abortion, then he leaves again. This time when he leaves Brendon says that he won't take Ryan back again, but he still leaves.

    Brendon goes over to Pete's because he just needs someone who can help with everything and they end up sleeping together. Brendon still isn't sure about what to do with the baby. When he goes home, Ryan shows up a few days later and tells Brendon to get rid of it again and Brendon says he doesn't want to because Ryan's just going to leave again and he wants at least one piece of Ryan he can have forever. Ryan leaves again.

    Brendon goes back to Pete's and they sleep together again, start dating. Basically fast forward and it's, like, two years later. Brendon and Pete are married. Ryan shows up and wants to apologize to Brendon and there's possibly more. I'm thinking I might go five or six years into the future and make Brendon and Ryan have an affair, but I'm not sure.
    February 14th, 2011 at 06:12pm
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    I like it. It sounds a little complicated but I like how the relationship between Ryan and Brendon sounds realistic and not the 'perfect' that everyone wants. Also the time jump sounds like it might be interesting as well, to show how people and relationships change.


    I'm working on a new story at the moment, about to post the first chapter.

    Basically, I wanted to write a (hopefully) non-cliche kidnapping story. No "oh my gosh I fell in love with my kidnapper", but the proper, raw horror of it. It's about a nineteen year old girl called Peyton, she grew up in a nice house with her father who's one of the countries best lawyers. She studies traditional art at University and works at a cafe. She basically lives a "regular" life.

    But a group of adults have a grudge against her father, and blame him for the death of one of their friends, who he sent to jail for dealing. Most of them are addicts themselves, so as revenge they start stalking Peyton and eventually grab her off the street when she's walking home from work. They keep her locked away, raping her, torturing her, and playing psychological mind games and trying to get her to hate her father as much as they do.

    I'm not sure how it'll end yet, but I know I want it to be twisted and creepy, and will definetly not be something for younger readers.
    February 15th, 2011 at 12:35am
  • dressedtokill

    dressedtokill (100)

    United States
    That sound very good! It sounds really uncliche and i like it. There are so many storys about kidnapping to wear they seem to turn into the same 'girl walks down street hot band guy kidnapps her and they fall in love blah blah blah' but yours has a back story and i love the ideo about planting the idea to hate her father!

    So my story is a paramore bandfic. It takes place in the 1950s. Johanna lives in a orphanage in northern mississippi and has moved around to many homes but always gets sent back.(throughout the story we here flashbacks of her stories at these places and the drives there she took with the owner of the orphanages son alex,who she is madly in love with) And one day the lady in charge of adoptions(Hayley williams) pulls a couple of stringes to find Johanna a home before her school years are over with a old friend, Josh.(i know josh isnt in paramore anymore so im either using him,which is how i originaly planed, jeremy,or taylor)
    When Johanna moves in with the family things take a turn for the better- atleast for a while. Things go downhill when a family who the farros are in competion with(because they own restraunts) try to find the farros unfit to take care of her, Johannas biological mother wants to finally meet her after finding out she lives with the wealthy family, and to top everything off Alex is engaged.

    I know it seems kind of cliche.... Confused
    February 18th, 2011 at 12:48am
  • occulta.

    occulta. (100)

    I don't know much about Paramore, other than the lead singer Haley Williams. Now, I'm a bit confused. If I am correct Farros is the family that adopts her [a wealthy family] and by some incredible feat Johanna's mother localizes her daughter and wants to meet her because of that. I am curious to know why Johanna was always sent back to the orphanage, but I guess that'll come along with the story. I do think that this is a tad cliché, given the wealthy family above all else, but the plot itself is alright and I think you can make a good story out of it.
    - - -
    I'm going to explain this as if it were original fiction, but it's not. It's Naruto fanfiction. [Just so you understand the main idea without getting all mixed up with the character names.]

    It takes place around 1990's, but that's not mentioned anywhere. This american girl transfers to Japan and has to adjust to her new life. The reasons for moving away is because her dad was some criminal back in the US and his 'industry' was starting to fall apart, and thus he had to make a quick getaway to his homeland [Japan] (I am, so far, thinking what he was, but that's just some background details I'll get to later). So, the whole story consists how this girl gets used to the Japanese culture, all of it narrated in first person.

    This girl, mostly by accident, gets involved with local gangs and then escalates to the Japanese Mafia - The Yakuza. That's how this american girl finds herself trapped in a world she barely knows a thing of. So, by then, it's just her narration her life, like a biography of sorts. It's all this conjunction of high school crushes, drugs, wild parties, stripping and abusive relationships.

    I still don't know how I want it to end, but that's the general idea.
    February 18th, 2011 at 03:29am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    That sounds quite genius actually. I'm not a fan of first person myself, but I can see how a first person narrative would be really interesting while things are going on around here that she's not sure of. I also think it's interesting that her dad is a criminal and she winds up in that lifestyle.


    A sequel to a story I'm working on now.

    Ryan and Pete have been married for four(?) years now and their son is two. It's pretty much going through complications arising in the marriage. Pete spends a lot of time with Patrick working on music and Ryan feels like he's drowning because he keeps having to put off recording Panic's new album and he's home with a toddler, all the time. He and Pete don't sleep together that much.

    There's arguments about Ryan smoking weed, Pete lying so he can go out and see a movie and be alone, Ryan wanting to get an IUD instead of being on the pill, if they should have another baby yet. There's also going to be a strong storyline of all the opportunities both characters have to cheat and the struggle it is for them considering how their marriage is going. There's also a fair bit about how Ryan is "acting out" (smoking, trying harder drugs when he's with his friends, etc.) because he got pregnant at twenty (when he was still straight-edge) and never really had a chance to "be young".
    February 18th, 2011 at 04:09am
  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    Oh wow, I didn't even realize it was mpreg until the second paragraph xD Anyways, I really like the scenarios you have for character interactions so far, and I think it'll be indeed great. Just the fact that all this shit is happening at the same time that they have a kid I think totally changes how everything is approched. I like it :]


    So I'm a total nerd and got inspiration for a play, but specificly, it's a rock opera based off the Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge album. I don't have a ton of plot ideas yet, but I know that it'll be ordered somewhat like Wicked where the ending happens first and the entire play is a flashback explaining what happened. The main character is a man who's a serial killer who picks a town, marries a woman there, kills her, and moves on. The opening of the show is his most recent wife's funeral, Helena, and from there it turns into a flashback of the time between his previous wife and Helena's murder.
    February 21st, 2011 at 02:52am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I've never seen Wicked (or read it), but I like the idea of the flashbacks. It'll be really interesting to read 'cause that's such a great album and I'd love to see how you incorporate the songs into different parts. I also like the spin of how you did Helena, the serial killer's most recent wife. Quite interesting.


    I'm writing a canonical Alex Gaskarth/Ryan Ross. (The only difference being that there's no split.) They meet at Lollapalooza '08 in May (which they both actually played, just different stages) and exchanged numbers and ended up dating really quickly after. The story starts about six/seven months into their relationship, just before Alex's twenty-first birthday.

    Basically the whole story is about Ryan questioning how they two of them work since they are such complete opposites and they shouldn't really work. Major events are Alex's 21st birthday and Christmas with Alex's parents. Then there's this whole thing about Alex getting annoyed that Ryan hasn't told anyone he's dating Alex, so he gives him a deadline of a couple months to do it and it's about Ryan telling people one at a time and getting frustrated when they don't freak out, 'cause he's built up all these negative reactions he'll expect to get in his head.

    It's going to be chaptered and at least 10k 'cause I'm writing it for GKBB.
    February 21st, 2011 at 05:34am
  • Wednesday Way!

    Wednesday Way! (100)

    United States
    That sounds like a very intriguing story. It's a fresh pairing. I've never seen Gaskarth with good ol' Ross. Also, I enjoy how the story seems to explore the complexities of the mind of Ryan Ross. That man has got to have like a labyrinth in his mind of ideas. It seems like a very good read because it takes a basic idea and expands upon it. I would definitely give it a read. I don't know what GKBB is, but I think it'll work well for it.


    Okay, so I'm working on a Frerard that takes place in alternate universe that's very much like ours except the world is black, sleek buildings and neon lights. (Think Tron honestly with the look.) Within it Gerard is the son of a man with a patent to the most powerful laser gun on the planet and his boyfriend Frank is in a gang. The world is essentially like a giant laser tag field except these guns can kill you.

    Basically, the idea of the story is of how Frank goes out of his way to protect Gerard and eventually get him back from his gang's enemy Statice. Each gang features an assortment of people from bands associated with each side. Mind you, Ryan Ross is the villain of this story. So yeah, a laser tag-esque world ruled by major corporations and Ryan Ross trying to kill Gerard Way. (I hope to god that made some sense. It makes sense in my head, I swear.)
    February 21st, 2011 at 08:50am
  • oh bear

    oh bear (100)

    It totally makes sense. I actually really like it. The world that you described (especially the whole laser tag field reference) sounds really interesting, and, to me, a little more interesting than what's going on, but that's probably because I don't read a lot of band fiction. Weird I should, though. I like that there are gangs there and Frank is trying to save Gerard, and I like that Ryan's the villain, because in most fanfics that feature him he's sweet, quiet, or weird, but never a villain. Overall I think it sounds really, really awesome and it sounds kinda sci-fi, too, which is something I'm a definite sucker for.


    There's a school in the middle of nowhere (it's an island in the middle of the sea in the middle of nowhere, if that made sense) and it's for kids who have a "spark". By that, I mean they have an affinity for dragons. Anyway, there's a celebrity who has an affinity for dragons (I haven't decided if this is going to be a fanfiction, but if it is it'll probably be a McFly fic) and... either there's going to be a big mystery and he's going to be out to find it, even though nobody's doing anything, or there's some sort of really oppressed school society that I'll invent and he's going to rebel against it. And maybe some really vague romance.
    February 23rd, 2011 at 09:35am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    There's a lot not said, but what I've read sounds neat. It actually makes me think of a more grown up "How to Train Your Dragon". I'm not one for fantasy, but this sounds interesting. I like that the school is out of the public eye, makes me think that the dragon thing is something most people find strange or wrong. It also makes me think of the Jedi school in Star Wars. tehe


    Basically, I've been really wanting to write bottom!Brendon, but not with Ryan 'cause that's just weird. So I came up with this idea . . .

    It's set awhile back in Panic days, like pre-PO. And Ryan and Brendon are both little sluts, basically. They sleep with a lot of different guys, use protection, and enjoy it. They compare notes at the end of everyday and sometimes they sleep together, Brendon topping Ryan. It drives Spencer insane. Ryan and Brendon also cuddle all the time, sleep in the same bed when they have hotels, and stay in the same apartment when they're off-tour.

    Between albums, Ryan and Brendon end up spending two months together without ever sleeping with anyone else and then Brendon takes Ryan to a party and has sex and Ryan gets jealous, but doesn't want to admit it. I haven't decided how to end it.

    There would be no condemnation of sex or promiscuous sex in this story.
    February 23rd, 2011 at 06:42pm
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Weird, but it sort of reminds me of this conversation we had in RS a little while ago about intellectualising sex. I think it's the comparing notes part. XD But yeah, it's an interesting idea, and I think there's enough scope for it to be funny and sweet in parts, although I get the feeling it'll be a pretty serious fic on the whole. I like it, though.


    It's a Panic! fic, AU, set somewhere in the not-too-distant future. Ryan’s a mad scientist and Spencer, his best friend, hasn’t heard from him in over a year, so he pays him a little visit and discovers Ryan’s latest project: a fully-functioning humanoid robot called Brendon. It will be an acronym for something, I just don't know what yet. Shifty

    There’ll be a lot of stuff about Spencer and Ryan teaching Brendon how to be human, because even though he’s got a very extensive knowledge base – Ryan is thorough – he’s got a lot to learn in order to fully simulate the human consciousness because we are mighty complex beings, really we are, and Ryan isn’t exactly the best example of a normal human being anyway. tehe Eventually, though, Brendon starts making more and more complex decisions and it's almost impossible to tell he's not actually human.

    But at some point he'll get a virus which'll screw with his circuitry and stuff and make him go evil!bot on them. He's either going to try and kill them or blow up the White House or something (he's watched too many action films with Ryan and Spencer tehe). I'm not sure how it'll end but it'll either be really happy or really sad and I'm naturally inclined towards the former, but I don't know.

    Either way, throughout the whole thing there’ll be a lot of parallels between human life and robot life, and it’ll deal with the ethics of artificial intelligence and, essentially, what it means to be human.
    March 2nd, 2011 at 08:51pm
  • Poirot's Moustache

    Poirot's Moustache (1270)

    I like it. I think it'd be an interesting commentary on society (if you choose to go that way with it). And I like that it could be a thriller or a dark comedy.

    Okay. So I have a bit of an idea for a Doctor Who fanfic. [Possible spoilers for people who haven't seen the show and want to].

    Rose realises that, while her human!Doctor has the same feelings/memories etc as the Doctor, she misses "her" Doctor and risks a great deal by crossing back over into the the reality she originally came from to find him (or alternatively, she realises she wasn't in love with the Doctor, but was really attracted to the adventure being with him brought. I haven't decided.)

    She finds Martha and Mickey, and they all attempt to find the Doctor together. But when they do eventually catch up with him, they find he's regenerated and has new companions. All of them (Rose, Martha, Mickey, Amy, Rory) help the Doctor on some new adventure (working details out here still) but Rose finds the Doctor too different and in the end they part ways.
    March 3rd, 2011 at 04:32pm
  • The Master

    The Master (15)

    United Kingdom
    I actually like that idea. I just would like for the companions who can to see the new Doctor to see him. I think the varying arguments could be very interesting and have some interesting dynamics. Weird Personally, I'd love a scene where River and Rose meet before Rose knows he's regenerated because it would be an epic fight Weird lmfao


    Anya is a Russian immigrant who ends up in a Psychiatric ward in South Africa after coming into the country illegally. But after talking with translator Nina and Detective Inspector Tollens, they see that she's not entirely human.

    With Anya's ailing help, Tollens and Nina start to investigate the claims of experimentation with the supernatural, discovering a ring of zombism, cheating death and the Faustian Paradox all over the world, finding roots of mind-blowing technology like time travel, event cloaks, hugely extended lifespans and traversing into the other dimensions of death and oblivion.
    March 3rd, 2011 at 05:04pm
  • Roseh; believe

    Roseh; believe (330)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's a very interesting idea. It sounds both original and very creative, and I bet you, of all people, could pull it off spectacularly. The fantasy/sci-fi aspect sounds amazing, and turns something that could become an exceptionally cliched story into something wholly innovative. I've not heard of anything quite like it before and it sounds like it would be a great read!


    Blaine has a strange dream one night. And the next. And then again the next night. So he decides to keep a dream diary. By recording what he sees each night, he hopes to try and spot links between them and to work out what they mean.

    Each dream is a bit twisted, a little bit unusual. But as he reads back through each night's adventures, he realises that there's one person linkng them all together.

    Would be a Glee fic, but written so as to not be explicitely so.
    March 3rd, 2011 at 07:00pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I like it. I like that he doesn't realize it at first 'cause it makes him seem a little silly, but in painting the dreams I'm sure it would be more ambiguous. And it'll be interesting to see how he reacts when he realizes what's going on and what he does about it.


    Set around 2007/2008. Ryan has Aspberger's Syndrome, but he's still in the band and everything. He has a tendency to wander off and just walk around for hours, so they try to have someone keep an eye on him at all times or check up on him every half hour or so, but he ends up wandering off at least once a week anyway.

    It's basically supposed to show his relationships with other people and be character-driven, not plot-driven. He dates Brendon, but gets very frustrated when Brendon changes his mind about something or changes train of thought, which he does because he has ADHD. His relationship with Spencer is mostly them sitting around together, not talking much and working on their own things, but feeling comfortable. With Gabe, Gabe treats him sort of like a little brother and the song 'Fold Your Hands Child' was written for Ryan.

    It's just supposed to show these glimpses into what life is like for Ryan and those around him.
    March 3rd, 2011 at 07:46pm
  • fairyfeller

    fairyfeller (1655)

    United Kingdom
    I like the idea, seeing as I love character-based stories. It'd be interesting to see how ADHD!Brendan and Aspberger!Ryan form a romantic relationship. And I like how Ryan can relate differently to the other characters, and how there seems to be this family-type bond between them.


    An AU Queen-fic, where Brian travels back in time and ends up in the early 70s and in a parallel universe. He meets the other band members as they're beginning to start out, and falls in love with his past self. (He introduces himself as his middle name.)

    His friend Iris (who he met after time-traveling) realises that Brian is pretty much sleeping with himself, and calls him out on it. Am unsure whether Brian will find a way to return to his own time yet.
    March 3rd, 2011 at 09:25pm
  • the redhead's cho

    the redhead's cho (100)

    United States
    That actually sounds like a really cool and twisted idea. I rather like it actually. Just trying to figure out the time paradox involved makes my brain hurt, but I really like the idea. I think that is has a lot of potential to be developed into something absolutely amazing!


    Alright so when John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln, it was actually part of a bigger plot to take down the three highest men of the union government. The idea here is alternate reality. What if the plot succeeded and they killed off the President, Vice President, and the Secretary of State but that the Secretary of War stepped up and created a dictatorship and crushed the South and any opposition to him and then years later you have the dictartorship still in place and the heir starts a rebellion and during the rebellion eventually learns that that was how they all took power, but starting and winning rebellions and then executing their parent who was in charge before them.
    March 12th, 2011 at 11:37am