- ayanasioux:
- Yes but I don't think the dehumanization was as server.
If you think about it now people of the Jewish culture still practice their old beliefs and customs more so than that of African descent. For an instance, I don't know what the hell I am. All I know is that my great grandfather was Scottish but I look so black, no one could tell.
Most Jews that I know of still practice Hanukkah but black people like myself know nothing about any African holidays if there were any. Hell, some black people don't even believe they're from African descent and often look at African's as jokes. They just say they're black as if it's a race because they are ashamed of claiming their African name.
You're totally decontextualising here. Black people don't only exist in America, you seem to be making this implication repeatedly. There are black communites who have an important place in many different countries and cultures throughout the world. The fact that you're not connected to your cultural heritage doesn't mean nobody else is - I have a friend who is Kikuyu and she speaks the Kikuyu language even though she's lived in Britain her whole life so there clearly is a sense of culture, heritage and tradition there. It's like you're erasing the existence of all Africans who aren't Americans, and there are close to a billion Africans who live on the African continent (plus a large diaspora, yes, the result of slavery, but there's also emigration and colonialism to take into account too). So I don't see how you can only talk about the experiences of the African diaspora within America. Not everybody has the same experience with regards to culture, language, heritage etc.
So what I'm really trying to get at is that you
can't just say that 'the dehumanisation of the Jewish people wasn't as severe' because, what even, it's not a competition. Why does it matter to you who suffered most? It doesn't change the weight of the atrocity and you're just belittling the experiences of whichever group you think had it worse. I'd find it inappropriate if you were trying to compare, for example, the Rwandan Genocide to the Armenian Genocide and asking whether Rwandans or Armenians had it worse.