What did you get for Christmas/holidays?

  • @the drupocalypse.

    I made a Christmas Wish-List thread a looooong time ago. It got popular around the holiday for a few years but it probably got killed due to age and the fact it was only used seasonally.

    I got.....

    The Sims3 Seasons
    The Sims3 Pets
    The Sims3 Supernatural
    The Lion King (DVD)
    The Lion King II (DVD)
    Oliver and Company (DVD)
    The Emperors New Groove (DVD)
    Hercules (DVD)
    Brave (DVD)
    The Big Bang Theory season 1 (DVD)
    The Big Bang Theory season 3 (DVD)
    The Big Bang Theory soft kitty coffee mug
    Bundle Monster 2012 nail stamp collection
    Ear Muffs
    2 Sweaters
    A tube of 4 pairs of knee high Christmas socks
    Fuzzy Pittsburgh Steelers socks
    Footie pajamas
    Yoga pants
    Pittsburgh Steelers 2012 team set of football cards
    Looking for Alaska
    Just Dance 4 (Wii)
    $75 Mall card
    $30 Bath and Body Works card
    $40 Dollars
    A snowman lava lamp
    December 27th, 2012 at 04:27am
  • - $50 Ulta giftcard
    - $25 iTunes giftcard
    - $25 Wawa giftcard
    - $85
    - A sweater and a flannel from Old Navy
    - The Great Gatsby (book, obviously)
    - A case for my iPhone with The Great Gatsby cover on it
    - The grinch build-a-bear tehe
    - A Snow White mug
    - The Amazing Spiderman DVD
    - Beetlejuice DVD
    - Alice In Wonderland DVD
    - A Peter Pan snow globe
    - Peter Pan lithographs (my mom pre-ordered the DVD for me and those came with it)
    - A Sally Stitches ornament
    - A Frankenweenie ornament
    - A Nightmare Before Christmas v-neck
    - Two pairs of pajama pants
    - Socks
    - The Art of Tim Burton (book, which was the only thing I really asked for) Cheese
    - And some other little things

    Overall, it was a very great Christmas. Wow
    December 27th, 2012 at 04:41am
  • - 2 pairs of jeans
    - 2 skeleton cardigans
    - dressing gown
    - two pairs of slippers
    - four pairs of pjs
    - an ornament
    - a meerkat
    - 2 wine glasses
    - boots
    - 2 jumpers
    - hand jewellery holder
    - calendar
    - Supernatural poster
    December 27th, 2012 at 04:53am
  • - two cute professional dresses
    - six pairs of cute, small earrings
    - two pairs of gold, hoop earrings
    - scrapbook stuff
    - money
    - two cookbooks
    December 27th, 2012 at 05:02am
  • -Forks Over Knives, The Cookbook
    -Forks Over Knives DVD
    -The Sexual Politics of Meat
    -Happy Herbivore
    -Happy Herbivore Abroad
    -matching bracelet and necklace
    -$50 Barnes & Noble gift card
    -a sports bra
    -Just Dance 4 (Wii)
    -a bunch of nail polish/nail accessory stuff
    -a Hunger Games t-shirt and necklace
    -two headbands
    -hand sanitizer (my dad gives the most random stocking stuffers, i swear Facepalm)
    December 27th, 2012 at 05:19am
  • -Cucumber Melon lotion and shower gel Happy face
    -Lavender vanilla body wash
    -$30 Target Gift card
    -Two pairs of fuzzy/fluffy warm socks (for when my room turns to ice in the winter)
    -Pair of track pants and a top to wear to the gym (Gotta shed those holiday pounds, whenever I'm not working a zillion hours a day and have time to go to the gym)

    We didn't have a big gift exchange in my family because everybody just didn't really have the cash. But most of us got to spend time together and have some laughs, so it was all good Con
    December 27th, 2012 at 06:12am
  • My grandmothers, my aunt & uncle (#1), & a good family friend:
    $125 in gas cards
    $50 in Walmart cards

    My sister:
    A figurine squirrel
    An awesome bowl

    My aunt & uncle(#2):
    A really pretty sushi kit
    A trip to an Asian Market in Hartford for today

    My parents:
    $25 Starbucks card
    Starbucks travel mug
    Russian nesting doll
    An underarmour sweatshirt (to be returned)
    High-end Bose headphones (to be returned)
    A cat calender (to be returned)

    Also, apparently, my mom bought me a quesadilla maker that she can't find. (Also to be returned when she does.)
    December 27th, 2012 at 06:39am
  • $325
    Purple and pink zebra print fleece blanket
    Monster High Sweet 1600 Draculaura doll
    Monster High Dot Dead Gorgeous Spectra doll
    Mickey Mouse hot cocoa set with two mickey mouse mugs
    iTunes card
    Lady and the Tramp DVD
    Three nail polishes
    Two glitter eye liners
    One eye shadow palette
    Two individual eye shadows
    Make up remover wipes
    Hair conditioner
    A pair of slippers
    Two Mickey Mouse shirts
    Mickey Mouse pajama pants
    Black sweatpants
    Five pairs of underwear
    Two pairs of fuzzy socks
    One pair of socks with snowmen on them
    A pair of grey leggings
    A pair of black leggings
    A grey and green sweater dress
    A Green Day shirt
    A shirt with skulls on it
    A black sweatshirt
    Lego Batman 2 for the Wii
    Two body sprays from Bath and Body Works
    Love Spell lotion and body spray from Victoria's Secret
    December 27th, 2012 at 07:03am
  • For Hanukkah:

    A cute initial "K" stationary set
    Two cookbooks (Fifty Shades of Chicken and The Snacking Dead)
    Duck Dynasty footie pajamas
    Ankle socks
    Two compression bras
    Black leggings
    Gray leggings
    A new flat-iron
    A new menorah
    A pack of athletic underwear
    A nautical-themed coffee mug
    Mermaid bookends
    Sweater slipper booties
    A dream journal
    November 29th, 2013 at 06:55pm
  • I got an early Christmas present of season 1 through 7 of Supernatural. I also know that I am getting a Bring Me the Horizon shirt from my grandparents.
    November 30th, 2013 at 12:35am
  • I asked for a tea sampler. And a bath robe. That's easily enough to make me happy for several months.
    November 30th, 2013 at 09:07am
  • i saw sparks:
    For Hanukkah:

    A cute initial "K" stationary set
    Two cookbooks (Fifty Shades of Chicken and The Snacking Dead)
    Duck Dynasty footie pajamas
    Ankle socks
    Two compression bras
    Black leggings
    Gray leggings
    A new flat-iron
    A new menorah
    A pack of athletic underwear
    A nautical-themed coffee mug
    Mermaid bookends
    Sweater slipper booties
    A dream journal
    For Christmas:

    Two closet shoe organizers
    A full-length mirror
    Two Tervis tumblrs with my college on them
    Two knock-off Under Armour thermal tops
    Three Duck Dynasty tees
    Seasons 1-8 of Supernatural on DVD
    A Target giftcard
    A Victoria's Secret giftcard
    A blender
    Three different knitted hats
    A plastic container to put all my knitting stuff in
    Cowboy boots
    A black Nine West hobo bag (my aunt gets all the girls in the family purses every year)
    Cabin in the Woods on DVD
    Up! on DVD
    A pink Under Armour Big Logo hoodie
    A gray and pink Duck Commander hoodie
    Silver filigree earrings
    December 27th, 2013 at 02:05am
  • Lots of warm clothes for Iceland. c:
    Deltora Quest books.
    A little viking bracelet ! <3
    December 27th, 2013 at 02:39am
  • My own record player and Sempiternal on vinyl.
    An OM&M light thing (custom made)
    Take Off Your Colours (CD)
    A Flair for the Dramatic (CD)
    Gift voucher for Fist2Face
    JB Hi-Fi gift card
    Perks of Being a Wallflower and City of Bones (DVD's)
    The Mortal Instruments book series (minus COB)
    Four different sized art canvases
    Clothes (as per usual. I swear Christmas is a time where my mum goes - hey! We can enlarge her ever-dwindling clothing supply!)
    Moisturizer (moisturizer me!) and facial mask things and eyeshadow palettes.
    A ticket to see the Doctor Who Symphony Spectacular on Jan 30th (I'm gonna see Matt Smith! In person!)

    So basically just fandom / bandom stuff. The best present though was from my Nanna to my pa. It was a toy plane to remind him of our holiday. There were like 15 - 20 planes per day and I swear he counted every one of them.
    December 27th, 2013 at 12:03pm
  • - A new laptop (keeping my old one for my music though, it takes up too much room to put it all on here)
    - Money
    - Chocolate
    - Ramones pyjamas
    - A black jumper
    - Nail polish
    - Skull rings & necklaces
    - Toiletries
    - Some gorgeous bras
    - Fluffy socks
    - A tiger eye necklace
    - A Gandalf plushie

    I feel like I'm forgetting something, but that's all I can think of right now x)
    December 27th, 2013 at 04:33pm
  • - jeans
    - leggings
    - some sweaters
    - chocolate
    - gift cards
    - books
    - a tray made for making mini muffins and cupcakes
    - a journal
    - a calendar
    - some perfume
    - CDs
    December 27th, 2013 at 06:36pm
  • - The laptop I'm currently on. tehe
    - A blue dressing-gown with little stars all on it.
    - A tea steeper-mug. Green. With some strong Earl Grey.
    - Minecraft paper-craft kit I am way more excited than I should be
    - Enough sweets to fill a room, probably.
    - Like 4 sets of pants. I like pants.

    There's more but I can't be arsed to go see what all it is.
    December 27th, 2013 at 08:36pm
  • A cat shirt
    Some candy
    Fox pajamas
    Penguin socks
    A bunch of pens
    $45 to Starbucks
    A TARDIS travel mug
    $25 to Lush Cosmetics
    An Alex & Ani bracelet
    A silver/titanium/gold ring
    A tub of different popcorns
    A sushi mat w/ a rice spoon
    The Circle by Dave Eggers
    An Anberlin/Foxy Shazam Poster
    A pretty blue/purple/gold bracelet
    A new pair of Steve Madden boots
    A collection of Doctor Who socks (K9, Cybmermen, TARDIS, Dalek)
    Whology: The Official Doctor Who Miscellany by Cavan Scott & Mark Wright
    December 28th, 2013 at 02:05am
  • an ipod charger
    a shit ton of candy
    two black jackets
    2 shirts
    an eyelash curler
    a faux fur duvet cover
    125 dollars (which i actually spent on presents for my family because the money came two weeks early)
    December 28th, 2013 at 02:26am
  • w o w, you guys. where do you get $100?

    ...my nice aunt sent me a visa gift card for $25 and I got a model rocket and some insect paperweights, so I shouldn't complain.

    I think I might buy another NASA or a JAXA shirt or a Gagarin: Pervyj v Kosomse poster.
    December 28th, 2013 at 05:33am