The Definition of "Slut"

  • Alsoldey

    Alsoldey (230)

    United States
    Since more women have become aware of words like slut and whore, it's refreshing seeing a lot of women saying

    "Hey, no, you can't say that. You can't call us a whore/slut, and then go around doing your thing, and being totally okay for doing it."

    I love it, but we still have a lot to learn about it too.

    Personally, the word slut should just not exist anymore.
    December 5th, 2015 at 01:14am
  • pocahontas.

    pocahontas. (565)

    United States
    I see a lot of good thoughts here, some from long ago though. It seems that over the last few years things have changed a lot with terms like "slut" and I've noticed it has both good and bad effects.

    Some people call themselves sluts, but dislike when someone else calls them a slut. I 100% do not understand this.

    For me I try to keep the mind that no matter how much or how little sex a person has, it should not turn into a situation where they're called a slut unless said person 1.) is having unsafe sex and not notifying partners, 2.) is having multiple partners and not notifying partners, or 3.) is involved with someone who is in a relationship. To me, whether male or female, it seems kind of trashy that anyone would do those things but I've seen it happen. Should there be terms for each specific type of trashyness? I know for #3 people would say homewrecker, but I think that takes away the severity of the situation when it's a new relationship vs being a marriage with kids and a home.
    Additionally I'm sad to see that there's victim blaming going on here. Obviously steps can be taken to prevent a rape, but it shouldn't be on the victim to do extra. For example, I wouldn't go out at 3am to do drugs with a guy who had made sexual advances on me in the past because in that sort of scene it seems clear to me that there's always some sort of favor wanted in return for the ride or drugs or whatever. I would warn others not to get into a situation like that. I wouldn't tell someone who had things go south in that situation that they shouldn't have gone, but I would advise them to be more aware of surroundings/situations in the future - after making sure they're okay.

    There's nothing wrong with giving tips on being safer, because it's painfully clear that even in 2016 people always blame the victim; but in situations where a rape happened, the answer should never be "you could have prevented it" because we shouldn't even have to swap tips on how to be safe. People should be keeping their hands and body parts to themselves. A victim is never a slut.

    I hope this was articulate.
    March 15th, 2016 at 12:31am