Title: Shadows CreedStory Type: Fan Fiction [Bandom]
Author: the mice endure [
Genre: Action, Drama
Rating: R/NC-17 possibly in later chapters
Characters: A7X
Status: Chaptered/Incomplete/Active
Setting: New Huntington, 2009
Warning: For mature content, language, may be sex and violence later on.
There's something missing
Only time will alter your vision
Never in question, lethal injection
Welcome to the family
~ A7XBands are outlawed. The law is upheld by The Creed. The Creed is a force responsible for eliminating renegade musicians.
One man decides it’s time for a change.
There is one problem.
This one man.
He is The Creed’s most trusted.
Excerpt:“So, what was it you needed, Shads?” His hand paused over the guitar’s body at Matthew’s answer. “
What? Are you
mad?” He groaned, smearing his free hand over his face. “No. Sorry. I’m not questioning you. You just shocked me. No...it’s fine. You know the item number?”
Matt moved away from the bench, grabbing a note pad off his desk, flipping the page he took a pen from his shirt pocket, holding it poised above the page.
“19810210...R? Right.” Matt scribbled the number down. “I’ll, um...find it for you and let you know. Will you come pick it up? Okay, well...I guess I’ll see you? Okay then.”
He scratched a small note next to the number. “Oh, by the way, Jason said Eski told you not to go back to the barracks for the rest of the week? Heh, you should go have a holiday somewhere.” He smiled slightly at Matthew’s response to that. “Yeah, make it a second honeymoon... Right, well catcha, then. Yup. Bye.”
Hanging up, Matt stood staring down at the note in his hand. He had no idea what the T-One was thinking with his request. It seemed so out of character and at any rate it wasn’t protocol. Usually only the Mayor or the General ever requested the removal of an item from the Locker and if that ever did occur it was extremely rare. Such as this Schechter that Elliott had asked delivery of.
But for Matthew to demand the release of an instrument...that surprised Matt. Still, it wasn’t his place to ask questions. He would do his job. He just hoped to Hell that Matthew knew what he was doing.